Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Falling From Grace ❯ Chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Falling From Grace
Chapter 26.
"Potion?", Mokuba asked.
Yami also asked, "Tea.....what potion are you talking about?"
But Tea ignored them, and looked down at the ground, saying, "Look, Kaiba......I know there were times I wasn't very nice to you, and I was wrong. I'd do anything now, just to make you look at me, acknowledge me. Please......I need you."
"I'm curious to know the answer to their question, as well", Kaiba said. "What potion, Gardner?"
"It......it was a love potion", Tea said. "That day when it was just the two of us in class, I slipped it in your coffee. Joey wasn't supposed to show up." Tea then snapped, "It was supposed to be ME! You were supposed to love ME!!"
"What??", Yami asked. "Tea.......where did you get this potion from?"
"You drugged my brother??", Mokuba asked in shock.
"Coffee?", Tristan asked, scratching his head. "Wasn't that the day that Kaiba, you, and Joey were all together after school? I think I forgot my homework that day....."
"Yeah, that's right!", Joey grinned, remembering that. "Everyone had the flu that day. You went in to get your homework, before the Janitor came and snagged it. It's kinda sad that he's dead, now....."
"Wait a minute!", Tristan blurted, suddenly remembering something else. "But, if that was the day....then *I* drank that coffee, too!!"
Joey looked at Tristan confused, as the information slowly seeped through the rusted gears in his brain. 'Tristan was drugged. But, he didn't act different....did he? Well, except for having a weird crush on the Janitor, he.....'
Finally, the concept slapped Joey in the face. Tristan on the other hand, still didn't get it, as he began to question, "Does that mean I'm poisoned? Am I going to die or something?"
But Joey somehow managed to finally understand and blurted out, "Hey! Is that why......that's why Tristan fell for the Janitor, isn't it? I got it, now!"
Joey grinned, patting himself on the back, as he muttered, "Man....I'm so smart I sometimes scare myself. But, wait a minute! Then that would mean, the reason Tristan liked that Janitor guy, is cause he also drank the coffee!"
Tea looked over at the two, not seeming to care in the least over how the two dumbest people in the room were piecing that day together, as if they were some kind of brainiac detectives. Instead, she sourly responded, "Yes. Tristan's the reason I got into this whole mess in the first place. Like an idiot, I tried to help him out when I realized what happened to him. But, once a love potion affects a person, it can't be undone......that's what Marik told me."
"You went to Marik for this potion??", Yami asked, appalled.
"But, that don't make sense. I mean.....Tristan's okay, now", Joey said.
"I know", Tea said. "I had to make a Shadow Pact with a duel monster to have Gumcruff killed.....it's the only way to break him free of the potion's magic."
Now everyone looked at her in shock and horror that she would actually do that. Well....except maybe Kaiba. Yugi mentally said, 'Then all those times she was gone......it wasn't to see some boyfriend. She was making arrangements to have someone murdered!'
Kaiba then gave a smirk, saying, "So.....finally your true colors show, Gardner. I knew you were fake."
"Please, don't shun me for this!!", Tea pleaded. "Don't you see, it was the only way! I didn't mean for Tristan to be infected......I forgot about the coffee cup! I didn't realize anyone else would drink out of it! It was an accident! I was willing to do anything for my friend, even kill for him! Don't you see that I'm so loyal to those I care for, I'd do even that? Wouldn't you do the same for those you love....kill in order to free them??"
Only now did Tea show remorse, but not for Tristan. It was only to try and get Kaiba's affections. She dropped to her hands and knees, begging, "Forgive me. I know I tried to hurt you with that potion. I'd do anything to change what I did! I was so wrong....."
At this point, Yami changed back to Yugi. "So, the reason you were trying to give Kaiba that love potion was........to hurt him?"
"I'm sorry......", she whispered in despair. "I was terrible for thinking that way." She then looked up at Kaiba, saying, "You're the only light I see, now. I'll do anything for you! Anything, just say it! Anything you want! Just don't hate me......."
