Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ All You Wanted ❯ The Sound of the Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All You Wanted

The Sound of the Rain

Warnings: Slight implied Yaoi. (All implied, I swear)


Isis shoved Malik inside their small apartment, slamming the door shut behind them. "What the hell were you thinking, Malik?" she growled, pacing around their kitchen table.

"Calm down," he said, sitting down and placing his feet on the table. "He's too stupid to figure out what I was talking about anyway."

She stopped pacing and glared at him for a second. How could he say something like that? Anzu had probably figured out what it was he had been talking about. "Not likely," she growled, shoving his feet off the table.

"You always say that," he muttered under his breath. "Then again," he said, loud enough for her to hear him clearly this time, "you have such a glorified image of Kaiba in your head, he's like another god to you."

For a moment, she was stunned speechless. That statement was entirely untrue. Sometimes he could act like a bastard and...and...and...he didn't look good in purple. Okay, so maybe it wasn't entirely untrue but it wasn't as bad as he was making it sound. Not really. "What would you know? You worship a white-haired freak who doesn't even give you the time of day," she snapped, turning on her heel and storming into her room.

"His name's Bakura!" Malik yelled after her as she slammed the door, leaving him to sulk alone.

Isis sat down on the edge of her bed, burying her face in her hands. She hated arguing with Malik over this almost every night, and she wished that it would end. It seemed as though she may be getting her wish. Seto was with Anzu now and he was probably very happy with her. Anzu had apparently found the courage to do what Isis couldn't; be with Seto. Now there was no more reason for her to fight with Malik.

Anzu had what she wanted. Then again, Isis had never really tried hard to get it. Maybe she should have tried harder. Maybe she shouldn't have listened to the voices inside her head that told her it wouldn't work out. Now she would never know if they had been right or not.

She stood up and walked outside to her balcony. The new apartment was located right by Kaiba Corp. There were lights on in the lower floors of the building. Apparently somebody had left his date and went to do work. He was a big boy; he could do what he wanted.

It was cold outside, cold like the loneliness that surrounded her. Sure, she had Malik, but what happened once he left? She shivered and closed her eyes, not wanting to think about it at the moment. She felt so lost and hopeless whenever she did. And there was only one person she felt could save her and he really didn't give a damn.

Isis opened her eyes and walked to the edge of the balcony, leaning on the railing. The lights in the Kaiba building went out and she saw him exiting the building and locking the door behind him. She felt a single tear make its way down her cheek and hastily wiped it away. What was her problem anyway? She never really stood a chance with Seto in the first place. Besides, Anzu could make him happy and wasn't love all about making sure the other person was happy? That was how it had been told to her at any rate.

She went back inside her room, so there was no longer the slim chance that he may look up and see her there. She leaned back on the sliding glass door for a moment, wishing she could disappear. Or erase the vision of Seto and Anzu together. Now she knew what they meant when they said "ignorance is bliss."

She went to her bed and lay down, but it was a long time before she actually got any sleep. When she finally did, her dreams were filled with a certain Seto Kaiba. Of course, in her dreams, she was with him and not Anzu.

She woke up late the next morning, stifling a yawn as she sat up in bed. She rubbed her eyes as she looked towards the clock. Damn, she'd have to stop having those kinds of dreams about Seto, or she'd never be able to keep a semi-normal schedule. Thinking about those dreams wasn't a good thing because it made her wonder if he was really like that. Naturally, she'd never get the chance to know. She pushed any thoughts of that nature out of her head and got dressed. Daydreaming about Seto all day wasn't going to get her anywhere.

Isis went out into the living room to find Malik sitting on the couch, watching a motorcycle race on TV. She smiled; at least he had some normal hobbies. "Good morning, Malik," she called, pulling a granola bar out of the cupboard.

"Morning," he responded, eyes never once leaving the screen. She smiled as she sat down at the table. The only thing that would have pulled his attention away would have been a naked Bakura. Actually, Isis wasn't even sure that would have gotten her brother's attention at that moment.

Isis tried not to laugh as she looked away. Malik was just like her concerning Seto when it came to Bakura, though he'd never admit it. There was only one difference between them. Malik would never give up on Bakura, even if Bakura proclaimed himself one hundred percent straight, married a woman, and had a bunch of kids.

Isis looked at her brother with a new understanding. Maybe she could learn from his example. Maybe she shouldn't give up on Seto just quite yet. Besides, if she didn't give up on him it would really piss Malik off. She grinned; it was about time she started paying him back for everything he had done.

