Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ All Under One Roof ❯ Calling in Favors ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All Under One Roof

Disclaimer: The only character I own is Xephelin so no steal! If I find another cross dresser

like him I'll hurt you all!! MWAHAHAH ::Coughs and Chokes:: Er_ excuse me ^^; I also don't own Cye, though he is only mention in this story, he is a character from Ronin Warriors.

A.n: There is something about Ryou that screams "Torture", I'm sure of it. Because if there wasn't then it would mean I am just a mean and cruel person, so there is something about Ryou that screams out torture, and as a Fanfiction writer torture I must!

_ In a funny "Hahaha, Shoot me now, I hate you all" way. Honest!! No Ryou where harmed during the making of this fic, Ignore the one swinging behind you tied to a rope!


Warning: Cross dressing. Maybe implied Slash? Nothing between Xeph and the Characters though, He's pretty straight. Yami and Bakura came out OOC. Yami was doped up on Sugar at the time though, and Bakura, well_ You REALLY don't want to make quiet people like Ryou angry, They tend to have a nasty temper, one even Satan himself wouldn't want to be in the line of fire of.

Summery: Ryou had enough problems living with Malik and Marik and dealing with Bakura but things get way out of hand when Yugi and Yami have to stay with him for a week... and have we mentioned Xephelin? He's Ryou cousin who's not so normal himself and has made it his personal goal of freaking out Yami in every way possible.


Chapter 1


To any normal person the site of Yami Bakura trying to hide himself somewhere safe at the sound of his Hikari soft and gentle voice while screaming about being sorry and not to shout would have been an odd site, but thankfully Marik Ishtar was anything but normal and he could find this situation all to amusing.

Especially when Ryou started to finally shout for real.

"YOU HAD NO RIGHT BAKURA!!" The boy shouted in an angry tone as the frying pan he had been holding went soaring across the room. Marik winced as he noticed the dent it had made in the wall.

It was definitely going to have to be fixed and he was sure it wouldn't be cheap either.

"He'll never know!!" Bakura shouted from where he had taken refuge in front of the couch. Marik patted his head lightly earning himself a small glare for not offering help.

"CYE ALWAYS KNOWS!! He has a connection with those blasted fish I swear!! And when he finds out he's going to seriously fry me."

"Did I mention I'm sorry?"

"GAH!! OUT!! OUT RIGHT NOW!! Go bug Yami or Seto or Joey. Go kill the Pharaoh for all I care. Just get out of my HOUSE!" Ryou shouted before turning around in a huff and storming up the stairs. Malik looked back down at Bakura grinning slightly.

"Can I help kill the Pharaoh? Malik left me here alone and bored."



"I can't find it!!" A boy yelled out in a frustrated tone as he poked his head out from his closet a small frown of frustration on his face. Gray Green eyes scanned the room in a silent search before landing on brown material. Letting out a loud shout of joy the boy scrambled out from the closet he was in and dashed over to the piece of material before tripping over some string on the floor and rolling to the door way. He stared at the ceiling fascinated at how everything looked ten times neater upside down before going about the task of righting himself.

`Now that I've found my lucky Skirt, I can go ahead and set about the task of calling Ryou_ and hoping he doesn't kill me or mom.' The boy thought wincing slightly in pain as he stood up and leaned against the door.

`17 is really getting to be painful.'


"Yugi_ Don't answer your door." Ryou said in a worried tone as he paced around his living room floor, Malik watched trying to force down the small smile playing at the edges of his mouth. He had just gotten back from getting food for everyone (He was order to by Ryou and he hadn't felt like pushing the Albino temper at that moment in time) and when he had asked where Marik and Bakura where at hell had literally broken loose.

"Why not_ Yami!! Put that down!!" Yugi shouted frantically his voice going faint as he separated himself farther from the phone. Ryou winced as he heard a loud crash and Yugi groaning into the phone.

"Why don't I want to answer the door again?" Yugi asked curiosity in his voice as Ryou sighed.

"I_ accidenetly told Bakura to go to your house and_ hurt Yami_"

"_ Good, he can help me! YAMI PUT THAT DOWN, I'll call you back Ryou" Ryou sighed and hung his head as he heard a dial tone on the other end of the line.

`I really got to start making sane friends.'


"_ I don't think its supposed to do that Yugi_" Yami said in an stunned voice as he watched water flow upwards from the toilet. Plaster from the ceiling cracked slowly little by little and Yugi, while not glaring angrily at his Yami, reached up to brush the white flakes from his hair. He was starting to wish his hair was straight.

