Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Forbidden Memories ❯ Forbidden Memories Chapter 7:The Next Move ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Forbidden Memories
Chapter 7:The Next Move

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Bakura's Apartment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bakura was just sitting down to eat his microwaved dinner when he heard his Yami yell out from the bedroom,"Little Bakura!!!! Come in here!!!!! I want a word with you." Fearing the worst Bakura stood up and went in his room. Yami Bakura was sprawled across the bed, a cold can of Budweiser in his hand.
"Yep I knew it," thought Bakura. He went and sat on the bed. His spirit sat up and put an arm around Bakura.

"You know what?" he asked in a drunken voice,"You are my only friend in the world. Cold, dark, lonely world. You try and you try, but you just can't get what you want. So you try and try again." He sniffed. "But the truth is, you'll never get it!"

Bakura was annoyed at his spirit for getting drunk and interrupting his dinner. Now his drunken breath was making Bakura lose his appetite. Yami Bakura was now hugging Bakura and wailing loudly. He sniffed. "Now be a darling and get me my dinner."
Yami Bakura finally let go of Bakura, who walked to the kitchen to get his spirit some of his microwaved turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy. When he entered the room to give his spirit his dinner, he saw Yami Bakura passed out. Bakura put down the plate and sat on the bed. He leaned over his Yami and poked him in the ribs. His spirit yelled out,"No I'm the Pharaoh! Leave my baby alone." Then he grabbed his lighter side, rolled off the bed, and landed on the floor with a thud on top of Bakura. All the while he had been holding his Hikari tightly. He now whispered,"We're being attacked by the Syrians. We must seek shelter in Karnak."
Bakura who was now being squashed choked out,"Get offa me!" He rolled over and escaped from Yami Bakura's grasp.
"I got you your food, now leave me alone."
"Is it that time of the month for you little Hikari?" asked the darker one and snickered.
Bakura pouted. "You are so mean!"
"And you're ugly."
"And you're a drunken brute!"
"And you're a fluffy bunny!" With that the evil spirit of the Ring started laughing uncontrollably. Bakura just stared.
"Fluffy Bunny! Fluffy Bunny! Fluffy Bunny! Fluffy Bunny! Fluffy Bunny! Bluffy Funny!" Then suddenly, Yami Bakura saw food, ran to the plate and proceeded to gobble everything up. Then after licking the plate clean, quite literally. He passed out again. By now Bakura really wasn't hungry anymore. So, he went to watch T.V.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Yugi's house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yami fell to his knees from the shock. He tried to keep his composture, but to no avail. The tears came uncontrollably. How could this have happened. Joey ... his best friend ... was now gone.
Yugi hurried over to his spirit and hugged him. Yugi too was crying. Neither of them saw Yamila approach Joey's dead body.
"Do not grieve over your friend, he is not truly gone."
This was a new voice. Yugi looked up.
"Shadi! What do you mean he's not gone?"
"Look at the one you call the Queen."
Both Yugi and Yami looked as a man with the head of a jackal rose up from the ground. He was holding a sphere in his hand. He held it out in front of Joey, and the sphere began to grow. It grew until it had reached the shape of a person. It settled on top of Joey and it seemed to sink through him. Then all the glow disappeared and the man with the head of a jackal vanished. Joey opened his eyes and sat up.
"Where am I?"
Yugi couldn't believe his eyes. He threw himself at Joey.
"Joey! I thought you were... Oh I'm so happy to see you!"
"Little guy! What's wrong? It's like I was dead or something. Don't worry Yug. I'll always be with ya. Now, do you have anything to eat?"
Yami stood up. He turned to Shadi."How ... how did that happen?"
Shadi looked at Yamila. "Ask her, she'll explain. Right now I have no time. Heishin is going after Yami Bakura. I won't let him. Good-bye and good luck." With that he vanished through the floor.
Yami turned to Yamila. "Alright fess up."
She took something out of her pocket. It was a little triangular rock.
Yami stared. "It's a rock," he said finally.
"No Atemu .. this is not a rock. This is Anubis' Secret. This is the Eight Millennium Item.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Bakura's Apartment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bakura was bored. He was flipping through the channels and was about to fall asleep on the couch, when out of the corner of his eye he saw something move. He whipped around. It was a man, coming through the door! Bakura cried out. The man looked at him with a murdersome look in his eyes. Bakura tried to run, but he was frozen with fear. "A ghost," he thought. "It's a ghost and he wants to kill me! The man started a chant, the words were barely audible, as he mumbled the spell. Bakura covered his face with his hands as he waited for the blow to come. But it never came. Cautiously he opened one eye and saw that the man was sticking talismans with the head of a very ugly creature, on all four wall of the room, the door, windows, the sink, the bathtub, the toilet, ever opening in the house. Bakura just stared. Finally he found his voice.
