Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Gravity of Love ❯ reminiscence ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Curtains blew gently in the breeze, the soft folds of fabric melding slightly with the late day's light as it filtered in through the open window.
Rays of fuchsia and violet spilled in through the adjacent pane, the folds of deep midnight melding slightly with the warm light as it spilled past the draperies and painted the room over in a pleasant glow.
Warm radiance slowly spread to the far reaches of the room, toys strewed across the floor being hit and a puzzle glinting on a nearby table alighting with a tinge of ethereal nature.
But, the figure didn't notice. He was too caught up in the feelings that he had been suffering with for the past few weeks.
Dull amethyst eyes, plagued over with hidden emotion and sadness stared down at the ground in front of them dully as salty tears silently tracked at their edges.
It had been like this for almost two weeks. Silent trips to his room whenever he felt it safe, tears of unimaginable sorts, a deep pain ripping him apart from the inside out, plaguing over his heart until he could bear it no more.
All linkages of the same chain, all pages of the same book, all symptoms of the same thing…love, the sacred feeling of divinity as well as the ideal that was presently ripping apart his soul.
The discovery of the emotion had been quite a bit of shock at first, sending him reeling back into the braces of disbelief and denial, but, after he had been able to get over his bewilderment and do a fair bit of thinking, he realized that the feelings were there and that he shouldn't have been so surprised.
All the signs had been there…he had just been too caught up in his own dreamy, whimsical state and too royally blinded to realize. Support
He knew he was probably an idiot walking around like that, but it couldn't be helped. Love had the uncanny ability to make people act like that, especially when the object of their desires and holder to their heart walking so freely around the house, sometimes clad only in boxers. This sort of behavior was most definitely supposed to be expected when said person had caught a glimpse of their god wearing nothing except a towel, and Yuugi had, in fact, caught a glimpse of this particular god clad in nothing except that on one occasion.
The sight alone had been enough to make him drool a sea, especially with just how low-riding the towel was, but, when you accounted the fact that his dark had turned to him and flashed him that luscious, debonair smile, it wasn't a surprise that he had hastily ran to the bathroom to quell a certain need for all blood to rush a certain somewhere, his blush ever prominent.
Oh…how those cold showers had helped him…he couldn't even express in words…
But, even the vivid images and random daydreams that had entranced his mind and heart so fully over the past few weeks couldn't possibly prepare him for the shock or devastation of the night his dark had proceeded to be stolen away from him…
He had never thought, never dreamed that his dark would be taken away so suddenly…especially when it was by someone like her…a friend that had stuck by him since the very beginning…through thick and thin.
He had never realized that the foundation of her desire to be with him was based fully upon the feelings she held for his dark…as well her will and determination to carry them out. He had never realized.
But, now that he had, his pain only heightened; there was no severance or let up in his agony. His heart only broke more, shards that had once been a full, uncompromised piece shattering even more to let way for further pain and darkness to settle in.
She had taken away everything that he held dear to him that one night almost two weeks prior and, the divergence of that truth with reality was slowly killing him.
“Yuugi, can you come here a minute? There's someone here that wants to see us.”
Shy amethysts peaked around the corner, beautiful hues of swirling violet holding hints of curiosity as well as intrigue.
Yami smiled down gently at the boy, seeing his obvious uncertainty to come over through his unsure posture and slowly extended a hand to the boy in silent gesture to come over.
Amethyst widened marginally before being cast down quickly, a faint blush staining alabaster cheeks as the boys eyes were shadowed by a crown of unruly golden tresses.
A shadow loomed over him and he quickly looked up. His sights were met by his dark gazing down at him in all his glory. A soft smile was gracing his features, the glare of the light paying no effect as beautiful orbs of molten ruby swirled slowly with warmth and patience. Eloquent bangs framed a perfect face, the brilliant curvature of the jagged, golden tresses divaricating out in all the right places. A sun-kissed face holding all the majesty of chiseled features.
A pair of bronze-kissed hands elevated slowly and came to rest on the boy's clothed shoulders.
The motion or the touch didn't register.
“Yuugi…someone is here to see us…”
It was enunciated softly, the gentle, slow chords of it barely registering across his mind, especially with the tender smile that came after enrapturing his entire attention, but it was enough to break the atmosphere that had settled around them. The loss of his dark's gaze truly caused the connection to be lost as he turned away from him and gestured to the newcomer in the doorway.
