Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Chaotic Outbreak Endless Ilumination ❯ Light Chapter 13 The Forgotten ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 13 The Forgotten
“Hey Alexis…!” Blair shouted as she ran across the field towards her friend. “Oh hi Blair and how are you feeling today?” Alexis asked while Blair ran up to her. “I'm a little tired; must oh been from all those duels yesterday.” Alexis nodded and Chazz, Hasleberry, Axel, and Syrus all came running up to them. “Hey there; what are all you pretty girls doing out here all alone?”
Alexis and Blair looked at Axel strangely, but chose to ignore him; Blair continued to talk with Alexis. “So what about Jaden; has he finally emerged from his room?” Alexis could only shake her head no. “That poor guy; he has been through a lot. Maybe if we go see him then we could cheer him up!” Blair said with enthusiasm.
“Leave the guy alone; he does not even have those kinds of feelings for you! And besides he wants to be left alone for his own reasons so stop prying.” Chazz said causing Blair to get angry at him, and Alexis let out a little laugh. “I think Chazz is right…” Chazz and Blair stopped arguing; Chazz was just happy to hear that someone agreed with him, and it was even better that Alexis agreed with him. “Jaden just needs time to sort things out; he will be fine.”
“This has been a weird year huh? I mean the Sarge and the other dimension stuff; it blows my mind to think about all of that. Sarge is tougher then this and he will be fine.” Everyone could not help but agree to Hasleberry's statement. “I wonder how are other friends are doing out there?” Blair asked; she wondered if Marcel missed her, but Jaden was her primary concern.
“HEY GUYS…!” Everyone turned their heads to see a familiar face running towards them. Blair's eyes shot open; “Britney!” The two ran into each other and hugged; they bounced up and down and Chazz let out a sigh. Britney broke the hug and ran over to Hasleberry and kissed him on the cheek. “Hey my big strong dino boy…” Hasleberry went beat red, and could not form a sentence.
“Hey Britney; did you change your hair color?” Alexis asked, and the young girl span around once. “Is it that obvious; I mean my hair was blue, but I thought I would go pink for now just because of how much better it looks. And before anyone says anything I know my visit is sudden, but I have news. Now I'm an official member of Duel Academy! I could just not stay away after everything I heard that was going on.”
Everyone was happy to hear the news; even Chazz was a little happy. Blair however was slightly confused about the excitement. “Wow being a pop star slash model is not exiting? All that is really happened is Jaden is back, and we had a tournament.” Britney nearly through a fit; she stepped over to Blair and pushed her backwards slightly. “You are terrible! How could you say that? Brett was in serious danger twice and turned evil. How could you leave out that about your boyfriend?”
“What are you talking about? None of that happened. You know my dream guy is Jaden, and who is this Brett anyways? I have never met anyone with that name.” Everyone else shrugged that they did not know him either. Britney paused for a second before starting to laugh; “okay I get it; nice one Alexis. You knew I was coming, and now that everything is fine you think you can joke about it!”
Britney's voice got increasingly angry; she did not find anything funny. Alexis questioned her, and Britney showed her the messages. Alexis still had no idea; Britney was getting tired of this joke. “Okay the messages may have been a hoax, but what about before. Remember by the cliff with the Paradox brothers? The huge battle in the other dimension…? Jenova…? Anything…? Pegasus's SON…!”
“You ok? Pegasus does not have a son that I know of; and all of those things were Jaden is the only real hero around here.” Alexis finished speaking to let Blair talk; she looked up to the sky and her eyes went all cloudy and she blushed heavily. “That is why Jaden is the only guy for me. He is so dreamy and such a hero; I know that this young maiden will win his heart.” Britney had enough of this; “ALL OF YOU STOP THIS NOW!”
Jaden came over the hill to see what was with all the yelling. “Oh Britney, your back; when did you get here?” Jaden asked; while Alexis and Blair ran over like he was dying. They asked how he was feeling, and Blair looked at him like she had looked at Brett, and Britney could just not figure this out. “Jaden please tell me you remember Brett. Other wise I'm going to go nuts AND TAKE YOU ALL WITH ME!”
