Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Hisoka Doll ❯ The Heart's Lullaby ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Hisoka Doll

Author: Elf Asato

Pairings: Not really any Tsu+Hi, Hisoka+Doll this time, and if you look at it right, slight Tat+Hi ^_^

Warnings: General weirdness, OOC Hisoka (you'll find out next chapter!)

Disclaimer: I'm still wishing…

Notes: A HUGE thank you to EVERYONE who's reviewed so far! (At the ending notes, I'll address you individually…) And actually, you can thank Akiya-san for helping me get this chapter out so quickly… I couldn't just let it go after what she said in her review! XD Oh! And since I have this page right out in front of me, it was Rinoa Redcloak who said something about the grandmother poisoning her devil grandchildren! Thank you! Er, and one other thing… It just occurred to me that they might not need a phone…but let's pretend for this story that the good people of Meifu have telephones in their houses and at work ^_^;; And the stuff about empaths and telepaths is complete crap I made up on the spot ^_^ v (Actually, it could be true… O.o)

Chapter summary: THE chapter ^_^ (Er, what I mean is the climax of the fic ^^;; I've been wanting to write this for a long time)


Hisoka Doll

By Elf Asato


Seventh Chapter

"The Heart's Lullaby"

Really one thing ran through my mind as I woke up from the dream with him:


"…Did I just dream that little bear up? …Maybe I accidentally knocked him off the bed in my sleep?" I muttered to myself. Desperate to find the new source of my comfort, I jumped out of bed and started looking all around my room, searching for Michiko…

…But I couldn't find him. I even looked under my bed…

Exasperated, I sat down on the floor and held my head in my hands. I couldn't have just imagined that bear… He was real - Tsuzuki really gave him to me, right? But…if I didn't imagine him…what happened to him?

I felt a headache coming on; this was all too confusing. What was I supposed to do? Trying to ignore it, I wasted a few hours reading a book I had already read and hated, but after I finished that and night had come, I didn't feel any better.

…If…you have a dream again, please tell me immediately.

"Tat…sumi," I sighed to myself as I sluggishly made my way to my phone, his advice still playing in my mind. Without hesitation, I dialed the office number. He was sure to be there… He had to be.

And as he picked up on the other line and answered, I knew he was.

I know I could have just visited him at work, but…I wanted him to come here. Since…Michiko disappeared while I was sleeping…maybe that has something to do with my scar and everything…?

"Tatsumi?" I asked, my voice sounding timid to my own disgust. "…It's Hisoka."

"…I could tell," he stated pleasantly, but I could detect a hint of concern in his voice. I think he knew why I called.

It was a little hard to say this, but I managed to get out, "…Can you come over? I'm at my place…" I must admit, it was really awkward, considering who I asked… In fact, he probably had so much work to do… Why did I even call him? I was so selfish by bothering him…

There was a slight pause on his end and I seriously began to doubt that he would, but he answered, "Let me finish looking over this paper and I'll be right over."

"Aa…thank you," I said and it was as if a huge weight had been released off my shoulders. I was really surprised that he said that considering how I knew he had so much work to do…

We mutually hung up and suddenly I felt extremely nervous. I couldn't believe I seriously invited someone over when my home was so messy…so the next half hour or so was solely dedicated to tidying everything up, which meant finally emptying that pot of cold, god-knows-how-many-days-old coffee…

Finally after what seemed years of anticipation, the doorbell rang. "T-Tatsumi," I greet, out of breath seeing as how I had to run halfway across my home to get the door.

He just smiled, though. "You seem like you're feeling better."

I wasn't aware that people thought I felt bad… "Er, yeah," I said, blushing against my will. I swear, every time anyone speaks to me, I blush… "Aa, here, make yourself at home…"

I let him in and closed the door behind him as he took off his shoes. "So…" he began hesitantly, "…I take it you had another dream?"

Damn him and his straight-forwardness. "Yeah," I mutter, hugging myself slightly. It was so weird…with my scar and now the bear. "…I fell asleep hugging a bear…" As I said that, I felt myself blushing again. Tatsumi simply smiled warmly at me, though. "…And…in my dream, the bear was with me, along with the doll. He was…really upset because he finally had his face painted on him, but the one he hated messed it up and his mistress told him he couldn't get a new one…" I sat down on the couch by me and told Tatsumi he could do the same if he wanted to. He sat beside me and that comforted me. "…So…I gave the bear to him so that he would be happy again…but when I woke up, the bear was gone."

