X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Headaches, Humor, and Fate ❯ Misunderstandings ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own X or its characters, just the hypothetical situations I put them in for your amusement.
Warnings: Shounen-ai hints. OOC (But that's expected, ne?).
Chapter 3 - Misunderstandings
Seishirou Sakurazuka's day job was over. He removed his glasses, cast aside the doctor's white overcoat, and donned on a black business suit. He dissipated the illusion he had cast. His right eye, which had looked on so kindly as the veterinarian had gone about his routine, disappeared into a blind one. The Sakurazukamori smirked as he put on his customary shades. He sent out feelers toward the Sakura Tree, realizing it must be hungry.
He fell over from the deafening roar that was being emitted from Ueno Park, and groaned. Twice in one day…how suave was that?
Sometimes on a Tokyo night, you could see a few figures standing guard over the city hundreds of feet in the air on Tokyo Tower. The wind would play majestically at their clothes and hair. Their stares were determined, and serious. The weight of the world rested on their shoulders.
Not this night.
Tonight, it was time to par~tay!
In the club, two colorfully dressed figures were having the time of their lives.
“Subaru-san looks good in green,” Yuzuriha commented as she sipped her cola.
“I supposed so,” Karen lit up a cigarette.
After managing to get Kamui and Subaru home, Yuzuriha, Sorata, and Arashi were about to go to sleep when they realized Kamui and Subaru would not cooperate. The drug in their system was giving them vast amounts of energy, and as they bounded throughout the house, it was decided that someone would have to take them out until they wore themselves out. Seiichirou was working late, but when Karen came by for a quick visit the three grabbed her and forced her into their game of straws. Unfortunately, both Karen and Yuzuriha had drawn the short ones.
“Excuse me miss, but smoking isn't allowed in this club.”
Karen's eyebrow twitched, and she murmured an expletive under her breath.
“Excuse me?”
“I'm sorry, but are you sure you couldn't make an exception for me?” Karen took a moment to smooth her red hair. She batted her eyelashes and subtly showed a bit of leg from under her red dress.
“Well, I, uh-”
Karen winked.
“Of course,” the waiter sighed in adoration, and sat down besides the alluring woman, totally entranced by the gleam in her eyes. Too bad he didn't know it was there from annoyance.
“You know, you might want to get out of that seat. My lover is a jealous man.”
“Yes, he's that man over there,” Karen pointed towards the dancing Subaru. The waiter turned around, but the dancing people had moved. Before his gaze was a thin wide-purple-eyed boy, who giggled as he twirled. With the childish smile on his face, the waiter thought Kamui couldn't be more than thirteen.
“I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you liked….younger….men,” the waiter turned back to Karen, looking a bit green.
“Th-That's not it.” But the waiter had already left, making a beeline for the bathroom. Karen sighed and buried her head in her hands…now someone out there thought she was some sort of pervert with a shota complex.
Seishirou yawned as he walked through the back streets of Tokyo. Another day, another killing. He trailed his bloody fingers across the wall, getting the red liquid off his hand. A few sakura blossoms followed him like lost kittens, trying to get at the bit of red left on his palm.
“Come on, I already fed you. It's no use begging for scraps.” The blossoms lapped at his fingers then swirled in angry protest before disappearing. Seishirou felt like whining; he had too many pets to take care of, the dogs and cats at his clinic, his shikigami (the hawk counterpart to Subaru's doves), the Sakura Tree…and… Seishirou paused before the neon sign announcing “Club Boom Boom.” He could feel the magical mark he had left on his prey over ten years ago. He sighed.
“Really Subaru-kun, out of all my pets, you demand the most of my attention.”
Kamui was dancing with a brunette girl, and talking to her non-stop with a big smile on his face.
“So then, Fuuma became my evil Gemini, and kidnapped Kotori, who was his sister, and the sweetest person in the world, but it didn't help her because then Fuuma went all `Ore wa Kamui da' and kidnapped her, and then he tied her up to this big cross made out of rubble, and out of nowhere, produced this sword, and stabbed her in the chest. It was horrible, all the blood, and the screaming…wait, oh yeah, that was me screaming…but anyway…she died and I cried and got molested by Fuuma, and he was licking my thr - Hey where are you going?”