"But, what is this Shadow Pact thingee you were talking about?", Joey asked.
"I'm not talking to you! You don't even deserve his affection! Don't you get it, yet? The only reason he cares for you, is because he looked at you first after drinking it!", Tea snapped.
Yami gasp, just now realizing. 'Kaiba's not battling this duel to have the right to hurt Joey. He's......fighting 'for' Joey's affections!'
'That's why he had a Red Eyes Black Dragon in his deck. He was trying to show Joey how he felt!', Yugi also exclaimed, also just getting it now.
'Of course.....that's what he was trying to tell me in the duel. How could I not see it?', Yami thought back.
"That's enough!", Kaiba snapped, causing Tea to cower again. "Don't you dare talk to him that way. He asked you a question, Gardner......so don't stop there. By all means, continue. Besides, I'm curious to know what other damage you might have caused. If you'll really do anything for me, as you say....then you'll answer the questions."
"For you........I'll confess all", Tea said dreamily to Kaiba, so happy that he was listening to her. As agreed, Tea continued. "A Shadow Pact is some ceremony that let's me make a deal with a Duel Monster. I asked this creature to kill Gumcruff, and in return I have to do something."
"And what did you do?", Mokuba asked, huddling behind his brother in frightened curiosity.
"Nothing much......he had me drink something. It wasn't a love potion.....but I felt so cold. I realized afterwards that Kaiba was the only light left in this world. I have to have him! But, as long as Kaiba was under that spell, the only way to free him was......to kill Joey", Tea said.
Kaiba's eyes widened in horror and realization. "So then, 'you' were the one that hired that group of thugs!"
"But......they're your friends!", Mokuba said, still huddling behind Kaiba.
Yami was equally shocked. He had his suspicions that Kaiba was behind that whole scene. Never in a million years did he think Tea would ever be responsible for such an act. Tea was their friend....or so he thought.
"They aren't my friends, anymore!", Tea protested. She looked back towards Kaiba, saying, "You're all that matters. I know what I did might sound terrible to you now, but that's only because of the potion you drank. When Joey's dead, you wont feel that way, anymore. You'll probably wonder why you even acted that way around him. You don't really love him! I'm trying to save you!!"
"How could you.......?", Yugi said, barely a whisper. He stood there, trembling....hearing the horror that Tea caused. He couldn't believe this was the same person he called friend, the same person he thought he cared for......even more than a friend.
Joey was concerned for Yugi, knowing how sensitive he could be. But at the same time, he was curious about something else, and just had to ask. "Hirutani aint the type to listen to a woman. Plus, he told us he got some bonus for the job. So, how'd you do it? How'd you pay him?", Joey asked.
"With myself", she said, casually rubbing at her chest. "The whole gang took me as a bonus, and was going to have me again when you were dead. But they failed."
The whole room quieted for that moment, frozen in stunned silence from the knowledge Tea just shared to everyone. She sold herself to Hirtani's entire gang, in order to have Joey killed. Tea, the one who always preached of friendship and togetherness....she ended up doing all this so that she could selfishly have Kaiba for herself.
"Were there anymore death attempts we should be aware of?", Kaiba asked.
She nodded. "I tried to make a deal with Bakura. I gave myself to him, too......but he refused afterwards, and threw me out. So, then I tried to give myself to Marik, to make another Shadow Pact. And he was willing to do it again for free, but another monster wouldn't come to serve me......."
"Enough! I've heard ENOUGH!!", Yami yelled, after taking over for Yugi, once again.
By this time, Yugi was an emotional mess. The woman he thought could do no wrong had slept with 1/2 of the scum of Domino, in order to have his best friend killed......and all of this started from Tea wanting to be evil and vindictive towards Kaiba. And for what? Because he said something she didn't like? 'No......she's not the person I thought she was', Yugi thought, now huddled in a ball in his protective soul room.
As for Yami, he presently looked very dark and foreboding, as he looked down at Tea in sheer disgust. "The cruelty of what you have done is beyond anything I could ever imagine you doing. You hurt Tristan, permanently cursed Kaiba, tried to kill Joey, and you even murdered the Janitor! And for Yugi......you broke his heart." Yami then pointed down at her, and snapped, "I will never forgive you for what you've done!!"