Everyone was a little afraid with Britney's tone of voice, but she had enough of all this. “Calm down Britney; what about Brett…? Actually I'm surprised he is not here right now.” You must be worried about him considering how much he has been through. Blair is taking good care of him so do not worry; after all Blair cares about him more then anything.” Jaden suddenly felt a tugging on his shirt; he looked down to see Blair starring at him. “Jaden I do not know any guy named Brett. You are the only guy for me anyways and no one could replace you in my heart…”
“What are you talking about…?” Jaden asked and Britney interrupted him with his answer. “None of these guys could remember anything about him. Jaden something is wrong…” Jaden knew something was wrong, but why were only he and Britney not affected. Then it hit him; Britney had been away, and he had Yubel's protection now. “Someone has erased Brett from their minds, but who could do this…?”
Deep in the jungle woke a young man; “how did I get out here? What is my name…? I feel so week, but I better get out of here.
“Maybe someone else will know me…” The young brown haired man began to walk out of the forest. It was nice and peaceful, but it did not seem like a good place to live, and maybe someone would know who he was.
Song Origin of Kuja
Suddenly around him appeared five male and five females appeared around him. Each wore a black robe, and each carried a gun. One of the females pointed at the young man; “there is the target. We must apprehend him at all cost, but he must be captured alive.” The young man was frightened by this; why did they want him, but soon those thoughts changed for him.
He started to run in the opposite direction as fast as possible. “After him; we cannot let him escape!” shouted the lead male. All ten of them took off after Brett's body. Brett weaved through the trees; the lead female lifted her gun and shot through the trees at Brett. The bullets stopped Brett from weaving, and he decided just to continue running as fast as possible instead of getting fancy.
The lead male thought that he could scare him, and he lifted an aimed his gun. Brett passed a tree and the bullet shot right through the tree. The high power bullet scarred the young couple behind it, and Brett continued to run with the others chasing him. Brett jumped onto a tree and pushed off sending him flying through the air. He rolled on the ground and finally cleared the woods.
Everyone's ears perked up; the sounds of gunshots attracted everyone's attention. Brett emerged from the woods running at his fastest speed. Britney smiled; “Brett! OVER HERE!” behind him appeared five male individuals that were all carrying guns. Britney's mouth flew open; “Brett look out behind you.” The young man was questioning if that was his name, but he was still slightly more concerned with the individuals carrying loaded weapons.
Brett ran right past Blair and the others and said nothing. He ran by them but stopped when the five females teleported in front of him. The five male individuals ran past Blair and the others All ten surrounded Brett and held there guns up to Brett. There was no escape for him this time. Britney ran up to the lead male and demanded answers; “what have you done with everyone's memories? Who are you?”
“We are the Erasers; a group that fixes the timeline to what it should be should it change, but it looks like our Erasers missed you and that guy.” Jaden looked at the lead male with disgust; “how could you do this to him?” Blair was questioning if it was true; the young man was cute, but was she in love with him at some point. “Like I said; the Erasers will erase what should not be. He is one of those things, but this time we will erase off of your minds of him, and things will return to normal.”
Jaden and Britney both were unhappy with this; they would not allow it. More duelists including the Chancellor and Mrs. Fontaine gathered with students. The lead male Eraser turned back to Brett; “Exia of Light, you will come with us now. Aura demands your presence and you will forget everything. Now will you accept…?”
Brett paused for a moment, but then a voice came from no where. “You pathetic Erasers are trying to steal him again; Brett will not go with you!” Nero came up out of a dark portal and stood beside Brett. “Brett; these creatures took everything from you. Your memories and your life, and they are going to use you. Let me help you; let me in and I will protect you from everyone.”
The lead male Eraser and Jaden both shouted for Brett to stop and not listen. Brett did not know why but his voice was familiar; he shook his head yes and Nero's disappeared into a dark cloud that entered Brett's body. Jaden shouted for this to stop, but it was too late. The darkness had fused with Brett; his hair and eyes turned black, and Nero's voice was the next thing to come out.
