Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ It's All Relative ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The flight to Phoenix would have been boring beyond extreme if they had not had the whole of First Class to themselves. Schuldig had also refused to take the travel medication and spent the whole of the trip doing God knows what with Yohji under a tent of blankets. He had to have been using his gift as well because the flight attendants ignored the assorted noises and general childishness emanating from the blanket bunker.

Crawford and Aya fluctuated between mortification and vaguely amused tolerance for their companions. They spent the time in the air responsibly planning the strike on the next target. Crawford believed this minion was higher placed and would have better and more extensive information about Esset's activities. At the airport Yohji, at least, had the grace to look slightly embarrassed over their behavior. Schuldig simply radiated smug pleasure. Aya noticed the telepath kept a proprietary and protective eye on Yohji at all times. It worried Aya and amused him at the same time. He knew Yohji's grief still wasn't healed, but he seemed to be relaxed and happy in Schuldig's company. Perhaps things would be okay. In any case he really wasn't in any position to say much. Yohji had left him alone about his relationship with Crawford.

Without asking anyone's opinion, Crawford checked them into a two bedroom suite in one of the area's luxury hotels. He had foreseen no reason to skulk about in a seedy place while they conducted business, and Crawford did like his creature comforts. He looked as cool and composed as ever in his fine linen suit while Aya and Yohji shucked their long, leather coats as fast as possible once in the rooms.

"You could have mentioned the weather before we left, Crawford," Yohji huffed.

"I would have thought you knew that desert implied hot and dry, Balinese," Crawford returned. "I'm not your travel agent or your keeper."

"And I know sooo much about the geographic weirdness of the United States. Geez, we were slogging through snow just a week ago." Yohji flopped in a chair next to the air conditioning unit. "This is going to make our gear a bitch to wear."

Schuldig took the chair opposite Yohji and handed him a glass of ice water. "You'll be surprised how much it cools down at night, Leibling."

"Sure." Yohji risked a covert glance at Crawford and Aya after Schuldig's endearment. Crawford merely raised an eyebrow and Aya smiled a little. Well, what the hell? It wasn't like Schuldig was the definition of subtle anyway. "Do we know where we're going?"

Crawford set his briefcase on a table and pulled a set of schematics from it.

"I found this location in Jager's laptop and Schuldig was able to confirm it from Deckart's mind. It's hidden in some small hills about a hundred miles north of the city."

"Hidden in a desert?" Aya asked.

"The terrain is very deceptive here, Aya. It's why the government placed a lot of bases out here. Much can be concealed or disguised as something else."

"And what we are looking for is disguised as something else?"

"Possibly," Crawford answered Yohji. "I'm not really sure. Something has changed. Up until an hour ago I could see everything and possible outcomes quite clearly. Now I'm drawing a blank."

"Maybe we should scrap this, then," Schuldig said. He better understood the limits of Crawford's gift and knew this unforeseen circumstance could mean trouble.

"No," Aya said, firmly. "If we leave now, that means all we did was waste time and a good lead."

"But, Aya," Schuldig said. "If Crawford can't 'see' what's coming then it could mean we are being anticipated. Someone could be blocking him, just like I was blocked in Japan."

Aya shrugged. "Weiss never had the assurances of any extra gifts and it never stopped us."

"You're not dealing with petty crime lords and half-mad politicians here, kitty. These are people who wield an unfathomable amount of power. Crawford, tell him." Schuldig turned to his leader.

"He knows and he doesn't care about their power."

"Then you should care, Crawford," Schuldig retorted. "He's your lover and he wants to rush in where he might get himself or all of us killed.

Crawford gave the telepath a look that should have frozen his blood. Schuldig winced, knowing he had brought unwanted attention on his new feelings for Yohji.

"Aya is a member of Schwarz before he is my lover. He knows that and you would do well to remember that fact yourself in the future Schuldig."

Crawford and Aya left to tend their weapons in their bedroom, cleaning and assembling the pieces. Schuldig assembled his own guns then threw himself on the bed. Yohji didn't have to be a telepath himself to know his lover was upset. The compressed thinness of his lips and the tightness around his eyes gave evidence of his distress. Because they were both tactile people, Yohji rolled Schuldig on his stomach and straddled his hips to move his hands in practiced massage over tense shoulder and neck muscles. Yohji's fingers dug deep in the tissue, finding all the knotted stress points and smoothing them until Schuldig's groans of discomfort melted into soft sighs of boneless pleasure. Yohji moved to his side and stroked the bright fall of hair while Schuldig faced him with his head pillowed on his arms. Schuldig's blue eyes fairly glowed with affection but Yohji still notice the shadows behind his eyes.