And the instant Yami said that, he felt something hollow hit his heart......their bond was now permanently broken. Even Tea looked up in surprise as Yami announced this, with a moment of confusion and uncertainty in her eyes.....as if even she too had felt the loss.
"So much for friendship.....", Kaiba smirked. "Just keep one thing in mind......nothing controls me. Whatever this so-called curse is that Gardner's talking about.....she's wrong." He then looked over at Joey, repeating, "She's dead wrong."
Everyone was now quiet.....there was nothing else to be said over what they had found out. Tea remained strangely quiet after Yami's announcement. But despite everything that was said, she still didn't have even the faintest hint of regret in her eyes.
Kaiba finally turned back to Yami, facing him. The Pharaoh looked weary after his announcement to Tea....but Kaiba didn't care. They still had a duel to finish, and he certainly wasn't going to back down and let it go, now. No matter what the tainted friendship girl had claimed about him.....he would still prove his feelings to Joey.
"Let's finish this", he said to his opponent, waiting for the duel to go on.
Yami nodded in agreement. Despite his weariness, he was ready to continue.
There was little strength left in Yami to offer much of a fight. After that speech from Tea, Yami had lost any power left in him to be victorious. He was battling for Tea, but the faith he and Yugi had in her was shattered. He was fighting for Joey....but under the circumstances of what Kaiba was going through, he no longer saw the need.
The only thing that kept him going was because Yami refused to back down in a game, his pride never allowing himself to surrender. Plus he was battling Kaiba, and knew his opponent would be angry if he simply 'gave up'....especially after all those past speeches Yami gave about a 'true duelist never surrenders'. As it was, Yugi was no longer with him fighting, and Yami was doing it alone.
As for Kaiba, he was fighting to win Joey over.....a much more noble cause than his usual battle. And after Tea's speech, he had a new point to prove......that his feelings for Joey were true. He wasn't sure if he had any cards in his deck that would help make that point, but he was willing to try. And Kaiba's determination to have Joey never faltered in the least, as it came out in the ferocity of his battle.
Kaiba was victorious. And when he won, Yami nearly collapsed.
Joey and Tristan both supported Yami, to keep him from falling over. "I'll be all right.....", he panted. "I just need some rest."
"You did it, big brother! I knew you could do it!", Mokuba said, jumping up and down. As Kaiba was putting his deck away, Mokuba noticed one card fall to the ground. "Oh, Seto......you dropped one."
Kaiba picked it up. "That's strange.....this is one of my older cards. How did Saggi get back in my deck?"
The Dark Clown had watched the Duel from the Shadow Realm and laughed evilly to himself. 'I will always be loyal to you, master. The Pharaoh's bond was permanently broken, and now your title is forever yours again......'
Kaiba now approached Joey, who looked up at him. He gave Kaiba a smile and chuckled. "Ya know.....I gotta admit, I originally didn't expect you to win. I guess it just proves that when you want something that much, you'll do anything to get it."
"I told you I would win. You should learn to have more faith in me. Now, I've come to claim my prize....." Without caring about anyone else around him, Kaiba pulled Joey to him and kissed him with everything he had.
The motion seemed to take everyone off-guard. It's one thing for Tea to claim that Kaiba had feelings for Joey, but totally another to witness it first-hand.
And what was even more stunning was that Joey kissed back, without a hint of resistance.
Joey was no longer trying to push him away. He had intently watched every aspect of that duel. And what Joey's stupidity could not work out in his head from Kaiba's words, seemed to come out for him loud and clear from the battle. Kaiba used Joey's favorite card. Infact, Kaiba sacrificed his own soul card to bring out Joey's card and play it as his champion. Yes, Joey being a true duelist had finally understood what Kaiba was trying to say. He was expressing how the two of them could work together, no matter the situation. And just as Kaiba had won against Yami, he was proving this unity would work....no matter how odd it seemed to be, or how strangely it fit together..