I watched his gentle smile turn into a slight frown. "…What do you mean? The stuffed animal wasn't with you when you woke up?"

"Right," I nodded. "Believe me, I looked all over the house and I couldn't find it…"

"That's so strange," he muttered with a finger on his chin, looking up introspectively, "but…I think things are starting to come together."

I looked at him quizzically and asked, "…What do you mean?"

He just sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and explained, "…It's not everyday we have an empath working for us. In this day and age where everyone looks out for themselves and no one else, people like you are rare, but in many ways, you're like a telepath. Empathy works with the heart while telepathy works with the mind, but the two are very similar in how they are used. This…doll in your dreams…must be someone you have a strong emotional bond with, be it love or hate. Like a telepath, if the bond is extremely strong, an alternate reality can occur between the two of you. Depending on the strength of the bond between you, this reality could become very physical…like it's shown to be."

Unconsciously, I traced the scar on my face with my fingertip.

"I think…this doll is someone you know reaching out to you. It may be for other reasons, but judging from what you've told me, I think his heart is asking for help. Visiting with him in your dreams may be due to the fact that you're an empath and it's someone you have a strong bond with, so that's why it probably seems so easy to do so."

"I want to help him," I said abruptly and with my entire heart.

Tatsumi just looked at me for a couple of seconds before smiling, "That's good."

I smiled with him, but then it faded as I asked, "…But how do I…?"

He sighed and admitted, "I really don't know…" Pausing for a second, he looked off…but then looked back to me, as if he had a revelation. "…I think I have an idea."

I was eager to hear this one. "You do?"

Nodding, he explained, "You know how your bear was pulling into your dream with you? Perhaps it's by touch or attachment? I've been a Shinigami a long time and I've seen a lot of things, so if I were to be brought into your dream with you, I could help you make a decision of what to do about him…and be your support."

At the time, that was a great idea. "You could really help?" I asked hopefully and felt so happy and relieved when he nodded and said, "I'd try."

I smiled, but then blushed when I thought aloud, "But how do we…?"

Somehow, seeing Tatsumi blush as well was relieving. "You sleep in your bed, right? …That would be the best place to start…"

"…Shall we, then?" I asked, feeling as if my face had spontaneously turned into a tomato.

"Lead the way," he coughed as we stood up from the couch and I led him to my room. I sat on one side of my bed and he sat on the other - both of us were red-faced. "So…er…" I mumbled.

"I guess you should start by trying to go to sleep," he suggested, adjusting his glasses. As per his suggestion, I slid under the covers and laid my head on my pillow. "And…where was the bear when you fell asleep?"

"Aa…in my arms," I blushed profusely.

He blushed a little more, but slid under the covers beside me. I suppose he tried to think of it as a part of work - after all, that's what I was trying to think of it as. Hesitantly, I hugged him and we both tried to get comfortable in that position, but our discomfort was mutual.

"Er…I…I can't fall asleep," I admitted. "Maybe I should change into pajamas or something-"

"You fell asleep at work, so you can fall asleep here," Tatsumi stated abruptly. I looked up and saw that his face was a beet red and tried to suppress a snicker. We ended up shifting positions a dozen times, though, before we finally settled on him holding me in his arms and me resting my head on his chest.

As always from him, I couldn't feel any emotions, which unnerved me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was born without them, but I do know better. Although I don't know, I believe that he feels just as strongly as anyone else…but I didn't know what he felt as he held me in his arms. Without feeling any emotion from him, I felt a little lonely, but as soon as I positioned my head a certain way, I could feel his heartbeat and that comforted me more than anything - acting as a gentle lullaby…


It was warm for once - more warm than it was dark. It was so odd and I couldn't find the source of the warmth until I looked down and saw Tatsumi's arms around me…and then up to see his face looking at mine.

"Sorry," he apologized quickly as he let go of me and took a step back, "I didn't know if…"

I almost laughed out of relief at him being there with me, "No need to be sorry. Thank you very much, in fact…"

He went an odd sort of quiet and just looked around. I could tell that the nothingness unnerved him, which it would any sane-minded individual. "So…this is what it's like. …This…this is probably this way because of a weakness in the bond," he observed objectively, obviously speaking about the oblivion we were in.