"What are you doing."
The man had finished and walked over to Bakura. "I am putting up talismans."
"To make sure no evil enters your apartment."
"Okay, who are you?"
"My name is Shadi Ishtar. I am a tomb-keeper and guardian of the Millennium Items."
"Ishtar ... you're related to-"
"Marik and Ishizu Ishtar."
"And Odion, too."
Shadi was silent for a moment.
"Yeah, yeah."
Bakura wanted to ask him something but didn't know if the question would be too rude. He decided to take his chances.
"Are you ... are you a ghost?"
"Prove it."
Shadi held out his hand. Bakura reached up to touch it, but found that he was too afraid.
"Go on," reassured Shadi.
Bakura put one finger on Shadi's hand then pulled away.
"Ok, ok you're not a ghost."
"Nope, I'm going to stay with you until all of this is over."
"All of what?"
"Sit down, this is a long story."
~~~~~~~~~~~Outside Bakura's Apartment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Outside Heishin watched. "Very good Shadi, I see you know the game. Very good."With that Heishin left. He had things to do.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Yugi's House~~~~~~~~~~~
Yami's PoV
So she has it...
"Let's go."
Why did I marry her knowing that she has an evil Item.
"Earth to Atemu!"
I shouln't have...
She was yelling at me. I looked up. "What?"
"Let's go."
"Right. But what are we going to say."
We were outside walking towards Kaiba's mansion.
"So thought of anything yet?" I asked.
"Huh! Me! I'M not going to say anything."
"Oh yes you are!"
"Oh no I'm not!"
"Oh yes you are!"
"Oh no I'm not!"
"Oh yes you are!"
"Oh no I'm not!"
"Oh yes you are!"
"Whose going to make me?!?!"
I grabbed her. "I am." She struggled and I let go.
"Why do you keep grabbing me like that?!?!"
"Because you keep annoying me!"
"So you'll GRAB anyone who annoys you?!?!"
"I'll GRAB anyone I want to grab!"
"What's that supposed to mean?!!"
"It's supposed to mean what it means!"
"What!? You know what?! You lost me, I'm confused!"
Come to think of it, so was I. I sighed.
"Why can't we have a decent conversation without arguing or yelling?" I asked.
"Because you are an ignorant little twit who keeps losing his temper at me!"
"I wouldn't lose my temper if you didn't annoy me to death every time I start a conversation with you!!"
"WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER!!" Great another conversation down the drain. "I'm still wondering why I married you."
"Maybe you shouldn't have."
"Maybe I shouldn't have."
"Don't worry! You didn't do it for love. It's just your parents and mine wanted to one day unite both kingdoms. So they made a document with the Royal Order of Ra, for us to be forced to marry each other. I didn't want to marry you either!"
"Then why did you?!!!"
"I just explained it to you!!!!!"
I had a headache, now. "Stop, you're giving me a headache!"
"I've had one since I first saw you!!!!!"
It was then I noticed an elderly couple staring at us. When they noticed I was looking at them, they quickly walked away. I told Yamila,"People are starting to stare."
"Then get a hair cut."
Why that little...I looked for something to insult her of. Then I saw that she clearly didn't shave. I had an idea."Why don't YOU go to a waxing salon!"
She looked at me shocked and said,"For you information I will never shave ANY part of my body."
That statement brought wrong thoughts to my mind. I noticed she was biting her lip to keep from crying. Great, now I felt bad. I went over to her and touched her arm. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in that -"
"Then why don't you-"
"Never!!!!!!!! YOU HEAR!!!!!!!!JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY SO DOESN'T MEAN I'LL DO IT!!!!!!!!!"
She was crying now. Crap, she was REALLY sensitive about that stuff. I tried again. "Okay, okay I'm sorry. Forgive me?
She was mumbling to herself, "People think that just because they set certain standards EVERYONE has to do JUST THAT!!!! Publicity and media always set RULES and ALL women have to follow them, but HAH not this woman!!!!!"
Okay she was now scaring me a lot Suddenly she turned around and slapped me! It hurt, too. Then she threw herself at me, still crying. Okay, not for nothing, but I'm not sure how to comfort s woman who just slapped me. So I, er, kind of hugged her, a bit. Then she pulled away and slapped me again. Then she said all calm and stuff,"Let's go!"
Here I was thinking "Huh! What was that about?" But she clearly didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't press the matter.
