Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Future Differences ❯ M I S S I O N ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Silver: We were getting tired of the Yugi's Daughter inheriting the puzzle storyline and the gangs children storyline. Those are getting a bit too old.

Light: So we started to think… who else could we do a (character's name) 's Daughter thing on. Duke… what could you do with him? Tristan? I dunno… Tea? Too simple.

Shadow: Then it came to us! Joey's daughter! Now who would have thought of that?! Joey is a main character too with a good heart and great dueling skills. A simple yet complex character.

Silver: So that is how we came up with Joey's Daughter and the story 'Future Differences'. For all ya Joey fans out there, WELCOME! Joey will be one of the main characters in this story -- but if you're picturing the 40 year old Joey… that image won't stay for long, Promise.

Shadow: So we welcome you to this story and we hope you like it! And leave a good review! Flames will be used to roast Kaiba every time he says 'mutt' to Joey!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! All I own is the plot and Joey's daughter (which is NOT mary-sue, I can assure you) So don't sue me!!

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Chapter 1 --

_ M I S S I O N _

Gentle rolling fog hugged around two figures in an abandoned warehouse. Rustic grime on the walls and crates. Thunder boomed outside as rain pelted the window relentlessly. Huge shadows past outside the warehouse, the last fort left to the survivors. The outside figures roared and bucked, waiting for the right time to attack the remaining people.

Joey stared his daughter straight into her eyes, which were full of mournful tears. He did not know what to do… Thunder boomed in the background. Almost everyone else was gone. He and Yugi were the only ones left in this desolated city. Even his sister and his wife Mai… all gone.

If only they made the different choice in the past… if they only heeded the warnings giving so freely to them, everyone could have been saved. But things could still be changed. Joey knew that for sure.

"Come on 'Lexy, pull yourself together." Joey said strongly, drying the tears from his daughter's eyes.

"B-B-But I don't w-want to l-leave you!" Alexia grasped hold of her father, never letting go. "I w-will never see y-you again!"

Joey sighed and pried his daughter away from him. He rested his hands on her shoulders, looking into her deep brown eyes again. "You will see me again." He swept some blonde tresses from her face and smiled. "I promise you. And you'll see me too, where you're going. You have to prevent this from happening, then no one would die."

"But seeing you back then… you won't even know me." Alexia sniffed as thunder boomed in the background again.

Suddenly a Giant Soldier of Stone emerged from the floor below and turned to the two. The mammoth figure seemed to laugh at the futile attempt to stop their domination. It held up a hand and sent it hurtling towards the two humans. They screamed, a voice interrupting them.


A Dark Magician burst through the door behind them and sent an attack careering towards the mammoth slab of rock. The Giant Soldier of Stone screamed painfully and disintegrated to rubble.

Yami Yugi walked through the door, setting the Dark Magician card back into his deck. "Joey, be a bit more cautious." He advised and walked up to Alexia, hearing the whole conversation from afar. "Don't worry Alexia, he'll remember you. I promise. And usually my promises aren't broken." He smirked. "So please, return to our time and help us stop this from happening. When you do, we'll be back for you and this future will be no more."

Alexia sighed. Yami never told a lie… to her anyway. He was one of the only people she could trust, besides her father and his friends.

"Promise you'll come back for me?" She asked giving in.

The two men nodded. "Promise."

Alexia finally gave a timid nod. Neither of them could return to the past for they would already be there. She was the only one left experienced enough to go back in time and stop this disaster from happening. To stop the releasing of the Duel Monsters and to stop the mastermind behind it, which is still a secret unto this day.

Joey smiled again and took out his deck, fishing through it for the Red Eyes Black Dragon. He found it and handed it to her. "You show my past self this card, and he'll believe you. If he doesn't, punch 'em." He said simply, trying to created a light side to this darkness.

Alexia took the card and turned to Yami. "Alright… take me back." She said dreadfully.

Her father gave her one last hug and kissed her forehead. "As long as you have that card, I'm with you 'Lexy, and always will be." He whispered and pulled away.

Alexia could see tears in her fathers eyes as he turned to walk away. Yami grasped her shoulder. "Close you eyes, and remember, I will be there to. Just ask for me. I might be skeptical at first, but don't worry. That's how I was." He said gently, a black fog engulfing the two.

Alexia closed her eyes, the Spirit's grasp loosening. Yugi's voice past her ears, "And I'll be there too, don't forget." And the voice faded. Yami's grip loosened and slowly dissolved. Now Alexia was alone… alone in the past, and the only one who could tell of the future.

_______________________________________________________ < p>Alexia felt a warmness on her face. The sun, seldom has she seen or felt it. The feeling felt like -- like a warm embrace in the light. All Alexia was brought up in was darkness and clouds looming overhead.

