Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Memories ❯ Forbidden Memories Chapter 5:Revelations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Forbidden Memories

Chapter 5:Revelations

~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Cairo,Egypt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Isis!!!!! Where does this guy LIVE!!!"

Marik was back to whining, but this time Ishizu didn't blame him. The sun had fully risen and it was too hot to be walking all the way to where Ishizu's friend lived.

"Just a few more minutes." Ishizu reassured her brother knowing that it would do no good no matter what she said.

"That's what you said a gazillion years ago!!!!"

"Here have some water and stop whining!"

"I can't stop whining and I'm not thirsty!"

Nonetheless Marik took the water bottle and drank half of it.

"Not thirsty?" Ishizu shook her head. "We're here!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! This guy lives in some kind of tomb!!"

"Yep." Ishizu started to climb down the stairs when she noticed that her brother was still staring at the tomb."What is it?"

"I don't like tombs, Isis, you know that."

"Oh c'mon, just for a few minutes."

But Marik shook his head and remained where he was."No! I don't want to go in there, it's dirty, and grimy, and ... dark"

Ishizu smiled, thinking of how her brother was still afraid of the dark at his age.

"It's NOT funny!"

"No, I guess it's not," Ishizu agreed, "but don't worry I'll be-"

She was cut off by a heavily accented voice saying,"I can give you the information you seek outside if you wish."

Ishizu turned around. There on the step below hers was the person she was looking for. Her long time friend.
"Shadi!" she said and hugged him. Shadi felt awkward and just half-heartedly hugged her back."Where have you been all this time!?!" she continued.

"Here, there, everywhere, how's the Necklace and the Rod."

"They're fine," she said pointing to her huge bag," What you're not going to ask about us?"

Marik came to Ishizu and whispered,"Are you serious? This is the strange guy from last time!"

"Yes, I know." Then Ishizu said to Shadi,"This is Marik, you know him."

"He's grown up a lot,"said Shadi almost sadly.

Finally Marik spoke to Shadi."How did you know us ... you knew where we lived and our life and stuff. How'd you know! Did you like stalk us!"

Shadi looked at Ishizu. "Tell him Isis, tell him our little secret."

"Well," Ishizu began,"he's kind of ... well, he's ... Marik, Shadi is your brother.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Yugi's House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yugi yelled.
"How the HELL did that thing get here!" Yami was in shock, complete shock. He grabbed Yugi and pulled him inside. "Grampa, call the police.
Yugi was in shock.
Yami was cussing a mile a minute. "Who the HELL is doing this?!?! What the HELL do they want from me?!?! Fuc*ing Psychos!!!!"

There was a knock on the door. Yami went to see who it was, he threw the door open. It was the girl called, Yamila. She said,"I know what happened."

"Good for you!" snapped Yami.

"We have to go as soon as possible! Who knows who might be next," She said desperately. Yami was now pacing. She continued,"It could be Yugi."

"Alright! Alright! I'll ask Kaiba, but I know he'll say no!"

"Go now!"

"I know, I know! But you're coming with me!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at Cairo, Egypt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Marik was in shock. "NO! No, you can't be serious."

Ishizu sighed. "I'm afraid I am serious."

"Then why didn't HE get the damn scars!!" Marik was angry now. "Why! This isn't fair!"
Marik was crying now, tears of rage.

Shadi said," Our mother, Ishara, she hid me away from our father, Saaid. Marik, I grew up alone in secret." Shadi went to Marik. "I am so sorry, I would have never left you to get that cursed ritual, if I had known. I swear."

Marik had stopped crying. "Yeah well, whatever. Can you translate Latin for us, there's this scroll that's in Latin."

"Let me see." Ishizu handed the scroll to Shadi. He frowned. This says that the Gates of Hell have been opened unleashing a great evil onto the world. It says at the end "Memento Mori".

"What's Memento Mori mean?" asked Marik.

"It means ... Remember, you will die," Shadi thought for a moment,"this is a prophecy."

Suddenly a tall man, dressed in a heavy black cloak, appeared and grabbed Marik and pinned him to the floor. He grabbed a rag and pressed it to Marik's nose and mouth ... in seconds Marik was knocked out. Meanwhile two other guys had arrived in a huge truck and had captured Ishizu and Shadi. Shadi fought like a mad-man trying to free himself, but to no avail. The tall man threw Marik in the truck and removed his cloak. Shadi stopped struggling when he saw who it was. "You...," he managed to choke out. The despicable man replied,"Yes, Shadi Ishtar, me! Now give me the Millennium Items and I'll kill you last. Perhaps I won't kill little Isis at all, provided she stay with me as my personal whore.

Shadi felt a surge of anger. How dare he speak in such a way to his sister. "Shem en Duat, you fucking bastard!!!!!!!

The man went to Shadi and grabbed him by the throat. Shadi's eyes grew wide as his oxygen was painfully cut off. The man spoke in a dangerous tone,"Be careful who you send to hell, little Shadi, remember I can kill you easily. Oh yes, remember what my name is?" his grip tightened."Let me refresh your memory. It's Master Heishin to you." With that he threw Shadi to the ground and grabbed Ishizu. She tried struggling to get free, but Heishin was strong. With a single hand he knocked her to the wall, and she was unconscious One of his henchmen caught her and proceeded to put her in the truck. The other was currently fighting with Shadi. Finally with the last of his strength, Shadi created a portal, and escaped. Heishin frowned. "Oh well, we still have one more thing to do before we go after spike-head."

The man who was fighting with Shadi approached Heishin and asked," What is it we have to do, Master Heishin?"

"We have another friend of spike-head's to kill and we have an "old friend" of mine to recruit. Come along now Senmut, we must plan our next attack."

The one called Senmut was silent for a moment, then spoke again. "May I ask, Master Heishin, who this "old friend" is?"

"You know him," began Heishin,"we destroyed the village of Kuru Eruna to get the Millennium Power, but there was one survivor. He's my old friend."

"You mean-" Senmut began but was cut off by his master.

"Yes, yes, Senmut. I speak of the thief, one called Bakura. Yami Bakura, to be exact.

A/N: DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!! I know there is no proof whatsoever that Shadi is related to the Ishtars at all but it kind of makes sense ... doesn't it????? I mean, why would a Pharaoh want more than ONE family guarding his tomb...
So, uh, R&R and tell me what you think of it so far. Oh yeah! Shem en Duat means Go to Hell. And the rag had chloroform on it so it knocked poor Makky out >.<