Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Crossover...Or Is It? ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Priestess: This may be bad, because I just got knew contacts and they really burn-so I had to write this with my eyes shut most of the time. So that's why it sucks so badly.


"Well," Dumbledore said. "I know the year hasn't started-we don't even have a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, everybody thinks the job is cursed-but since it is very rare that anyone starts as a fifth year when they haven't even taken first grade, we need to put you in a house right away."

"I've never been to a school before," replied Malik. "And our powers are all really ancient-not like the kind you people learn."

"I will not lie," Dumbledore said gravely. "These are dangerous times in the magical world. There is an epic battle occurring between good and evil. You might be able to avoid getting involved in it if you stay away, but having sensed the extent of your powers I do not feel it likely." He sighed.

"There are those who would exploit your magical abilities for their own use. And you will not be able to stay hidden from them for long. But I can promise you safety at my school, as well as a chance to better yourself. The magic you would learn at Hogwarts would be well worth the effort."

"I don't care about all that crap, but I am not putting that thing on my head!" Yu-Gi-Oh yelped, pointing at the tattered hat that had just finished singing. "It's ugly! And it…it talks!"

Ignoring him, Minerva McGonagall said, "Mister Bakura, would you go first."

"Gladly," he replied, giving Yu-Gi-Oh a look which clearly said wimp. He walked forward and put the hat on his head, shutting down his mind…just in case the hat was a blabbermouth.

After a long, long silence, the hat groaned, "I don't know what to do. He could go anywhere! The guy has the smarts, the bravery, the ambitious cunning" there was a pause. "He's hiding something."

"Ridiculous," she replied with a frown, waving her wand.

Immediately, a blaze of white light slammed everybody away from him. Bakura blinked, surprised, and without realizing it let his guard down.

A yelp burst from the tear that was the hat's mouth. "Why are you sending him to school? There is little or nothing we can teach him that he doesn't know already! Looks like I found ourselves our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!"

"What?!" four voices shouted at once.

Snape went first "That old hat is losing its touch. He's a child!"

"I am not!" Bakura replied, and covered his mouth.

"Well, how old are you?"

He flushed slightly-unnoticeable on anyone else, but not on somebody whose hair was so pale-and mumbled something incoherent.

"Three thousand five hundred eighty-six years!?" yelled Professor McGonagall, before somehow managing to compose herself.

Her cheeks were flushed, her bun coming unraveled and falling from her hat, her breathing harsh and labored, but she did manage to speak calmly. "Well, it seems that you most certainly are not a child. Mr. Mutou, why don't you go while we discuss this?"

"I refuse to learn about the darkness from him!" Yu-Gi-Oh protested, forgetting his fear and shoving the hat down over his huge head of hair. "He is the darkness!"

The Sorting Hat put all of them in Gryffindor, though it took at least an hour on Kaiba and spent about ten minutes on Malik.

"All right," McGonagall announced. "Bakura will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for Hogwarts. He will also use the Time Glass to also visit two classes per day, though he won't act as a student-that will probably make other students nervous."

"I'll be nervous no matter what," Yu-Gi-Oh snarled out, though he knew the 'attending' was probably for Ryou's sake. "You expect me to be taught by him?"

"Well, I'm not that happy about it either, but at least I'll only have two classes with you per day instead of every class," Bakura retorted. "Besides, even you will agree that no one knows more about the Dark Arts than I do!"

Yu-Gi-Oh's fists clenched and unclenched. He shook his head, desperate, disbelieving. "That…That's…You'll probably eat the souls of your students!"

"I will not!" Bakura cried.

"Enough!" bellowed McGonagall. "I do not believe there is anything wrong with having him be a teacher, not if he knows so much. We need a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and he cannot be that much worse than some teachers we have had here!"

Yu-Gi-Oh looked like he wanted to scream. But, red and angry, he snarled between clenched teeth, "very well." Then, he turned and walked out of the room.


A pale thin man with a hideous inhuman face paced across the dusty floor of an abandoned old house, the fire in a small grate casting shadows across the room.

At the table in a corner, a short stout man flipped through the pages of a huge and clearly ancient book. Several other volumes were stacked next to him. A hand which gleamed silver rapidly flipped the pages as he skimmed over the words.

Both men were dressed in long black robes.

"Have you found nothing yet, Wormtail?" came an eerily frigid voice from the first man. "My patience is growing thin."

"I…I am looking, milord," came the stuttering reply of the one known as Wormtail. "I've found many items, but nothing which seems as if it would do you any good."

"Well, look harder!" he snarled. "No modern magic will get me revenge on Hogwarts, and my old tricks are useless."

