Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Into the Abyss ❯ The First Guardian; Part II ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The First Guardian; Part II

"What now?!" Arcaron yelled. They all turned around to see the rising form of a hideous monster.

It had disgusting blue-green scales and resembled a fish with four legs. It also had a crocodilian tail. It was a huge beast, many times larger than our heroes. It had freakily lopsided eyes, with one being larger than the other.

"I am TunaF, the first guardian." exclaimed the monster in a grating voice. "I will not let you pass" yelled TunaF.

"I'm tired of this bull crap!" Haru said. "Your in my way, either you step aside, or I kill you." Haru said to the monster.

"I will not let you pass" TunaF said again. "OK, death it is." replied Haru.

Haru unsheathed his scimitars and started walking towards the huge beast. As he neared, he broke into a run. He quickly got under TunaF, before he could react, TunaF was missing a leg. The hideous monster roared in pain, then to the surprise of everyone started laughing.

"You are all doomed!" TunaF yelled. In response, the severed leg began to twist and jerk. It then increased in size, and before they could realize what had happened, a second, smaller version of TunaF had been created. And to accentuate his point, TunaF had regenerated his leg.

"I will never give up!" screamed Haru. He then charged at the original TunaF and ran under it, driving his scimitars into TunaF's chest, and slicing down the length of TunaF's underside. TunaF screamed in rage and pain, but quickly started laughing again as his wounds healed quickly.

"Why the hell won't you die?!" cried Haru.

The smaller TunaF had started towards the other four. Victor pulled out his kodachi and waited for it to come close enough. Then Nejik pulled his dagger out and flung it at the monster. It went hilt deep into its eye. The monster roared and retaliated by releasing a venomous blast of gas from its mouth. Every one covered their mouths and ran to the sides, avoiding the deadly blast.

"I'll kill you!" screamed Haru. He jumped at TunaF and brought both scimitars down the side of its neck, when he landed he continued forward, slicing TunaF's throat open, spilling puke green blood everywhere. The wounds mended almost instantly, irritating Haru even more. TunaF then started to spin, swinging his tail at Haru. It slammed into Haru as he was rising, sending him flying.

The smaller version had descended upon Maria, its stench not allowing her to breath. She was slicing its stomach and head open with her dagger, but all in vain. Its wounds healed just as fast as they were inflicted. Victor charged at the beast as it raised a clawed hand to end Maria's life. Victor started by cutting into the middle of the beast's face, and slicing down the expanse of its body. It fell to the ground in two pieces and then disintegrated. Victor reached down and pulled Maria up from the ground. She then smiled at Victor.

A spray of green blood erupted as Haru again tore through TunaF's body, but the garish wound quickly healed.

The other four started towards TunaF, thinking to aid their companion, but were halted by Haru's proclamation.

"This one is mine!" he yelled back to them. They stopped, becoming mere onlookers to the chaotic battle.

TunaF fired a stream of acid at Haru. Haru managed to dodge just in time, narrowly avoiding the blast. Haru then charged at TunaF. Having figured out that normal attacks wouldn't affect the hulking beast, he brought his scimitars aflame. TunaF swung with a razor sharp claw; Haru jumped, land nimbly on the claw, and propelled himself at TunaF's side. He drove his blades through the scales and along the side of the monster, this time TunaF screamed out in a pain he had never experienced before. A blinding pain that sent him reeling to the side. This time, the wound did not heal; the scarred flesh was dead and ruined.

TunaF became enraged at the fact that something so small and mortal had wounded him so badly, went into a deceptively fast frenzy of attacks. Haru was on the defensive now, jumping over and rolling under sharp claws that could skewer him in a single strike. He steadily moved closer to TunaF in his rolls and dodges. He then leaped up and plunged on of his flaming scimitars into TunaF's eye. TunaF roared in agony, spewing acid in every direction in his rage. Haru land nimbly and Continued towards one of TunaF's legs. He promptly sliced it of.

TunaF hit the ground with so much force, that it knocked everyone form their feet. TunaF's severed leg lay on the ground rotting, while the monster did not regenerate a new one. Haru then charged at the wounded beast thinking victory in clear sight, when he was swatted aside, into a nearby tree. He slumped to the ground momentarily; having his breath blasted from his lungs from the impact. He then rose and ran at the tail, he dove into a roll, coming up and slicing his scimitars in a downward chop to sever the menacing tail.

TunaF was wounded and defenseless now. He then began to squirm and kick every which way in a futile attempt to defend himself. Haru ducked the kicks, and plunged his flaming scimitars into TunaF's exposed underside, again, slicing down the expanse of TunaF's belly. Guts, intestines, and green blood spilled out every where. TunaF began to moan as he slowly died, then stopped all movement and sound as he died.

TunaF's body disintegrated, leaving behind a rune. The rune had a depiction of a raven shrouded in dark flames on it.

"Hey Victor, maybe you should go pick that up." said Nejik.

Victor walked forward and lifted the rune up. All watched in awe as Victor was engulfed in dark flames and started to levitate a few feet off of the ground. Many moments passed before the flames dissipated and Victor returned to the ground, the rune crumbling in his hands. He pulled out his kodachi, and it burst into dark flames.

"It seems that I have gained the elemental power of darkness." Victor replied. He then sheathed his kodachi and walked towards the other four, seeming unconcerned.

"Let's get the hell out of here and save my sister." Haru said grimly. The others, all tired and battle weary, complied and fell in line with Haru. They all exited the treacherous swamps and continued on their way to save Ayane.