Trying to shake himself from the stooper he seemed to be in, Yuugi placed his hands on both sides of his head and shook it gently.
A woman's voice, soft but sweet, greeted his ears and he turned unsure amethysts up to meet the newcomer in the doorway.
He stopped, his hands freezing on either side of his head, stock still, as his eyes stared at the newcomer in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and utter denial.
“Yuugi…Tea came over to see us…Her and I will be going out on a date later this evening…”
~*~End Flashback~*~
Alabaster lids slid shut and a choked sob shattered the still silence of the slowly darkening bedroom.
A single tear and a barely inaudible whisper.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
The late day's rays drifted down over the suburbs of the city of Domino. The gentle rays spilled and mixed over the paved roads, caressing, fulfilling, bestowing the last of their beauty over the sidewalks, roads, and houses of the city before the sun had, at last, sank beneath the horizon and the last of its beauty would be lost as the sky opened up and the gods of the night reigned predominant once again.
Soft rays mixed and mingled with a baby blue material, a steel-clasped buckle glinting ever so slightly in the wash of light. A pebble was kicked across the pavement, skipping across the ground before once again becoming stationary.
A soft sigh was heard.
It had been this way for as long as he could remember. Whenever he had built up enough resolve to finally get around to doing something, to finally get over his fears, paranoia, and act, he would feel that resolve slowly trickle away, the rate at which it drained dependent only on the time predeceasing whatever he was about to do that was so important.
It only happened when it was something really important, something that had to be done at all costs, something involving another. But, if he didn't have a good enough reason, and or, it wasn't the right time, he failed miserably. It was extremely annoying, but, what could he do? He had been this way as long as he could remember.
For he, at heart and unbeknownst to many, was only forward when he had to be.
Despite popular belief, the king of games was a very reserved person who would only step up to the line of battle if someone innocent or close to him happened to be threatened. This went for everyone, including, to his great contempt, Bakura, the X-Tomb Robber who, with his rough ways and utter disregards to the rules, had managed to irk him on a number of occasions since his reawakening from the puzzle which had served as his golden prison since his dark days of his ruling as Pharaoh of ancient Kemet.
But, as much as he would have liked to turn a blind eye away, distract himself if only momentarily from the one thing that had succeeded to cripple him in more ways than one, he couldn't ignore the heartache in his chest or the dull press of the somber atmosphere around him.
He had to do something about Yuugi.
He had to find out what was wrong with his little hikari, if not for his young charge, than for his own sanity. He was literally going out of his mind with worry.
The recent behavior of his young charge was also, to his great dismay, causing more problems, the worst, his extreme paranoia. It was this, in itself, that was enough for people around to become increasingly anxious and concerned for their own well-being whenever a random bursts of his paranoia cast him into a fit of extreme possessiveness and anger whenever the swell of a malevolent aura happened to drift anywhere near his charge.
It was at times like these he would frequently look back and feel sorry for the people who happened to accidentally be in his way during one of his fits. It was unfortunate and he felt terrible for it after, but it couldn't be helped. These times seemed to happen at the most sporadic of moments and, when they did, they completely caught him off guard. He was set off immediately.
The violent clash caused a terrible rage to rise within him, an anger boiling up the likes of which he had never seen, that rowed a side of him he had never before would have ever believed he had possessed.
It seemed that, in these moments, all he could see was red, all he could hear was the deafening pounding of blood in his ears, all he could see was his precious hikari being threatened…and all he could experience was the ill-fated will that spewed out in infinite proportions that demanded blood be spilled, innocent or guilty.
It was times like these when his crimson eyes darkened deeper than the color of liquid malt and a fire roared to life that would only be sated by the spilling of tarnished blood. It was times like these when he held back nothing, all self-restraint callously forgotten.
He would calm himself down if he could but, as soon he felt that aura, sensed his hikari's slight tenseness, a raging fire exploded within him that burned with a ferocity beyond all others.
Times like these were when a great sea of scarlet bloodied his vision and a resolve flared that was frightening in its wrath, the inequities demanding to be rectified and the blood spilled, the hunter demanding to become the hunted and the threatener to become the threatened…his aibou saved and their bond rekindled.