The girl was running away, looking very scared.
“It's alright Kamui. Your pain is your own, no one else can know it,” Subaru clasped his hand on Kamui's right shoulder and looked him gently in the eye.
“Uh huh, I guess you're right,” Kamui beamed.
“Kamui, could you be a little more sad-looking? You're ruining the atmosphere.”
“Oh, right.” Kamui tried to look angsty. A sudden cloud of despair circled the two figures on the dance floor, making them look pitiful, stricken - and absolutely in need of comfort. A dozen girls paused in dancing with their boyfriends, and turned toward the gorgeous melancholy figures. Promptly, Kamui and Subaru were encased in bear hugs.
“Aw, are you guys okay?
“Tell me what's wrong.” A hand caressed Kamui's cheek.
“Poor babies, I can feel your angst all away from across the room.” A hand ran down Subaru's chest…and kept going. It was promptly smacked by away by another hand.
“Hey, I can make you feel better. You guys want to come over to my place and have some ice cream, and watch movies all day?” The redhead glared one more time at the black-haired girl before draping herself all over Subaru.
“Nope, I'm okay,” Kamui chirped. The girls suddenly looked disgusted at his cheerfulness, and backed away.
“It's not nice to use us like that!”
Kamui clutched his burning cheek. Subaru turned and examined the handprint on Kamui's face carefully. Kamui's purple eyes were beginning to water with tears. The retreating girls suddenly turned and took a deep breath upon finding the touching scene.
“Kamui, are you okay?”
“Yes,” Kamui looked deep into the other man's eyes. His eyes were sparkling at Subaru's concern.
The girls squealed, sighed, and promptly melted into a puddle of goo.
“Alright then, it's pretty late, I suppose it's time to leave.”
“Hm…” The bouncer looked carefully over the black business suit and glasses.
“You don't seem to be in regular club attire, s - Oh, wait, it's you! Come on, you're late!” The bouncer's eyes alighted in understanding. He pushed Seishirou into the club. Seishirou was promptly taken hold of by a woman and dragged toward the back of the room.
“Thank goodness you're here. The last stripper just finished. Come on, let's get you going,” She pushed Seishirou towards the stage.
“But I'm not a s- “
A great girlish cry arose at the announcement, and Seishirou was given a final shove, which almost sent him face first to the ground. The shades came off one ear. A great shudder of breath was drawn when the audience saw Seishirou's blind eye.
Seishirou pulled himself together during the silence.
 “God, that's damn sexy!” One girl finally managed to speak; other cries arose in agreement.
Seishirou shrugged.
“I might as well give them a show, after all my Subaru-kun's still out there,” Seishirou thought and grinned maliciously. As Seishirou slid off his trenchcoat and began to unbutton his shirt to applauding cries, he searched around the room for a certain green-eyed someone.
That someone was leaving the club with Kamui, Karen, and Yuzuriha.
Seishirou's eyes widened and he began to tug his coat back on. It really wasn't reasonable to tease someone if that someone was oblivious and about to walk away. Maybe if he hurried, he could catch Subaru before he was down the block. Seishirou was just about to walk off the stage when a shout arose from the front row.
“Looking good, Sakurazukamori!”
Seishirou blanched at the brown-eyed figure.
The person known previously as Fuuma, and now Kamui Shirou's dreaded Gemini, smirked and leered at him. Seishirou's face turned green. He hurried to the bathroom and to a sink, where a nameless waiter besides him was still rinsing his mouth out. Seishirou heaved.
 He felt so violated.
Next Chapter: Remember Subaru wanted to go get ice cream at Sunshine 60 in the first chapter? Well, he finally does with Kamui! It just so happens Seishirou and /Kamui/ are there too. What hilarious drama will ensue?