"You-" I began, put was interrupted.

"Who're you?" a childish voice said simply. The darkness parted abruptly and he stood immediately in front of Tatsumi.

Tatsumi's glasses slipped slightly as he looked down at the doll in front of him - I had to try not to giggle at his surprise.

"This is my friend, Tatsumi," I said gently, coming to his side. "Tatsumi…this is…him…"

"…Good evening," Tatsumi said politely, looking at me for support. I nodded at him and he looked a little relieved.

The faceless doll, though, just stared at him for a few seconds before returning the greeting, "…Good evening, Tatsumi-san. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, also," he responded, and it secretly amused me how the two of them were being so polite with one another.

The doll continued to stare up at Tatsumi blankly, but then eventually turned to me and asked abruptly, "Why are you two sleeping together?"

I almost fell over in embarrassment.

It was hard, but I tried not to giggle when I saw that Tatsumi had reacted the same way. It surprised me when I couldn't detect any jealousy in the child's voice… "Well, I - ah, see, we're not really-"

Tatsumi saved me, though. "He wanted me to meet you."

He looked blank for a couple of seconds, but then broke out into a brilliant smile, "Oh okay!" He was childlike as ever in that moment. "Hey! …Do you want to have a tea party? Tatsumi-san could be our guest, dear Hisoka doll!"

"That would be wonderful," I smiled gently as he ran off over to a small table that the darkness revealed.

It was then that Tatsumi quietly gave me his observations, "…He seems very attached to you, but…there's something about it… It's like…he can't let go of you."

"You mean…?" I asked softly, not wanting him to overhear.

"His presence is that of a human, but…it's like it's his heart only - which is what it should be, so that's perfectly normal. It means, though, that his body is probably in Chijou, but…in a way, he's unintentionally separated his heart from his body. Sometimes accident victims inadvertently do that - they revert to a safer period in their life…or one that they haven't quite gotten over… So…I do believe that I'm accurate when I say to you…that he needs your help in letting go."

"Letting…go?" I asked quietly. "Of what?"

"Well," Tatsumi began, "…what's something that bothers him? That he just can't let go of?"

I tried to think and it came to me:

The one he hates and that has stolen his life…

His mistress…

Being her favorite doll…

"I think…I know," I said softly.

Tatsumi just smiled and replied, "Well then. Let's join that child in his tea party."

As we walked over toward him, the doll put his hands on his hips childishly and said in a mock angry tone, "I was wondering when you two would join me!"

"My deepest apologies," Tatsumi smiled as we sat down at the child's table.

"You're forgiven!" he chirped, having entirely too much fun playing host to us. I couldn't help but smile at him…but then my heart grew sad at the thought that this…might be the last time I have with this doll…

He hummed merrily as he poured the tea into three cups.

"What is it today?" I asked, for Tatsumi's sake.

"Cyanide!" my doll smiled brilliantly…

…While Tatsumi paled. "…E-excuse me?"

I sighed and explained to the both of them, "…I'm sorry, but Tatsumi can't have your tea."

"…Oh? …Oh…" he said in disappointment, casting a glance in the secretary's direction as he understood. Then he said to me, "But…you can, can't you?"

I blinked and stated simply, "…I've had it before, haven't I?"

Tatsumi looked positively startled at this exchange. "What?"

My doll handed me my cup of cyanide and I gave Tatsumi a sad little smile and drank. He watched me in morbid fascination as I finished the entire cup…and was fine. My heart…felt very heavy as I looked between the two of them - the doll drinking from his tea happily and Tatsumi watching me. "Actually," I began, as I knew what I had to do, "I wanted Tatsumi to meet you for a reason."

"Really?" he asked curiously as he glanced at Tatsumi, who still looked startled by my cyanide drinking. "What for?"

"We want to help you," Tatsumi said simply.

"Help me?" my doll asked, not understanding. "Help me what?"

"…Tatsumi was able to tell that your heart had been separated from your body…so we want to help you in returning."

"…W-what? But - but - I…I'm not - I don't have a heart! I'm just a doll!" he protested as he stood up.

