Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Rain's Instigation ❯ Stars and Busines ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rain's Instigation

Stars and Business - Chapter II

Disclaimer: I own the stars and chicken soup, just a can not the company.

Note: Yeah, I know, short chapter. oh well, I wanted to end it at the ending so I did.


Aya was lying in bed a few days later when Birman came in, all sombre business in a black suit. At least she got right to the point.

"Crashers needs to be eliminated Aya, they gone rogue. They aren't doing missions except their own, they attacked you, along with some other agents that know of them, including Queen. They aren't cleaning up their own messes properly and I refuse to let them bring the rest of Kritiker down with them."

The man nodded.

"So no more of this not fighting back business?" She pressed. He nodded again, glaring deathly angry eyes at her. She should have known; they had threatened his team. If it had just been Aya that could have been harmed, Birman wasn't so sure whether or not Aya would hesitate, despite the fact that Manx had wringed him out. But the swordsman was fiercely protective of the rest of Weiss, especially Omi and Ken, a side effect of the trauma of losing his family while he was helpless. She smiled at him, he acted like such a hard ass but most of them knew by now he was a softy inside. Take the little girl, whose hospital bills he was paying for. Aya glared harder, as if knowing her thoughts. Sometimes, when that intense gaze fell upon you, it was hard not to wonder if he really was a telepath. They had done the tests, he wasn't, just very good at reading people and remembering details. Shion, if anything, had been a good teacher. She nodded and walked out, leaving him to his thoughts.

He closed his eyes as he considered what he was going to have to do. Kill Pawn, as young and cheerful as Omi; Bishop, with his wisdom and kindness; or Knight, a true friend, someone who had your back no matter how often you fought. What had made them fight their collars, and become renegades? What had made them want to become an enemy of him, and his team? He understood the anger they must have felt at leaving Rook behind, but try and get themselves killed, to harm innocents and Queen, how had been like a mother to them?

He sunk further into the mattress and didn't open his eyes as Youji came in. He had always thought Youji's footsteps sounded odd. It was like he was dancing to music that only he could hear.

"Hey, Aya? You awake? What did Birman have to say?" Youji questioned, sitting beside him.

"Destroy Crashers." He stated voice flat.

"Crashers? Isn't that your old team?"

"Yes." He wanted Youji to stop asking questions. He wanted to fall into a drug-lulled sleep and just rest for years. He finally acknowledged to himself that he didn't want to do this. Didn't want to kill his old team. Images of Pawn waged against pictures of Omi, Bishop against Ken, Youji against Knight. He thought of Queen, abandoned by her group. He had to protect his team at all costs, even those to himself.

"But…" Youji wanted to say that it wasn't right to force Aya to do that but there was something in Aya's expression, despite his closed eyes, that said his resolve was firm. He wondered what they had done to deserve the destruction about to be havocked upon them. He meant that, because to destroy a team meant everything; no lives left - no home, no bank accounts, no personal items, and no gravestones. He wondered what had caused Aya's tenacity at their annihilation.

"Leave it Youji."

So Youji left it and there was silence for a while, albeit not an uncomfortable one. Youji ended up falling asleep in the chair beside the bed, not an unusual event these days and Aya forced himself up and draped a spare blanket over the man. Omi walked in sometime later with some soup to see Aya lying there, nose in a book and one of his hands idly playing with Youji's hair.

Omi coughed and Aya put the book down, slipping his hand out of those blond strands at the same time. Youji grumbled something but just cuddled up deeper into the mattress, where he had fallen forward onto. The youngest smiled slightly as he offered Aya some chicken soup. Why chicken soup, he wanted to ask. Who had thought up the idea that chicken soup healed all? All Aya did was nod, though and Omi almost bounced forward, barely managing not to spill it. The blonde placed the tray holding the bowl of steaming liquid and Aya stared at it.

"Um…yeah. Sorry about that. We were out of normal soup so I used Ken's and well…" Omi grinned impishly as Aya continued to stare at the soup. There were stars in his soup. Stars. Omi had just brought him star and chicken soup, like he was five or something. Something odd started to rise in his chest, building, building, until it escaped. He chuckled, and then started to laugh. And he found he couldn't stop. Youji woke up to the noise and fell out of the chair, staring at Aya in shock. It only made Aya laugh harder, because both blonds had the exact same look on their faces. He was about to kill his old team mates and his new ones were falling out of chairs and giving him chicken soup with stars! It was fucking hilarious. The laughter eventually died down but the feeling of hilarity did not fade.

"It's fine, Omi. I don't mind star and chicken soup." He finally managed to get out, lifting a spoonful to his mouth.

"Um, Okay, if you really like star and chicken soup that much I can make it for you normally instead of the regular kind. I didn't know you liked it that much." He said, mistaking Aya's mirth for delight at the dish he'd been given or something like that.

"No that's okay Omi. I'm good with normal soup." Aya responded, still chuckling. Youji attempted to get off the floor dignity but couldn't really. Omi left them, thinking that they might need to change Aya's medication.

Aya lay there, eating his stars and chicken. Youji, finally sitting back in the chair looked at him. "So I guess you really like your stars and chicken soup, huh?"

Aya threw a pillow at him.