Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaeroeke at Seto's House ❯ Beauty and the Beast ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sarah: Oooooook people! Another update! Sorry I'm so slow, couldn't decide which characters to put the songs with.....sad really...all these songs and I can't decide which character should sing them -_-* Ah well, I eventually came to a decision ^_^!
Kai: Obviously, your writing this aren't you?
Sarah: Don't get smart with me >_>
Kai: *sigh* fine -_-
Sarah: Anyway, I'd like to thank all who've been reviewing my sorry fic ^_^!!! Thank you SO MUCH!
Kai: Will you give it up already? Your writing is fine!!!!!
Sarah: Fine.....but I don't believe you.
Kai: *sighs in defeat* whatever, disclaimers now,*whips out disclaimer cards* Sarah here owns nothing ok? If she did Tea would be dead(sorry Tea fans >.<) ok? Ok.

Sarah: Now on wit' da fic!!!!!!

Hikari to yami- /blah/
yami to hikari-//blah//

Last time we had Seto sing to Aliyah's 'One in a Million'.......who'll be next???? Read on!


~Bakura's POV~

"Who will be going next here?" I ask, but as soon as I do Ryou pokes me in the chest and says, "Why don't YOU go Bakura...? Or is the almighty tomb-robber afraid of a bit of music....?" Damn him.......Ryou know's I can't resiste a challenge, even an indirect one, especially form him. "I am NOT afraid my dear hikari, I believe I will go next then.Providing you sing with me." Of course, as soon as I say this that meddlesome puppy dog just HAS to comment. "Better be good Bakura, don't wanna be upstaged by your innocent little hikari do you?" the way he said 'innocent' just got on my nerves......anyway, now to get this over with. /So Bakura, what song will we be singing then.....?/ //Well.....erm....// I'm a little apprehensive to tell Ryou which one I'd picked as he'd most likely laugh at me. /Yes....?/
I realise I can't just NOT tell him....so I muster my courage and tell him. //Beauty and the Beast.........// Ryou looked slightly shocked after he 'heard' this /Are you serious Bakura....?/ Picking up the last shreds of my pride I reply meekly, //...yes...//

Ryou once again looks taken aback by this, //Is it THAT much of a shock to you...?// Ryou finally snapped out of his shocked state, /No, well, yes, I just never thought you'd pick such a sensitive song!/ //Yeah.....well.......I heard it on the radio and....well......it reminded me of you and I.....// Ryou, looking thoughtful, then replied, /How does it remind you of us....?/ //Well.....you know......your the beauty and I'm.......// Ryou then pulled me into a hug. /No your not Bakura, and even if you were, you MY beast, and nothing will change that k?/ I smile at this as I know he's right, then I say outloud, "Then let's get this thing started shall we?" With this we both went backstage to prepare.

Ryou chose a pair of white silk pants and a white silk shirt, there was an awful lot of silk there so there wasn't much of a choice. Then, to match, I chose a pair of black silk pants and a black silk shirt, we both left about 4 buttons undone, just for affect and to try make up for the realatively clean song we were singing. Although, I didn't mind staring at Ryou either......ANYWAY......time to get this over with.......


Quick Note!

Since two people sing this song, we need to be able to tell them apart, SO.......When Ryou's singing it will be displayed like this, 'lalalalala'
if it's Bakura, like this "lalalalala" and if it's both of them it'll be displayed like this #lalalalala# ok? ok ^_^ CONTINUE!!!


~General POV~

The two albino boys walked out onto a candle lit stage as the musical intro started....Ryou then came more into the light and started to sing,

'Tale as old as time........' 'True as it can beeeeeee.......barely even friends....then somebody bends.....unexpectadly....' Bakura then steps into the light and extends his free hand towards Ryou, and sings into the microphone..... "Just a little chance.........small to say the leeeaaast! Both a little scared, neither quite prepared...." #Beauty and the beeeeast....# They then both walked forward a few paces very slowly towards the front of the stage, #Ever just the saaaaaaame, ever a surpriiiiiiiiiise. Ever as before, never just as sure, as the sun will riiiiiiiiise!# At this, there is a musical interlude and Bakura slowly walks over to Ryou and strokes his cheek gently, whilest Ryou returns the action. They then proceed to walk out onto the catwalk part of the stage, moving with slow, liquid grace.Ryou than sings, 'Ever just the saaaaaaame!' Bakura comes in, "Ever a surpriiiiiiiiise!" they then both sang, #Ever as before, never quite that sure, as the sun will riiiiiiiiiise!# They then turned to each other and Ryou started off, "Tale as old as time......tune as old as song!" Bakura then joined in as then each extended their free hand to the other, #Ain't it sweet and strange? Finding you can change, learning you were wroooooooong!# Bakura then sang whilest circling Ryou slowly, keeping there eyes locked, "Certain as the sun..........." Ryou sang in the background part,

'Certain as the sun.......' "Rising in the eeeeeeast!" 'Tale as old as time.....' "Song as old as rhyme......." #Beauty and the beast# They then moved to the front and center of the stage, staring lovingly at each other, 'Tale as old as time........' "Song as old as rhyme....." they both sang before drawing there faces close and singing the last line with each other, #Beauty and the....beeeeeast......# They then gave each other a tender kiss and like that the song was over.


Sarah: Yay! Another chapter is done ^_^
Kai: YAY! ^_^
Sarah: Why are you so enthusiatic all of a sudden....?
Kai: Because I just realised that I'm involved in all chapters, whether you like it or not yes?
Sarah: Yes........
Kai: SO, this means a whole lot more people will get to know about me and how great a 'blader I am ^_^!!!!
Sarah: What are you on.....<_<
Kai: These! *holds out pixie stix wapper* I found them whilest looking for some polish for my beyblade ^_^ I don't know why you keep them by each other but they're good ^______________^!

Sarah: I keep them there so no one will find them -_-* Why were you going through my cupboards anyway?
Kai: You think my Grandfather keep's beyblade polish >_>
Sarah: Apparently not....
Kai: Exactly, plus, I practically live here half the time anyway.
Sarah: True.....anywayz, please review people! I don't care how long or short ^_^ I just love getting reviews ^________^!
Kai: Plus she likes to tell me about them.........-_-*
Sarah: Keep quite >_>