Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba’s Experiment Gone Wrong ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or Yu-gi-oh. Pokémon belongs to 4kids, and Game Freak, and some other people. Yu-gi-oh also belongs to 4kids… in the US anyway. I can't spell Japanese creator's name. u.u

I use all dub names. It'd be kinda strange to have Japanese Yu-gi-oh names and dub Pokémon names. Or at least I think so.


Kaiba's Experiment Gone Wrong
The Prologue

It was another day in Domino City. Seto and Mokuba Kaiba were working on the newest Dueling system. It was very strange, since the Battle City Finals were underway. But Kaiba had it almost done and he couldn't wait to test it.

"Soon Mokuba. Soon we'll have the newest Dueling system ready," he said. Mokuba nodded and handed his big brother some tools. It was just a twist here and a nail there and POOF! It'd be done and ready for testing.

As soon as Kaiba was done, he looked at his latest invention. The system looked like the Duel Disk one, except more advanced. Kaiba inserted a deck into the deck slot and looked at the switch that would activate it.

"This new device will send Kaiba Corp. to the next level!" Then Kaiba pulled the switch, only to get an electric shock. He fell to the floor unconscious.

"Seto? Seto, are you ok? Seto?" Mokuba kept shaking his brother only to hear nothing from him. Mokuba then called some people to pick him up…

* * *

Meanwhile, Ash and co. was in Johto. It was another hard day for them. There had been some tough battles all around, but they had won them all.

"Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a big day," Brock said as he crept into his sleeping bag.

"Okay. Goodnight." Everyone followed suit and went into their sleeping bags. They were very tired.

* * *

Yugi was in his bed at home. He had been dueling today and it was very hard. But Yugi believed in the Heart Of The Cards, so he won.

"I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow. Well, I guess I'll find out." Yugi put off his Millennium Puzzle and put it on his bedside table. Then he fell asleep, very tired from the duel earlier.

* * *

Everyone else in the Yu-gi-oh cast (minus Mai and Marik) were at Tristan's house for a sleepover. Well, Téa was way over on the other side of the apartment. She didn't know what those boys would or could do.

All the boys were eating pizza in the corner, talking about the duels lately. There had been some tough duels, and they all were interesting. As soon as they were done with the pizza, they decided to hit the sack. Everyone thought that was a good idea, so they went to bed.

Nobody knew what was going to happen tomorrow… or how screwy it could be…


Ha! Had to make up this part myself. Thought it could use a prologue.
I wasn't planning to post so soon, but samurai-ashes told me to do it. Besides, it's a cross-over! It's funny (or at least I think so.)