Yugi's spirit now emerged from Yami, after finally able to peal himself back out of his protective soul room. He was happy to see the sight before him, as the two kissed, glad that atleast something good actually came out of this.
'Well.....I guess Kaiba's right', Yugi said to Yami. 'I mean, if it's mutual......then it's hardly something you can call a curse, right?'
"Seto!!", Mokuba suddenly blurted.
Kaiba broke his hold on Joey, to see why his brother suddenly cried out for him in alarm.
Everyone turned, shocked to see that Tea suddenly had Mokuba in a throat-hold, and aiming a box-cutter at his younger brother's neck, that unfortunately a KC worker had carelessly left behind. She looked clearly insane, and Mokuba was frightened....not sure what to think.
"Mokuba!", Kaiba cried, immediately pushing onto the KC intercom on his collar.
"You bastard!!", Tea screamed in hysterics. "It was supposed to be ME to run to, not Joey!! Why do you think I told you all that.....for my health?? You OWE ME!!"
At that point, Kaiba's security surrounded Tea, but didn't come near with her threatening to hurt Mokuba. Kaiba was not very happy with what he was seeing. Even 'he' didn't fathom that she'd try something this stupid.
"Let him go, Tea.....you've caused enough damage!", Yami commanded. He so much wanted to banish Tea into the shadow realm....but he couldn't. Yami had lost his battle, and at present.....he was powerless.
"You think I'm lying, don't you!", Tea spat, at Kaiba....unable to hear anything else but her own obsession for Kaiba. "You honestly don't think the potion's the cause of this. Well then, I'm going to prove it to you!! If you want Mokuba to live, Kaiba.....then kill Joey!"
"You clearly are insane", Kaiba muttered.
"Am I? Think about it. You'd do anything for your brother, wouldn't you? Wouldn't YOU!! Well, if that's the case, then you shouldn't even hesitate to do whatever you have to to save him. But you can't even think about hurting Joey, can you?? Do you think that's natural.....a cold-blooded person like you unable to hurt someone you once couldn't stand?? You don't have to be a slave to this.....if he dies, you're free!!", Tea ranted.
Kaiba wasn't even humoring the possibility of her insane prattling. He was trying to think of a way to break Mokuba from her. Joey or not......he wouldn't kill anyone in the first place. And he'd never believe that would convince her to let his brother go, even if he did. It was a moot point played on the tactics of a crazy woman.
And Mokuba was especially not happy on the situation, either. Once again, he was being used as a tool against his brother. Personally.....he was sick of everyone using him against Seto. And now even one of Yugi's supposed friends was doing it! But with Tea watching the security, and Yugi's friends, and Seto.....there was no way she was going to be able to focus on him, allowing Mokuba to successfully make a move of his own.
As hard as he possibly could, Mokuba tromped on Tea's spike-healed foot, allowing himself to get freed and run from her. Before Tea could do anything else but scream in pain, the guards were immediately on her, holding her tightly.....and dis-arming her of her weapon.
Mokuba was now firmly in Kaiba's grasp, as he pointed towards her, saying, "Get her out of here. She is not to ever step foot near Kaiba property again!"
The guards immediately dragged Tea away, with her kicking and screaming the whole way, swearing she'd get her revenge.
Yugi finally re-emerged, and looked down in shame, saying, "I'm sorry, Kaiba. I can't believe what Tea had turned into."
"I don't hold anyone responsible for her behavior, Yugi. That rests solely on her", Kaiba answered.
Joey then approached, asking, "Kaiba.....could she be right?"
Kaiba looked over at Joey, asking back, "About what?"
"Well.....", Joey muttered. "What if you only think you care about me, cuz of what she gave you?" Kaiba was also hoping such thoughts would be deterred after the battle. Sadly, that obviously wasn't the case.
"You're going to believe the ranting's from someone that should be locked up?", Kaiba asked, not amused.
Joey looked down. "It's just that.....we all seen what it did to Tristan, right?"