“This is amazing; the power and knowledge is still here, and it is far greater then I could imagine. Now I and my brethren will finally achieve what we desire. We have fused to form the perfect combination of light and darkness!” The power was overwhelming Nero, and the lead male Eraser ran over to the lead female Eraser. “If I do not succeed then use this; if anything we cannot let the contamination continue…”
Song Kougeki Taisei
A single blue orb was given to the female; she held it in her hand and nodded. “For the good of Aura and everything we must not let this creature get hold of him.” The female nodded again; “I understand. We shall complete the mission in your stead. We must complete the mission or at least prevent the spread of contamination.”
“You cannot stop me; this merge was agreed upon by both sides. This merge is full and complete; you destroyed his mind and left him open. You are the ones to blame for this! You cannot stop us…” The male ran at him at ducked before using his leg to try and trip him. Nero leapt high into the air and looked down on him; the male looked up, and with a serious tone spoke. “I will kill two birds with one stone…”
A bullet was fired from his gun upwards; dark waves appeared on Nero's new body's back. From it shot out a long metal arm with a claw on the end; the new arm blocked the bullet. The male leapt out of the way of Nero's decent; the claw went out words to try and slash him, but he leapt up and kicked off the claw clearing distance away from Nero.
Another arm shot out from Brett's captured body; the same as the previous but on the opposite side. More bullets were fired with deadly accuracy, but each was blocked by the arms, while Nero moved in close for the kill. The lead male Eraser jumped to the opposite side and fired more bullets till his clip was empty; the bullets were blocked by a shield of light that melted the bullets away to nothing.
The Eraser threw off his cloak to reveal his black leather armor. He grabbed a sword from its sheath and readied it; “Nero you shall not have no matter what we must do. You do not belong here either. I will kill you and spare him; he must live to see Aura!” The Eraser went in for the kill, but the long metal claw reached back and snagged a tree. It was torn from the ground and swung over his head.
The tree came down on the Eraser and he vanished into dark waves. Jaden was about to run in and stop this, but then a female Eraser blocked his path. They began to circle around him; their weapons still pointing at Brett who was corrupted by Nero. The Female Eraser apologized to Aura before she threw the orb at the earth.
The blue orb hit and was smashed into a thousand pieces; a blue wave came out and swept across all of Duel Academy. Slowly everyone's minds remembered the truth about what had happened. They remembered Brett, and their old memories fused with the new, and they went back to being who they were. All the rushing back memories were too intense for some at first, but everything was relived in an instant.
Blair opened her eyes; she remembered Brett; she was hurt that she forgot Brett so easily but glad that she could. She hated the Erasers and Nero for trying to take him away, but then she remembered the situation. Everyone was back to the way they were before the whole ordeal. Blair was about to run forward and be with Brett who just stood there. Hasleberry jumped and grabbed Blair; Blair was about to ask why when she saw Brett was acting strange.
Song The Fall of Neo Kuja
Brett grasped his head from the unbelievable pain; screams came forth that had never been heard before. The cries of Brett were so terrible; that they frightened everyone in ear shot. The two other minds of the previous Brett's were in direct conflict with his own original mind. The pain was unbelievable, and each second it got worse.
Nero started to lose his bond with Brett; Brett whipped his head down, and Nero's head un-fused with Brett. Nero was still standing, while Brett had dropped to his knees; Nero stood part way fuse with him, but his expression showed that Nero was struggling. Nero was trying his hardest to stay fused; he was about to talk when the light surged in Brett's being.
Nero shot out past the circle of Erasers; his body had been burned by the light, and he quickly decided to retreat. Brett was still kneeling, but the pain forced him to shout to the heavens. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU ALL DONE TO ME! I HATE YOU ALL! I HATE EVERYONE OF YOU; I WILL KILL YOU ALL!” Blair was shaking when she heard that; Hasleberry held her back, but all of her friends were terrified of his screams.
Song Zanarkand
Brett suddenly stopped; the pause was nerve shattering to see someone in so much pain just stop. Seconds past and still nothing; the Erasers decided to close in on him. Brett slowly lifted his head to look at the Erasers. “Get the hell away; this is my home and you will not take me…” His head shook and his expression changed again. “I will murder you for what you have done! Who am I… What has happened to me!”