"Well…I might have found something…"

"What?" the man replied, more impatient than curious. He seemed to have little or no faith in his sniveling subordinate.

"It's here in Histories of Ancient Magics. They are seven Egyptian artifacts known as the Millennium items. They contain the forces of darkness and have various powers. I am uncertain if they are real, but they would be a valuable asset if they would."

"Well, what sort of powers to the items have?"

"It depends on the item. One contains the spirit of an undefeatable strategist. Another contains the soul of the legendary Thief King Touzoku Ou Bakura. One has the power to see the future, another can read minds, and another can control a person's thoughts and actions. One can judge the heart and soul, and yet another allows you to gain access to a person's mind."

"Hmm…" the man replied, interested now. "So, assuming these items do exist, where can they be found?"

"Egypt, milord. The book has little information about their exact location, and if they are in the hands of their fated possessors-the reincarnated forms of the Items' true owners-they could be anywhere."

"I have a feeling, Wormtail. I am almost certain that they do exist. Spread the word among my Death Eaters. I want those items."


After all the kids had entered the Great Hall, Dumbledore stood up.

"This is…a particularly unusual year. Considering the…ahem…events…of last year, I am sure none of you will be particularly surprised. Now, we have two new teachers, and three rather…unusual students. Mr. Mutou, Mr. Kaiba, Mr. Ishtal, will you come up?"

Yu-Gi-Oh and Kaiba were scowling, Malik looked a bit nervous but a bit excited, and they all walked up to the front of the room.

"Yugi Mutou, Seto Kaiba, and Malik Ishtal are new students from Egypt and Japan, but they will be starting out as 5th years in Gryffindor. They have all had prior learning, from different but similar sources. Our new teachers are from the same places. First is Isis Ishtal, our new Divination teacher."

Most of the students who had had Professor Trelawney (except the very few imbeciles who had actually liked her) cheered loudly that she was gone. Most of the guys whistled.

"Next is Ryou Bakura, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Girls swooned, some guys complained that he was too young to be anybody's teacher, and one person shrieked, "You're a dead man!"

Bakura looked strait at him, flashed what could very possibly be one of the world's eeriest smiles, and replied sweetly, "and your point is?"

The one who had shrieked shut up immediately.

"Mr. Bakura will be attending classes as well as taking them, though less as a student and more as an…assistant. In spite of your beliefs, he is not too young, and neither is Mr. Mutou."

"We're probably the oldest ones here," muttered Yu-Gi-Oh, and Bakura nodded. Kaiba and Malik were glad that they were neither midgets nor teachers nor ancient spirits.

Then the hat began its song, and they sat down.


Yu-Gi-Oh, Kaiba, and Malik gaped along with the Muggle-born first-years as food appeared on the golden platters. More food than most of them (except Kaiba and Yu-Gi-Oh) had ever seen.

Every kind of roast, (roast hare, roast pheasant, roast bore, and more) every kind of bread, (round loves and long ones, hard rolls and soft, seeded and plain), every kind of fish and vegetable and fruit and everything, enough for everyone in the school.

They started eating hungrily, but they didn't have long to eat before Draco Malfoy walked up to the Gryffindor table with Crabbe and Goyle behind him. "Well, well, well," he sneered. "What's a ten-year-old with bad hair doing with the fifth-years?"

Yu-Gi-Oh started sawing at his chicken instead of slicing it, eyes narrowed with rage, but he didn't say anything because Yugi had threatened to stop dueling if he caused harm to anyone else-though he said that might make an exception if they were a demon with, like, glowing blood-red eyes or something.

Lifting an eyebrow, Kaiba asked, "Who's the hotshot?"

Lifting his chin, he replied, "Draco Malfoy II, son of Lucius Malfoy, descendant of the great Akefia Touzoku Ou Bakura."

"Huh?" was Kaiba's only reply, though he noticed both Malik and Yu-Gi-Oh tense up. Hermione's eyes went wide and her hand flew to her mouth, causing Harry and Ron to look at her curiously.

Sneering, Malfoy replied, "I don't expect a soaring toothpick with big ears and long hair to know about the great King of Thieves."

That did it. Kaiba drew to his full height-which towered above pretty much everybody else at this point. Eyes narrowed, the air around him rippling with tiny sparks of silvery-blue lightning, he asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"A Muggle inventor with a bad reputation," Malfoy sneered, extracting a wand from his robes and pointing it at him in what should have been a threatening gesture. "No problem for me."

Without thinking, Kaiba pointed an angry finger at him. A tiny, glittering ball of blazing white lightning shot out at Malfoy.

