Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hunted ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ A - All Readers ]

So close...



Seto and Odion loaded the equipment they needed into the largest of the vehicles while Malik and Ryou each packed some small provisions onto four emergency packs. Malik had handed Ryou a checklist and they double checked everything that went into the bags.
When they were finished, the two remaining Hikaris went to the lab to say that they were leaving soon. The truth was that they wanted to see their honorary brother in case it was the last time they would get to. Malik held Ryou as he cried over their friend's form. “The Vampire Lord will pay for this, Ryou,” Malik whispered, trying to comfort his friend. “He'll regret ever messing with our family.”
Ryou dried his eyes, “Let's go and rescue our brothers before our fate befalls them. Yugi would never forgive us if that happens.”
Malik nodded, “I agree. Sister could you…”
“I'll try my best to help Yugi,” she finished. “Go and save your brothers.”
The small Hikaris took off towards the vehicles where Seto and Odion were waiting with the Vampire Assault Squad.
Raiden had managed to knock out Atem's team and had them dragged to his dungeons. He had to plan what he was going to do to the intruders. `I could use a few more werewolves to replace the pair that those blasted Hunters destroyed. Those three are going to replace those failures as my heirs. I could also use some more guards since I just lost half a dozen.'
While he was plotting the fates of the prisoners, they were being locked up. He decided to view them to decide the fates of everyone besides the three he had picked. He decided that the blonde would make for a strong wolf just from his aggressiveness. Raiden smirked to himself, `I won't allow for him to be bitten. Instead, I'll curse him myself and make him a special type. Ah, there's an idea. I'll experiment on these intruders and curse them all.'
He went about his chambers, gathering what he needed for his plans.
~It's clear.~
Malik flew back to Odion's arm. “Thank you for checking, Malik,” he said, smiling at the young Hikari who was currently in falcon form.
Malik looked at him. ~No problem. Besides, very few of the `others' would think to look up on such a cloudy day. They are so overconfident that their security is lax.~
“Let's go in,” Seto stated.
Ryou looked at the small group, “I think I'll go in my animal form. It'll give us a bit of a head's up should there be anything in the tunnels.”
“Good idea,” Odion pointed out. Seto agreed.
Seto, Odion, and a small group of four others from the V.A.S followed Ryou and Malik who were both in their animal forms.

Ishizu went to check in on Yugi's condition and was relieved to see that he had somewhat stabilized. But he wasn't safe yet. She reset the IVs and left the room for another half hour.
Malik flew ahead of the group and back during their trek through the damp tunnels under the Keep. Ryou paused and sniffed the air. ^I think I smell blood.* His ears went back. *I do smell blood! It's this way!^ Ryou took off running down the left passage.
“Follow him,” Seto ordered three of his best men. “Make sure nothing happens to that Hikari or it'll be you that suffers at his brother's hands.”
The leader of this small team nodded, “Understood, Mr. Kaiba.”
“Good, Jaden. Now get going before you lose sight of that Hikari,” Seto growled.

Atem woke to discover that he and his team had been locked in a cell. He thought back to the fight and remembered that during the scuffle, the Soul Crystal around the Vampire Lord's neck had dimmed a bit and then returned to a steady, but somewhat dimmer, glow. `Yugi must be trying to help.'
Atem sighed, realizing that Yugi's attempts to try to help the group would likely result in his own demise. He just barely gotten to know his brother and now it seemed like he was going to lose Yugi all over again.
He was jolted from his thoughts when he heard the sound of nails and heavy boots coming towards them. A canine appeared in the doorway along with three men. Atem immediately recognized Jaden and his cousin, Leo. The canine stepped into the light and revealed itself to be Ryou in jackal form. ^We're here to rescue you.^
Atem looked at Ryou, “How was my brother when you left the mansion?”
^Not good. Ishizu had to place him in a stasis pod after he struggled to tell her that you guys needed help. He fought to get you help, but it nearly did him in completely. Before I forget, there is hope for restoring Yugi's soul to his body.^
“What do you mean,” Atem asked as the three men worked on removing the door as quietly as possible.
^As long as no harm comes to Yugi's Soul Crystal, he can be saved. Malik and I found this out from the Hunter's Journals. Ishizu has the notes back home. Seto has a special container for the Soul Crystal once we have retrieved it from Raiden Takeshi.^
Atem was confused, “Who is this Raiden Takeshi?”
^The Vampire Lord. I figured that if you knew his name, it would be to your advantage. It may distract him long enough to get Yugi's soul back. Plus, if you manage to defeat, but not kill him, he may give us a clue as to help remove this Vampiric Curse from us.^
Atem nodded as Seto's men lifted the door from its place. Ryou slipped in and nuzzled his twin's shoulder to wake him. Bakura moaned, “Someone feed the dog.”
Ryou looked like he was scowling, ^For your information, brother, I am not a dog. I'm a Hikari in Jackal form. Now get up, we have a Soul Crystal to retrieve.^
Bakura jerked awake at `hearing' Ryou `speaking', and accidentally kicked Marik. Marik jumped up, “Who dares wakey-upey me from a nap? I's gonna make yous pay.” He notices Ryou, “Hi deres puppy.”
Ryou glared at Marik, ^For the last time; I'm a jackal, NOT a dog!!!!^
Bakura bit back a laugh at his brother's reaction to being called a dog. Atem and Bakura set to waking the rest of their team up while Marik got his beaings straight. Ryuo shifted to his normal form to help wake them. “So did you guys manage to locate the Soul Crystal that has Yugi's soul trapped,” Ryou questioned.
Atem looked over at him, “Yes, but I noticed that it dimmed greatly and then resumed its internal glow. But the light was slightly dimmer.”
“That must have been about the time that Yugi tried to speak to Ishizu,” Ryou stated, poking Joey in the side. “It must have taken a lot for him to get us that message. We must be careful in getting it back safely, otherwise…” Ryou let his voice fade; not really wanting to tell Atem that he may have to put his brother down to prevent any more pain to him.
Atem noticed that Ryou never finished his sentence and decided not to push the issue further. Once the team was awake, they went to join Seto's team.