Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba's Lesson ❯ Chapter 4

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Chapter Four (Kaiba's Lesson)
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh or any of the characters in my story.
Sorry to tell everyone this chapter is pretty short but I promise the next one will be longer...
Arriving at the warehouse where Mokuba was being kept, Yugi and Kaiba sat down and discussed ways for Kaiba to sneak in. They got up from where they sat and went to look around the warehouse to see if any if the windows were loose. Luckily for them one was. So it was decided. Yugi would go in the front and Kaiba would go in through the window and look for Mokuba and possibly sneak him out. Yugi left Kaiba at the window and went into the warehouse. In the warehouse, Yugi realized that Noa had been expecting him because there was a giant dueling arena and Noa was already ready to duel. Pulling his cards out of his pocket Yugi challenged Noa to a duel.
“Noa,” he yelled across the arena, “I challenge you to a duel. If I win you must release Mokuba Kaiba, but if you win you can keep Mokuba.”
Noa looked at Yugi as if he was considering his offer. Then he replied after what seemed like careful consideration, “How about if I win I give you Mokuba Kaiba,” he finally said pausing to take a breath, “and I give you all your friends?,” he finished signaling to someone in the corner.
Yugi looked to where Noa had signaled. Coming out of the corner was a dark figure. As it came closer Yugi recognized who it was. Mouth dropping open he stared at the figure in the corner.... It was Marik...
**Review** Again I’m sorry to say that this chapter is so short. But I had to leave you in suspense awaiting my next chapter... If anyone has any ideas for further chapters please tell me... I need idea's for a Noa deck because in further chapters there is a Noa/Yugi duel.. I need 5 reviews before I post the fifth chapter.. Please...please... please... review...