Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was because I watch Tsuzuki that I finally noticed him.

At first I paid him little attention; he was simply there, where Tsuzuki happened to be, like so many others had been before. And like the others who had been before, I didn’t expect him to stay long. I don’t believe anyone did.

But time passed and he was still there. Quiet and unobtrusive for the main part, but bursting forth with spirit and fury every so often, then pale skin would flush rose as he felt our eyes fall on him.

It was the smallest things that I noticed first. The way his lips would quirk after he finished berating his partner for his latest transgressions, the way his brows would draw together in concentration as he chewed on his pen while pouring over his paperwork. The slight flinch that he seemed unable to overcome when someone would reach out to him, or the longing in his eyes as the room emptied around him.

My eyes would stray to find Tsuzuki as was my habit, and there he was, day after day. Pale and slender, wide intelligent eyes taking in everything around him, uncomplaining in the wake of the noise and chaos that was Tsuzuki, usually. Finally came the day when my eyes strayed to find him. I noticed he looked tired. His features were drawn and he was too thin.

For the first time I think I truly meant it when I frowned at Tsuzuki, as I told him he needed to take better care of his partner.

Again and again my gaze would slip over to where he sat, nearly hidden in a corner as I listened to the Gushoshin try to convince me the library’s budget needed to be increased. Focused on the page in front of him, oblivious to his surroundings, when something he read made him laugh softly. I increased the library’s budget the same day.

I stood and watched, hidden in the shadows at the entrance of the dojo as he trained within. Moving with purpose and grace, determination and hidden strength, the bokken slicing swiftly through the air in a silent dance. The morning light shimmered on his hair and his skin glowed with exertion, and I watched.

I watched as his partner carried his slight weight into the infirmary and waited by Tsuzuki’s side until green eyes blinked open. It hurt to watch him hurt. I stepped back as Tsuzuki threw his arms around him and pulled him close, radiating relief and happiness.

I felt inadequate to be the one to cheer him in the face of all that exuberant enthusiasm.

I wanted him to have all the things he had missed in his life, warmth, happiness, and sunlight.

I moved back into my shadows where I could watch unseen…