Finally we arrived at Kaiba's Mansion and rang the bell. We waited and waited. Finally an old butler came to the gate.
He said,"What bussiness do you have here?"
I said in my best kingly voice,"I am here to speak to Seto Kaiba. It is very important."
The butler looked at me weird. "Well," he began in his wheezy voice,"tell me and I'll give him your message."
"I wish to speak to him personally." I said.
"He is busy, come back tomorow." Then that shriveled up prune left. Argh!
I looked at Yamila. "Well, any more bright ideas?"
"Yes,"she said. "We climb."
I cannot believe it! I have the craziest, weirdest most annoying wife in the world. Although all men think that about their wives at some point. With much difficulty we snuck in. Then we climbed up a tree and jumped to a ledge, to get to an open window.
Finally we picked random doors and found Kaiba's office. There was the big-headed idiot, typing away on his laptop. When he saw us he frowned and said,"I thought I told the maid to take out the trash, today. She must have missed you two. I was about to reply when my very short-tempered wife told him to stuff his face. He stood up and yawned.
"What do you want? No scratch that, I don't care. Get out!"
I sighed. "Seto Kaiba, will you do me a favor?" I asked him that in my most formal voice, and you know what that bastard did. He started laughing!! He was laughing his head off!! Fine! "We're leaving." I told Yamila.
She said,"Wait, I have an idea, stay here."
So I stayed there glaring daggers at Seto Kaiba, he glared back. Finally, dear Yamila came back. She had Mokuba with her. Mokuba went to his brother with the most innocent face ever. Now I know where Yugi learned to do that! Mokuba got on his knees and said in the cutest voice he could muster,"Please! Big brother you've got to help them. It would make me so happy if you did! Please Seto! Please! Pretty, pretty please!! With a cherry on top!" Not even cold-hearted Seto could resist the dreaded puppy eyes.
"Oh fine! What d'you want me to do?!?!"
Haha! We won. I told him,"Take us to Egypt in your fastest helicopter."
Then I saw Seto had a smirk on his face. "Ok,"he said. "I'll do it, but only if YOU do something. Promise to do whatever I want and I'll take you to Egypt."
"What is it you want me to do?"
Seto shook his head,"No, promise first."
"Alright I promise."
"You swear."
"I swear!"
"On your soul."
"Alright." Seto sat down. "Beg! Beg for me to help you."
I was shocked. "What!"
Seto rolled his eyes. "I told you, beg like a dog on your knees for me to help you."
"Forget it!"
He turned back to his work. "Fine, I don't care."
I thought: him not caring equals not going to Egypt equals Yugi's death.
"Alright! I'll do it Kaiba. I'll beg."
He smiled.
I closed my eyes got on my hands and knees and started whimpering, doing my very best imitation of s dog.
"Good dog!" I heard Kaiba say. "Now fetch!" He threw a pen at me. I got it with my mouth and spat it at his feet. All the while I kept thinking,"It's all for Yugi's safety!!""It's all for Yugi's safety!!""It's all for Yugi's safety!!""It's all for Yugi's safety!!" Over and over I repeated that sentence in my mind to keep me from knocking Kaiba's teeth out! He was laughing at me!!! Argh!!! I felt so humiliated! Some Pharaoh!! I was red. I wished that this was all a very bad dream. But it wasn't. It was very real.
Suddenly I felt someone come to me and pull me up. It was Yamila. She looked angry, really angry.
"Enough Seto!" She said. "Now will you help us or not?"
Seto looked at us. "Yeah, yeah! Come back in a half-hour. Oh and take Mokuba. He'll be staying at the old guy's house."
I told him,"His name is Solomon!"
"Seto just said,"Whatever!" and left.
I looked at Yamila. "How did you convince Mokuba to help us."
She said,"That was easy."
I looked at Mokuba who was busy munching away on Snickers, Lays, Cheetos,Tootsie Rolls, Babe Ruths, and a whole stash of other candy. "Oh so that's why you took so long!"
"C'mon we have to go get ready." she said.
"I'm ready. All we have to do is drop Mokuba off."
"Yeah you! How am I supposed to explain all this to my parents."
"I have an idea. Yugi's grampa will call and say you're staying over at our hose for a week because...I don't know. Solomon will think of something, he's VERY persuasive!"
"Ok!"She said. "Let's go."

A/N:Whew! This was a LONG chapter!!!!! Ah the man with the head of a jackal was Anubis. The talismans had the head of Bes who keeps evil out of the house... Obviously Anubis' Secret brings ppl back to life. So uh yeah...I meant for it to be weird!!! So R&R!!!! Yay!!!