Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Indescribable Sin ❯ Tears and Realization ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
360 Downturn

Chapter Two

Wind billowed around the city, swirling countless things that covered the grounds of the streets and yards of the few houses and shops within the downtown area. Dark ebony colored clouds surrounded the once blue sky, extinguishing what little light that had been left. Thunder roared in fierce battle of unison of the great lightening that outlined the sky in its all mighty glow. Droplets of rain were soon following the duet as they hammered down upon the unsuspecting city, covering the ground in only a matter of minutes.

A large storm was brewing, though no one knew what to suspect from this massive downturn in the weather's being.

The wind blew furiously, swaying the large trees violently. All the while as little Yuugi gazed out at this scary sight, blinking his amethyst eyes in innocent curiosity. His small hands planted themselves firmly upon the cold glass as he continued to gaze outside.

“Wow! Da raindrops are coming back!” Yuugi squealed, smiling happily as a young yet worried woman entered the room.

“Yuugi-chan, what are you doing?”

Said boy turned towards the woman, recognizing her as his own mother.

“I'm looking out da window. Da raindrops are coming back!”

Yuugi's mother smiled and rolled her eyes at the boy's imaginative game. She then bent down on her knees meeting her son's exact height.

“Little one, why don't you help me with the cookies? I could always use a little helper when it comes to adding the chocolate chips.” she suggested, trying to rid her son of his fantasy of raindrop racing.

The small boy scrunched up his nose in disdain as he shook his head. “No Mommy, I wanna catch da raindrops and wait for Daddy to get back.”

The woman sighed as she stood up from her current position, ruffling her son's hair as she smiled softly. Little Yuugi was very stubborn when it came to his father. When he decided to wait for him to return from an errand, his mind was set.

“Please Sweet Heart? I would really enjoy it if you helped me out with the cookies. I promise you that your father will be back shortly.”

Yuugi cocked his head to the side as he nodded in defeat. “Okay, but I want to go back when Daddy gets home from da grocery store.”

“All right, Little One, all right.” she sighed as she gently lifted the small boy from the soft carpeted flooring, carrying him off into the kitchen.

- -

Tick, tick... The sounds of the old grandfather clock chimed across the Mutou's living room.

Time seemed to have passed a great deal since the depature of Yuugi's father; three hours to be exact. The time had reached nine o' clock as Yumi tucked her son into bed, now feeling the great burden of distraught worry.

Said woman sat on the couch, amethyst eyes gleaming at the clock every five seconds, wringing her hands together as she bit her lip.

“Yami, where you are? It's been three hours since you left for the grocery store.” she whispered, rocking back and fourth to the slight chime that alerted her of the new hour.

The span of time that her love had been gone had boggled her mind. Yami had been gone without a word in edge wise over his lack of appearance at the household. Only thoughts of his humorous personality and caring love for his family role played through Yumi's mind.

The young mother fought back the accusations of her mind's bizarre thoughts as she sighed as she awaited the return calls from her love's friends. Due to her lack of transportation and caring for young Yuugi, she phoned Yami's best friend, and his cousin, Seto Kaiba.

The man had accepted the pleas of help without a second thought, graciously offering what he could for searching for his young cousin.

The woman's thoughts then left that of Seto Kaiba as they fell upon her little boy. Her and Yami's small child, Yuugi. The thoughts of how much those two had bonded and had loved each other made her heart skip a beat. What would happen to her little one if he lost his father? Would he lose what sweet innocence he possessed over the world?

She prayed for alternate thoughts of the moment as she was rewarded with the sound of the phone's melodic ring tone.

A look of relief washed across her face as she stood on shaky legs, attempting to shuffle across the carpet as she answered the phone.

“Hello, Mutou residence,” she questioned, desperately trying to remain calm.

“Yumi?” A familiar voice echoed through her ears, causing her large violet orbs to widen if even possible.

“Seto, what's wrong? You sound very distraught.”

The line feel silent for the moment as a sad sigh escaped Seto's end of the line.

“Yumi, I was just in contact with the Mutt.”

“What? Jonouchi called you? What did he say? Has he seen Yami?”

Seto sighed sadly through the line as he thought over his next response.

