Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Indescribable Sin ❯ Ignorance ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warning: Yuugi’s rebellion, language, and harshness towards Yami

Chapter Eight

“Silence is golden,” an age old proverb. Silence was anything but golden in this conflict, Yuugi’s that is.

A sea of emotions sailed through the teenager’s mind, yet fear consumed the vast majority. His heart pounded in his chest, thumping loudly as he gazed at the man standing only three feet away.

The very cause of his insanity stood profoundly, eyes of deep crimson widening. Familiar tri-colored hair covered his head, splaying into spikes. Leather hugged his lithe form, leaving nothing to the imagination.

This was the very man who had walked out on his mother and himself. Yuugi’s eyes narrowed; this was the very man who had killed his mother.

Anger flickered in the boy’s sparkling amethyst irises, reflecting complete anguish of his shattered life. His hands grazed the edges of the puzzle, shaking as the familiar mechanism of heat pulsated across his pale skin.

A word had yet to be spoke…. Yuugi continued his ministrations, glaring and narrowing his eyes at the man standing in his game shop.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Yuugi spat, gripping the puzzle tightly.

The crimson eyed male blinked, utterly shocked. He took a step back in surprise, studying the boy in front of him.

“I should ask you the same question. Who the hell do you think you are, talking to the owner of this shop in such mockery?”

Yuugi’s hands dropped from the puzzle, hitting the cold glass of the display case. This man didn’t get it, he had no idea of his own mockery.

Yuugi simply pulled himself off of his stool, standing at his full five feet.

“You are mistaken. You do not own this shop, it’s owned by Sugoroku Mutou,” Yuugi stated, placing his hands on his hips.

The elder man blinked, fully taking in the information, nodding his head slowly.

“Yes, I know this little one. Sugoroku is my father. We share ownership of this business. Now if you don’t mind, I need to speak with him.”

Yuugi rolled his eyes, tapping his fingers across his black studded belt. He sighed inaudibly, awaiting the next sentence of the bewildered doppelganger of his appearance.

Said man was annoyed. He wanted to know why the boy held such great disrespect. Just who was this child in front of him?

“Why are you still here? I thought you would have understood the simple command I had issued?”

Yuugi growled, striding towards the entrance of the small living area of his home. His hands grazed the puzzle, shuttering under the scorching heat. The teens voice deepened, meeting the levels of baritone depths. Amethyst eyes glowed, flickering vibrant shades of dark crimson and indigo.

“Fuck off! You have no right to throw me out of my own house Yami.”

The boy exited the room, slim legs striding in slow seductive motions of a regal feline. His eyes faulted into their usual softened state, reflecting great sadness.

Yami stood, frozen in place. His face held the expression of pure shock and curiosity. He wanted to now who the hell that was, he wondered where his wife was.

Groaning, the male sought out the exit of the shop, sending the bell into it’s regulation tingling toll, all until the presence of an aged man appeared behind the counter, sighing in pitiful grievance.

Plum eyes blinked perplexedly, locking onto the dazed form of Yami.

Sugoroku cocked his head to the side, contemplating the young man’s appearance. His eye sight must have been failing as he spoke.

“Yuugi, what are you doing here? I asked you to take my shift in the shop. Sugoroku groaned, scratching his head silently, wondering why Yuugi had disobeyed his wishes yet again.

The figure at the door froze, pulling a 360 turn in surprise, crimson eyes wide in mentioning of “Yuugi.”


The aging man gasped, rubbing his eyes in pure amazement. It was almost as if Yami had grown two heads.

“Yami? What in the seven hells…. Where have you been?!”

Sugoroku studied the now elder form of his son, taking in his gruff, disheveled appearance. He had noticed a flicker of something in the crimson eyes, possibly confusion?

“What do you mean? I have only been gone for a few hours getting groceries,” Yami said, shrugging his shoulders.

Realization struck the aged Mutou’s mind. His son had lost a part of his memory. Or was this simply a mechanism of ice breaking tension?

“Yami stop this foolishness… Where the hell have you been in the past ten years?”

Again, Yami cocked his head to the side, blinking. He was bewildered.

“Dad, I’m serious. I just went to the store. What do you mean by ten years?”

The man groaned, resting his face against his palms. This was going to take a great deal of explaining.

“Son, let’s go sit in the living room, we have a long conversation ahead of us.”

Yami nodded, obliging to the simple request.

Both headed through the door, entering the living quarters as Sugoroku sighed.

‘I hope Yuugi will stay out of the way.’

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Half-lidded mugs of coffee sat unceremoniously on the mahogany wooden table. The two Mutou’s sat comfortably on the plush blue couches, facing one another in light converse.

Yami nodded as he fully took in the information stated, groaning in ignorance as ten years had been repeated for the fifteenth time that day.

“It’s been ten years since your exploration in the rainstorm Yami. We had all lost confidence in your return, yet here you are today.”

These words simply bounced off the male’s mind, leaving nothing except a mind eating question.

“Dad if that is the case, there where is Yumi and my little Yuugi?”

Before he was able to respond, echoing footfalls vibrated through the room, alerting the duo of Yuugi’s presence.

Sugoroku sighed, wondering what his grandson was up to.

Amethyst eyes narrowed, locking onto Yami’s own crimson.

“What are you doing in here? I thought I sent you home?”

Anger ebbed at Yuugi’s emotions, sending his 180 of a personality into play.

“You fucking killed her! What makes you think that after ten years, you can waltz into this house, asking for her?!”

Yami’s father groaned, turning his attention onto the small, fuming teenager.

“What have I told you about speaking in that tone, much less that language? No one deserves that type of treatment.”

Yuugi stood, blinking his eyes in agitation. His grandfather didn’t get it.

“You know he deserves it! He killed her! Why the hell did you kill me mother Yami?!”

Tears trickled down the teenager’s face, slipping onto the beige carpet. Yuugi’s face fell, revealing the sad little boy who had once played with raindrops on the window sill.

While Yuugi suffered through his breakdown, Yami sat there, jaw dropping in pure shock. This intimidating boy claimed him of murder; murder of his wife. The boy was of his own flesh and blood.


The boy acknowledged Yami with a sadistic smile, pulling himself away from the living room.

“That’s right you bastard. I’m your so called Aibou.”

Yuugi shook, clambering his small body up the stairs, millennium puzzle. Smacking his chest in toll.

His mask had fallen, revealing the never ending 360 of Yuugi’s true self.