Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon of Thunder, Dragon of Wind ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Angel: hey! Long time no see. I got this idea after seeing the last episode of xiaolin showdown and then reading a fanfic about a fifth dragon. So I decided to make my own. Not sure how to spell something's so help me with that if you can. Open for ideas. Chase can you do the disclaimer for me?
Chase: will you untie me from this chair?
Angel: sure ^-^
Chase: Angel dose not own xiaolin showdown, or Harry potter-
Angel: but I wish I owned you.
Chase: (shudders) I did the disclaimer now untie me!
Angel: first I'm gunna put these cat ears on you.

Dojo sensed a new shen gong wu. So Omi, Kimiko, raimundo, and Clay were now riding on his back to find it.
"What is this new shen gong wu anyway?" Kimiko asked. Dojo hadn't said anything about what it was or what it did.
"It's called the 'lost heart'. With it we will be able to find the last dragon." Dojo said. This grabbed everyone's attention.
"Last dragon? What do you mean Dojo? Are we not the dragons of the temple? Or are their more?"
"Yes Omi. There is one more. The dragon of thunder. The last dragon cannot be found without it. Unless the dragon themselves find out and come to the temple. But the dragon of thunder is a very special case. You see, if the dragon of thunder's power manifests wrongly it could turn to the haylen side. Meaning the last dragon could be turned evil, depending on how they first use their power."
"So in order to prevent this new dragon from becoming an outlaw, we gotta get this shen gong wu, find him, and make sure the first time he uses his power is for good?" Clay asked in order to confirm what he was just told.
"Yeah. The 'lost heart' will direct us to the dragon of thunder. Hopefully wuya, Chase Young, or Hannible been haven't gotten to it yet."
"What does it look like?" Raimundo asked.
"Like a golden heart with a golden dragon wrapped around it. It should be somewhere down there." Dojo said pointing down at some ancient ruins. Everyone nodded and jumped of Dojo the instant he landed and began to search for the 'lost heart'.
"HEY AMBER WAIT UP!" said a young boy. The boy had short red hair and green eyes. He was wearing a blue shirt and faded baggy blue jeans. His plump round boyish face was covered in freckles. He ran towards a young girl. Older that him by about 5 years. She had long blonde hair that stopped at her waist. Her bright blue eyes added to her German ancestry. Along with her slight German accent as she sometimes spoke in her native tongue. She wore a simple red t-shirt with a gold, red, blue, and green colored dragon on the chest and faded blue jeans with a black belt. On her head was a 'red sox' hat.
"Guten tach Jimmy. How has your day been?" The girl, Amber, said with a slight German accent as she used her native language.
"Good. Why do you sometimes speak in German by the way? Weren't you born here in America? I was born in Ireland but I don't speak my native language." Jimmy said. Amber smiled.
"I was born in Duetshland, like my parents, but we moved to here in America. I was able to learn my native tongue, unlike you. So, what do you need?" Amber asked him, still smiling sweetly. A strand of her blonde hair came into her face.
"I was wondering were you were going and if you had nothing planned maybe we could see a movie together?" Amber chuckled as he said this. It was no secret that men of almost all ages were attracted to her. She was, after all, a well fit blonde. She had everything a guy could want in a women's body. Well, except for an ass. She needed one, she guessed but she never could never see what it was about a woman's ass that a guy liked. So she was glad that she didn't really have one. Her friends call is a 'pancake ass'.
"I don't date ten year olds. But because you're so cute and I'm so nice I guess we could go see a movie later." She said. Pleased with herself for being nice to her neighbor's son. Jimmy's face lit up.
"YAY! And I wasn't asking you out on a date, I just wanted to know if you would go to see a movie with me since I can't go alone." He pouted and Amber giggled.
"Ok. We can go after I go to the gym."
Omi was the first to find the 'lost heart' shen gong wu.
"I found the shen gong wu!" He shouted. He was almost to it by the time everyone else was there. Unfortunately, Jack Spicer, Hannibal Bean, and Wuya were also there.
"Not this time omi. This shen gong wu is going to Jack, evil boy genius."
"Yeah right Jack. We are getting that shen gong wu and the dragon of thunder first." Hannible bean stated and wuya and he made a dash for the shen gong wu. Only to see Kimiko grab the she gong wu first.
"Our shen gong wu." She said smiling. Jack's mouth dropped to the floor.
"H-how did you get there so fast?"
"I used the 'gift of the blind swordsman'" She said and front flipped over to the other dragons. Dojo transformed and the four of them climbed on.
"Later dudes" Raimundo called. Wuya growled. Hannible bean snickered evilly.
"How can you be laughing?!?! The Dragon of thunder will be on their side now!" Wuya yelled.
"Because, Wuya, it doesn't matter if the dragon starts on the side of good. I will make her come to the haylin side, just lie I did chase young." He laughed, and wuya joined in. Neither noticed Jake leave uncharacteristically quiet and deep in thought. 'The dragon of thunder? Could it be....?' Jake thought. He decided to pay a visit to an old friend. He just hoped that he would get to her before anyone else.

OC profile:
Amber Fischer- age: 15. A girl that is a native to Germany. Kind and caring but stern as well. Wont let people skimp on their chores without good reason. Likes to bring comedic relief if things seem to tense for her own liking, or just likes to make fun of things because they are funny. Smart and athletic despite what others may think about her childish nature. Loves kids that are 10 or younger.

Jimmy Spicer- age: 10. A boy that moved to America from Ireland. Has a crush on Amber but says he doesn't. Jack Spicer's cousin. Likes to hang out with Amber a lot. Doesn't know how to speak his native language, much to Amber's distaste.

Definitions or items of interest:
lost heart shen gong wu- I have no idea were I came up with this one. I decided to make a few new ones. This one wont last long. It will only be around long enough to summon the dragon of thunder.

guten tach- german. good day. or was it 'good afternoon'? I cant remember (the affects of not sleeping for three days straight)

Amber's appearance- typical german looks. if you have blue eyes and/or blonde hair you have some form of a german ancestry because blonde hair and blue eyes was originally from german (form what im told)

jimmy's appearance- common Irish features. plus he is a lot like Ronald weasly. I have no idea why I made him however.

dragon of thunder- like it says a xiaolin warrior with the element of thunder. got the idea from a fanfic I read on ff.net

Jack's friend- see Ch.2

everything a guy could want in a women's body- I have found that guys tend to like girls with blonde hair, big chest, and big rear end. the part about the 'pancake ass' was an inside joke because my friend has everything but the ass. so we joke about it a lot