“He, He called me and told me that while searching for Yami, he found a strange scene on the side of the merging entrance of Highway 360.”

Yumi gasped as her grip tightened around the phone, almost to the point of her knuckles turning white.

“What did he find?”

“He found a blue Dodge Neon, and it's license plate number matches that of your family car.”

The woman blinked as she felt a new river of tears cascade down her pale alabaster cheeks as she thought of an accusation.

“W, what was the car's condition?”

“It was found abandoned on the side of the exit way. According to Jou, the car itself had suffered damage from an accident of some type. The windshield was shattered, and the back of the car was caved in.”

By now the tears fell into the form of never ending rivers as Yumi shook violently.

“Yami was found in the car wasn't he? He was found dead and you are just trying to keep the inevitable news of his death away from me aren't you? Aren't you!” her voice began to raise in tone and volume as her hands shook.

Seto was silent for a moment as he allowed the woman to collect herself from the emotional outburst.

“No. Yumi in all time you have known me, you should know better than to assume that. I would never keep the inevitable of your husband's life, my cousin's well being away from your knowledge. But know this, he wasn't at the scene of this incident. He hasn't been found and all that was left was a bloody hand print across the side of the driver's side seat.”

Amethyst eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as shock completely held their normal sparkle and glimmer of hope and happiness. A feeling of complete hollowness flooded through Yumi's heart as she choked back a sob.

As if sensing the woman's distraught actions, Seto, spoke softly. “Yumi, Yumi, Listen to me. You and I both know that that little smart mouth cousin of mine is always in jams like these. He is probably fine. He might be at the hospital at the moment for all we know. Just look at the bright side and keep a smile on your face for little Yuugi. I don't think he will be able to handle seeing his mother in tears.”

“I know Seto. But I have this feeling that something isn't right with this picture. I think the hospital would have called or something over this accident would have made it across the news.”

“Yumi, accidents like this happen daily, it would never make it across the news. I mean even if he is world champion of Duel Monsters. Now for the safety of you and Yuugi, I want you both to remain at home, and I'll personally check up on the hospitals around Domino and with Joey. Just keep calm and make sure Yuugi doesn't find out okay?”

The woman sniffed tearfully as she wiped the excess salty tears from her face. “Alright Seto. I know you more than I can ever repay you. Please just let me know if my husband is alive or dead. That's all I need to know.”

“Alright Yumi, I'll do that and don't worry I'll have this all under control and we should have Yami's whereabouts.”

With that spoken for, both family members bid farewell, now allowing the distraught mother to deal with her broken emotions. Well all until she was brought out of her bout by a small whimper.

Immediately she stood, walking towards the stairs as she saw the miniature version of her husband; her little one, Yuugi.

Her face fell into a sad smile as she gazed down at her little boy, only then to notice his large watery amethyst eyes, and dishelved hair.

“Sweetheart what's wrong?” she whispered, approaching her son with utter most care.

Yuugi simply sniffed as he cuddled his pastel green baby blanket, nuzzling his face into its fuzzy depths.

“I had a nightmare...” he stated, whimpering as he clutched his blanket closer towards his small body.

His mother's soft hands trailed through his spiky strands of wild tri-colored hair as she attempted to soothe his nerves.

“It's okay sweetheart, everything is okay, it was just a dream.”

The boy nodded as he wiped his falling tears away. “Mommy, I'm scared. Where's Daddy?”

The question was so simple and easy to answer in most occasions but now was not one of them. Yumi's breathing hitched in the back of her throat as she tried to piece together a valid reason for her six year old child.

“Yuugi-chan, Daddy isn't here at the moment. He is out at the moment, but will be back soon okay?”

Yuugi cocked his head to the side as he nodded, dragging his green blanket back up the stairs with his small form.

The mother could only watch his disappearing form with a frown as she walked back over to the couch, collapsing onto it as she sighed to herself.

“Yami where are you?”

To be continued...

Thanks for the reviews and yes I love writing these type of stories, after working on Soak up the Sun for so long, I missed writing the father and son relationship. Oh and also Yumi won't be in the the story much anymore, well almost never after next chapter.