Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Robin Continues ❯ Tears of Memory ( Chapter 1 )

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The Tears of Memory

Robin woke to the sun's gentle rays of light beaming through the window. Even through her sheets, she could feel the kind warmth against her bare skin. She could hear the sweet melody of the birds outside, telling her it's a new day. Robin then reached for her alarm clock, which was underneath her sheets. It read 10:22AM.

"Have I slept in that much already?" Robin whispered quietly to herself. She then made herself get out of bed, and dress herself before Amon would have to come in and get her out of bed himself.

"We have to move." Amon told her stoically as he placed some bags into the car. "Headquarters probably figured that we are still alive." He added on as Robin put her coat on. She then nodded, and got into the car.

After 2 hours of silence, she had to say something to him.

"Do you miss them?" Robin asked as she looked down at her hands. When there was no response, she decided to answer her own question.

"They probably think we're dead." Robin said as she thought of everyone at the STN building.

"It's for the best." Amon replied as he kept facing forward.

"How can you say that? They're our friends!" Robin exclaimed quietly.

"They'll get attacked by Solomon, even if they think we are dead." Amon said to the green-eyed teen.

"Michael, Dojima, Karasuma, Sakaki, Nagira, and the Chief. All of them must think we're dead." Robin silently thought to herself. The faces of her comrades flashed through her mind, as she forced herself to hold back tears of sorrow.

She then remembered the scene of the accident at the Factory. She remembered the witches crying, and yelling. Robin knew what she did was right. They deserved to be freed from their suffering. After that, Amon grabbed her, and then transported them both to safety. At a distance, she could see the group being escorted to ambulance cars. She remembers trying to call out their names, but Amon stopped her.

"Forget about that day. It's in the past, and they've probably all moved on by now, you should too." Amon told her as he still showed no sign of sympathy. Robin clutched her fists while her hair curtained her face. She took down her unique hairstyle to trade it with her natural hairstyle. The more she tried to forget, the more she remembered.

Her emerald eyes were getting watery with endless regret. She tried as hard as she could, but nothing worked from preventing them from coming. The tears of sorrow streamed down her fair face, and dropped onto her black coat. Not even her fire could dry her grief.