No one could understand what was going on, but Brett's body was starting to glow. His body shook slightly, and his head started to whip around. The lead female Eraser waited for another moment; she was unsure but they had to seize him now. “Subdue him now, but take him alive…” They all leapt on Brett, and another surge of light happened, and the light forced the Erasers back through the air.
Light eclipsed Brett's body and did not fade; his body was completely made of light. His arms and legs grew thicker, and each limb got massive claws formed from light. Eyes appeared on this new form; a demonic red color that pierced very souls. The Erasers recovered and the lead Eraser had a shocked expression. “It is not possible; another form. Aura had no information on this thing, and he should be too weak for forms…”
“Stay the hell away you bast… I will not leave the people I love… who the hell am I?” The broken sentences echoed outwards from the creature of Light. It did not move but the Erasers took the opportunity and fired multiple bullets into Brett's new form. Each bullet hit the light and melted into nothing. Entire clips were emptied with no effect, and it was time to change the plan; if victory was to be assured.
The light was so intense that bullets melted on there approach and never reached anywhere near the creature. The lead eraser drew her sword and readied it to stab the creature. She ran forward ready to stab the beast, and the form's eyes flashed once. Its arm grabbed the blade out of the air, and a beastly roar emanated from the creature. The sword melted and ran down the woman's arm; she screamed from the pain of the liquid hot metal that was running down her arm; her cloak was melting and singing her skin, and the pain was too intense.
She screamed and let go of her sword; the light creature jumped into the air and came down on the girl. She was instantly crushed by hand of light, and disappeared back into darkness. The other eight Erasers rushed Brett from all sides, and the creature responded. Two erasers ran in on the light creature, but it leapt out of the way. Its arms shot out and grabbed the two attackers in an instant, and then smashed them together.
The force was enough to destroy the two attackers in an instant. The force of the attack sent a gust of wind outwards in every direction that was a fairly powerful torrent of air. The blood red eyes were glowing and very predominate on the white creature that emitted more then a fair amount of heat to everyone nearby.
The creature landed on the ground, and the earth below was crushed under its feet. Blair was having a hard time trying to struggle free. She knew that she could stop this, but Hasleberry would not let her go. “Blair stop it is too dangerous and he is not the only one who really cares for you.” Blair stopped struggling when she heard that; Britney glanced over at him, but then a mighty roar broke the moment.
The creature stood there; waiting for another round of attacks, but the Erasers were more then intimidated. Fear had gripped them, and snarling started too emanated from the creature. There was no doubt that the target had gone insane, and that it had to be brought down. Each of the remaining Erasers spread out; this form had to be stopped before more got hurt, or at least it had to be subdued.
Axel slowly circled around the outside of the fight zone; he was ready to jump in at a moments notice. His weapons were drawn and ready to strike, Axel was psyching him self up. Even Axel was a little intimidated by this new form of Brett's; the raw power that was present was intense. Blair continued to struggle; she was not going to lose him again.
“Bring it down!” Shouted a male Eraser; the group split up into multiple attack waves. The first man ran in; only to watch the creature jump into the air; his foot snagged the attacker and tossed him into the air. The creature roared and shot eight beams from its body; destroying each of the eight remaining Erasers.
The creature did not change back; another beam started to charge in its hand. Blair broke free and started to run towards Brett; she knew she could stop him. Axel panicked when he saw the creature not relenting, and he worried Blair would be hurt. “Brett stop please; do not hurt anyone else. I promised I would protect you!” Axel ran directly towards Blair; the creature finished charging and fired its attack at Blair.
Blair had faith that he would make it turn, but Axel was not going to take that chance. He ran in and pushed out of the way; he covered his face, and prayed for something to save him. Blair cried out his name, and the beam bent straight up into the air. Axel opened his eyes to see that he was fine, but confused to see the creature had relented.