Screaming loud enough for everybody to hear, Malfoy tumbled backwards. Crabbe and Goyle stepped forward, but a voice stopped them.

"What is going on here?"

They turned to see-much to Yu-Gi-Oh's dismay-none other than Bakura. His eyes were narrowed, hands on his hips, lips pressed together.

All in all, he wasn't very happy.

"It wouldn't do to be losing points so soon, would it?" though he was speaking to Malfoy and Kaiba, his glare was directed at Yu-Gi-Oh (surprise, surprise)

"He hurt me, Professor," Malfoy simpered, making Harry and Ron cringe in disgust. "He shot some weird silvery bluish lightning at me, completely unprovoked."

"That isn't true!" cried Harry.

"Yeah," agreed Ron. "He called Kaiba a big-eared toothpick with a bad reputation. He also said that he was descended from some guy named A-kef-ah Too-zoo-key-oh…whoever that is…"

"Ah-kef-e-ah Toe-zoe-koo-oh," Malfoy corrected primly, and smirked at Bakura's reaction.

The near-albino had gone as white as his hair, stiff as a board, eyes huge. Then his eyes narrowed and his fists clenched. "You expect me to believe that? He died without a single relative-no parents, no friends, no lovers, no nothing. How can you be his descendant? You don't even look like him!"

Malfoy's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "How would you know? Descriptions vary from a hideous monster to the most beautiful being on Earth! The only thing everybody agreed on was that his hair was-"

"White?" Bakura interrupted, tugging a pale lock of his own hair. "One of the few things they said about him that was actually right."

Then he turned and sauntered off, leaving an entire table (and Malfoy) speechless and quite shaken. (Crabbe and Goyle hardly spoke anyway)

Then, drawing himself up with a sneer, Malfoy turned and sashayed back to his table. For a moment Crabbe and Goyle stood, disoriented, before shrugging and following him.

"Is Bakura he really a descendant of Akefia Touzoku Ou?" whispered Hermione, eyes huge. "They have the same last name…"

Yu-Gi-Oh snorted into his food. "Oh, he's much more than a descendant," he muttered, earning stares from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"You said that aloud, you idiot!" cried Kaiba, loud enough for the entire room to hear. Yu-Gi-Oh had the decency to look embarrassed.


Hermione was about to ask another question, but Yu-Gi-Oh interrupted, "So, what were these…points…he was talking about?"

"Well, it's sort of a contest," Harry explained, and Malik stifled a groan at the annoyingly familiar gleam in Kaiba and Yu-Gi-Oh's eyes at the word 'contest.'

"Teachers, prefects, and head students can give and take 'points' from each house-you know: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. At the end-of-the-year banquet, the winning house is awarded the House Cup. Before we came in, Slytherin won the House Cup for four years. But since Harry, Ron, and I came in, we have yet to lose once."

"And you aren't going to start this year!" Kaiba said determinedly as dessert appeared. "Not if I can help it. And I never lose!"

"Don't worry," said Yu-Gi-Oh. "Maybe he has, but I'm not called the King of Games for nothing!"

"Don't ask," Malik suggested. "Believe me, it's a very bad idea." Ron, Harry, and Hermione regarded two pairs of similarly glinting eyes-one pair blue, one pair eerily red. An unspoken decision was reached to do the smart thing and listen.

"So, what's this house thing? We were sorted, but it took forever-especially for Kaiba."

"Each house has its own reputation," Ron replied. "Gryffindors are pretty much known for courage. Ravenclaws are known for wisdom. The Slytherins are the power-hungry jerks. And the Hufflepuffs are everybody else-they're hard workers, though they also tend to be pushovers."

"Ron!" cried Hermione. "It's not fair to make those kinds of generalizations."

"Well, it's true," Ron replied, putting his hands up defensively. "After all, the Slytherins are the ones who turned to the Dark Arts."

"Dark Arts?" Malik repeated. "Bakura is teaching defense against them, and even Yu-Gi-Oh agrees that no one could so better, but I don't really get it."

"Oh, you know," Ron replied with a casual wave of his hand. "The bad guys, bent on destruction and world domination and all that crap."

Been there, done that.

"All I know is that that hat is a smart-aleck. I'm fine about the regal and confident part, but I am neither cocky nor moody!"

//Yes, you are.\\

The words drifted into his mind with little or no warning. His head snapped up and he glared angrily at the teacher's table, where Bakura was watching him with those eerie eyes. He glared at him, wondering how even he could possibly hear them from all the way over there.

Narrowing his eyes, he noticed Bakura's long delicate fingers were running through the soft white fur of a kitten. His plate was empty, and he could guess what Bakura had been eating.

