Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Voices ❯ Tsuzuki ( Chapter 1 )

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Voices One
By: Authoress K. C.

I really liked writting the Dying Memories fics... Ps, for anyone who cares, or read my stuff before, I was originally Karie Chaos. What did you THINK the K. C. stood for, crazy people?! But whatever, I enjoy writting waaaay too much. But, I liked those, and other people liked those, can anyone tell that Muraki is my favorite character? I'm nuts, I like crazy people. *waves the INSANITY banner* But, more of my luvli little fics where you just get pretty emotions. Enjoy Minna! *muse kaizer: Or not so pretty. -evil smile-*

*Go away. I hate you.*

What? Whats wrong with me, get out of my head!

*Your disgusting! Get away from me! No! Get away!*

Curl into a ball. Its not my fault, I'm sorry, how can you not see it... Please, stop, accept me, I'm so sorry... Help me!

Cold and dark, why is it always so cold here. Please don't leave me alone, don't push me away, I'm not bad. Please... Please...

Help me, oh God, help me, get out of my head, thats not me anymore, no, no, no, NO! NO! NO!

*You're disgusting, Akuma. Go away, I don't want you near me. GET AWAY! AKUMA! See! I told you! Get OUT!*

Stay out of my head, get out, stop doing this, I'm not like that anymore, I'm not! See, I'll prove it, this is my appolgy.

What? But, why are you... Hisoka...

"Your hands are bleeding."

Hisoka... Please, don't leave me here, with that sound. Not alone, I can't deal with it alone. Please don't leave me alone anymore...

¤I don't like you....¤

Hold me... Please, just don't leave me.

"Stupid. I'm not going anywhere. Go to sleep."

Hisoka... Thank you...

"Just go to sleep... Ai shiteru..."

Hisoka... I love you as well... Thank you for staying with me... Hisoka...


Meph. Hah! See! I win!

Muse Kaizer: *glower*


Muse Kaizer: *evil glower*

*smug* *smug*

Muse Kaizer: *death glare* *evil grin*

*smug* *whimper*

K. C. *muah!* =^.^= *mew*