Still stroking, Schuldig was very cat like in his appreciation of petting, Yohji asked, "What's got you so up tight about this, Schu? You told me you've trusted Crawford for years."

Schuldig curled closer until he could rest his head on Yohji's forearm. He returned the favor by lightly scratching his fingers through Yohji's hair, exploiting his knowledge of all of Yohji's sensitive spots.

"Everything about this feels wrong, Yotan. Aya is out for blood. That's nothing new, but Crawford has never gone through with a job where he was being blocked from seeing the possible outcomes. You and Aya may not understand, but I know, and Crawford knows, that someone quite powerful has moved on the scene. I'm no seer but I can sense the undercurrents in people's thoughts and everything about this screams danger to me."

Schuldig shivered and pressed against Yohji. Yohji gathered him close and almost lost Schuldig's next words in the distraction of the telepath's warm, hard body.

"Pollock himself could be here and I wouldn't know it until it was too late if he has gathered enough people to fuel his talent. I would rather die than let him get his hands on me again," Schuldig said, fiercely, his lips and teeth grazing Yohji's throat.

Yohji rolled them again and pinned Schuldig to the bed. He forced brilliant blue eyes to focus on his own intent face.

"I won't let him have you."

Schuldig snorted a soft, bitter laugh. "If I can't protect myself from him, what makes you think you can, Yohji."

"Have some faith in me, babe. I'm sick and tired of losing lovers to either chance or subterfuge. I may be just a normal human, but I'll fight like hell, and I won't lose you now. You fit me too well."

Warmed and flattered by Yohji's words, if not reassured, Schuldig purred and rubbed his body against his lover's. He radiated with desire of what he wanted."

"Fuck me, Yohji," Schu husked, his voice deepening with lust. "Give me some good memories to cover over the bad ones I can never forget."

Yohji flashed a sensual and alluring smile. "I got no problem with that at all, babe."

In the privacy of their room Crawford watched his lover don his gear and strap on his weapons. There was something erotic about watching his lover who was so sweetly giving in his bed strap on mayhem and draw around himself the cold stillness of murderous intent. He moved to stand before Aya and threaded his fingers through thick, red hair and seemed to memorize every feature of his perfect porcelain skin and lovely lavender eyes. He stroked his thumbs over high cheekbones and thought about the gorgeous flush that stained those cheeks when Aya was in the throes of passion and how his unusual eyes darkened to almost black when he looked at Crawford in a certain way.

Crawford trapped Aya's face in his hands and traced his tongue over the full, plush lips that showed his emotions even when the rest of his face did not. Right now they were thin and tight with concentration and repressed blood lust but gradually softened until Crawford expert and relentless manipulation. Aya kissed back until the other man trembled and drew back with a gasp to hold him still by the shoulders.

"Whatever happens tonight, Aya, I need you to trust in me. No matter what you see or hear you must believe in me. There are talents who can create illusions so realistic that they encompass all your senses. Everything, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell." Crawford stared intently into Aya's face. "So no matter what you must believe in and trust me."

"What's going to happen, Brad?" Aya wrapped his hands around Crawford's wrists. The man didn't try to break his hold but he did shake his head.

"I can't tell you that,"

Aya released him and pushed him away. "You mean you won't," He said, bitterly.

"I mean I can't." Crawford paced in agitation. "But even if I could, I wouldn't. Telling you could change what little I did see."

"Schuldig, your partner for many years, is upset and doubting you right now and you expect me to just follow you blindly?"

"Schuldig may have his doubts but will still follow my orders without hesitation," Crawford said. "But I'm asking for more than that from you. Follow my lead, Aya, but I also need your faith. I will tell you that you are the key variable here. I need your trust or we will fail."

Aya sat so still in contemplation he looked cast from marble, his improbable hair and eyes the only splashes of color. He frowned but kept his own counsel until movement from his lover brought back his attention. He stood before Crawford and looked up the inches necessary to meet his eyes squarely.

"Alright, Brad. I'll believe in you and I'll follow you. Don't let me down," Aya warned in a softly dangerous voice. "I've learned the only person I can ever fully trust is myself. Don't let this be a mistake."

Crawford pulled him into a tight embrace and kissed him hard and hungrily, a hint of desperation in his touch. He devoured and tasted and savored and he trembled, because what he hadn't told Aya was that whatever happened tonight could change things between them forever.