Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Nighteyes ❯ Why else would they call you siberian? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8
Warnings : KenSchuu Adorableness...
Note : // telepathy

Omi, Youji, and Aya sat in the mission room. Manx stood before them, her face was serious.

"This mission is extraordinary. Not only is one of your own agents already inside one of Estet's groups, but we have four Estet agents ready to defect." She looked at the three remaining members of Weiss. "Persia's orders are simple. Work with Schwartz, and assist in any was they request with the downfall of Estet. Taketori is to be destroyed if at all possible."

"You made us wait for a week to say that we could do it?" Aya glared openly at the red-head.

"We did come investigation. Making sure Schwartz was telling the truth. We found things to be legitimate. Estet is indeed doing what Ken called 'creating talents'."

"You've found proof of that?" Omi looked curious. "In addition to Ken, I mean. He's proof in itself."

"We've located the place Estet created to dumb the bodies of the various individuals they've tested there Serums on." Manx handed Omi a manila folder. "27 bodies were located. All apparently killed by variations of the Nighteyes serum that was used on Ken."

"Twenty-seven?" Youji was the first to notice an important fact. "Ken was subject 27. That means there was a number 28."

"The newest of the bodies located had retinal changes consistent with the Changes that were noted by the three of you in Ken." The explanation began. "Though as far as we've been able to discern, something additional was administered that caused death."

"Ken," Omi began, almost having to force the shocked words out. "Ken said that Crawford had pulled him out of the program because they would have given him another Serum."

"Crawford also said that it would have killed him." Youji was awed. Crawford had been right?


"So, we hit them with Crawford's little... Suggestion tonight?" Ken peaked through slit eyes at Schuldig, who was standing near where his feet were propped on the arm of the couch.

"Why don't you just put the visor back on and look at me properly?" Schuldig grabbed his feet and shoved them aside so he could sit down where they had been.

"Because looking at you wasn't worth the effort." Ken draped his feet over Schuldig's lap. "It's not very bright in here anyways."

"Ken, the only room in this whole house that I've ever seen you keep that thing off in is mine."

"And that's because you let me spray-paint the windows black." Ken draped his hand over his eyes. "My head's been hurting all morning."

"Awww," Schuldig patted Ken's knee. "Poor Kitty."

"Don't call me Kitty."


Just as Aya reached up to pull the store's gate down, Ken and Schuldig strolled out of the fog that hid the streets. Both men ducked under and headed strait down to the mission room, where Omi and Youji were already waiting for Aya with Manx to have another meeting about the Schwartz Alliance. Ken and Schuldig's appearance was an unexpected, but useful, surprise. They hadn't said they would be showing up anytime soon, and had not actually contacted them since Ken and Nagi's 'visit'.

"Ken?" Manx looked at the two new arrivals in a startled way. "What Brings you here?"

"I could ask you the same." Ken took a seat on the couch. Schuldig claimed Omi's computer chair, giving a mental nudges to Omi to prevent complaining.

"Schuu," Ken warned. "Leave Omi alone."

"He didn't do anything." A note of confusion was evident in Omi's voice.

"He gave a little physic shove." Ken's laugh was colorful. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him."

"Don't glare at me, Kitty!"

"Schuu! Stop calling me Kitty!" Ken smacked him playfully on the shoulder. Omi, Aya, Youji, and Manx all stared at them in disbelief as the banter continued.

"But you are a Kitty!"

"I am not!"

"Why else would they call you Siberian!"

"Schuldig," Ken tried to think up a retort, failed, and then pulled him off the desk chair and sat on him. "Take this, smartass."

"Ken! Get off me you big lunk-head!" Schuldig struggled for a moment and then went limp, muttered, "I hope you feel bad if I suffocate."

"Okay, You can start now." Ken smiled innocently, reaching up to adjust his visor.

"We were just planning to discuss possible methods to get back into contact with you." Manx actually looked flustered. Ken decided that this was quiet entertaining. "But with the two of you here, it seems this meeting has been made obsolete.

"Schuu and I are actually planning to give you some valuable information." Ken gave another friendly grin. "Crawford has decided that he can tell everyone the plan soon. You even get part of it tonight."

"Only part?" Aya glared at him, but the visor over Ken's eyes seemed to insulate the brunette.

"You'll get the second part after you agree to the first part."

"Ken, I can't breath anymore." Schuldig gasped. "Get off me."

"What is it?" Ice was the best word to describe the tone of Aya's voice.

"You guys move in with Schwartz."
