Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Guardians of the Watchtowers ❯ Raven ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I've actually had this written for a while now, but I haven't had much time to type it up yet. I'll try to manage my time better.

Disclaimer: Yeesh. I don't own Yugioh. And this idea comes from LJ Smith's Nightworld series.

"blah": speaking, /blah/: thoughts, ~blah~: wolf speaking

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Chapter 6: Raven

Yami sat on the couch, arms wrapped around Yugi, listening to the muffled clanking of his cousin's boots as she made her way down the metal staircase. Yugi, resting his head on Yami's shoulder, listened as well. It wasn't long before the clanking died down completely. They sat in silence, listening to each other's heartbeats. It was Yugi who broke the silence. "Yami?"

"Hmmm?" Yami stirred himself out of his thoughts and glanced down at Yugi. "Is something wrong?"

Yugi sighed. "It's…Raven. She seems so…sad. I wish there was someone here for her."

The southern guardian smiled lightly. Always concerned for the welfare of others. A cute trait. "Raven… isn't much for the companionship of others. With the exception of myself, perhaps. She'd rather be alone. So I wouldn't worry too much about her. She'll be fine." But in truth, Yami was concerned for his cousin. He knew she was rather reluctant to agree on helping them, and she definitely wasn't happy with the whole situation. Her stony, emotionless exterior could not fool him. Inside, Yami knew she was furious and upset over the fact that he had chosen Yugi over her. And that she now had to help in saving a human…Yami too wished that there was someone for her, but after what happened those long centuries ago, he doubted she would ever open her heart to a human's love…

"Yami?" Yugi asked again. When he had his attention, he continued. "Why does Raven hate humans so much?" Yugi well-remembered the contempt and hatred he could hear in her voice as she had argued with Yami.

"Because of something that happened a long time ago, Yugi. A very deadly and costly betrayal…"

"Tell me?" Yugi asked gently. "Maybe then I could help? It's the least I can do since she's willing to help us."

Yami sighed. He hoped his cousin wouldn't be *too* angry if he told Yugi about her past. "Raven hasn't always hated the human race so much. In fact, many centuries ago, before we became Guardians, she was in love with one…"

Yugi's eyes widened. He waited patiently for him to continue.

"Raven knew that their love wasn't allowed, but she didn't care. At the time, our family was living in the mountains near the boy's village, as wolves of course. We wanted to "experience" living in the mortal realm as a whole. Well, Raven believed that this boy could be trusted, so she told him who she really was, and showed him where we were living…" Yami trailed off, his eyes darkening from the memories.

Yugi noticed the change, and comfortingly put his hand over Yami's. Yami smiled at the gesture, then took a deep breath and continued. "One night, Raven and I went out hunting together. When we returned…our world had been turned upside-down…" Yami tightened his arms around Yugi as the memories of that night swept over him.

"What happened?" Yugi asked quietly.

"They were all dead," Yami whispered, barely audible. "Our entire family, her parents, my parents, our brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts…all dead. And standing in the midst of the bodies was the human boy, a bloody sword in his hand…"

Yugi gasped. "He murdered your entire family? After being trusted?" His eyes started to water.

"Yes. He got his village to help by telling them that he had found a pack of dangerous wolves nearby. But that isn't all…"

Yugi didn't like the tone in Yami's voice. "It isn't?" He didn't know how much worse this story could get.

Yami shook his head slowly. "We found out why he did it: if he could get rid of our family, then he would be granted immortality. *Someone* had already turned him into a vampire, but we never found out who. He managed to escape us that night, as our grief and rage prevented us from thinking straight. Raven spent the next century trying to find and kill him…but she never did. She finally gave up." Yami paused. "I don't think she can put the past behind her and open her heart to love again until she finds him and settles things."

"No wonder she despises humans so much…" Yugi murmured. He didn't think he'd be able to help much after all.

"Perhaps you can help to heal the wounds after all, Yugi." Yami smiled down at him.

"What do you mean?"

"After you said you were willing to sacrifice your life for mine…I think Raven's perspective towards humans changed, ever so slightly. I could see that she was trying to figure out why you would do something like that, and I think it got her thinking."

"I sure hope I can help…" Yugi yawned, suddenly growing sleepy. He snuggled up against Yami's chest comfortably, closing his eyes. Yami relaxed and leaned back into the couch, closing his eyes as well. Their rest was short-lived however, as the room started to darken. Yami felt a dark presence, and snapped his eyes open. He quickly sat up, tightening his arms protectively around Yugi. Yugi, who had felt Yami's body tense up, opened his eyes as well. "What's going on?" he whispered.

