Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaeroeke at Seto's House ❯ The tide is high ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sarah: Hey everyone me again! Sorry I couldn't update very quickly, school work -_-*
Kai: Yes.....that and you couldn't find a song to go with the character *rolls eyes*
Sarah: ^_^U hehehe.....well true.....actually, a big thank you goes out to Kakarotann who actually thought up a bunch of songs for future chapters!!! So thanx a bunch!!! ^____________^! Also, a big thanks to everyone that reviewed and/or sent me suggestions ^.^! Also, I found it easier to write the fic from peoples POV so.......yep^_^!
Kai: Should I do the disclaimers now?
Sarah: Would you please...? =^_^=
Kai: yeah.....ok, she owns NOTHING, here me? NOTHING!!! Ok, now on wit' da fic!


-Last chappie Ryou had just finished singing and it's now time to see who goes next! YAY!-


~Seto's POV~

By looking at Ryou you wouldn't think he could be that seductive....but geez were we wrong!That little hikari sure can sing. Now, the matter at hand. "Who will be going next then?" and to add to the surprises that night, of all people Joey raised his hand! He's not exactly one to get up on stage......wonder what he's up to? hmmmmm.....

~Joeys POV~

After seeing Ryou up there, I started thinking and decided that I'd like to try m hand at this.....so naturally, I volunteered. "Me Set!" "I wanna go next!"
"Ok then, Joey will be our next performer then!" So I quickly picked a song and told Seto, then went backstage, now I'm not that good at being all kinky and stuff....so I went for a more fun-type song, yet still a bit lovey-dovey as not to disappoint my Seto-chan. Turns out the song's called 'Tide is High' I think it's originally by Atomic Kitten or some band.....anyway. Now for the clothes..........I picked out a pair of dark blue pants, made of suede or something fancy like that, and one of those silky shirts...you know, I think the Spanish wear 'em or something....they've got baggy sleeves and then a form fitting torso? Yeah, one of those, leaving the top 2 buttons undone, just for effect........well I've gotta have SOMETHING don't I? Geez.....well, time to go on stage now....hope this goes well!

~Seto's POV~

Joey had gone backstage a few minutes ago and I hope he comes out soon....I'm getting annoyingly anxious to see what he does.
*The lights dim*

~Genereal POV~
The lights suddenly come on over the stage and Joey's slim, shimmering figure walks in high spirits out onto the stage whilest singing.

"Tide is high but I'm hooooolding on." "I'm gonna be your nuuuumber one." At this he points in Seto's direction. "I'm not the type 'a guy, who gives up just like thaaaaaaat! Noooooo, no." He then turns his head away to the floor for effect. "It's not the things you do that tease and hurt, me bad, but it's the way you do the things you do, to me." "Ya, I'm not the type 'a guy, who gives up just like thaaaaaaaat! No, noooooooo!" "The tide is high but I'm hoooooldning on, I'm gonna be your nuuuumber one! Tide is high but I'm hoooolding on, I'm gonna be your nuuuumber one." He then grabs a pole and swings around it (A/N: Standing up) then stops and looks strait at Seto whilest moving from side to side, sliding style. "Every guy wants you, to be his man, but I'll wait right here 'till it's my turn. I'm not the kind of guy, who gives up ju-ust like thaaaaaaat! No, nooooooo....." He then jumps to the center of the stage. "The tide is high, but I'm hooooolding on, I'm gonna be your nuuuuuumber one. Yeah the tide is high but I'm hooooolding on, I'm gonna be your nuuuuumber one." Joey then jumps clear of the stage and proceedes to advance slowly on Seto. "Everytime that I get the feeling, you give me somethin' to believe in. Yeah everytime I've got you near me, I know the way that I want it to be. But you know I'm gonna take a chance now, gonna make it happen now, and you know I can take the pressure, a moment's pain for a life of pleasure!" By this time Joey had reached Seto and was holding his chin up with one finger so he Seto could clearly see him. "Yeah, every guy wants you to be, his man. But I'll wait right here 'till it's my-y turn. I'm not the type 'a guy, who gives up ju-ust like thaaaaaaaat.....No noooooo!" "Tide is high, but I'm hooooolding on, I'm gonna be your nummmmber one. Yeah the tide is high, but I'm holding on, I'm gonna be your number one." Joey now sat down on Seto's knee and proceeds to trace lines across his chest. "Every time I get the feeling, you give me something to believe in. Everytime I've got you near me, I know the way I want it to be, but you know I'm gonna take my chance now, gonna make it happen somehow, and you know I can take the pressure, a moments pain for a life of pleasure..." With that the song ended, Joey, following Ryou's example, then pulled Seto into a sweet kiss that to the rest of the group, seemed to last for at least 5 minutes, but in reality only lasted about a minute and a half, plenty of time for Seto to take advantage of the situation and sweep Joey up into his arms to deepen the kiss.

When they finally finished, Seto was first to speak. "My, my puppy, where did you ever learn to do that I wonder....?" Joey then looked up thoughtfully at Seto and said, "I've had a good example to follow." At this Seto blushed slightly and put Joey down. "Yes....erm...now then......" At this precise moment Yami piped up. "Who'd like to go next, hm? Any takers?"


Sarah: OK! Another chappie up! YAY! ^_^
Kai: That get's annoying you know <_<
Sarah: Be quite >_>
Kai: Fine -_-*
Sarah: Anywayz! Please review if you feel like it! Also I'm still open to suggestions soooooo....yeah! 'Till next chappie, ja ne! ^_^