It just stood there for a moment; before dropping to its knees. The light faded and Brett could be seen; he was still holding his head to try and stop the throbbing pain. “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!” Gentle sobs could be heard from him after finishing his loud question; Blair rose to her feet and ran towards him, but was stopped at Brett's command. “Stay away Blair…”
Blair paused; she was confused, but Brett stopped for a second before continuing. “I can't control my powers… I could hurt you so just stay away! I do not want to hurt you… I can't do this anymore; I can't keep going…!” He let out a loud terrifying scream upon finishing; it did not matter to Blair though. She knew that he needed her, and she chose not to head Brett's warning.
The island was enveloped in light; the moment it was gone, and so was Brett. “Where did he go?” Britney asked; “Is he gone, or worse?” Blair shook her head; “no he is not gone. He is still on this island and I know where. I have to go help him, and I have to do it alone.” Axel was unhappy with this attitude of Blair; “no it is way too dangerous. We have no idea how many more Erasers there are, or even if that other guy will come back.”
A hand grabbed Axel's shoulder; he turned around to see Alexis shaking her head. Axel was not about to give in so easily though; “Blair if something were to happen to you; well Brett would never forgive me. You should not be going alone; what if Brett loses control…” Blair had considered that possibility, but it did not mater to her.
“Axel thank you for your concern, but this is something I have to do. I know what is wrong with, and I can help; besides, after I have to apologize for the things that I have done. This is something that I feel I have to do; besides I know that I can bring him back.” Alexis squeezed Axel's shoulder; he could not protest even though he was still strongly opposed.
Alexis nodded to Blair; the young girl took off; heading towards the abandoned dorm. Axel stood and watched; “I know Blair feels that way about him, but she is not the only one who cares about him.” Alexis turned Axel around; “I know Axel. We all feel the same way, but I think that the only thing that has kept Brett's soul alive is her for the most part. She will come back with him, and she will be fine…”
“Still I feel so useless; I have done nothing but watch this whole time, and things are not getting better.” Axel finished his comment, and it really sank in. They had never really been helping as much as possible. Britney could see that her friends needed her, and she knew what Brett needed to. “Stop with this gloomy stuff; it is not what Brett needs. Let's get a surprise ready for him; we need to give him more happy and less gloom. Let's show Brett he really is happy here.”
Everyone could agree on this; most of the crowd was starting to leave, and Jaden had to catch a certain person. He ran over to and stopped the person that he needed to talk to. “Chancellor; I need to talk to you about something…” Chancellor Sheppard turned and offered a smile to Jaden. “If you are asking about Brett; then do not worry. He is one our star students and he is very popular, and I know he has been through a lot… I do not hold this against him, so please do not worry Jaden.”
Alone in the Abandoned Dorm Brett sat alone; the floor was cold and his body was running on little energy. The pain still felt like a hot metal spike being driven through his head. He was fatigued to the point of exhaustion, but he could not sleep with this torment. He sat there praying for anything to end this pain; his mind thought of nothing else.
“My poor Brett; how are you? I'm sorry I could not stay with you earlier.” Brett immediately looked up to see Nero looking down on him. “Nero…? What are you doing here…?” Nero watched Brett still writhing in pain; “Brett you have been suffering so much; your poor soul is in so much pain. I'm the only one that can aid you in this; lower your defenses, and let me in, and I will rid you of this burden and give you peace…”
The soul of Brett had taken to much damage, and so too had his mind. He needed something to end this pain; he was confused from the pain, but the only thing that mattered was ending this and getting some relief. Brett agreed to Nero's demands; the promise of relief was far too tempting. “Brett I'm so sorry that you have had to endure this, but let me in again and give me control, and I promise you will not have to deal with this ever again.”
“Please! Please stop all this pain; I trust you Nero… I trust you completely just end this…” Brett let down his guard completely when he started to get teary eyed from the pain; his defensive power of light was subdued of his own accord. Nero let his real hands fall from their normal position on his upper body. He kneeled down beside Brett; his arm slowly pushed into Brett's chest; the arm opened a dark portal on Brett's chest, and the arm melted into Brett's chest.
