Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Egyptian Beginnings ❯ Memory is such sweet sorrow ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Egyptian beginnings
Chapter 10: Memory is such sweet sorrow.
Mitzumi: get the kleenex out ppl….this one is going to be a heartwrencher. I had cried when me and sokras talked this out and she can so testify to it….and blackmail me with it… but whatever onward with the fict!
Life in the palace was peaceful. Bakura was quiet, the economy was florishing and Atemu was in love. At first, he was hesisitant to tell Tearrah of this development but the princess, though saddened, gave her blessing. She loved Atemu so much that she wanted Atemu to be happy. Besides, what if this girl can give him what she cannot? It was for the best.
Savira was recovering her memories at a steady rate though the mystey as to why she was in egypt and where did she come from had yet to be solved. It troubled her slightly but she didn't vex over it, confident that It will reveal itself soon. With the new knowledge of her past, she helped to improve the kingdom, training the guards in combat and informing Atem uof important plans he should put in place to help the commoners.
Yami, though back, started to act strangely. Before, Atemu had to use binding spells to keep the dark Angel from going after various men he lusted over but now Yami was acting like a total womanizer, drooling over anything with a pulse and breasts. And when Atemu would call him out on it, Yami would divert his attention by flirting with the monarch, assuring him that Atemu was the only one for him. This bewildered the ruler to no end.
And then there was Yamira. More than once, she caught Atemu and Savira flirting but Atemu never got punished for it. In fact, she stopped raping him altogether even going so far as to moving to another room. Atemu was suspicious, what was it that changed his twin or was she planning her most sinister act? He decided to keep an eye on the villainess….
It wasn't before long Atemu was planning to ask Savira to marry him but little did he know, this would tear his world asunder….
here we go again…” Yami sighed.
“don't say that Yami. You'll jinx it,” Atemu admonished trying to decide which robe to wear.
but aibou, this same thing happened 4 years ago and look what happened to Tearrah. You don't want the same thing to happen to Savira, right?”
“of course not but….it's just that I am so in love with her I can't even think straight. Savira is so intelligent and cute and…” he trailed off lost in his thoughts. Yami sighed.
alright sick puppy, do as you wish but don't say I ddin't warn you. I sense that something will go wrong and you will be in a worse state than you were before.”
“whatever Yami. You're just jealous that it is not you I am asking to marry,” Atemu teased, deciding on a pale blue robe that was hiding in the back of his wardrobe.
that I am. I would kill to see you in female wedding attire,” Yami smirked as Atemu staggered.
“you perv-“
Atemu and Yami stopped bickering instantly, Yami disappering with a triumphant smirk on his face.
“you may enter Tearrah.”
The second wife shuffled in, her head down. Since she couldn't bear children, her confidence has faded, leaving behind a shell of the firey woman she once was. Atemu could have divorced her and sent her back to her parents but he cared too much for the woman to do that to her and her remaining pride.
Atemu pulled her over to the bed, sat down and pulled her into his lap. He ran his fingers through her hair which she had chopped off to just above shoulder length. Atemu preferred her hair long but said nothing when she did that.
“I hear from Seth that you are planning to propose to Savira.” She mumbled into his chest.
“that I am. Are you upset about this?” he asked as she looked up at him.
“I am but I know that it is for the best. I see the way you look at her, the same way you used to look at me-“
“I still look at you that way. Tearrah, I love you and nothing is going to change that. You will forever remain my first love,” he smiled, hugging her. She hugged him back, happy that he still loved her.
“thank you for not throwing me away. In other matters I have something for you to give Savira.” She said, turning in his lap and clapping her hands. A servant entered, carrying a object wrapped in cloth. She set it on the bed then, after bowing to Tearrah and Atemu, left.
Tearrah leaned over and unwrapped the package.
“think of this as an early wedding gift from Mana and I. She had spotted it while we were out in the market and the man there gave it to us at a low price,” she said, smiling at Atemu's stunned expression.
“yes Atemu?”
her only answer was a gentle kiss on the lips.
later that evening, Savira was returning from her lessons with Seth and Mahado when she noticed the door to her room was open. walking in, she stopped at what she saw on her bed.
It was the most beautiful dress Savira had ever seen. It was made of red silk, the arms made out of black gossamer material and silver thread connected the fabrics at the seams and glistened on the hems in the form of little embroidered roses. It would settle on the wearer off the shoulder and the thin sleeves would end mid palm.
On top of it was a note from Atem that said simply:
Wear this tonight and meet me in the dining hall at sunset.
Love you,
Smiling, she closed her door and got ready.
Yami watched as his aibou put the final touches to his plans. He had to admit that Atemu knew how to put romance into whatever he did but then again, the younger man was an egyptian and as the stereotype went, all egyptians were hopeless romantics. He just hoped that the night wouldn't end in tragedy as he sensed it would, if not for Atemu's sake, but for Savira's
Yami had sensed, since the first time he encountered the girl, that she was not human. She had too much magical energy for a human to contian and he had this sinking suspicion that he met her before, some kind of connection he had with her. He tried to tell Atemu about this but he had brushed him off, claiming that Savira might had been a witch or something. Yami highly doubted that.
aibou…can you promise me sonething?”