"Malik, I'm going out. There's a few things I need at the store." She got no reaction. She wasn't even sure that he had heard her. Oh well. His loss if he suddenly came out of his daze and wondered what happened to her. She shook her head as she picked up her keys and went out the door. Sometimes it was like talking to a brick wall; only worse, because a brick wall didn't complain later that someone didn't tell it something.

After making a few successful purchases, Isis started home only to have it start pouring down rain. She quickly ducked for cover in a nearby alley. "Great," she muttered, watching the rain make a small river out of the road. "Now what am I supposed to do?"

She stood underneath her cover, feeling like a cat that went outside, got caught in the rain and was now hiding out so it didn't get wet. What really sucked was her shelter leaked so she really hadn't solved anything. She heard someone on the sidewalk and looked towards the ground. She really didn't want anyone's pity at the moment. Hopefully, whoever it was wouldn't even look her way and just keep walking.

When was she going to learn that she just didn't have that kind of luck? He stopped right in front of her and Isis was quite content to continue staring at his shoes. They were pretty nice actually; this guy had good taste. They were expensive too. Wait. Hadn't she seen those shoes somewhere before? She hoped not. The person she was putting with the shoes was not someone she wanted to see her like this. "Isis?" She froze. There was no mistaking that sexy voice.

She raised her eyes to meet his gorgeous ice blue ones and was held captive. She could disappear into those eyes forever and never really care. At least it meant that she would be close to him for all of eternity. "Seto," she whispered, taking a step backwards feeling like a total idiot. What rotten luck to run into him at a time like this.

He came closer to her, making sure that she was included in the protection of his umbrella. She flushed when she realized his close presence was leading her thoughts to the activities they had participated in during her dreams and she moved slightly away. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice sending shivers up and down her spine.

She wanted to move closer to him but that might end with a few embarrassing results. She neatly avoided looking into his eyes. "I was out shopping and it suddenly started pouring down rain."

He chuckled softly, and she was amazed she remained standing. Did he have any idea what kind of effect he had on her with his sexy voice and his gorgeous muscular body? Probably, he was a genius after all. "I see. And the little kitten didn't want to get wet," he said moving ever closer to her. He was standing so close now that she could smell him and -gods!- did he ever smell good. "I would offer to walk her home but," he glanced at his watch, "I'm already late for a press conference."

Damn, he was fine! Why did Anzu have to be the one that ended up with him. She was ten times the woman Anzu was. Then again, Anzu was sweet and optimistic and Isis...well...wasn't. That was all there was to it. "Of course, you could come to the conference and I could walk you home afterwards if it's still raining."

Isis looked up into his chilling blue eyes, not believing what she had heard. The rain must have interfered with the sound. But as she looked up at him, she knew he was serious. "Are you sure?" she asked softly, a small part of her dreading the answer.

He nodded and together they walked out of the alley and back on the sidewalk. "I'm already late. I may as well be late with a woman that is not my girlfriend and make them think a little bit."

Isis smiled. In order for them to both walk under the umbrella, they had to walk very close together. She didn't mind but she couldn't help but wonder what he thought about it. It had been his idea. She wasn't willing to find out though. They walked along in silence, but his strong, soothing presence was enough for her. Besides, Seto had never been much of a talker.

He stopped outside a large building, and she stopped with him, carefully inspecting it. It didn't seem like much to her. "Why are we stopping here?" she asked, deciding it was time for conversation.

This is where the conference is being held," he told her, looking up at the building. He turned towards her suddenly, their faces now only inches apart. She liked the feeling. "Are you sure you want to come in there with me? It's not going to do your reputation any good, only mine."

"You can't send me back home now," she protested, feeling very indignant. He took her even further away from home and was then sent her back in the rain? No way. It wasn't happening.

He blinked a few times, pulling away from her. "I'm not sending you anywhere. I was just trying to warn you that the reporters may ask you some embarrassing questions."

She flushed, feeling a little foolish as they walked indoors together. "I hate these things," she heard him mutter as the doors shut behind them and a dozen or so reporters turned their way.

At first, there was a silence in the room as if sound waves had stopped. Then a dozen or so cameras went off and a bunch of questions were asked at once. After a while, Isis started to make out some of the individual questions. "Kaiba, who's the woman?" "Does this mean you're no longer with Anzu or is this woman just your mistress?" "Miss, in your opinion, how good is Kaiba in bed?"