"Wait a minute, now! Don't get me involved in this!", Tristan said. "I'm fine!"
"But, don't you get it?", Joey asked Tristan. "You're fine cuz she murdered the janitor. What if what he feels aint really......real?"
"I've all ready told you, mutt......nothing controls me. You think you can compare that weak-willed nobody of a friend with me?", Kaiba spat.
"Hey!", Tristan snapped, taking offense.
Kaiba then gave a cold smirk, saying, "Fine. Do you really want me to do as she says in order to prove her wrong to you?"
"No!", Joey swallowed in a panic, putting his hands up, as he clearly remembered Tea's proof was to kill him.
"Then enough of this nonsense. I wont hear anymore of it", Kaiba stated, glaring down at Joey and daring him to say, otherwise.
Joey gave a smile, replying, "Okay." He then approached Kaiba, adding, "But, let's just make sure it stays that way."
He pulled out his own deck of cards and filed through it. Joey then pulled out one of the cards, and handed it to Kaiba. "Here."
Kaiba took the card, as the others crowded around to see what Joey just gave him. It was Joey's own REBD. Kaiba looked down at Joey, waiting for an explanation.
"If you're gonna prove that these two types of dragon cards can work together....then ya gotta have the right card", Joey grinned.
'Joey's own soul card!', Yugi thought in surprise. 'He's giving it to Kaiba!'
"What do you want for it?", Kaiba then asked him.
"What do I want for it? What the hell is that supposed ta mean?? Don't ya know what a gift is, when you see it??", Joey snapped.
"I don't accept charity."
"Charity??!", Joey wailed, ready to start a fight with his new boyfriend. Tristan had to hold him back, as he continued to rank, "What, you can give gifts to me, but I can't give any to you?? I'll show you charity! Just wait till I get my hands on you!!"
Tristan grinned, saying, "Relax, Joey. I'm sure you wouldn't mind letting Kaiba give you one of his cards in exchange, sometime....right?"
"Huh??" That calmed Joey down immediately, as he thought about what card Kaiba might give him to hang onto in return.
Kaiba simply turned away, pretending not to care, as he non-challantly placed Joey's Red Eyes into his deck......replacing it for the other black dragon.
Tea was now gone, the threat was over, and all was quiet once again. Joey now turned to his friends with his head-down, saying, "Uh.....listen. I know this is probably kind a strange, but......I don't care, anymore. I made up my mind. I.....I'm with him. And if no one likes that and thinks I'm too weird cuz of it, then that's just tough nuggies. So, uh......you guys got a problem with that??"
Kaiba felt pride to hear Joey finally accepting him without fear, and waited to see what the others had to say to him.
Tristan smiled, rubbing the back of his hair. "Really, Joey......after what I went through, I'd say you had the better deal. Who am I to argue? But, could you atleast put in a good word to your sister for me? Please??"
"What??", Joey snapped. "No way! You keep yer hands off my sister!"
Yugi smiled, relieved to know that the spark of happiness was still in his friends, despite the loss of one from their group. "You know it doesn't matter to me, Joey. You're my best friend, no matter who you're with. Besides......maybe with you seeing Kaiba, he might actually stop over to visit more often."
The look on Kaiba's face clearly showed disinterest in Yugi's idea.
Mokuba ran over, saying, "Gee, big brother.....that sounds like fun!"
Joey then turned back to Kaiba and smirked, giving a playful elbow in his side. "Yugi's got a point there. You gonna hang with me more, you gonna hang with them, too. It's a package deal, I'm afraid. You'd do that for me, wouldn't ya??"
Kaiba sighed, feeling a headache coming on. The things you do for love. "I suppose....."
And with those words, a new hope began to fill Yugi's heart. He may have lost a good friend from the loop, but maybe there would be someone to help fill that void. And things could still be okay in the end.......
Narr: Awww......a happy ending. But, wait! It's not the ending! The epilogue isn't even here yet. So, what does this mean??
Next week: Tea's honesty did not help her at all. If anything, it only made matters worst for her. So, now Tea wants revenge! What's Tea going to do next week?? One thing for sure.....all hell's gonna break loose!
