Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip to China ❯ The Transformations ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Me: Hi people!!
I hope you enjoy this chapter! ^.^
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-gi-oh!, Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, Jusenkyo china, Care Bears, Barbie, The bottles of beer on the wall song, the song that gets on everybody's nerves, snuggles, Elmo, Candy Shop by 50 cent, the Bananas song, or any other songs that appear in this Fic! (Please don't sue! -_-)
Warning:Some Mild language may occur! (Somecensored, some not.)
The Transformations
Nabiki: This sure is a great trip so far, huh Akane? * She said with sarcasm*
Akane: *Replying with sarcasm* Yup! Sure is Nabiki!
Kasumi: I'm so glad that Happosai is dead! It makes this vacation even better!
Nabiki, Akane, Soun, Genma, and Ranma: Yup!!! ^.^
*They soon arrive at China before any one else does so they have first dibs to cheek out the springs.*
Akane: Wow! There are so many springs here!
Nabiki: Sure are!
Kasumi: I wonder if they are all connected…
Ranma: I don't care! I got first dibs!
Genma: Right behind you boy!
Jusenkyo guide: Wait! Don't go into the curse-ed springs!!
*Too late!*
Ranma: What the?!? Im a......GIRL! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Genma: *Mumble mumble mumble*
Akane: Look what happens when you don't listen!
Nabiki: I hope you know, that this is out of your own stupidity!
Ranma Girl type: So that's what these stupid springs are for. Isn't there a cure?!?
Jusenkyo guide: yes. You fell into spring of drown girl, you find spring of drown boy and you be fine!
Ranma Girl type: Well, let's get searching!
*Inuyasha cast again*
Kagome: I think I can see Jusenkyo from here!
Sango: Me too!
Inuyasha: Take that Miroku! And that, and that!! Ha! I beat you AGAIN!!! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!
Miroku: * Mumbles something about how he hates to lose to Inuyasha, and he cheated somehow And that he's a show off!*
Inuyasha: I heard that! I'm no cheater! And if you think so, then let's play again!
Miroku: Fine by me!!!
* They are playing video games and Inuyasha keeps wining!
* A few hours later they arrived at the springs of china and Inuyasha pushes Koga in to one of them*
Inuyasha: Hahahahahahaha!
Koga: * Comes out*
Everyone: O.o
Koga: *Meow.* T.T
Inuyasha: Hahahaha! Look at the cute wittle kitty!
Kagome: Inuyasha, SIT boy!
Inuyasha: * Lands in a separate spring and comes out*
Everyone: o.O
Inuyasha: *Quack!*
Miroku: Wooh! Go Ducks!
Kagome: That's what you get stupid! *Slips into spring*
Sango: OMG!!!!!!
Miroku: What the?!?!?!?!
Kagome: *Squeak!* :(
Sango: A mouse?
Sesshomaru: These events are out of your stupidity I hope everyone knows!
Kagura: If it's out of stupidity, then why haven't you fallen in yet?
Sesshomaru: *Pushes Kagura into the spring and she drags Kanna with her!*
Kagura and Kanna: *come out of the spring*
Kanna: *Oink!* T.T
Rin: Come on, we have to go find a cure! *Slips into spring*
Sesshomaru: Oh great! Not you too Rin!!
Rin: *Comes out of spring* *Caw!*
Sango: Awww! A cute little Raven!
Miroku: Come on! Let's ask the Jusenkyo guide for help!
Jusenkyo guide: How may I assist you?
Sango: our friends fell into those stupid springs and came out looking like this!
Jusenkyo guide: Find the spring of drown boy to fix up the boys and the same for the girls, if they fall in there, then they will return to normal......Authoress!!
Authoress/me: What now?!?!
Jusenkyo guide: Is that all I say through this whole entire story?
Authoress/me: Of coarse, why do you ask?
Jusenkyo guide: Because it repetitive!
Authoress/me: Well too Damn bad!! Just deal with it! Was that all?
Jusenkyo guide: Yes!
Authoress/me: Ok then......
Sango: Hey Authoress, say hi to Mei_lynn for me will ya?
Authoress/me: Ok, but she will be in this story soon!
Sango: Yay!
Authoress/me: Ok! Action!!
Sango: Well, let's get going Miroku!
Sesshomaru: Hey! What about me?
Authoress/me: Because Sango is in love with Miroku!
Sango: WTF are you talking about *BLUSH!*
Melody/Authoress/me: The truth, my dear friend, the truth!
Sesshomaru: Fine! Leave me out of the warm and fuzzy moments, I see how you is! * Snaps his fingers back and forth*
Everyone: O.o
Please Review!!!!!