Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mâ! Kore wa Hontô Janai Deshô! ❯ Chapter One: The Not so Perfect Date ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mâ! Kore wa Hontô Janai Deshô!

A fic by: Saiya-jin Spice - “Sugar, Nice, and Everything Spice! Spicing up your fanfiction, just the way you like it!”

Disclaimer: Yuugiou (Yu-gi-oh) (c) Kazuki Takahashi

Special Thanks: A big round of applause for my Beta’s, C.B.A. and Sakura Nightstar! Thank you so much for all your comments, suggestions, and taking the time to answer all the questions I had. You two are the greatest.

Warnings: This piece of work is rated PG-13. However, I only gave it that rating to be safe. It may contain language, mild violence, and sexual innuendos. Also, this is PRO-ANZU. I will not tolerate any Anzu-bashing or flames. However I will gladly accept any constructive criticism when it comes to improving my work.

Author Note: Hello and welcome to a little story I’d like to call: Mâ! Kore wa Hontô Janai Deshô! Before I’m asked, it’s Japanese for Oh, my! This can’t be right! Simplistic as it is, that’s why I decided on the Japanese. Rest assured, there won’t be any Japanese words smuggled into the story unless there’s an important explanation for its presence. (Excluding the honorifics) And, yes, I KNOW I should be working on the never-ending lovely list of my other stories, but I’m such a dork and couldn’t pass this up. Besides, I promised the readers of Settling the Score that this would be out soon! You understand, right? n . n

This will be taking place in Battle City although I forewarn you that I altered events so I would like it to be considered AR and slightly AU. While it is the Battle City time period, it’s really spread out and gradual, so don’t be surprised when you see nights rolling by. I wanted to focus more on Anzu’s personal life as well. There’s obviously an emphasis on romance, or I wouldn’t be here right now. What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic at heart, so expect to see the possibility of more than a few implied parings.

Another note I’d like to bring up is that Atemu is Mou Hitori no Yuugi or Yami, depending on the version of Yuugiou you watch. I know that in the anime at Battle City he evidently doesn’t know his name yet, but I didn’t feel like writing “Mou Hitori no Yuugi” every time I mentioned him, so I figured it would be more convenient to just put down “Atemu” for his name.

Also, I hope to see some reader’s back from Settling the Score so I can tell you that I did keep my promise to write this! ::grins:: I hope you all will be pleased with the results; I’m just sorry it took so long!

Any other questions, suggestions, or comments you’d like to make, feel free to open a soda can and pop them in my direction. Other than that, grab some popcorn, and let’s get on with the show!


Chapter One - How the Perfect Date was Not-So Perfect

It was obvious why people turned around to give sixteen-year-old Mazaki Anzu strange looks, despite the beautiful and gloriously sunny afternoon it was.

Afterall, the high school girl was practically flying down the sparkling street singing something that sounded oddly like: “Atemu is going on a date with me! Atemu is going on a date with me!”

The bliss was evident in her face and her creamy complexion was practically glowing with delight. In any case, the ex-pharaoh who she was deeply in love with shared a body with her childhood friend Mutou Yuugi.

But like that matters if it’s Yuugi who I’m supposed to meet...Atemu will technically be there, right? And in any case, Yuugi’s still one of my best friends, and it will be fun to hang out with him. Besides, this day out should be good for us. Just taking a little break away from all the craziness Malik’s caused. Hopefully a duel won’t come up along the way; that would ruin the whole concept of this date.

Her thoughts seemed to slightly dampen her previous optimistic mood, but not for long when she reached her destination at Burger World. Truth be told, she really didn’t feel like eating at that specific restaurant which was also the infamous home of her ex-employment. However it was a personal favorite of Yuugi’s, and she couldn’t stand to see him anything but happy. And she openly admitted to herself that her main weakness was the fact she couldn’t be mean to anyone with a good heart. She’d even be nice to people who she didn’t particularly like because she didn’t have the heart to do so otherwise. Anzu supposed she was cursed in a sense.

As she approached the fast food building, a girl dressed in a tacky blue uniform practically popped out of nowhere and exclaimed in an all-too peppy voice, “Welcome to Burger World, home of our notorious burgers! How many need to be seated?”

The pretty brunette sweatdropped, embarrassed because she knew that she used to do that during the period she worked there. “One, and I’m meeting someone, so I’ll just go look to see if I can find him.”

“Oh, okay! Right this ---- Anzu...?”

“Eh?” The dancer glanced back with question in her sapphire eyes.

“So it is you! I barely recognized you without your uniform and with all that makeup on! You look cute; are you going on a date or something?”