"They've found us."

Before he could answer further, a large crackling portal opened before them. Yami didn't even have time to call up a shield as the portal moved and swallowed them. There was only one place they could be going…Arawn.


Seto Kaiba sat in the back of his sleek limousine, typing on his laptop as always. He was returning home late from the office. So much work to do, yet so little time to do it all. If only he didn't have to go to that pointless school, he would have plenty of time to finish his work. Thinking of how much he hated having to go to school however brought his thoughts back to the lunch break. Or rather to that dark haired girl who had been staring at him. He wasn't sure really why his thoughts kept coming back to her. He always paid minimal, if any, attention to other people, except his little brother, content on focusing on running his company. So why was this girl seemingly always on his mind? It was aggravating, not being able to focus entirely on his work. Maybe it was her eyes- she had an unusual eye color: liquid gold. Wait a minute…did he just notice something *particular* about another person? Kaiba shook his head. He must be losing it…

Sighing, he closed his laptop. It wasn't like he was getting much work done anyways. Kaiba glanced out the dark tinted window of his limo. It was raining quite hard, the rain pounding mercilessly on anything in its path. Including the lone figure walking slowly along the sidewalk. The limo rushed by the figure quickly, and Kaiba hurriedly ordered the driver to stop. The driver, not expecting this sudden command, slammed his foot on the brake pedal, and the limo came to a screeching halt. The force knocked Kaiba a bit off balance in his seat, but he quickly straightened and turned to look out the back window. The figure was slowly approaching the window, head up, eyes looking straight forward. Blue eyes widened as he was able to recognize the figure's face: it was the girl from lunch! She was completely drenched, including her long dark coat that somewhat resembled his own. Her dark hair was slick, raindrops falling from its tips. It looked as if she had been walking in the rain for quite some time. Her eyes were narrowed in a slight frown, as if she was deeply pondering something. They didn't even glance at the limo parked on the street as she passed by it.

Kaiba now looked out the side window again, at the girl walking ahead. Something was telling him to roll down his window and talk to her. He decided to listen to that little voice, out of curiosity of course. Kaiba looked at the driver. "Driver. Drive slowly alongside the girl walking on the sidewalk. Do not pass her."

The drive nodded as the limo started rolling again, slowly. It pulled neatly beside the girl, so that Kaiba's window was right next to her. The girl still paid no attention to the limo. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Kaiba hit a small, round button on the door. The window rolled down completely, water drops immediately splashing into the limo. Trying to play it cool, Kaiba said in a low voice, "You know, you could catch a cold walking in that rain." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wanted to kick himself. That was his best opening line?! But he kept his face a mask.

Raven glanced out of the corner of her eyes to her left. She was surprised to see that it was that Kaiba-boy sitting in the limo, leaning his head a bit out of the window. But she didn't show her surprise, instead looking forward again. "The water doesn't bother me," she said in a toneless voice. He may be the fourth Illuminite, but it didn't matter any more. Therefore, she no longer had any interest in him.

Kaiba was…stunned. Usually, *he* was the one who dismissed people so abruptly. Not the other way around. He quickly recovered. "The name's Kaiba. Seto Kaiba."

Raven rolled her eyes. This guy couldn't take much of a hint, now can he? "I know. Yugi told me." Oops. Now he knew she had asked about him. Damn. She wasn't thinking too straight for some reason.

This gave Kaiba a flicker of confidence. "And you are?"

"Really not interested."

Now Kaiba was confused. "But if you know my name-"

"Look," Raven cut him off. She stopped and turned fully towards him, water dripping down her face. The limo stopped as well. "Things have changed. I may have been…intrigued by you at lunch, but now it no longer matters. So stop following me already." With a shake of her head, she started walking again, a bit faster this time. However, to her dismay, the limo continued its pace alongside her.

"What-what changed?"

Raven sighed and stopped once more, looking at Kaiba. "You don't take no for an answer, do you?"

He smiled-almost. "You don't get ahead in business by taking no for an answer. In my line of work, you have to be relentless in getting what you want."

"Mine too…" Raven muttered to herself. So they had more in common then she had thought.

"Look, we can stay here in the rain talking, or you can get inside and we can continue our discussion back at my place." Kaiba paused. "Despite what people say, I *don't* bite."

This, at least, got a small smile from Raven, which Kaiba took as a good sign. She stepped back as Kaiba popped open the door. She regarded him closely. "Won't your limo get all messed up?"

Kaiba shrugged. "The cleaners can take care of it." He stepped outside of the limo, and gestured inside with one hand.

