Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro no Maho: Magic of the Heart ❯ Prologue: Sayonara ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. At all. So, don't go 'round saying I'm claiming to, or other related whatnot. In other words, all you lawsuit- happy companies out there, don't sue me!

Author's Note: Not much, other than this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic. Not my first fic ever, just my first Yu-Gi-Oh one. There will be duels in here, and I have to say I'm going more off of the Dark Duel Stories GBC game in terms of format. For those of you who don't know, that means the alignment of the monsters now come into play. The deck that my OC's using will be mine from that game. I will make some improvements on the character's decks based on what I've seen from the anime, but that's about it. And all of you who read this fic, please review it. There are two possible endings for this fic: happy or sad. Your feedback will determine the outcome of the fic! Later!

P.S.: Thoughts are done in single quotes; // . // are yami to hikari and / . / are hikari to yami communications. Malik/Marik will appear, but he may be a little OOC. Yami Bakura is just Bakura; Bakura Ryou is just Ryou. Yami Marik is just Marik and his hikari is Malik. I've only seen the dub, and well, I don't really know what normal Marik is like. All monster stats will be shown as (attack/defense, alignment) and all card effects will occur according to DDS. Sorry, guys, but it's the only version of the game I know, so at least I'm sure it'll be accurate. And all monster power- ups will be shown as (starting attack/starting defense => new attack/new defense).

Kokoro no Maho ~ Magic of the Heart

By Kurama no Miko2003

Prologue ~ Sayonara

Mahoryu Sonomi was sitting at her desk, looking at the birthday card her aunt in Domino had sent her. Her birthday had been a few days ago, but it didn't matter. Her aunt owned a small gift shop, but she also sold individual Duel Monsters Cards, a business that was booming in all of Japan. She opened it, and it read:

Dear Sonomi-chan,

Happy Birthday! I know how much you love Duel Monsters, so I sent you a few cards I just got in! Hope you like them! Can't wait to see you when you move in with me!

Love, Auntie Hinagiku

Sonomi looked back in the envelope and gasped when she saw the cards, all of which were extremely rare and powerful. She slowly flipped through them, each one rarer than the previous. "Brain Control . . . Raigeki . . .Swords of Revealing Light . . . Megamorph . . .Dian Keto the Cure . . . Change of Heart . . . Black Luster Soldier . . . Cosmo Queen . . . and-" she could barely suppress a squeal of delight, "Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" She quickly went for her deck, removing nine weaker cards to include her brand new ones.

As she thought of calling one of her few friends over to duel, the last part of the message in the card reminded her: she was moving to Domino. Her parents, both archaeologists, were going on a dig together for several months in Egypt and leaving her alone in the house was not an option. They decided that living with her Aunt Hinagiku was the best option. Not only was Aunt Hinagiku looking for help to maintain her shop, she also lived in Domino, the home of the best duelists in the world, Mutou Yuugi and Kaiba Seto to name a few.

`I don't want to leave my friends . . . but maybe this is the way to a new beginning. Maybe it'll explain the dreams to me.' She had been having strange dreams about ancient Egypt for weeks; every time, it was different. The only thing that did not change was this figure with spiky hair in shadow dressed as an Egyptian pharaoh saying that he loved her. Or maybe the recent move and my parents going to that dig's getting to me. She sighed and picks up her cell phone and calls her best friend.

"Minako-chan, my aunt just sent me my birthday present! Care to duel me for fun right now?" she excitedly asks. Minako was her best friend in school and was also quite into Duel Monsters. They were both hardcore duelists, beating everyone else in their school; there were few people who could defeat either girl.

"Really? Good enough to beat that Cocoon of Evolution you always play?" she replies. "I live right next to you, so of course I'm coming. Are we dueling the old fashioned way or are we going to the arena?"

"Definitely the arena. I've got to see the look on your face when you see what I've got!" she replies. "Meet me outside my house in a few minutes, 'kay? And, since I'm leaving tomorrow, care to duel in style?"

"You got it, girl! I've changed my deck again, so I may as well see what you've got!" The two girls hang up and meet outside a few minutes later, dressed as their signature cards; Minako as the Dark Magician Girl, complete with hair and hat, and Sonomi as Mystical Sand, a female monster that wears a red robe with a yellow collar and rides on a broom.