Anzu blinked as she studied the girl perplexed. Recognition suddenly hit her like freight train, and she found herself letting out a noticeable gasp. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t even pay attention to who had greeted her. It was her old classmate, and Honda Hiroto’s original crush (before he met Kawai Shizuka), who had transferred to a new school; Nosaka Miho. Otherwise, known as “Ribbon” due to the bright yellow ribbon she wore in her lilac hair. Anzu didn’t realize that the girl was still working at Burger World!

“Oh, Miho, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t even paying attention! How are you?” Anzu exclaimed, briefly hugging the purple-haired girl.

Miho laughed it off as she playfully patted Anzu’s head. “I’m good, but a little busy. Wow, I haven’t seen you in awhile. How is everyone?”

“As good as a bunch of idiots can be; I exclude Yuugi when I say that. But good, nonetheless. And, well, I’m not really on a date ---”

“You honestly expect me to believe that, Anzu-chan? I know you! That mini skirt is brand new and you never wear makeup unless you want to impress someone!” Miho interjected as she waved an accusing finger.

“Not true! I always wear makeup.... at my dance shows,” Anzu finished slowly after observing Miho’s critical expression. “Anyway, I’ll talk to you later because I have to go find someone.”

“Your date?”

“No...Yes. But he’s not my date!” Anzu tried to will away the flush rising in her cheeks. She really detested this diminutive weakness of hers.

“Uh-huh. Sure. In fact ---”

“NOSAKA!” A callous voice shouted; otherwise known as Burger World’s manager. “No socializing with the customers unless you’re taking their order!”

Anzu’s old friend sweatdropped looking rather anxious. “Y-yes, sir! Talk to you later, Anzu,” Miho whispered as Anzu winked in response and then proceeded to enter the building.

Once inside, the blue-eyed girl scanned the room looking for a specific someone when all of a sudden hands covered her eyes and a trim chest was pressed against her back. “Guess who...?” A low masculine voice purred, holding the prospect of a challenge.

A pleasurable fuzzy feeling washed over her like a wave and Anzu could have sworn her knees weakened. She smirked lightheartedly as she whirled around and jabbed her finger into none other than Mou Hitori no Yuugi’s chest. “For being the King of Games, you’re a little too obvious,” she mocked.

Atemu feigned shock as he removed his hands and placed them on his trim hips. “How ever did you know? I had Yuugi speak for me. Perhaps I am too obvious.” The ex-pharaoh’s amusement was perceptible.

“Well evidently Yuugi didn’t do such a great job, because it had that little ‘I’m so excited to play my little games’ accent to it, which, could be none other than you,” she pointed out as if she were a detective.

Atemu raised his eyebrows. “Oh? Would you be so kind then as to inform me, Miss Anzu, what that means then?”

“Certainly. You were practically saying ‘let’s play a game because I’m so obsessed’. Yuugi likes games, but he never sounds insanely wound up when proposing a challenge.”

Atemu merely chuckled as he and Anzu began the search for a suitable table. “Interesting choice of words.”

“I’m glad you’re not denying it then, but by the way...” The brunette gazed at him through her thick lashes, being she was the same height as him, if not taller due to her boots. “...I thought that Yuugi wanted to hang out today. Not that I have a problem with you, of course, but, you know...”

“Yes, ‘I know’,” Atemu mimicked playfully, “Yuugi and I switched as soon as we arrived, just like how we did when you and I went on our first date. If you remember, that is also were we met Ishizu for the initial time. However, my partner won’t even explain to me why he wanted me to take over.”

“Really?” By now they were sitting in a booth as Miho all-too conveniently walked by and plainly winked at Anzu, flashing her a thumbs up. The dancer couldn’t help but roll her eyes in clear humiliation.

“Is something the matter? Your cheeks are red,” Atemu observed through his tapering amethyst eyes. Behind him, Miho grinned, holding up a plate she wrote on with ketchup that read: He’s definitely a 10!

“H-huh? N-no, of course not,” Anzu stammered, giving Miho a glare. “So, uh, anyway, what did Yuugi want to talk about?”

Atemu observed her unconvinced but proceeded anyway. “Malik.”

“Malik?...What about him? I thought that the whole purpose of today was to forget about him. You aren’t exactly forgetting about him if you insist on bringing him up.” Anzu frowned slightly as she flipped through her menu.

“Ah...you’re right, but I’m not Yuugi. I’m Atemu and I hold different thinking processes than him, remember?” Anzu swallowed as she noticed Atemu’s eyes were locked with hers. How could I forget...?


A good distance away from where the dancer and ex-pharaoh were eating on their date, Malik Ishtar was pacing the floors of his boat in indignation. His dark violet orbs seethed in resentment while his slender fingers absent-mindedly stroked his Millennium Rod.


The young Egyptian boy glared over from where the low, musky voice originated from in irritation.

“Yes, Rishido.”

“I do not wish to doubt your knowledge on the subject, but your sister has already arrived in Domino, Japan,” Rishido informed his master with little to no emotion in his hoarse tone.