Suddenly someone screamed. Yu-Gi-Oh's eyes jerked away from Bakura to see dozens of pale apparitions floating through the air.

Ron, Harry, and Bakura each started conversing with one ghost or another-and, after the initial shock, none of them did too bad. Yu-Gi-Oh and Bakura were dead, after all-they had enough in common with these see-through beings with their large, haunted eyes.

Overall, the ghosts didn't have much effect, other than the initial shock and the fact that Yu-Gi-Oh could no longer make eye contact with Bakura-he seemed very popular among the ghosts.

"Would you guys happen to know how far away from the castle you have to be for electronic equipment to work?" Kaiba asked, stealing Yu-Gi-Oh's question.

"Farther than you're allowed to go," Ron replied.

Hermione, of course, had more info to provide. "Technology gets fried if you try to use it here. You'd have to go about five or ten miles out at least before you are far enough away from the magic of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade for electronics to work. You could get in big trouble and it's not worth the effort."

[Yes it is!] argued Yu-Gi-Oh, though not aloud. [We have the Duel Disks, it's a waste not to use them!]

<You have the Duel Disk,> Yugi replied. <You don't know that anybody else does!>

[A duelist must always be prepared] he retorted. [Besides, why would Kaiba have even asked if he didn't have his?]

<Not that a duel with Kaiba wouldn't be fun, as long as no one gets hurt, but we'll worry about it later. We aren't walking ten miles, and you aren't using Shadow Magic. Maybe Bakura will be willing to duel you with it later, but you aren't using it on Kaiba>

Yu-Gi-Oh pouted and retreated to his soul room, leaving Yugi at the table. Kaiba was the only one who noticed the change-well, so did Bakura, but he was busy discussing myths with the ghosts of two philosophers to really pay much attention.

Reaching into his robes as dinner vanished and dessert appeared, he extracted his wand and looked at it. Yu-Gi-Oh had done the finding, and had ended up with a wand of cherry wood with a phoenix feather at its core.

"Did yours have a phoenix feather at the core, too?" asked Malik, extracting one made of ebony. It was a bit longer than Yu-Gi-Oh's-but then he was taller, which meant he had longer arms.

"Yes," Yugi replied. Glancing at Kaiba, who was currently eating a very large piece of pie, he asked, "And let me guess, dragon heartstring."

Kaiba nodded and smirked slightly. "I knew it would be that the minute he said it. What I want to know is why that imbecile insisted upon describing it so much."

"Yeah. He told me mine was 'springy,' and good for transfiguration" he replied, of course meaning Ollivander told Yu-Gi-Oh and Yu-Gi-Oh told him.

"'Pliable,' and good for weather magic," confirmed Malik, picking up a small tart and tasting it. Smiling, he took another.

"'Supple' and good for channeling one's personal energy. So I guess that means I'll be conjuring dragons and electricity."

"And Ryou told me he"-Malik accented the 'he' so they knew which 'he' he was talking about-"got one of silver birch, 'whippy', and so ancient the guy didn't even remember what was in it. Hair of a god or demon, or something."

"His yami?" Kaiba asked, speaking in Japanese so the others wouldn't understand. Malik snickered. Inside Yugi's head, Yu-Gi-Oh snickered as well, but Yugi felt it would be rude if he did the same.

People began to disperse as Dumbledore dismissed them all. "Come on Ron, we're prefects now, we have to show the first years to the homeroom."

"Oh, yeah…" muttered Ron, not seeming particularly thrilled about this. "Oi, midgets."

"Hey!" Yugi (and probably Yu-Gi-Oh as well) glared at him. "I resent that!"

"Sorry, Lightning."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Oh yeah. First years this way please. Follow me."

"Mind if we follow too?" Yugi asked, happy again in spite of Yu-Gi-Oh's mental plans of what he would do if they were called 'Lightning' one more time. "We're new here, so we don't know where to go either."

Ron shrugged. "Why ask, you're going to do it anyway."

He and Hermione got the first years sorted out and took them to the Gryffindor common room. Malik almost cracked a rib trying to keep from laughing at the name ('dragon liver') and Kaiba's rather green face upon hearing it.

Yugi had to take control quickly, because Yu-Gi-Oh had no reason to keep from laughing-being a spirit, he had no reason to fear electrocution.

Goodnights were pretty rushed and every head which hit the pillow was immediately a sleeping one-food had made the teens tired, and besides, none of them wanted to be half-asleep the next day.

Least of all Yu-Gi-Oh, who was going to be in a class taught by his worst enemy.