"Ya think?" Yugi snapped loosing his patients. He was going to kill his Grandpa for leaving the cookies out again. He knew every time he left those things out Yami would eat them all and then the old man had no respect for the fact poor little innocent Yugi was going to have take care of the terror known as Yami.

"I'll show him." Yugi muttered darkly as he stomped out of the now flooding bathroom.

Yami followed him a bit slowly hanging his head in embarrassment.

He was really going to stop eating sweets.


"Shot through the heart, And your to blame! You give love a bad name!" The boy from earlier shouted as he jumped down his stairs two at a time screaming at the top of his lungs. He lightly ruffled his younger brothers head as he passed by him in the living room.

"Have you called your brother yet Xeph?" A woman asked her voice carried a light British accent but it was barely noticeable not like it had been when the family had first moved to the states.

"Nah, I'm fixing to now though. I needed to find my lucky skirt." The boy, Xeph, said winking at his mother who gave him a small frown in disappointment.

"You need to stop stealing your sisters clothes."

"Ah, but how else am I going to make cash if I can't sell it to her adoring fans." Xeph replied his voice dripping with apparent sarcasm.

"Hello?" Xeph questioned as he heard someone pick up the phone he waved away his mother who was trying to suddenly pry the phone away from him protesting that she wanted to talk to her baby boy.

"Uh_ There no an--- AHHH" Xeph screamed in pain as he heard a shout of anger on the phone. He rubbed at his now sore ears as he warily put the phone against his other ear.

"Hello? Are you still there?" A voice asked worried that they might have scared away the caller. "I'm sorry, My phone seems to do that when I go out of range, It hasn't seemed to work right since Marik dropped it in the water_" The voice trailed off as if in deep thought and Xeph laughed lightly.

"Yep! I'm still here, though only ha--- MOM!!" Xeph shouted angrily as the phone was snatched from him. He hung his head slightly feeling the oncoming of a headache and the fleeting thought that today was going to be a rather long day.


"Bakura! You are NOT going to kill Yami." Yugi said as he snatched the knife away from Bakura hand. He pushed a suitcase into the stunned Bakura arms as he pulled Yami out of the now flooding game shop.

"What are you doing?" Bakura asked a feeling of dread coming over him. Whatever was happening wasn't going to make his Ryou happy, He could tell.

"Ryou owes me a favor." Was all Yugi said as he proceeded ahead of them. Bakura and Marik glanced at Yami with raised eyebrows. The three might of acted like they hated each other, and in truth they did, but one some things they had common grounds and this was one of them.

"Sugar is terribly evil_ but DAMN does water go high."

`I need to hang around sane and normal people.' Yugi thought trying not to cry from the stress of the day.


"Malik if you love me your shoot me." Ryou groaned out as he collapsed backwards onto the couch, his head landing in Malik lap as he moved to get comfortable. He laid sideways on his side and stared at the TV to see what was currently on as Malik answered.

"Guess it's a good thing I don't love you then." Malik replied in a casual voice as his hand reached automatically to Ryou head and started to pet instantly relaxing Ryou. Malik took a bite out of his salad with his other hand, eyes never leaving the TV.

"Bakura and Marik should be back soon."

"Yami will be dead."

"True, Who was on the phone?" Malik glanced down at Ryou a questioning look on his tanned Egyptian face.

"My brother, He's visiting Domino for the summer and gets to stay here!" Malik laughed as he noticed the apparent sarcasm in Ryou's voice, he seemed to be everything but happy about the situation.


"What did we do to the Gods to make them hate us this week?" Ryou mumbled as he forced himself to sit up on the couch leaving the nice comfortable position he had currently held. He deserved the chance to cuddle after all he'd been through today and he wasn't even going to get that.

"What DON'T we do?" Malik answered with a laugh as Yugi marched into the living room the three Yami's trailing behind him. Bakura and Marik instantly ran to their respective Hikari's side leaving Yami stranded beside the angry Yugi Mouto.

"Maybe we did do something bad_" Malik winced at the death grip Marik had on his arm.

"I'm calling in my favor." Yugi said his voice calm and serious.


4 pages!! Go me! Go Me! That's the most I've typed for awhile and I've got sore fingers to prove it. Please take a few minutes out of your time to review and tell me what you though, also if you want to feel free to drop suggestion on some of things I can put them through, I will give you credit, promise ^_~!