This, however, did catch the blonde’s attention but not in a beneficial way.

“Rishido, I present a question to you. In all these years that you have known me, do I sincerely come across as an idiot who possesses little to no aptitude? Of course I know that my own sister is here. She wants nothing more than to stop me, and ruin everything that I have worked so hard to gain. There’s nothing about my well being she’s concerned about, but to save that nameless idiot Pharaoh. Unless you wish to continue doubting me, and face those consequences, don’t ever question my knowledge again.” Malik finished in an icy tone that left no room for argument.

Not that Rishido ever would disagree with Malik. He learned quite a long time ago never to talk back to his master, even if he was right in doing so. The Egyptian man comprehended that when Malik spoke in a quieter tone and his cat-like eyes never left his, the teenager was incensed. And when his master was infuriated it was never a good thing because someone always ended up injured; whether it was a Ghoul or himself. Normally, Malik would just release his fury by shouting insults, but when he was truly upset, he spoke in a soft, but lethal tone, that sent chills down one’s spine.

“Yes, Malik-sama. It was ill thought of me to ever question you. I apologize.”

The Tomb Keeper glared callously down at Rishido who was currently bowing on a single knee to show respect and his request for forgiveness.

“Do not let it happen again. I have a new assignment in which I’m planning out. I will be departing in disguise as my other personal ‘Namu’, to see if any of the Pharaoh’s associates are acquainted with knowledge of flaws the Pharaoh may possess. The Japanese tend to take their friendships quite seriously, especially partnerships. There will also be an entertaining subject of infidelity implicated, which shall psychologically wound the Pharaoh.”

“Malik-sama. Are...you quite certain you need to do this? If.... I may say so, this seems as a waste of time when you could be killing the Pharaoh immediately,” Rishido spoke delicately.

Malik, being the impetuous one, glared daggers down at the kneeling man. “Rishido, we already discussed how I do not like being questioned, have we not?”

“Yes, Malik-sama, however...” The gold-eyed man trailed off, knowing at this point it was futile to protest. Malik’s temper was one of the boy’s noticeable foibles.

“I’ll do what I take pleasure in, even if it means stalling. So ---” In one fluid motion Malik whipped off his dark indigo cloak revealing his normal clothes on underneath. His placed his Millennium Rod in his back pocket and stormed past Rishido. “--- I’ll do whatever entertains me.”

As customary, Rishido remained mute and ever obedient to what his young master desired. It was not his place to talk, but to obey the boy’s word...even if he knew it was incorrect. The Egyptian man recognized that he should be grateful that the Ishtars accepted him into their clan, and he should show his appreciation by protecting and standing by Malik. And even now although the boy was on the verge of plunging into a world of eternal darkness.


Anzu uncomfortably tucked a stray strand of brown hair behind her ear while she and Atemu walked down the streets of Domino. They were supposed to be heading towards the museum which contained the tablet that held clues to Atemu’s unsolved past. The pharaoh had been absolutely determined to have another look at it, and Anzu supported him saying she would come with him. That didn’t mean she was disappointed though. Afterall, she had been planning in her mind that she would take Atemu dancing and see what the Pharaoh was really capable of. Perhaps he could belly dance or perform; Anzu mentally squealed in exhilaration just getting eager at the thought.

She could just see Atemu’s slender and defined body wriggling to the beat of a Tahtiyb (1) dance; Anzu could practically die on that thought alone. However, she was unfortunately forced to curse the vindictive world and the horrible fate it bestowed upon her. Someone up there must really dislike her for whatever reason, and unfortunately they were messing with her and Atemu’s possible relationship. Well she, Mazaki Anzu, wouldn’t allow it. Like any other outgoing teenage girl, when they had a deep crush, they would do anything within their power to achieve a relationship. A nice, long, and passionate one at that.

Therefore, as the pretty brunette reasoned to herself, she would do anything to make this work. Even if it meant feigning distress. She distinctly remembered back to the time when she had first learned that Yuugi had another self. In this instance, she had gone on a date with the boy and faked being sexually harassed, by a tan speedo-wearing man no less, in hopes that Mou Hitori no Yuugi - or Atemu - would come out to save her. It didn’t exactly work, but she did manage to have a whole group of guy’s beat up the so-called perv. Anzu heaved a sigh as she ran her fingers through her curtain of bangs. Well, I won’t let that past experience get to me. I should worry about the present and the future, right?

The girl paused when an impulsive rush of becoming lightheaded slipped over her. There was a peculiar feeling bubbling in the pit of her stomach, and Anzu had some kind of feeling that someone was watching her from far away. It literally made her sick. And then it hit her. Standing a good few yards away, in front of a murky ally corner was a woman with a dark mauve cloak wrapped around her. She didn’t have any eyes, or maybe it was just an illusion, as Anzu tried to convince herself, because her hood was grimly covering most of her face. The woman began to speak and although her lips never moved once, Anzu heard her perfectly. It was like the arctic wind was carrying her gentle and melodious voice through a feeble gust: “It is one’s will to know what is their destiny and what they choose that destiny to be. It can be denied, but not without a test to prove the strength of one’s spirit.”

