Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Snippets of Daily Life ❯ Fudge ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the boyos, shame really
A/N: thanks to RQ for editing my horrible grammar, any mistakes are still mine though.
dv: hmph I never foray into madness :P
KD: Ken wants you to know that he doesn't know what you are talking about and that my last chapter was blatant slander. (He has his bugnuks to my throat)
dimonyo: IT was an eeyore! (my fave)
Part IV
“Omi, what is that?” Aya poked the mass in front of him, ready to jump back if the thing retaliated.
“It's fudge.”
“Yeah, you know, that sweet that Yohji-kun loves so much. I thought I'd make him some for his birthday.”
“Don't what? You don't think he'd like it?”
“No.” Aya eyed the `fudge' and wasn't quite sure that it wasn't eyeing him back.
Omi looked crestfallen which Aya could live with, but then Omi started to look as if he would cry, which Aya couldn't.
For some reason the boy couldn't cry quietly, he'd make such a fuss that would have everyone convinced that Aya had done something to the poor cute boy, and wasn't he a big meanie.
Aya shivered at the memory of the fat, old lady in the shop confronting him, threatening him with her umbrella for hurting the poor `liddle widdums.'
Omi had gotten a huge lollipop out of it, and Aya had gotten a headache, both from the noise that Omi had made and from the `delicate, weak, old, kind, sweet lady' (Omi's words) attacking him viciously with her Hello Kitty Umbrella.
The worst part was that he wasn't allowed to retaliate. One swipe with his katana and she would think twice about threatening him. Hmm, one swipe and she wouldn't be able to think twice, if only she was a dark beast; she certainly qualified for the beast part.
Aya thought fast.
“I meant—no, that's not what I meant. Don't try so hard, Yohji would love whatever you make.” As long as it's not supposed to be edible.
The brown goo that was oozing in front of him, and appeared to be hissing, was not edible.
“Hey Aya-kun, would you taste it for me and make sure I did it right? I followed a recipe I got online but I'm not sure, and you've tried some when Yohji bought it.”
Big watery eyes, quivering lips, mouth opening to get air.
“I mean sure.”
A huge glopping spoonful.
“Omi, a taste. I don't want to spoil my dinner.” For the next three weeks.
Omi tilted the spoon, and let a drop escape back into the pan. The `fudge' gurgled.
Aya backed away, “Omi, isn't that supposed to be solid?”
“It wouldn't set, Aya-kun; I've been waiting three days, and nothing. I tried sticking it in the freezer, and nothing.”
Aya was now completely convinced that the `fudge' was one of Masafumi's or Hirofumi's (or whoever was the mad scientist) creations. Actually, he thought that both of them were mad scientists. And Takatori Omi had now joined their ranks, and was about to test his creature out on him.
Aya smiled wryly, his `I'm too young to die' thought was probably inappropriate.
However the `Nothing can stop the Smooze' song (darn Aya-chan and her obsession with that movie*) that was currently running through his brain wasn't.
“Open up, Aya-kun.”
Aya's phone rang. Aya held up a hand to halt Omi.
“Yohji,” he practically whimpered. There was a long pause, and then “Okay.”
He was saved, saved by his boyfriend's lame car that he will never again curse, much.
“Omi, Yohji's car broke down; I have to go. Bye.”
“What about -”
Aya grinned evilly. “Ken's upstairs.”
*My Little Pony (which I don't own). I don't own Hello Kitty either.