Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Romancing the Stone ❯ a lite beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 0ne
“Eos Eos Eos wake up or i'm going to throw a stone at your window.” “I'm getting up ryou” I yelled as my eyes shot open. “We're going to be late for school and I have a test 1 Period” ryou yelled back as a stone ricocheted off of the window. I stuck my head out the window to the deserted street as another stone came whizzing by. “You brake this window Professor Xavayer will have your head.” “Sorry but we have 10 minutes to get to school and you're not dressed yet.” Yawning I said “Isn't 10 minutes enough time to get there.” What do you mean we have to walk half way across town, your house is at the end of town.” Taking a deep breath he continued “I mean you're out of town, there are no busy streets and you have a large field around the property.” “Calm down and don't hurt yourself, it's not my fault once you heard I moved to domino you come to the house every day to walk me to school.” “But, but you're my friend and I am doing something nice” “I don't doubt that you are a great friend, but wasting all of our time arguing isn't going to get us to school any faster.” I closed the window, quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs.
On the way down the stairs I ran into Kurt. He flew backwards and hit the bottom of the stairs. “I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you at all I just need to get to school.” Getting up he remarked “Is your boyfriend waiting for you.” “How many times do I have to tell you that ryou is just a really good friend of mine?” “AAAWWW kissy kissy kissy.” “OH shut up I need to go and you're in my way.” Dodging him I opened up the large double doors to reveal ryou looking scared at the watch attached the zipper of his bag. “Two minutes till we're late” At that moment Logan pulled up in the car and he smiled “want a ride?” “Sure ryou and I yelled in unison. We hoped in the car were on our way to Domino high.
Rushing into the building we were caught by one of the vice principals. “What are you doing not in your classrooms?” “AAA we're late a bit” He smiled and said “not that late teachers are at a meeting and if you get to your rooms they won't even know.” He smiled and walked away. We bidded our goodbyes and headed to our class. I have to admit that he was right the teacher wasn't even there once I opened the door. Taking my seat I felt a piece of paper rubbing against my leg. Looking under the desk there was a note taped there. Opening it read : meet me at the front after school † Marik. Turning my head to the seat next to me Marik smiled as I said “what's the problem.” “Nothings the problem just thought we could catch up on things after school”. “Cool!” “Hello class its time to begin” the teacher greeted the noisy room.
After class yugi ran up to me. “Sooo how are those powers of yours I hope that you didn't send another skyscraper in to space”. “Of course not I only did that to pardese so they would stop bugging Alister and Rafael , you know how mad dartz got me when he threatened to kill innocent people, plus he was going to kill Alister, Rafael, and Volan if they didn't see eye to eye with him.” “Take a deep breath you need to calm down. I know how dartz acted towards those guys but that doesn't mean setting his company building for a crash course to Pluto.” “ I know but my emotions control what my powers do.” “and that's what I call a show, you should have seen the look on dartz' face when his building went skyrocketing towards the sky. “Joey what are you doing here I thought you were going to visit your sister?” “She wants to come here and meet you I told her about you and that building problem.” “And who else did you tell all about my building problem.” “Hey Joey I think you got her mad.” Whispered yugi as I walked towards Joey with a threatening glare. “I am getting my so called problem fixed, Professor Xavayer is giving me lessons on how to control my temper so something like that wont happen ever again.” “Okay clam down I know how much this gets you up set and all about not being able to control your powers and all but don't take it all out on me.” “Maybe I should take all of my powers out on you.” “WOW, your eyes are turning red like like….OHNO.” A slow sharp wind started up inside the school building. “Close the door we're all freezing” yelled many students as there skirts and hair blew in the cold unnatural wind circling the hall way. A smile spread across my face as my powers grew “do you really want to see the height of my powers Joey wheeler”. “AH no that's okay” I saw his gaze go down towards my fingers which at that moment were growing blue. All of the students had left the building because it was the end of the school so no one was there to witness the event going on. Then of course my heroes come running in. Marik grabbed my arms and held them behind my back while Ryou put his hands on my shoulders and whispered “clam down no one has to get hurt.”
