Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Hisoka Doll ❯ Michiko's Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Hisoka Doll

Author: Elf Asato

Pairings: More Doll+Hisokaness, general mention of Tsu+Hi

Warnings: General weirdness, OOC Hisoka (just bear with me)

Disclaimer: I wish…but…but…a ray of HAPPINESS has appeared! MICHIKO!!!!!! *owns Michiko* You may use Michiko if you wish (come on, EVERYONE wants to use Michiko!), but please tell Elffy-chan first ^_^

Notes: The chapter most of you have been waiting for! …But…you'll probably hate me for this ^^;; Oh! And a MUCHLY (Muchly? Who thought of that word?) appreciated SPAZZY THANK YOU to those who told in reviews about the cyanide! I'm VERY grateful…but…the moment has passed T.T And…someone (too lazy to wait to see who, but thank you!) said something about a story where a grandmother poisoned her devil grandchildren…? What got me really fascinated with cyanide was a couple of years ago when I read this one story by Roald Dahl called…I think, The Landlady. This old woman owned a bed and breakfast and…she was a little strange. I don't want to give away the story (because it's really an excellent one!), but it deals with cyanide. That's where I read that cyanide smelled like almonds and later I verified that by my encyclopedia! Anyway, these are long notes… Sorry! (I tend to get off topic easily ^^;;)

Chapter summary: The doll gets a face! (ooh, the mystery, the suspense, the beating Elf with a stick when you get done reading… Please don't beat me! T.T)


Hisoka Doll

By Elf Asato


Sixth Chapter

"Michiko's Love"

I wish I could just curl up into a ball and slowly shrink until there was nothing left…until my curse scars, eyes, and entire body were gone. Then…and only then…I think I would truly be set free.

I suppose this is what they call "rock bottom."

The phone won't stop ringing - it just keeps on screaming at me to pick it up, but I don't want to for fear it might be Tsuzuki. …At times, I think I like him, but others, I feel nothing but contempt for him. I wonder why? He's a nice guy and all…but I guess it doesn't really matter anymore.

He's bound to hate me now, but that's all right; I don't blame him. For a while, I've had that feeling that he's "liked" me - more than in a friendly manner. At first, it made me a little uneasy, but then I got used to it and later, I accepted it. Now, though…it's like everything's fallen apart. I don't appreciate his concern, I don't want him to flirt with me, and I don't want his affections. I suppose I'm insane and irrational to refuse someone's affection after a lifetime of not having it…

…I suppose I am.

The phone still is ringing - won't he give up? If it's Tsuzuki, the answer is probably no. Maybe I should unhook the phone? Its noise is jarring, so I can't help but stride over to the phone and unplug it, but as soon as I get within a foot of it, it silences itself.

Thank you.

That bear that Tsuzuki gave me is on my bed leaning against my pillows comfortably. Against my will, it seems, I've taken to the little thing. …It ended up comforting me in a way; I can't help it it's so cute and fuzzy… I even went as far as naming it - Michiko. I stare at Michiko and suddenly want to have it in my arms. Michiko just stares at me until I go over and lie on my bed with it… I suppose that satisfies the little thing because it seems its eyes soften a little, but of course, I can't resist holding it in my arms. It's just so soft…


The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the vast nothingness before me, and the second was Michiko. "Mi…chi…ko…?" I asked in surprise as I looked down at it in my arms. For the first time in a while, I felt genuinely loved. In my mind, Michiko had made the journey from reality into my dream just to be with me…to comfort me…to love me. "Michiko," I repeated softly as I held it close to my heart with a smile on my face.

My happiness was interrupted, though, when I heard a soft sniffling - crying. As if on a stage, the noisemaker was illuminated in a non-existent spotlight…

It was him.

"…Oh…?" I asked as I softly crept over to him. He was sitting down and crying into his knees while hugging them. I felt so bad. At the sound of my voice, though, he briefly stopped his crying to look up at me pitifully.

Paint of different colors was smeared across his face.

"He - he - he," the doll stuttered frantically as the tears resumed, "he ruined my face! He ruined it by smearing the paint when it was still wet! …And then he told her about it…and she said it was all my fault - that it was just too bad because she wasn't going to paint me another one…!"

In that moment - that instant - my entire heart went out to him, surrounding him with the warmest emotions I could produce until his crying finally stopped. Although his face was heavily smeared with paint to the point of no recognition, I could still tell where his eyes were from the tear trails. "It's alright," I reassured calmly, in the more nurturing tone I could come up with.

I kneeled down with him and reached out to pet his hair gently, letting my fingers play in its softness. He just looked at me…sad, but content. "…I hate him," he said softly, "I really do hate him because he's stolen everything from me. Everything. I don't have a single thing left…except you."

"…Even if you feel you have nothing left, I'll always be yours. Your doll. Your Hisoka Doll," I smiled warmly, relying on Michiko to help me. "Feel better?"

"A little," he admitted with a sigh, "but…because you make me happy, he's going to try to take you - I just know it!"

Leaning over, I placed a chaste kiss on his forehead, ruffling up his hair slightly in the process. "Here, you can keep Michiko for a while," I said, trying to sound cheerful for him, despite my own emotions. And with that, I let him meet Michiko. I genuinely smiled as I felt his emotions sparkle and said, "Michiko's a good friend of mine. He does a great job of comforting me and cheering me up when I feel down and I'm sure that he'll be more than happy to cheer you up!"

"Michi…ko?" he said, almost in a daze as I handed the stuffed animal to him. Then he smiled softly, "Hello Michiko."

I had to smile. "Is he doing his job?"

If fate had allowed this doll to have eyes, they would be wide, bright, and sparkling. "Oh yes!" he said enthusiastically, "Michiko's doing a great job!"

I laughed with both happiness and relief, "And that makes me happy now."

His smile faded spontaneously along with the light in his eyes. "…You're saying I can keep Michiko?" When I nodded, he continued, "But…what if you get sad and need him? Won't you be lonely?"

This time, I shook my head. "Nope. I'll just remember how happy he's making you and that'll make me happy again. See, Michiko's a happiness bear. Every life he touches gets a little better…a little happier…so just by knowing Michiko, every time you remember him you'll be happy."

The smile returns in his heart and lean over again to kiss his forehead. "Thank you…my Hisoka Doll," he says brightly, but honestly, "I'll always think of you when I remember Michiko!"

Well, that's one thing I have to thank Tsuzuki for…

I smiled when he faded from my sight - when the darkness enveloped him and I could see nothing else. Then after a while, even that faded and I woke up in my bed…but in my arms, something felt missing…


Chapter End

Ending notes: The title "Michiko's Love" is cute, but in a way, it feels sad… n.nU Mi…chi…ko… Noooo! Where's Michiko?! Eheh…please don't expect Michiko to show up until the epilogue ^^;; (And remind me to do that! I might forget, but I don't know how I could… O.o) Sorry if this is really short compared to other chapters!