Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I'm Not afriad of YOU ❯ Don't look back! ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chapter one: Don't turn back!
People were running around everywhere. The city of thieves was under attack by the pharaoh's army. The slaughtered bodies were going to be used for a ritual, but he didn't know. Ten year old Bakura sat at the table as he watched his parents fret about with expressions of fear on the their faces. They repeatedly reassured him that everything was going to be okay, but their words held more doubt and thus did not deceive him. He knew there was chaos raging outside the safety of his home. Bakura got up to look out the window, but through it came a flamed torch. He backed away and looked up. He saw a man looking through it at him. The soldiers smirk at him. This was it. The soldiers were going to attack here now. They started banging at the door. His father ran over to hold the door closed.
With his back holding the door closed, his father cried to his mother to take him. Bakura's mother grabbed his hand and pulled him towards to the back of the house. She opened the storage closet and pulled the loose floorboard off its hinges. A crash came from the front. Bakura's father shouted for them to hurry and escape. His mother turn to him and embraced him.
“Please Ra, let him be brave and give a safe path to follow and the strength to go on if…”
His mother prayed quickly and picked him up, lowering him into the dark tunnel beneath the tunnel. He moved in deeper to give his mother room to climb in after him. His mother bent down ready to lower herself down. Footsteps vibrated across the top above him. He looked back to see his mother beside him, but she wasn't. She was still at the top looking down at him and…putting the loose floorboard down! Bakura ran to grab his mother's hand. The floorboard shut itself tight and the tunnel became pitch black.
“NO!! MOTHER!!! MOTHER!!!” he screamed.
He banged his fist against the floorboard, but it wouldn't budge. He could hear his mother struggling and screaming. Bakura kept hitting the floor above him. Tears ran down his faces in frustration. He couldn't get it open. It was stuck. Someone or something was probably on it. He started pushing at it, hoping the person or thing would get off. As long as the struggling above went on, Bakura knew that he still had time to save her. After a while the pounding of the struggle went on…then it stopped. Bakura pushed again with the remaining strength he had. The tears still streamed down his face. The floorboard finally gave in. It shifted up and he pushed it to the side.
Bakura cautiously looked above ground. There were no signs of the soldiers. He looked over to his side. His mother was lying on her face. She slowly looked up and gave him a weak smile. Bakura crawled over to his mother's side. He looked her over. His mother's blood was splattered all over the closet and on herself. She held out her hand for him to hold. He clenched the hand tightly and began to sob. His tears dropped to the ground. They dripped onto both of their hands as he held them close to his chest. His mother also began to sob. Bakura shifted closer to her and embraced her.
He bent his head down to kiss her on the forehead. The footsteps started to return again. Bakura glared at the sounds coming towards him and holding his mother tightly and kissed her again on the forehead. Suddenly she pushed him away.
“Go,” she said weakly, “go, and don't turn back, please my son, go.”
“No, I can't” He held her hand, kissing it, “I can't live without you, mother”
“Now please leave!”
Bakura turned away and climbed back down the tunnel. He picked up the floorboard and closed it above him.
“I love you,” Was his mother last words.
He raced down the tunnel. The tunnel was connected from the closet of the house and out the back of it. The sun blinded him for moment before he could continue. Bakura ran down the back alley. He almost bumped into a group of soldiers. He had to reach the canyon leading out of Kuru Eruna. Bakura sprinted across two alleyways. He looked around. Bakura was at the head of the city. A sickening smell grazed his nose. He almost vomited when his eyes came to a terrible sight. Bodies of people were being stacked into carts pulled by horses. Two of them were already leaving the city.
Bakura was becoming dizzy from the smell so he ripped a piece of cloth off his robe and tied it around his face. When the soldiers weren't looking, he made a run for one of the carts. He was going to take a horse but decided it would attract too much attention. The horse started trotting towards the gate. He walked slowly beside it as it left the city. As soon as it left the gates, Bakura made a run for the cliffs. He hid in the shaded place and watched as the carts left on by one with a heavy heart and the thought of revenge.