Raven sighed. This guy was as stubborn as she was, it seemed. "Whatever then," she muttered as she climbed in. He climbed in as well, then slammed the door closed. He nodded to the driver, and the limo started off.

They sat across from each other, Raven growing somewhat uncomfortable as she realized she was dripping water everywhere. She could easily dry herself up with a spell, but didn't wish to reveal *that* much to the boy.

Kaiba noticed her discomfort, and smiled slightly as he reached under a seat and pulled out a few towels. He handed one to her, then used the other one to start wiping away the water on himself. He noticed she was giving him an odd look. "What? Never hurts to be prepared."

Raven sighed as she started to dry herself, particularly her hair. At least she wouldn't be dripping too much now.
"I never did get your name, you know." Kaiba dropped the towel on the seat beside him, then folded his arms across his chest.

Raven did likewise, leaning back into her seat. "Raven. Raven Alu."

/Raven…/ Kaiba mused to himself. /I like that name./ "So what brings you out in the rain?"

"You don't seem like the type who'll pick up strangers off the street," she said, ignoring his question. "Or who'll start a conversation with someone. What's the deal?"

Kaiba noticed the suspicion in her voice. Apparently, she didn't trust people so easily either. He shrugged. "I don't know. You just seem… different for some reason. Not like the rest."

/You have *no* idea…/ Raven thought.

The limo pulled through already-open wrought-iron gates and up to the two-story Kaiba Mansion. Raven looked out the window and up at the huge mansion, her face expressionless.

Kaiba watched her, waiting for a surprise reaction of some sort. Eyes widening. A loud gasp perhaps. But none of that happened. She didn't even look awed. More like…bored? Unimpressed? Maybe she came from a wealthy family, and was used to this sort of stuff. But Kaiba had the feeling that that wasn't the case. Maybe she was the type who didn't care for wealth.

A servant opened the car door, holding an umbrella for them. "Sir," he said, nodding his head.

Kaiba stepped out of the limo, briefcase in one hand, taking the umbrella with the other. He nodded his thanks to the man. Raven got out as well, and they walked up to the front door. The heavy oak door swung open almost immediately, a young boy with dark, shaggy hair greeting them. "Big Brother!" he said, smiling. "You're home!"

Kaiba smiled at the boy. "Mokuba. How was your day?" he asked as he and Raven stepped inside.

"Oh, fine." Mokuba looked around his brother at the girl standing behind him. "Who's she?"

"This is Raven. A…friend from school. Raven, this is my brother, Mokuba."

Mokuba widened his eyes. Seto brought home a…friend? He was so stunned, his mouth stopped working. He stood there just staring, his mouth hanging open slightly.

Raven glanced at the boy. "Hey, kid," she said softly.

The boy kind of activated, and mumbled out a "hi."

"Come on. We can talk in the living room. Uhhh…" Kaiba didn't have too many guests in his house. "Do you…want something to drink?"

"No thanks. I'm fine." Raven gazed around the place as she followed Kaiba. It was so…bright here. Kind of like the lobby at the apartment complex. Everything seemed made from marble and crystal, from the floors to the walls to the furniture even. They stepped into Kaiba's very spacious living room, complete with a huge TV and stereo and gaming systems, when Raven stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced quickly around the room.

Kaiba saw her expression. "What? What it is?"

"Damn. They've found me," was the reply he got.

"Who? Is someone after you?" he demanded. For some reason, he felt the need to protect her. "Whoever it is, they couldn't possibly have gotten through my security."

Raven looked at Kaiba, a sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry that you're in this as well now." She stopped herself. Wait. Did she just *apologize* to a human? What the hell was going on with her?

"In what as well?" asked a confused Kaiba. Then he saw a dark mass gathering before them. He gasped as it started to grow larger. It looked like some kind of…portal, like the ones he designed in his virtual reality games. Except this one was very real. The portal suddenly shifted and threw itself towards them. Kaiba instinctively turned and wrapped his arms protectively around Raven as the portal swallowed them both. Then, all was dark…

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For some reason, this chapter was all about Raven. *shrugs* Oops. Don't worry, Yami and Yugi will be back next chapter.

Yeah, classes started up this week, which is why it's taken me a while to get this typed up. Since it's only the first week, I'm not sure how much stupid homework I'll be getting every week. It'll probably be a lot though (it usually is). So…I'm not sure how long the updates will take. I'm thinking along the lines of a month (sorry), but I will try to make them shorter. We'll see how everything goes.

Thanks for reading and please review! ;)