"I'm an empath," I explained with the confidence that Tatsumi unknowingly gave to me, "which means that I can feel the emotions of others. I've been able to remotely feel yours…which…means that you do have a heart - and therefore, that you are not a doll. …And neither am I."

"But I-"

I leaned over to lay a single finger on what was supposed to be his mouth, had it been there, and leaned further to give him a quick kiss on the forehead, which surprised Tatsumi. "You may not even have realized it, but you've been calling out to me, asking for help." He looked as if he was going to protest, but I continued with an honest smile, "I genuinely want to help…because I love you."

"But I…I…I don't want to leave you!" my doll protested with tears as he ran around the table to fling his arms around me.

I hugged him back as Tatsumi, who must have been a little freaked out by watching us, reassured gently, "I'm almost positive…that you've met your Hisoka before. How else would you know to reach out to him?"

I kissed my doll's forehead gently and begged softly, "…Please let go…so we can meet again in reality."

He gave me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before taking a few steps back from me. "But…what about him…and…my mistress? They don't love me, but I love them! I can't just leave them!"

I sighed and looked at him with gentle eyes, "It's a shame that she doesn't love you…that…she loves the one you hate more…but it doesn't matter because I love you. I always will, deep in my heart…no matter what happens."

"Really?" he asked with his eyes shining… "You'll love no matter what? …You know, my Hisoka doll…you're right. I don't need them…because I have you. I'll…always have you."

"We belong to each other," I smiled warmly.

With a resolute smile on his face, my doll waved childishly, "Bye Tatsumi-san! Bye Hisoka Doll!"

Tatsumi and I both looked at each other, then at him, waving our goodbyes.

Then at that moment, my doll evaporated into wisps of energy and the energy formed together one last image -

One last image -

I knew now what Tatsumi had meant by him being my support.

Last image -

I needed his support.

Image -

I was falling without it.

Just one last image -

Of all people.

Muraki Kazutaka.

Chapter End

Ending notes: Surprised? Probably not ^^; I tried to put as many hints in as I could, but the only one who seemed to get it was Akiya. Anyway, there are two more chapters to go after this: the "omelet" chapter and the epilogue. (Can you have an epilogue without having a prologue? O.o)

Akiya: *finds a big "How-Dare-You!" stick and beats you with it* How dare you for being right!!!!! ^_^ I'm glad you like the fic, though!

Mirai K: Eh heh…well you did say a very long time ago that you thought the doll was a little like Muraki ^_^

Morien: Thank you for sticking with the story so long! I'm glad you like it! o^_^o

Sleine: ^^;; Sorry it's not going to be around thirty chapters, but I'm glad you're enjoying it! (Sorry this is so short! T.T)

DeathAngelCreo: It makes me happy that you're enjoying something so creepy and weird! (And I thought I was just a fluff person who couldn't write anything more than that!)

Rinoa Redcloak: I'm glad you like this because I really like your stuff! (Getting anywhere with that beautiful threesome+ fic? ^_~)

Fiona: Does this clear things up? I hope so!

Nennie: So you told me about cyanide, too! Even though the moment's passed, I still appreciate the information!

Erin-chan: O.O I'm glad you like this so much! *wiggles*

Lodestar: My writing…touched you? *spaz* I'm so happy!

Subaru: YOU keep on writing! (*poke* Make lots of SubxSei in your X fic!) Anyway, it makes me happy that you're enjoying this!

Literary Eagle: ^_^ I'm glad you liked that chapter and I hope you liked this chapter, too!

Aoi-chan: Sorry about the Doll+Hisokaness! It couldn't be helped! …But look! There's Tsu+Hi and a little Tat+Hi, too!

Flaming nightshade: I'm glad you love this! (I love it, too!) And you were right - Hisoka is (er, was?) having a breakdown in a way! And thank you very much for commenting on my prose! It really made me happy!

O.o…I would address all the other reviews, but I only saved that one review page and I can't really get back online right now ^^;;, (I'm so lazy), but I'll save all that for the next or last chapter! Like I said, next chapter's going to be the "omelet" chapter, but I'm a little sad that it has to end so soon…! I have all YOU guys to thank for revving me up with your kind reviews! (Heh, I'm really surprised I've been turning out all these things so quickly!)