Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Robin Continues ❯ Journy Continues ( Chapter 5 )

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Journey Continues

Nagira entered through the gates, and passed the guard who almost automatically let him in. The STN-J doors opened to Nagira, who only saw Sakaki and Michael at their desks. Michael was the first to notice him, but the last to greet.

"Hey." Nagira waved.

"Hey Nagira, what's up?" Sakaki greeted as he looked over from his desk.

"Hi." Michael muttered as he bit into a doughnut.

"Where is everyone?" Nagira asked as he looked around the empty office.

"Doujima and Karasuma are showing Carrie how things work around here." Sakaki replied as he went back to his computer work.

"What about your chief?"

"Oh, he's in a meeting somewhere." Sakaki said as he scrolled down a web page. Nagira then remembered what Amon gave him. He stared at the paper, which had a website written on it.

"See anything exciting lately Nagira?" Sakaki asked as he kept clicking his way down. Nagira then remembered his promise to Robin.

"Come to think of it…" Nagira started with a smirk.

"Nope, nothing." He added as he threw the paper away, and left the office.

"How long do you think we can keep running like this?" Robin asked as she finished the hot dog Nagira gave her.

"As long as he can keep his mouth shut." Amon replied as he started to eat his own.

"I guess, we can run forever." Robin thought as she crumpled the wrappings. She then walked by the garbage can, and threw the paper away.