"So, do you wanna see them now or leave it as a surprise when I got in there and kick your sorry butt?" Sonomi asks her best friend.

"I like surprises," Minako replies, "so let's just wait 'til we get there!"

Sonomi pulls into the parking lot and makes her way into the biggest arena. A duel was already taking place there, but as the crowd noticed her and Minako's presence, they quickly made a path for them. "Excuse me, coming through! Duelist coming through!" The people in line recognized her voice as she made her way to the red side and cleared the way for her. "So, where's the end of the line? Don't want to cut anyone off."

"Mahoryu Sonomi, right?" the kid next in line asks. She nods. "Here, take my spot. I've heard about you at school! You're amazing! I'd love to watch your duel and improve my own game!"

"What about the people behind you? Sure they won't mind?" They all shook their heads. They all knew her by reputation as a duelist with mostly dragon and magician class cards. The duel that had been going was just finished, and both her and Minako stepped up to duel. "Alright, Minako- chan! Battle City Rules with a twist?" Her best friend nodded. Their "twist" was that the alignment of the creatures now mattered and that the loser doesn't have to fork over their rarest card. (AN: I've never really seen that matter in the show, but it matters in DDS. So, for those of you who don't know, here goes my little explanation of it. There are three groups of monsters. Superiority occurs within each group but not between each group. The first group is the divine creatures. They are the creatures that are summoned with rituals. In this case, Sonomi's deck has three: Black Luster Soldier, Cosmo Queen, and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. The second group contains these four alignments: dreams, shadow, light, and fiend. Light always beats fiend; shadow always beats light; dreams always beats shadow; and fiend always beats dreams and it goes around in a circle. It doesn't matter if the monster with the superior alignment has the weaker attack points, it still destroys the one with the inferior alignment; neither player loses life points. The last group contains these six alignments: pyro, forest, wind, earth, thunder, and aqua. Pyro always beats forest; forest always beats wind; wind always beats earth; earth always beats thunder; thunder always beats aqua; and aqua always beats pyro, and it goes around in a circle. It's tougher to duel this way, but it's also a whole lot more fun. So, all of the duels in this fic we be conducted this way. And there will be a slight change with regard to fusion. According to DDS, fusion can occur by simply placing two compatible monster cards on top of each other. In other words, Polymerization is not needed to fuse two monsters.)

"Ready?" Minako shouts, shuffling her deck.

"Ready," Sonomi replies, shuffling hers as well. "Begin!" The life point counter went up the 4000 LP and the arena fell silent.

"So, I go first. I play a monster face down in the field and end my turn," Minako says. A spot in the arena glowed where the monster lay hidden.

"Hmm . . . good first hand," Sonomi quietly says. She drew Swords of Revealing Light, Beta the Magnet Warrior, Skull Red Bird, Darkfire Dragon, and Cocoon of Evolution. "I play Swords of Revealing Light and play Cocoon of Evolution (0/2000, Forest) in defense mode!" Minako's facedown creature was revealed to be La Jinn the Mystic (1800/1000, Shadow). (AN: In DDS, it takes only 3 turns for Cocoon of Evolution to become Perfectly Ultimate, counting the turn it was played as a turn.)

"Good move, protecting that cocoon of yours. I take it Swords of Revealing Light is a new card?" Minako replies, drawing a card. "I play another monster face down and lay down another card face down to end my turn."

'That last card she played is probably a trap card. Hmm . . . Fairy's Gift . . . I do have Beta the Magnet Warrior in my hand . . .' "I play Skull Red Bird (1550/1200, Wind) in Defense Mode and swap my new Great Moth (2600/2500, Forest) into attack mode and end my turn." Skull Red Bird suddenly appeared with a screech. It was now Minako's turn.

"You have no idea what I played, right? So of course, you don't attack. Typical," Minako replies. "I play another monster in defense mode and end my turn. Just one more turn and I'll be free to attack you."

