Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Reassure ❯ Reassure ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Reassure

Series: Yami no Matsuei

Category: Poem, shounen-ai/ yaoi, Romance, PWP

Rating: G

Pairing: Tsuzuki x Hisoka (who else?)

Author: Requiem Duindain

E-mail: r_duindain@hotmail.com

Homepage: www.geocities.com/r_duindain

Author's notes: A really really sappy PWP. I know you'll hate it. I know I do.

Disclaimers: Yami no Matsuei belongs to Matsushita Yoko.

Don't lose yourself

Just continue to hold on

To everything you feel and think

Since all these things abound

Don't curse your gifts

Don't find someone to blame

We're all born like this

Timid and afraid

We try to grasp

What others have tried to before

Yet we fail

And miserably at that

So cease your worries

I'll soothe the pain

You're not so weak

Just love me again

I've finally found what

I've been searching for

I'll pray you'll find it too

Since I found my reason to live

Unexpectedly in you!

--Tsuzuki Asato