Note on 26: You should all know that I headached over this chapter for too long, trying to get the full meaning out of everything I was trying to say. I'm still not sure how good it came out, and hopefully it wasn't too bad. But, I wasn't going to try and delay it further and continue to edit something that I'll probably see as absolutely right. Everyone probably gets that one chapter that never looks right to them, and this one's it for me. Hope it came out okay for the rest of you, anyway.
But, guess what, folks? Today, we're back with the 'guessing' awards! And here they are:
Congratulations to Growing Pain! In Chapter 12, you succeeded in guessing that Tea would reveal everything to Kaiba on what she had done! Good job!
Congratulations to Rubisora! In Chapter 23, you guessed that Tea would hold Mokuba hostage in a lame attempt to get what she wants. Then again, Yugioh can't be Yugioh without the occasional Mokuba kidnapping! ;)
Also atleast a semi-congrats to Growing Pain! In just the last chapter (Chapter 25), he guessed that Joey would turn on Kaiba, questioning him on his true feelings due to the potion. Well, he didn't exactly turn on him....but you still got some points, since Joey did atleast question him on it. Good try, you were so close!
Then a double congratulations to both Rubisora (chapter 12) and Dannita (chapter 17)! Both of you had successfully guessed that Kaiba was Saggi's master all along (even if Kaiba wasn't at all aware of Saggi's actions on his behalf). Even though I attempted to swerve you both from that frame of mind for suspense sake (yeah, I'm so mean), you both did an awesome job!
markyc58: Yeah, the whole potion thing makes it really complicated. Don't know if Tea can be redeemed, especially after this chapter. But, you never know. We'll find out, as the story continues to progress. And yeah, sorry about the cliff-hanger. But, there was no other way to do it. As you see, this whole conversation practically took a chapter in itself. ;p
rubisora: Heh.....yep, Joey can be pretty dense. But, then...when we're talking about understanding magic, the more dense one in that situation is probably Kaiba. Agreed.....never in a million years would Yami expect Kaiba to have a Red Eyes in his deck. That definitely threw the game-king off guard, which is probably a good way to battle him. If he knows a person's dueling style, that's never a good thing. Oh, I hate the store costumes, especially when based on a show. They always make them so tacky. Yeah, that hair I can imagine is pretty tough. How to make it gravity-defying, multi-colored, and not look like you have glue or plastic on your head??
Lady Psychic: I know....that cliff-hanger was probably pretty bad. But I couldn't find a better place to stop it. And if I did the whole conversation last chapter, it would have been 2 chapters+ long. Hopefully, this chapter helps to answer everyone's questions all at once to make up for it. ;)
Growing Pain: Glad you liked the chapter.
Celestialfae: Huh?? Did you review the right story?? I don't recall this fic being very political, but let me think. Hmm.....I guess Tea broke that code, since people have the right to.....not be drugged. Saggi broke that same law, but who's gonna arrest a duel monster? Tea definitely broke a couple laws, by threatening Mokuba this chapter. But then at the same time.....we're not even talking about America. All these characters are Japanese and this is taking place in Domino City, Japan. So, even if they did break some kind of constitutional law in the US (somehow), I don't they'd really care since they're not in that country. But thanks for the review anyway, and I hope you enjoy the story (if you got the right one.....). ;p
Ninjitsu/Dimples: Heh.....yeah, I had a lot of complaints on the cliff-hanger last chapter. Sorry to everyone on that. I know it was a bad one....probably the worst I've had, so far. But again, if I didn't do it that way, it would have ended up being a 2-chapter long section, which might have been a bit too long. If it helps though, another story that I normally read ended up having an even crueler cliff-hanger than mine. I guess what they say is true.....payback's a bitch. Of course that person probably doesn't even ready my fic. But, it still WASN'T FAIR!!! Life is so cruel!! (whine, snivel.....) So, here's your part 2 update. Hopefully this chapter makes everyone happy. It even sounds like an ending, even if it isn't. ;p