"You wish, don't forget, my Great Moth has evolved into Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth (3500/3000, Forest)!" It was true; a giant moth was now on the field. "But I'm not done yet. I fuse Skull Red Bird and Darkfire Dragon (1500/1250, Pyro) to create Crimson Sunbird (2300/1800, Pyro)! Since fusion is not considered summoning a monster, I also play Fairy's Gift (1400/1000, Forest) and activate its special ability, raising my life points up to 5000. Now, my moth, attack one of her face down monsters!" The gigantic moth attacks one of the monsters, revealed to be another La Jinn the Mystic. The hologram shatters and the card was removed to the graveyard. Sonomi smirks, "Your turn. I can't attack with Crimson Sunbird 'til the next turn. You're safe for now."

"I know, and after this turn, I'm free to attack you! I sacrifice one of my facedown monsters and play yet another monster in defense mode. Won't tell you which." The swords faded as Sonomi's Swords of Revealing Light ended.

"Of course you won't," Sonomi replies, looking at the card she just drew. `Hmmm . . . The terrain card Mountain.' She looked at her monsters, an insect, a Winged-Beast, and a Magician. May as well. "I fuse Beta the Magnet Warrior (1700/1600, Earth) with Fairy's Gift for Mystical Sand (2100/1700, Shadow)! And I also play Mountain and to increase the attack power of my Crimson Sunbird (2990/2340) by 30%! Attack La Jinn the Mystic!"

"Not so fast! Activate Trap!" The trap card Minako had played was revealed: Acid Trap Hole. "You should know this one quite well, Sonomi- chan. Any attacking monster with less than 3000 attack points will be destroyed! And since your field-powered Crimson Sunbird has less than 3000, it's gone!" (AN: I know trap cards only last one turn in DDS. And I also know that the Acid Trap Hole card itself does something else. I know. I have it. But we're playing by mostly DDS rules, so that's what I'm sticking to.)

"But I'm still not done! Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth, attack La Jinn the Mystic!" This time, the genie was destroyed. "What now?"

"Not done yet, that's for sure. I still haven't destroyed your LP yet! Besides, you should have attacked my facedown monster instead! I play Darkfire Dragon (1500/1250 => 1950/1625, Pyro) and Black Pendant to boost the power of the Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700 => 2500/2200) I played last turn! Dark Magician Girl, attack Mystical Sand! Darkfire Dragon, attack Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth!" Both monsters were defeated. (AN: Remember, Darkfire Dragon's alignment is fire and Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth's alignment is forest. You do the math.) Sonomi's LP fell down to 4600.

"I'm not done yet; not by a long shot," Sonomi replies, drawing a card. `Thank you deck!' "I play a monster facedown and end my turn."

"Can't compete with my juiced up Dark Magician Girl?" Minako replies. "I fuse Giant Rock Soldier with Darkfire Dragon for Stone Dragon (2000/2300 => 2600/2990, Earth)! I play Jirai Gumo (2200/100, Forest) in attack mode. Dark Magician Girl, attack the facedown monster!" The female magician zooms in to attack only to be repelled by Big Shield Gardna (100/2600, Earth). Minako's LP was now 3900.

"Didn't think I'd play that, did you? And you lose 100 LP! I think it's safe to say you end your turn."

"I swap Jirai Gumo in defense mode and end my turn."

"Now, let's see . . . I play yet another monster in defense mode and end my turn." C'mon deck, pull through for me! Give me one of my divine creatures!

"Hmm . . . I play yet another Black Pendant on Dark Magician Girl (2500/2200 => 3000/2800). I sacrifice Jirai Gumo and play Summoned Skull (2500/1200, Fiend)! Attack her facedown monster!" Dark Magician Girl attacks the monster, only to have it revealed as Wall of Illusion (1000/1850, Dreams). The female magician was destroyed.

"Didn't think I'd played that monster, did you?"

"Summoned Skull, attack Wall of Illusion!" The wall was destroyed. "I end my turn."

'Good draw . . .' "I play Change of Heart! I get to control one of your monsters for the rest of the game . . . and of course, I'm choosing Stone Dragon." The dragon made its way to Sonomi's side of the arena. "Stone Dragon, attack Summoned Skull! And you lose another 100 LP!" (AN: I do believe Change of Heart was not permanent in the animé, but it's permanent in DDS. The one that lasts for one turn in DDS is Brain Control.)