The last question was directed at her and she blushed. According to her dreams, quite good actually. Apparently, one of the reporters had a bit of sense in her head. "Everyone, sit down!" she yelled above the babble. They all stopped chattering and turned to look at her. The young woman pushed her way thought the crowd of reporters to stand by her and Seto. "The poor things just got here and its raining outside to top it all off. Cut them some slack."

The rest of the reporters grudgingly obliged, sitting down in their seats. Isis breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Catherine," Seto said.

Oh, so he was on a first name basis with the reporter, now was he? "No problem, kid," Catherine said, winking at them. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she has a spot to sit where she can have a wonderful view of your ugly face." She grabbed Isis' arm and started to lead her away. Once they were out of earshot Catherine leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Seriously, just between us girls. What's he like?"

Oh, great, how was she supposed to get out of this one? Somehow Isis didn't think Catherine would believe her if she told her the truth. Well, Seto did try to warn her. Maybe walking back home in the rain would have been better after all. "Never mind, you can tell me later," Catherine said as they took their seats.

No sooner had Seto reached the microphone when the barrage of questions started again. Thankfully, they had more sense in their seats and only one question was recognized at a time. "Kaiba, who is that young lady you're with? Is she your new secret lover?"

Oh, the humanity. What a secret. Isis lowered her head, feeling extremely sorry for Seto. No matter how he answered that question, he'd be in deep trouble. Reporters could find loopholes in everything. "Kaiba, does this mean you're no longer with Anzu?"

"No, I'm-"

Naturally, they didn't let him finish. "Does Anzu know about her?" another one of them asked.

"Of course she does," Seto started but he was cut off again.

"And she's still going out with you?"

The reporters all began talking at once, writing things down on their notepads. It was quite obvious to her that none of them could hear themselves think. Seto looked tense and extremely ticked off. Well, he had good reason to be. The reporters were annoying her as well.

Frustrated she stood up and called his name loud enough to be heard above the babble. "Kaiba!" Not surprisingly, all the chatter stopped and all eyes turned towards her. "Kaiba, why don't you tell us about your latest innovations regarding Duel Monsters?"

The reporters turned towards him expectantly. Seto gave her a grateful smile before launching into a lengthy explanation as to how his latest invention worked. Isis found it to be quite boring and almost fell asleep on several occasions.

After all questions had been answered and the reporters were busy comparing notes he met her at the door. "It's still raining," he stated, looking out the window. Isis smiled slightly; that could possibly mean good things for her. "Kittens are fickle creatures. Do you still want a companion on your way home?"

Hell, yes, he could be her companion anywhere. "If it's not a problem," she said modestly.

"I'm going that way anyway," he said as he opened the door.

They walked along in silence, the only sound was the rain falling all around them, and Isis couldn't help shake the feeling that he was angry with something, possibly even her. She looked up into his eyes, checking for any sign of emotion. He didn't seem to be angry, but something was definitely bothering him considering he had just stepped in some dog's "present" to the sidewalk and didn't even notice. She didn't think she could bear it if he was upset with her. There was only one way to find out. "Seto, what's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Nothing."

He was lying. Why did he feel he had to lie to her? "Really?"

"Yes." His mood was really starting to get her down. Furthermore, the silence was becoming overbearing. "You called me Kaiba."

"What?" she asked startled. That was the last thing she had been expecting to hear from him.

"At the press conference you called me Kaiba."

Wow, he sounded so distressed. It wasn't that big a deal, was it? Maybe it was to him. "Oh that. You see, those reporters already believed I was your lover. Calling you by your first name would only confirm that in their minds."

He nodded. "Sounds logical enough. Just don't do it again, okay?"

This was getting strange. Now he didn't want her calling him by his last name. She wondered why but she didn't have the courage to ask. But there was on thing she really had to know. "Are you going out with Anzu tonight?"

He looked at her surprised. He had every right to be; she had no business prying into his personal life but she really had to know. "Yeah, why?"

She shrugged. "No reason." He looked skeptical but didn't press the issue further. All too soon for her they arrived outside her apartment building. "Thank you," she said, not looking at him as she started to walk inside.

"Isis, wait!" he called, just before she got inside. She turned around to look at him, wondering what was going on and hoping for the best. She was allowed to hope around Seto, wasn't she? He hesitated before continuing. "Thank you for helping me at the conference. Goodbye, Isis," he said, before turning and walking away.

'Don't say goodbye, not yet,' she thought as she went inside leaning up against the closed door, listening to the sound of the rain outside.

Author's Notes: What do you think? Next chapter is told through Kaiba's point of view.