Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba's Lesson ❯ Chapter 5

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Chapter Five (Kaiba's Lesson)
Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh or any of the characters in my story.
Please Review..
Story so far... Kaiba finds out that Noa has taken Mokuba.. He asks Yugi to help him get Mokuba back.. Yugi and Kaiba go to the Warehouse where Yugi finds out that Marik has been working with Noa...
I need people to review so that I know if I should keep writing this story in the middle of Math class... (It's boring.. and believe me, My math teacher doesn't like it when I don't pay attention... So please review) The next chapter will have the promised Noa/Yugi duel.. I need some ideas for a Noa deck.. I'm not sure which cards he should have...

~*~*~*~*... means that I switched from Yugi to Kaiba or Vise Versa...
Italics means that the person on the other end of the mic is talking...
“Marik..” Yugi whispered forgetting about the mic...
“What did you mean when u said that you would keep Mokuba and my friends....?” Yugi asked turning to look at Noa.
“Didn't you wander where your friends were today?”
“Yeah, but... I didn't think u had anything to do with there absence.”
“Well I did,” Noa remarked secretly motioning to Marik.
Marik who had noticed Noa's motion brought up his rod so that his mind slaves in the next room would come forward.
*Gasp*... Yugi looked at the doorway to his left where coming out of the doorway in a trancelike state were: Tea, Tristan, Joey, Duke, Mai.... and after several minutes..... Mokuba came out...
“Release them at once,” Yugi yelled at Noa.
“I can’t...”*CRASH!!* Noa was cut off as a loud crashing noise came from the back of the building..
Waiting for Yugi to go into the warehouse and give some sign over the mic that Noa and/or Mokuba was in there....
"Noa, I challenge you to a duel....(You know the rest...) Kaiba heard come over the microphone.. Not really listening to what Yugi and Noa were talking about he stood outside the building waiting till he thought an appropriate time would be to go in through the window.
"Marik.." Kaiba sat down on the ground hard with a grunt as he heard Yugi whisper his arch enemies name over the mic..
'What would Marik be doing with Noa..' Kaiba thought as he got off the ground and dusted off his pants. After listening to Noa and Yugi for a few more minutes, Kaiba decided to go into the warehouse. Kaiba climbed up to the window and then heard Yugi say "Release them" Forgetting that he was going through the window, Kaiba lost his concentration and fell through the window breaking the glass on his way..
Noa and Marik started to run towards the back room with Yugi right behind them. Reaching the room where the noise seem to come from Yugi, Noa, and Marik looked in a saw Kaiba laying on the floor with glass shards lying around him. Kaiba had blood coming out of a few places on his hands and arms.
Marik lifted his rod in the air as he attempted to take over Kaiba.. Kaiba looked up at Marik and smiled tauntingly at him..
"What's wrong Marik? Having trouble controlling my already weakened body?" Kaiba sneered at Marik as he lay on the floor.
"Uggh" Marik muttered as he lifted the rod in the air a second time, only to be stopped by Kaiba grabbing his legs and Yugi slamming his shoulder into Marik's stomach. Marik fell over backwards losing his concentration and dropping his control on his mind slaves. Yugi helped Kaiba off the ground and Kaiba, Yugi, Mokuba, and Yugi's friends started to run out of the building.
The group skidded to a hall to avoid slamming into Noa who was blocking the exit way.
"Move Noa" Kaiba demanded.
"Kaiba, let's just find another way out." Tea intervened realizing where this was going to go.
"Fine" Kaiba snapped turning around to walk off.
Following Kaiba, the group started looking for another way out of the building. Kaiba was annoyed and wasn't paying attention where he was going walked straight into Marik.
"This time I'll take over all your bodies, Seto Kaiba," Marik said as he shoved his Millennium Rod at Kaiba and company. Everyone's faces turned to blank, emotionless expressions as Marik took control over them.
Noa who had been following behind the group looked at the group of people who were now mind controlled and laughed.
"And you thought that you would rescue your brother and escape that easily," Noa said facing Kaiba.
Turning to face Marik, Noa demanded that Marik release his control on Yugi.
As Yugi came to his senses Noa looked at him and said, "Now you have one more person to fight for to gain there freedom.
"Fine than. Let's duel Noa..
As promised this chapter is longer.. I have an idea for my next chapter and no longer need it.. and I don't need a Yugi/Noa deck ideas anymore. Thanks to Jasmine5 for giving me the cards for Noa's deck. It was much appreciated. The next chapter will take longer to write because it has the long awaited Noa/Yugi duel is in it so it will be a little while till I post it. Oh and BTW it was my friends idea Botan Mai Kai to have Kaiba fall through the window. We were talking at the bus stop and she thought it would be hilarious to do that, so I did. So if you think that Kaiba falling through the window was a bad idea complain to her... Sorry Botan..