His loss of control and his helplessness to stop it terrified him to no end, but, when he looked back and rethought it, he realized that something existed that was even more terrifying than his own deficiency to control his emotions.
The effect of his recent behavior on his charge was something to be truly terrified of, especially with the likelihood that his soul bond was being compromised from its presence wrapping around his consciousness like a leech, blood.
Every time he had become extremely temperamental and difficult not to cross, he had felt a torrent of almost-indecipherable emotion flit through the strong connection of their soul bond from his aibou's end.
It wasn't really enough to answer any of his questions on why his aibou was so strangely distanced from him, with the link only being slightly ajar due to the seriousness of the situation, but it was enough to conclude that, at the moment the rush had occurred, his light had been truly afraid of something.
Something, he didn't know what, but that fear was enough to send him over the top all over again, the brunt of blinding fury and emotion enough to drive him to do something inconceivable where even the blood of the innocents would be spilled.
However, in the last few times he had felt himself about to fall to that unbelievable rage, he had been able to keep at least somewhat of his self-control.
As much as he was truly glad to be able to control at least a bit of the overwhelming behavior that seemed to plague over his being in these instances, a startling realization also hit him that, when he was incensed, was blind to.
With the newly-gained control had come the ability to process better what was happening around him and, during the steady bombardment of emotions from his precious aibou, a better understanding of the origins of these horrible feelings had arisen.
True, the malevolent auras emanating off those individuals who were sadistic and ruled by mal-fated will played an effect, but, when he further analyzed the emotions, he found that the origins of his charge's unrest were more subtle than that, subtle enough that, when he was raving mad, was blinded to.
When he had originally thought that the source of Yuugi's fear had been the people holding the malevolent auras, the source had really been him. In all the contingencies where his temper had so uncharacteristically flared for the sake of protecting his young charge, he had been the source of unrest within the beautiful being. Instead of immobilizing his fear when he had so determinedly sought to end it, all he had done was heighten it.
It was this simple fact that, a week earlier, had him seriously considering leaving Yuugi because, as far as he was concerned, hurting Yuugi was a fate worse than death and he, in a roundabout way and without his knowledge, was doing that.
However, after serious thought and pondering, courtesy of his own insistence to consider everything greatly before jumping to conclusions about whether what was happening with his hikari was truly his fault or not, he discovered that his hikari had, in fact, been acting differently even before the arrival of his new anger.
His anger had been born out of his extreme worry and anxiety over his partner's well-being, so how could he, with his new-found anger, be responsible for his charge's recent behavior?
Yuugi wasn't telling him something, that much was for sure.
And, it was for this reason and the knowledge that it was important that had caused him to leave the pier only twenty minutes before, an intense need to know lying within his heart, flickering within his eyes, and lighting the way.
But, as soon as he had realized that he couldn't bring himself to force his hikari to do anything he didn't want, he felt his resolve to confront the other flicker violently, his pace and speed slowing down as his will to see the other failed miserably.
So, here he was, walking at the rate a snail would crawl, back to his home and Kame Games, the small game shop that was located in Domino's less busy, suburban, eastern side.
He knew it was pathetic, but as much as he tried to will his feet to move faster, the deep sadness that he was currently enveloping him and the fact of the unavoidable sham he knew he would be faced with the moment he walked in the door was depressing him beyond belief.
He couldn't bring himself to do even the simplest of things…he simply didn't care at the moment.
Coming to a stop, detached crimson eyes turned up slowly to study the darkening expanse of horizon where the last rays of the dying light were slowly fading.
Something was wrong and he couldn't do a single thing about it. If Yuugi told him, he told him, if not, then he would just have to force himself to wait in the grips of a terrible anguish for an answer that might never come. It hurt him greatly, the chords of unbearable emotion striking a chord deep within him, but really, what else could he do?
The only other alternative was forcing Yuugi to tell him and that, he knew, he could never do. The level of care and respect that he held for the boy outweighed and overpowered any level of feeling of desperate avidity or need to know felt on his part.
Sighing lightly, the figure of tanned heritage turned slowly to continue his journey through the still night air.
“Yuugi…I'm coming…”