Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Little Red Riding Hood: The Yu-Gi-Oh! Play ❯ End of Role Call ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Little Red Riding Hood

Yu-Gi-Oh! Style

Chapter 2

End of Role call

Disclaimer: Do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Little Red Riding Hood.

SK9831 (to lazy to write Shadow Kitten 9831. Wait, I just did. >.<): Yugi Motou!

Yugi: *proudly* The Hunter

Yami: *glares at Yugi*

SK9831: Ok, lets see, Yami No Yugi!

Yami: *grumbles* The Tree

Everyone else: *giggles*

Yami: It's not fair! I wanted to be the hunter! I'm taller and braver and- and, I can at least reach the wolf's shoulders. He *points to Yugi* can't even reach his waist!

Yugi: *teary eyed like Ryou* You think I can't do it! *starts to cry* T___T I thought Yami's were supposed to be encouraging and kind and helpful, and Wah! *runs off stage*

SK9831: *turns around pointing at Yami with a death glare on her face.* Look what you did! You scared my hunter away! You're fired! Bakura! Take Yami's spot.

Bakura: *sarcastically* Oh goody…

SK9831: Okay, now that I think I called everyone who will be in the play, let's begin rehearsal. And remember, the real play is in two days, so we have today, and tomorrow to practice.

Everyone: *not really enthusiastic* Yah.

Ryou: Wait! Yugi just left! We don't have a Hunter!

Everyone: *gasps*

Cliffhanger! Will they find a Hunter in time of the play? Will they have enough time to practice? What will happen next?

Short chapter, but bare with me here!