X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ Sleeping subaru ❯ 1 ( Prologue )

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Once upon a time,there lived a queen and a king.They longed for a child.One day,their wish came true.They have a son,his name was Subaru...From now on things go in a different direction....

"Sorata!Get your ass down here!It is seven in the morning already and our child's party is going to start!!!!!!!!!!!"Arashi,our beloved and temperamental queen yelled.The minute Sorata's wedding vows were spoken,his life was living hell.It was the days of darkness for Sorata...

The party was in full swing.Suddenly,the door opened to three panting fairies in dark trenchcoats,who were half an hour late.Fairy number one,was a man with blonde hair.Fairy number two,was a dark haired man with a glass eye,and a single golden eye.Fairy number three,was a man,who was holding a copy of the Asuka edition magazine.Their names were,Yuuto,Seishiro and Aoki."How dare you come in late???As punishment,you shall all have to grant Prince Subaru with a wish!"queen Arashi declared with her face as black as thunder.Yuuto walked up."I grant you with the fairest eyes in the kingdom."Seishiro walked up."I grant you with grat power,that ALMOST noone can defeat."Aoki walked up.Just as he was about to proclaim his wish,thunder rolled across the sky,and a huge flash of lighting followed.Suddenly,a huge mass of metal, collapsed form the BEAST,and out tumbled the last fairy,Satsuki-sama...