A sigh of relief came from Brett's mouth; all the pain disappeared from Brett's mind. A tear formed in Brett's eye; he could not believe what a relief this was. He had been through so much torture since he got back, and his face could not help but show a smile. “Does it feel good to have me as part of you again? Let me have control; give in and I promise that you will never feel pain again. You will aid me so much, and you will never worry about this pain again…”
Brett wanted to give in, this was paradise and it was so temping. Brett could now relax; Nero kneeled before Brett, and he patiently waited fro all the suffering to end. Blair ran in and saw Axel with his hand fused into Brett's chest. “Get away from him!” Blair yelled before she ran up to Brett; she stopped beside him and immediately hugged him. Light shown out from Brett and forced Nero's hand came out of Brett's chest.
Nero jumped back and away; the light was shear poison to him. The pain returned to Brett; Blair watched and turned to Nero, and she was expecting answers. “What did you do to him?”
Nero paused for a moment to examine both of them, and he was ready to claim his prize by what ever means. “My dear, what ever do you speak of? I was helping him escape from the pain; this poor tortured soul deserves peace from all the torture he has had to endure. I merely aided him his relief…”
“No you should not be the one to be doing that; I promised to protect him, and I have will not let you take away the person I love…” Brett looked over at Blair; her words had offered him some relief, but he was still unsure about whom to side with. “Young maiden; you have not been protecting him very well of late… I actually stopped the Erasers, while you slept, and you forgot. I will take him away from you where he will be happy forever; away from you. I have proven that I am worthy of him, such a perfect creature…”
“Don't talk about him like that; he is not some thing! He is someone; I love him and he will stay with me. I know that lately I have messed up with him, but I will be the person to help him through this. I know I can help him, I won't let him down again.” Brett turned side ways and wrapped his arms around Blair; he believed in her, and he was still very much in love with her. Nero knew he had to split them up, he would not be defeated by a young girl.
“Perhaps you can help him… but then there is still another problem. The reason that Brett does not tell you about his problems is because he does not want to burden you, but the problem is much deeper. The threat of you being hurt makes him push you away; he truly would rather you be with someone else… I have been in his mind, and I know it to be true…” Nero was sure this would hurt her; he needed to break this bond forever.
“Even if that is true; that does not matter right now to me. If it is true and we are meant to be together; then I know that we can sort it out. I trust Brett, and I know that he trusts me. I will protect him the way he always protects me, and right now I know that I have to protect him from you. Brett has chosen me over you and you can see that because he has only moved closer tome; I will never trust you again. Brett let's leave now…” Nero was furious that his plan had failed; he was not going to let anything take Brett
“You will not take him from me!” Nero shouted while he drew his guns. Nero was not going to let his prized leave him again; Brett was his and only his. Blair turned back to look at Brett; she then heard the guns fire, and she shut her eyes tightly. Nothing was going to hurt her or Brett.
A flash of feathers burst around Brett and Blair, and two wings wrapped them in a cocoon. The bullets did not hit the wings, but they bounced off a shield that was emitted a few centimeters away from the wings. Nero stood there in horror; “how can this be?” Blair opened her eyes; she was not sure how Brett had saved her. Brett looked up at Blair and he gasped; they were Blair's white angelic wings that saved them.
“Blair; you have wings… You look so beautiful, like an angel but your light is so gentle and dazzling…” Brett's soft words made Blair realize it was her wings that saved them; she was shocked, but glad to see she had finally protected him. Blair retracted her wings, and Nero was right beside her. His hands were empty and one wrapped around Blair's throat. The other was plunged into Brett's chest; Nero was done playing with this girl.
“I tried to give everyone a nice ending, but you all have aggravated me for the last time. I said that no one would take him from me, but know you both will suffer…” Nero finished his statement, and was ready to finish both of them. Blair and Brett did not enjoy hearing that, and they both shouted to Nero at the same time. “You will not hurt the one I love…”
Both of their bodies shot a light that burned Nero badly; he stood there crying out in pain. “You will both suffer by my hand no matter how long it takes!” He ended his sentence and disappeared into the darkness. Blair quickly recovered, and went over and sat beside Brett. He was shivering; the pain was a factor, but in his weakened state he was sensitive to the cold floor. He was beginning to freeze and Blair could see he was shaking.