She took a step forwards and opened her eyes slowly, gasping at what she found. Grass. Beautiful green grass! And shade trees! They weren't dead! The sun shone a yellowish white light onto everything like a new beginning. Unbroken benches sat on the sides of gray sidewalks and birds sung in and played in the air. Trashcans sat upright, not knocked over with their guts spilling out, and people, actual regular people sat on the unbroken benches, laughing. She was in a park. Recognizing the kiddy slide on the far end.

"Domino Park?" She asked bewildered. "It's beautiful!" She smiled and took in fresh, clean air. "My dad lived in the fairytale book?" The girl walked forward as a Frisbee flew past her. She jumped and held herself in a fighting stance.

A young man with black hair came over to fetch the Frisbee. "I'm sorry, that saucer almost cut your head off. Serenity doesn't know how to through it that well yet…" He said and picked the Frisbee up from beside Alexia.

Alexia blinked and backed away from the boy. He looked so familiar. She took out a picture of her father and his friends back in this time. She gasped and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me…"

The boy stood back up, spinning the Frisbee around on his finger. "Hmm? You want to play with us?"

Alexia shook her head. "No thanks… but would you happen to be Duke Devilin?"

Duke nodded, "Yeah, and you are?"

"Alexia Wh--" She stopped in mid-sentence, gulping, putting the picture back into her inside coat pocket carelessly.

"Who? Wheeler?" His eyes widened. "What do you mean? Are you connected to Joey Wheeler?" Duke asked, a bit confused.

Alexia bit her lip. "I'm his daughter…"

Duke burst into laughter. "Funny! How… can… you be… his… daughter… when he… isn't even… married!" He said in between laughs.

Alexia looked to the ground, tears building up in her eyes. She wanted to go home, to her dad. "Jerk." She muttered and ran away, the picture slipping from her pocket and floating to the ground.

Duke rolled his eyes and started to walk back to Serenity when he spotted the picture. He looked down and picked it up. "What the…?" He looked back to the girl running away in awe.

Serenity skipped up to Duke. "Are we still playing?" She smiled and looked to the picture. "Hey! You developed them already?! We just took that today! Not even five minutes ago! That's great Duke! Maybe we can hang it up--"

"--I found this Serenity. A girl dropped it…" He said quietly as Joey and Tristan walked up to them.

"Aw Duke, if you don't want to tell us, ya don't have to." Joey said and looked at the picture, noticing the rough edges and a scalded side where a fire had nipped it. Why did it look so worn? He shook this off and pulled his sister back to the picnic where Yugi and Tea were sitting, along with Mai. "C'mon! Lunch is served!"

Tristan followed, also by Duke, who folded the picture and stashed it into his pocket.

They all sat down for a nice relaxing picnic, digging in.


Alexia watched them from afar, cupping her hands to her head. "Daddy… I wanna go home. I want to go home to you. You here… it's not the same. Not the same." She broke down into fits of crying. "Daddy, please come and get me."


Daddy… I wanna go home. I wanna go home to you. You here… it's not the same. Not the same. Daddy, please come and get me.

Joey stopped in mid-chew, who said that? His head seemed to automatically turn to a girl on a far off bench. The girl was crying her eyes out in worn clothes, smudge marks on her fair face. She had long blonde hair, much the color of his and what seemed like a dark blue bandana tied in her hair. All in all, she looked exactly like him! He set his sub sandwich down and stood up, swallowing the food in his mouth.

Yugi looked up at his friend, "Joey, where you going?"

"Be right back." He said shortly and rushed off towards the girl crying on the bench. Something pulled him towards her for some odd reason, like a bond. But I don't even know her…

He stopped near the girl and gulped, smoothing his clothes out and running his fingers through his hair. Joey timidly stepped forward and sat down on the space beside her on the bench.

The girl looked up startled and the looked away quickly.

Joey cleared his throat nervously, "Why're you crying?"

Alexia dried her eyes and kept looking away. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

Joey smiled. "I didn't ask that. Why're you crying?" He seemed to know her for some odd reason. It felt like a gut instinct.

The girl laughed slightly, her father would've asked that too, always wanting a straight answer. "Because I miss my dad."

"Did you lose him?" Joey asked, tilting his head slightly. So she was the voice that Joey heard back at the picnic.

Alexia nodded slightly. If she told him the truth, then he might burst out laughing too. She then felt the card in her pocket. But my dad said that if I show the Red Eyes to him here, he'd believe me. Maybe… "No, I didn't lose him yet. He's right here."

Joey blinked, looking around. "I don't see nobody." Then he realized it was him and jumped away. "WHAT?! You expect me to believe that?! I'm not even out of my teens! And I don't even have a wife!"

