Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Secret/Kaiba's Findings ❯ Chapter Seven: Joey’s Secret Reviled (pt 1) ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

SilverKit: Yes *Jumps up and down* Chapter Seven, were on chapter seven
Shina: *Sweat drop* You had coffee this morning didn't you
SilverKit: *Looks at Shina* Ya so?
Shina: *Sighs* Well as my hyper-active sister said here is chapter seven, it's also the first one of a three part chapter, enjoy.
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Chapter Seven: Joey's Secret Reviled (pt 1)
Joey was sound asleep in the room when Mokuba opened the door. He looked at saw Joey still in bed, her jacket on the floor. He smiled and ran to the bed then jumped on it. Joey woke up with a start and, thinking it was Pegasus pushed Mokuba out of the bed. He landing on his side hard which made he start crying slightly. Joey looked around then saw Mokuba on the floor. She jumped out of the bed and wrapped her arms around him, not thinking about what might happen. “Shh its ok Mokuba I'm sorry I thought you were Pegasus,” said Joey, “He sometimes wakes me up like that.” Mokuba rubbed his nose, but still kept crying and that's when Kaiba walked in. He saw Mokuba crying while in Joey's arms and snapped, “What happened to him Wheeler.” “I kinda pushed him off the bed on accident,” said Joey and whipped Mokuba's tears away. Mokuba smiled as he stopped crying and looked at Joey saying, “You act like a mother.” Joey's eye twitched and Mokuba ran out of the room. Joey stood up and was about to chase him when Kaiba stopped him.
“Wheeler we have a little problem with you going home,” said Kaiba. “What? Why?” asked Joey. “Pegasus called and told me to tell you the roads are so bad people are going off it left and right and that its best you stayed here until the roads got better.” Joey sighed but nodded her head before looking at Kaiba muttering, “What am I going to do about clothes.” Kaiba sighed before thinking, *Perfect I let Wheeler try on some of my old clothes and while he..or she is changing I can open the door and see for myself if what I found out is true.*
He was surprised as he came out of his thoughts to see Joey waving her hand in front of his face. “Wheeler what are you doing?” asked Kaiba. “Seeing if you were still in there,” said Joey, “You looked like you're eyes were about to roll back.” Kaiba shook his head before saying, “Come with me you can wear some of my old clothes if they fit.” Joey nodded her head and walked across the hall to Kaiba's room. She looked at his door and saw a Blue Eyes on it then while looking around Kaiba's room saw a lot more Blue Eyes things. “Dang Kaiba you must really like Blue Eyes to have this much stuff,” said Joey while picking up a stuffed Blue Eyes White Dragon plushy. Kaiba snatched the stuffed Blue Eyes out of Joey's hand before handing her a shirt and pants. “Don't touch and there is a bather room you can change in,” said Kaiba while pointing to the bathroom that was connected to his room.
Joey looked at Kaiba before deciding to play alittle game with him. “What's wrong Kaiba don't want anyone to take it because you can't sleep without it,” snickered Joey. Kaiba looked at her, anger showing up in his eyes. “Mokuba gave this to me while Gozeburo was still alive, it was one of the few things that made me do what I did,” said Kaiba. “Which was?” asked Joey. “Get Mokuba away from the bastard and into a better life, which I've done,” said Kaiba. “He treated you real bad didn't he Kaiba?” asked Joey, fiddling with the shirt in her hand. Kaiba nodded his head and he put the plushy back on his bed. “Looks like we have something in common,” said Joey. This made Kaiba look at her surprised and ask, “What do you mean?” “My father….if you can call the monster that, would beat me whenever something wrong in his life happened of if he was drunk and I was alittle late getting home,” Joey told him quietly. “Hmm, well go try the clothes on,” said Kaiba.
Joey nodded he head and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She didn't think to lock it because she doubted Kaiba would come into the room. Her reason for thinking this was she was sure Kaiba still thought she was a guy. Joey placed the clothes on the toilet and looked around the room. She laughed to herself when she saw he even in his bathroom Kaiba had Blue Eyes. She took off her shirt and put it on the floor, her bounded chest in clear view. Her eyes widened in horror when she herd the door fly open. She slowly looked up and saw Kaiba staring at her, then out of instincts covered her chest up so he couldn't see it. Kaiba walked into the bathroom, anger shining in his eyes. He got almost a foot from her and opened his mouth saying….
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SilverKit: *Pouncing up and down* Cliff hanger, cliff hanger
Shina: *Sighs* I am going to kill who every let her have coffee I swear on my tail I will.
SilverKit: Hopeyoulikedthechapter
Shina: Let me translate- hope you liked the chapter, that's it don't forget to review.
SilverKit: Cya later, next chapter will be out soon *Tackles Shina*
Shina: Ya, and maybe by then her caffeine high will be gone.