It took a few minutes for me to relax. “Sorry Joey I didn't mean to scare you in any way you know this just happens.” Yugi disappeared and Yami replaced him. He sat down next to me and asked if I was alright. “I'm fine I just need to calm down and clear my mind.” Marik then bent down till he was at eye level with me. “So is anything else going to interrupt with what we had planned” “what have you planned your not going out with him are you Eos.” Ryou jumped up and spun around. “No and what is it your problem who I date and who I don't.” “Uumm just wondering, see ya all tonight at Eos' house.” Turning red in the face Ryou turned around and ran. “Well I guess we should get going then” “okay Marik lets go then” “see you at the house” said Yami looking disappointed as we left. “Were going to get Seto after were done Okay” A chorus of kays answered me back.
“So how have things been going with you” Marik asked once we put our order into eat. “Nothing really, up late for lessons, over slept and got Backura scared that we going to miss school.” “I know Yami and I were waiting for you outside after the bell rang then we were told to go inside I got scared that you would miss history.” “Thanks for waiting for us anyway. If Logan didn't pull up at that moment we would have miss the first period and a half.” “Hey that's what friends are for but why do always want to walk you live right on the edge of town.” “Shoot I just realized something how are we going to get to my house in time for the meeting if walk to battle city and across town back to the manor” “that's a good question. Let's see odion is in Egypt with isesu and my motorcycle is in the shop because my engine failed on me.” “That tells me that we are going to have to call Seto and tell him our situation.” “Okay”
“Mister Kaiba there is a call on the line for you sir” Seto Kaiba looked up for his work and looked at the man standing in front of him. “If it's not business related I don't want to talk to them.” A small boy with black hair ran up and said “Big brother you have to take this call.” “Mokuba I am busy and I don't have anytime to deal with anyone at this time” “um sir” said the man at the door. “What Roland” “she says her name is Eos and she needs your help” “why didn't you tell me this in the first place.” “No idea sir” Seto dropped his pen and picked up the phone and said “how much trouble did you get yourself in this time.” He heard the familiar laugh at the other end of the line. “Well not as much as the last time but we need your help if we want to get to meeting tonight.” “So how bad do you need my help?” “Well Marik motorcycle is in the shop and we have nothing else to get us to battle city and back.” “Alright I'll be at the school in 15min. if you move from that spot you die.” “Okay Seto.”
“Why does he want us to meet him at the school can't he find his way to that restaurant by himself?” “Hey i'm not complaining he's driving so i'm going to leave this part up to him.” *screech* “What on earth was that?” “I have no idea.” “Well look what the Egyptian brought in.” Three highly polished motorcycles pulled up into view. “Alister is that you” I yelled over the loud roar of the motors. I was guessing since the headlights were gleaming in my eyes. “Of course love why else would a hot Australian guy talk to you.” “Did I say valon or alister because I was so sure that I said alister and will you turn off those head light you're going to make me go blind.” All three lights went out and three men appeared. “There you are I thought those motorcycles were driving them selves of at least I hoped” said Marik sarcastically “Cheer up smiley we're only gonna steal your girl for a couple hours” said valon getting off of his motorcycle. “Well you cant because I am hosting the meeting tonight and it's important that I be there.” “Hey you said that you would take us one day.” Alister smiled and winked. “Well you can come tonight but you will have to follow kaiba's car because he is going to be driving Marik and I to Xavayer manor.” I can't stand kaiba I'll jump out of this one” You still have that grudge just because kaiba's right.” “are you doing anything tomorrow” piped up the very shy Rafael that still had not gotten off from his bike yet “no not really where do you want me to meet you” With a smile Rafael said how about at the plaza near the harbor in battle city.” “Sure see ya then” before leaving valon gave me a kiss which got Alister, Rafael, and Marik infuriated. “Bye Eos” yelled all three of them as they left. “Why do you have to be friends with those losers?” Asked Marik once they were out of ear shot “I mean come on there a bunch of losers”