Alexia broke down again. She cried into her hands. "My d-daddy said that y-you would believe m-me!"

"And exactly who is your 'daddy'?" He asked, mocking slightly. He snorted. This was a waste of time, to come over here. But then again, seeing her cry seemed to almost break his heart… why? "Answer me!"

Alexia jumped up. "YOU! You Joey Wheeler are my father! In five years, you will marry my mother, Mai, and in eight years my aunt, Serenity will marry Seto Kaiba! After five years of you being married to Mai, both of you will have me! You and Mai picked out my middle name and Yugi advised on the first name, in meaning 'Protector of Mankind'! I am fourteen years old and my name is Alexia Corrine Wheeler!" Tears burned down her face as she sat down again, crying miserably.

Joey fell on his bum, startled, not because he would marry Mai, or that Serenity and Kaiba would marry (well, that was half of it), but it was that she was his daughter… from the future! But he was still skeptical and picked himself up.

"How do I know that you are telling the truth Alexia." The name seemed to roll of his tongue like it was meant to. Before he knew it, a card was shoved up into his face. The Red Eyes Black Dragon.

"H-He said that i-if I s-showed this to y-you, you w-would believe m-me." She sniffled and wrapped her arms around herself.

Joey looked absentmindedly at the card and pulled out his Red Eyes. They were identical, from the mild scrap along it's picture to the worn edges. He was speechless, his heart racing. This was his daughter. His daughter!

Joey put his card back and handed the other back to Alexia, who looked up at him, her eyes red. "I believe ya. It's just a bit mind-blowing. I'm sorry I didn't believe ya before." He swept some tresses of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear gently. "But why are you here?"

Alexia dried her tears, this might not turn out that bad. "T-To warn y'all of the future. I came back to see that it doesn't happen the way that it did. I was born into a world where living Duel Monsters ruled and no sun shone ever. S-Someone released the monsters in Egypt from the tablet, some mastermind that we in the future still have no clue about." She tucked the card back into her pocket, trying to stop crying.

Joey thought for a moment. "So… what do we do?"

"Miss Ishtar said t-to wait for t-the first warning and go with your gut instinct." Alexia said, recalling what the Egyptian said.

Joey stood up and stretched, "Then we'll wait 'Lexy, for the first sign, then get to work." He planned and held out his hand. Alexia took his hand and he helped her up. Alexia smiled, he had called her 'Lexy, he in the future called her 'Lexy. "Should we tell the others?"

"No… not yet dad -- err -- Joey." She blushed slightly as Joey just laughed.

"I'm not gonna get use to that." Joey rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "But I can live with it."

Alexia smiled sheepishly, her father's smile, and embraced Joey in a warm, tight hug. He was her father and that was all that mattered. He accepted that she was his daughter. That's all she needed.

Joey's cheeks turned a crimson color, a drop of sweat rolling down his face. He was blushing. It was going to take some time to get use to this girl being his future daughter. But the blonde went with it and hugged her back.

They soon let go, Joey still blushing. Alexia bit her bottom lip embarrassed. "Sorry… I'll try not to do that again… and I'll try not to call you Dad again. You're not use to it."

Joey quickly shook the crimson blush away and waved her off. "If you wanna, go ahead. Besides, literally speaking, you are my -- err-- daughter." It felt a bit funny calling her that, but it felt normal for some odd reason. They started to walk back to the picnic, together. "You can call me Dad."

Alexia smirked. "How about Papa?"

"No." Joey raised an eyebrow. "Am I that old?"

"Then Daddio then?"

"I don't think so."



"Okay then--"

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" (a/n: Simon Cowell moment!) Joey said, already frustrated.

Alexia giggled. "I was going to say Dad… but oh well."

Joey growled, was having a daughter this annoying? Or was it just a gene from Mai? "Yeah, I bet you were going to say that."

The girl smiled for the first time here in front of someone. It was a warm, yet goofy smile. You knew that that was Joey's daughter. "I was, Dad, I was going to say that."

Joey rolled his eyes as they reached the picnic. Everyone stared up at them. He leaned over and whispered into his daughter's ear. "Ex-nay on the Dad thing while we're around them for right now."

Alexia nodded stubbornly and waved at the group. "Hi." She said shortly. The two sat down, Joey starting to eat his sub again. This might not be that bad. Her father was here, and so was she. Maybe they could change the future for a better tomorrow… just maybe.

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Silver: Please leave a nice review so I can see if you like it! Just know this! More reviews = sooner the next chapter will be posted! Or if I post another at all… (evil laughter)

_________________________________!!!R & R!!!_____________________________________