“sure Yami, what?”
promise me you won't lose your head over this girl.”
Atemu paused and looked at the older man. Yami had a look of complete seriousness on his features which scared Atemu slightly. Yami was rarely serious. “ok, Yami”
Yami faded from Atemu's sight as Savira ran in. Atemu smiled at the girl. She could be refined and dignified when the time called for it but now, in her excitement to see him, her personality was a bit closer to Mana's exuberence.
“good evening, Savira,” he said, kissing her on the cheek. She giggled.
“good evening Atemu. Thank you for the dress.” She grinned.
“I cannot take credit for it. Tearrah and Mana saw it and thought of you. I applaud their taste. You look stunnning.” He said as he led her to her seat at the special two person table the servants set up. Savira blushed.
“thank you. what is all this?” she asked sitting down on the chair he pulled out for her. The table was set with beautiful flowers and there were two candles lit, the only light in the dark hall.
“nothing much, it's just that it has been 3 years since you and I met and I have some thing to give you.” he replied smoothly, taking his seat.
“really? Time passes swiftly,” she remarked, staring into the candlelight thoughtfully.
“it does…it truly does,”
after dinner and dancing to music that was played by the palace musicians, Atemu led her to the balcony. The two watched in contented silence as the sun set in the west alighting the sky with it's myrid of hues.
“Atemu…didn't you wish to give me something?” she asked.
“that I do. Savira, you still don't remember all that of your past, am I not right?”
“then I wish to know…wiould you let me become part of your future?” he asked, presenting her with a small crystal box. Silently, Savira toook it from him and opened it. Her eyes widened at what she saw.
It was a silver ring with various semi precious stones set in the band and in the center was a single Diamond. In the band was the word `Atemu's' in hyroglyphics.
She looked at him and he held out his hand. Trembling she placed the ring in his and and he slid it onto her finger. It fit perfectly. He pulled her to him, an arm around her waist.
“Savira…will you marry me?” he whispered in her ear.
In response, she pressed her lips to his-
And her mind exploded.
Suddenly, she could remember who she was, where she was from and why she was in egypt in the first place. She was an assasin sent to kill him!
Gasping, she pushed him away turning to the balcony with alarm as more details seeped into her mind.
“Savira? Savira what's wrong?” Atemu asked, alarmed at her sudden behavior. He reached out to touch her shoulder, and she slapped his hand away.
“Atemu… please…don't touch me…I'm not worthy to be with you…” she whimpered as tears filled her eyes. Why? Why must she remember now?
“what do you mean? Of course you are meant to be with me Savira. What nonsense it this-“
“Atemu…do you recall the messenger 5 years back? The one in the red clothes?”
“ yes, but how do you know about that? You weren't even her-“
without a word. She changed into her Diamond form, the red cloak materializing around her as she heard Atemu gasp.
“I am that messenger.”
b-but that is impossible…it can't be!” he flustered. She sighed and walked toward him and gently put a hand to his face.
“but it is love, it is. I am Savira, daughter of Nar and Nirvana who, here are called Osiris and Isis. I am the neice of Anubis and my uncle has trained me all my 70,000 plus years the way of the assasin. When I first came here, I was assigned the mission to kill you. after my failed attempt in Nubia, after you proposed to Tearrah, I fled to the desert and was met with a multitude of sandstorms, which erased my memeory,” she explained, watching as pain flooded into his eyes.
“so now you must kill me?” he whispered, hurt in his voice.
“no! no, I wish not to do that. But if I do not, Anubis would kill me. So…I must leave-“
“NO!” Atemu shouted, pulling her close, holding her tightly. She couldn't see his face but could feel his tears on the back of the neck and the way his arms trembled as he held her.
“but Atemu, I must go. If I do not, Anubis will come here and not only kill me but you as well.”
“I don't care. I don't want you to leave me Savira. If he kills us both, so be it. I will see you in the afterlife.” He said, sounding like a child.
“no Atemu, listen,” she said, turning and holding his face in her hands, “you are the Pharaoh, your people need you to lead them. Don't be selfish.”
“I have always been told not to be selfish but this once I wish to be. I want you here, by my side, until death do us part, until the end of time. I won't let you go. I refuse to!”
she smiles at him sadly and kisses him on the lips. As the sky darkens, he kisses her back letting her taste his desperation.
Those who could see them on the balcony could see her pull away and as night fell, fly away from her love.
one of those watching was Yamira, who smiled as Atemu leaned heavily against the balcony ledge, sorrow sagging his shoulders. She slinked over to him, a grin on her features. She wrappped her arms around him, her grin widening when he didn't push away.
“well Atemu, you'll always have me,” she purred in his ear, pressing herself against him.
Abruptly, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her in front of her. When she looked into his face, his pupils were rapidly changing to black. He smirked, his enlongating canines gleaming in the moonlight.
“that I do, Yamira, that I do…”
Mitzumi: sobbing
Yami: rolls eyes you knew this was going to happen. What the hell are you going to do at the end of the trilogy?
Mitzumi: sniff cry some more?
Yami: whatever. hands her a box of Kleenex
Mitzumi: blows nose one more chappy to go then the epilouge. Plz R&R&R can't hold it in, cries more
Yami: sighs you're such a emo…