"It's not over yet . . . I play Harpie Lady (1300/1400 => 1690/1820, Wind) in attack mode! Attack Big Shield Gardna!" The defense monster was destroyed. "How's that?"

"Good, but not good enough! Because I play Raigeki! All your monsters are destroyed!" Sonomi exclaims as a lightening bolt destroys Minako's Harpie Lady. The crowd simply stares in awe at the dueling friends. "Now, Stone Dragon, directly attack Minako's LP!" Minako's LP goes down to 1140. "I end my turn."

"I play Soul of the Pure to recover 2000 LP and play Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress # 1 (1400/1200 => 1820/1560, Wind)! Winged Dragon, attack Stone Dragon!" Stone Dragon disappeared.

'Hmm . . . Brain Control . . . let's wait 'til the next turn. I've got enough LP left that I can afford to take a direct hit. Maybe I can draw something more powerful next turn.' "I end my turn without playing a monster."

"Giving up, Sonomi-chan? Winged Dragon, attack her life points directly!" Sonomi's LP goes down to 3200. "I end my turn."

"I play Koumori Dragon (1500/1200 => 1950/1560, Fiend) in attack mode! Attack Winged Dragon!" Minako's LP was now down to 3010. "I end my turn."

"I play a monster facedown and end my turn."

'Yes! Let's test out this little baby . . .' she excitedly thinks as she puts her plan into action. "I play Brain Control and take over your facedown monster!" It was Maiden of the Moon (1500/1300, Dreams) "Get ready, Minako-chan, 'cause here's one of the brand spankin' new monsters my aunt gave me for my birthday. I sacrifice both Koumori Dragon and Maiden of the Moon to summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800 => 5850/4940, Divine)! Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack her life points directly!" Minako's LP were brought down to zero. "Good duel, Minako- chan!" Sonomi shouts as she was being lowered from her spot. There were many cheers from the audience, most of which were in awe of the summoning of one of the most powerful monsters in all of Duel Monsters.

"Your aunt gave you that card and several other for you birthday?" Minako says as the pair walked out. There were more than just a few whispers in Sonomi's direction as people recognized her as the possessor of the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon card.

"Yep. Still, dunno if I'm ready to move yet. Domino's a tough town . . . dunno if I'll even be at the top," Sonomi sighs. "I mean, I'm going to be going to the same school as elite duelists like Kaiba Seto and Mutou Yuugi."

"Don't worry about it! Just don't forget whenever you're dueling, I'm always going to be there right by your side. Here, as a token of our friendship, I'll give you my Dark Magician Girl. You'll always remember me whenever you're dueling with it, 'kay?" Minako says, taking the card out from her deck.

"But Minako-chan! It's one of your best monsters!" Sonomi replies, unlocking the door to her car.

"Don't worry, I have another copy of the card. This way, it'll be like our decks are always connected."

"Thanks, Minako-chan! And in return, here; I'm giving you one of my copies of Mystical Sand. Now our decks are truly connected. What do you say to some ice cream? I heard there's a new place that just opened downtown."


"So, want to know what else my aunt gave me other than the new cards I played in our match?"

"How many did she give you?"

"Nine; I now have Dian Keto the Cure, Cosmo Queen, Black Luster Soldier, and Megamorph in my deck as well."

"Wow . . . your aunt sure knows what cards you wanted. I'm sure that you'll be unbeatable when you get to Domino! You must email me everyday and tell me who you've been dueling! Promise?" They had reached the ice cream shop.

"Definitely! C'mon, what flavor do you want? My treat since you lost the duel."

"Hmm . . . I'll have a Rainbow Sherbet."

"How may I help you?" the clerk asks, smiling.

"We'll have two Rainbow Sherbet cones, please."

"That'll be $4.50."

"Here," Sonomi replies, taking out a five. "Keep the change."

"Thank you."

Later that night, Sonomi checked to make sure everything was packed, including all of her Duel Monsters Cards. She sighed; tomorrow, she will have to move to a whole new place, meet new people, go to a whole new school, and maybe, just maybe, get an answer to her dreams.