Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro ❯ Part1-Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Notes-Nothing to say except that I'm camping outside my letter box waiting for my Yami artbook to arrive [unrolls her futon and gets comfy]

Criticism is always welcome along with nice reviews ^-^

On with the ficage


Kokoro Series

By Kara Angitia

Chapter 1

It was, as always, another beautiful day in Meifu.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the grass outside the Main building was covered by a thin carpet of cherry blossoms, slightly dampened by the early morning due.

To a mortal's eye this place would have been paradise but the Shinigami ignored it, choosing instead to go about their daily business. It wasn't that they didn't appreciate the beauty of their surroundings, it's just that this was what every morning in Meifu looked like, day after day, year after year. It wouldn't kill Enma to make it rain or snow more often would it?

There was one resident of Meifu though who wished to be amongst the blossoms, to feel their velvety touch against his skin as they floated gently to the ground, to perhaps catch a few in his hands before letting them continue their decent.

He wished to be amongst the blossoms, because it would have been a whole lot better then standing outside some tacky souvenir stand in the pouring rain.

"Tsuzuki…" Green eyes narrowed dangerously at his partner who was happily looking at some of the many trinkets on display.

Tsuzuki made no move to face those angry green eyes "Yes Hisoka?"

Hisoka pulled his coat tighter around his body, in a vain attempt to keep out the cold and the water that was making its way down the back of neck sending a shiver down his spine.

"Last time I checked" He muttered "We were on a case, can't you get Wakaba-Chan gift later?"

Tsuzuki turned round sharply to face Hisoka, causing his dark coat to fan out behind him.

"But Hisoka! I have to get her something extra special, those cookies she gave me were… " Clasping his hands together, his eyes bright with unshed tears of joy as he gazed up into the dark grey clouds above him "They were the closest I'll ever get to heaven"

Hisoka sighed for the nth time that day. It wasn't that he didn't want to get Wakaba-Chan a present; he actually could tolerate the chestnut haired Miko because she knew when to leave him alone (Which was all the time) unlike a certain chocolate haired Shinigami who shall remain nameless (1).

He did really want to find something for her but they had flown out to Nagasaki for a reason, and that reason didn't involve cheap novelty items.

It was time for some drastic action.

He tapped the elder Shinigami on the shoulder, making sure that he had his full attention (or the closest he could get at least)

"Tsuzuki" He said slowly "If you pick something right now, I will take you to that café" He pointed to the small café across the road "And buy you a desert of your choice"

"Even apple pie?" asked the most powerful of the Shinigami in a small child like voice full of hope.

Sigh "Yes even apple pie"

"You mean it?" Tsuzuki has to make sure.

Another sigh "I wouldn't of said it if I didn't mean it"

A smile broke out on Tsuzuki's lips (2) "Ok then I'll get her this" He grabs something off a near by shelf and holds it up for Hisoka to see.

An elegant eyebrow rises at the sight of the… the best way to describe it would be to take a turnip, paint it pink, stick some appendages on it and then some bunny ears.

"What the hell is it?" He asks whilst poking at one of its fluffy pink ears.

Tsuzuki shrugs "Not a clue, but its cute and pink" He hands his money over to the stand owner "So she'll love it"


It was a nice little café that went by the name of "The Clover Palace" (3) it was decorated in the western style like most modern day cafes, with round tables with about three to four chairs to each one, there were lots of flowers decorating the room in a attempt to brighten the place up and make it look bigger then it really was, but all it managed to achieve was aggravating someone's allergies.

Despite all that Hisoka liked it here, because it was the type of place were middle-aged couples would go for a quiet lunch and perhaps a chat with some friends, there wasn't a giggling school girl in sight.

Happy to be out of the rain and into the dry, Hisoka takes his time enjoying the cup of tea he ordered and the few minutes of silence he'll get whilst Tsuzuki stuffs himself silly, he is however using ever last ounce of his patience ignoring the many stares that he and his Partner (but mainly his Partner) are getting.

Nagasaki was a port town that connected Japan to the rest of Asia so it wasn't unusual to get a few funny looking people in here once in a while, it seemed though that no one had prepared the staff of The Clover Palace for Tsuzuki or his love of apple pie.

Hisoka closed his eyes; he could feel another headache coming on.

"You don't have to rush you know? No ones going to take it from you"

"I know" Tsuzuki says between mouthfuls "But the sooner I finish this then the sooner we can get to work" He licks his lips as he swallows the last mouthful of apply goodness.

"Huh?" It takes a few seconds for Hisoka' brain to catch up, Tsuzuki wants to work?

"Right this is who we're after" Tsuzuki takes out from within his coat a brown file, the novelty of Food Disposal Tsuzuki has worn off by now and the other customers carry on with their meals so their in no danger of being over heard.

"Her name is Katsushika Hitomi, aged twenty-five" He opened the file and pulled out a photograph that he handed to Hisoka to inspect "She died about a week ago but never showed up for her trial"

Hisoka looked thoughtfully at the photo he held in his hand and found a pair of dark green eyes framed by glasses staring back at him, he was trying very hard not to wonder about who this young women had been, who she had left behind and what she might of become if she hadn't died. It was always best to distance yourself from the victim, that way it didn't hurt as much.

He handed the photo back to Tsuzuki "Cause of death?"

Tsuzuki's usually bright amethyst eyes darkened for a moment, showing his true age for just a second, unlike Hisoka, Tsuzuki didn't want to view the victim as a stranger, each soul was different and needed to be treated as an individual not just a case with a number or a silly nickname that the office conjured up.

Tsuzuki sighed deeply before answering, "It was murder…"

Hisoka felt a slight pang in his heart, he knew it wasn't his pain but that of Tsuzuki, the great idiot was feeling sorry for someone he didn't know again, one day it would get him killed (again) He picked up his teacup and drained it of half its contents, his throat suddenly felt very dry.

"Any leads?" He puts the cup down.

Tsuzuki' eyes returned to their original hue "The official records say that she was brutally beaten with a blunt object before being attacked with a large bladed weapon"

Tsuzuki slipped the file back into his coat "However…" He started


"The local papers are saying that she was attacked by a large animal"

Hisoka spoke softly "I wonder which is true"

Tsuzuki smiled slightly at his partner's words, `which one indeed'.

"It's our job to find out" He eyed a piece of paper that the waitress had just placed on the table "Um… Hisoka you're paying right?"

"…. I hate you"



(1) It's Tsuzuki for those of you who aren't quite so quick ^-^ or maybe its Duo Maxwell!

(2) All together now! AW!!!!

(3) There's a bit of a joke here, there's a park in Nagasaki called the Clover Garden so I thought `Hey? Why wouldn't there be a café near by with a similar name?' hence the creation of the Clover Palace.

Kara-Holy Floop this took a while to think up, I hope it meets you expectations ^-^ I'm going to go oogle Watari now [waves] toodles me dearies