They both wanted to leave, but first Blair had to ask him some things. Her wings wrapped around him, and slowly he stopped shivering. “Brett… I need to talk to you before we leave. I need to apologize, I should not have not let you fight Jenova. I should have protected you and tried to save you from the Negastream sooner. I'm so mad at myself for not helping you sooner, and I'm so mad at myself for even forgetting you. I'm just so sorry…”
“Blair it is not your fault; what happened, happened for a reason. You came for me; you are stronger then me; you saved me from Nero. Do not feel sorry or apologize; what ever you did, you never gave up on me, and that is what is important…” Blair heard this and stopped talking; her head was pressed into the top of his head. Minutes passed and Blair was glad that Brett understood and was truly forgiving.
“Brett was what Nero said true…? About that you are pushing me away?” A momentary pause was given before a small acknowledgement was given from Brett. Blair's expression saddened; “do you really feel that way about us. Are the risks greater then the happiness you get from being with me? Are there no happy moments that make it better then the risk of me being hurt? I would gladly risk my safety to be with you, and please think back long and hard about this because I don't want you to be unhappy with me.”
Memories passed through Brett's mind; all of their history flashed by him in a few minutes. Brett could see all the happy moments with the sad. He was still very much in love with her, but how could he put the one he loved in danger. No answer came out, and Blair started to move away from Brett, but Brett immediately started to sob. Blair lifted her head and looked down on him; Brett had grabbed her hand and had no intension of letting go.
“Blair please do not leave me; you are the best thing in my life…” Blair let a smile out, but she still wanted to make sure. “Brett I will always be by your side supporting you. The question is do you still want me at you side as a friend? Or as your girlfriend…?” Brett did not wait to answer; “I still want you as my girlfriend. I want us to become so much more; I adore everything about you, and I do not want the happy memories to end here like this…”
Blair was incredibly relieved to hear the answer was what Brett said; she had wanted him, but this problem had to be fixed. “Fine Brett I will stay with you, but you have to promise me. I want you to share more with me, because I really care about you and want us to stay together. I want you to promise me that you will not push me away no matter what. And last I want you to never regret being with me…”
“I promise Blair; my mind is shattered but I swear it to you. I do not know if I will be the exact same as I ever was, but I want you to know one more things. I truly love being with you, and that I will never regret it again. What ever is left of me; I promise that I'm yours…” Blair wrapped her arms around him, and she squeezed him with all her might. “I'm so happy to hear that, and do not worry; I promise that I will help you get back to who you were…”
Brett broke her grip and turned around and gave her a hug; he was still crying slightly. Blair could tell he was being truthful; she knew that right now he needed support. “Brett do not worry; we will get you back to normal; I promise that you are going to be okay, alright? Brett I love you ore then any other guy I know. Now let's get out of here before you get sick; I know your other friend will want to see you too.”
Blair let her wings disappear; she helped him up, and he was even lighter to her. They left the abandoned dorm to see a beautiful sunset. Blair looked off into it and smiled; “to a new beginning for us…” Brett shook his head in response; “no it is not a new beginning. We never ended it, but I'm glad that I'm here with you, and I know we will be happy together again.”
They continued to walk through the fields towards their room. They felt so close and so happy together. Blair knew Brett would keep his promise; it was what she wanted. She wanted Brett to be with her, but only if he wanted the same thing. Blair had changed so much, but the one thing that stayed the same was her love for Brett, and after what they had been through they both knew that they were destined to be together.
They both arrived at the dorm; the pain was becoming more present again in his mind. They walked through the door to see all of his friends; they all shouted surprise, and Brett was overwhelmed by the sight. Everyone was smiling; Alexis could not take her off the happy sight. Everyone ran over and crowded Brett; Alexis kissed Brett on the head and decided to speak for everyone.
“Brett we all just wanted you to know that we are glad you are back. We are not going to let anything else happen to you; we just to welcome you back to your home.” Brett looked at all of his smiling friends, and the pain disappeared. This is where he belonged, and he was so happy that his and Blair's relation had never been stronger. He knew this is where he belonged; this was him home; this was his home and he was surrounded by people who loved him. Even with the future so uncertain, Brett still felt confidant with friends like this supporting him.