What’s going on? Who is this woman? And why is it that only I seem to see her? Anzu thought tensely, shuddering due to the chill. I must be imagining things. It’s probably because I skipped breakfast and ate a small lunch. It has to be that.

“Anzu.” The girl blinked as if coming out of a trance, visibly startled, as she looked up to meet a pair of cat-like amethyst orbs.

“Are you alright? You were staring off in no particular direction, and you seem rather pale. If you are not up to coming with me, then you have no obligation. I wouldn’t want to force you, especially if you are feeling ill,” Atemu firmly stated as he placed a hand on her slim shoulder.

Subconsciously, the girl flinched as her back straightened. She edgily looked up where she had originally seen the mystifying woman, only to discover she was gone without a trace. As if she had never been there. She noted that it also gave the impression of being noticeably warmer as well.

“No, I’m fine Atemu. I’m sorry to be a bother.”

The man with a crown of tri-colored hair stared at her hard for a moment before he shook his head. “No, there’s something bothering you. Please Anzu, I only wish the best for your well being. If you do not desire to travel with me...I will understand. I’m sure a vivacious teenage girl like you has more important things to accomplish than following me around. And you do not seem like you’re feeling well. You should get some rest.”

Well, I was actually hoping for an actual date rather than staring at the stone tablet in the history museum. Regardless, I was just going to go along with it, for Atemu’s sake. I want to be a good friend for him. But now, after seeing that woman, I really don’t feel well. Maybe I should go home and just try to chill. Besides, Atemu probably has so many things other things on his mind like gaining his memory back. He doesn’t have time to worry about small things like me. He most likely wants some time alone anyway to get his thoughts sorted out, so I’ll tell him I’m heading home because I don’t feel well. I shouldn’t hold him back just because of me.

“Atemu, I really want to come with you but it’s just that...you’re right. I’m not feeling quite well. I think I’ll just head home, grab some green tea and take it easy. I didn’t get that much sleep last night and my parents are out of town anyway. I’m so sorry.” She felt horrible, especially because this was indirectly ditching someone she particularly cared for, not to mention love. But she would just be holding him back, and she did feel a little shaken up and sick.

The Pharaoh’s eyes flashed in disappointment for a brief moment, which Anzu caught and made her feel all the worse, as he nodded his head. “I understand. Please take care and get that rest you need.”

The high school girl bit her lip as she meekly nodded her head feeling terrible. And the award for being the most awful person in the whole entire world goes out to Mazaki Anzu. She thought with disdain.

“Thank you, Atemu. I will.” She briefly bowed as she turned on her heel and headed off at a fast pace, leaving the Game King behind.


As Anzu power-walked back to her two-story house the guilt seemed to increasingly gurgle forth in the abyss of her stomach, making her sickness increase. She couldn’t believe she had just done that. What was wrong with her? Normally she was a nice person and would try to stick things out, and she was always supportive of her friends. Let alone her crush! And just because she thought she saw some eerie woman, she bailed on Atemu. She knew that she was to some extent upset on the small fact that it wasn’t an actual date as she had been hoping for, but she could have at least stayed and been supportive.

In all actuality, not even she could explain her own behavior. Or that creepy woman she believed to have seen. But she did know that she was disappointed in herself and vowed to make it up to Atemu some other way.

As she was walking she passed one of her favorite clothing stores - Wet Seal - and wistfully glanced at the store window. She couldn’t remember the last time she had gone shopping. Any of the little money she made went into the bank so she could save up for her dancing career in America. Anything extra that she saved was for small essential things that she needed. Plus, she was always on the go whether it was for school, student council, extracurricular activities, dance, friends, work, and most of all; for the little, or not-so-little, fact that Yuugi was always in danger.

First came the Duelist Kingdom, and just when she thought she and her friends could take a well-deserved break, Kaiba Seto just had to go and create this Battle City. And if that wasn’t enough, this maniac named Malik wanted to kill Atemu and had the ability of controlling minds! She knew first-hand what the bastard was capable of after he had so charitably taken her mind under his influence using the supernatural powers of his Millennium Rod. And it really irritated her because she couldn’t do anything about it. If there was one thing she couldn't stand, it would be having no control over the things she did, and she didn’t mean that as a pun in regards to Malik’s mind-puppet powers.

For once, she would love to just take a break from everything and live a normal life. Unfortunately, she was Mazaki Anzu, and the higher powers didn’t seem to want her to live a positive life. She had a reputation to keep, things to be involved with, overdoses of work, and not to mention traveling with her friends when it came to dueling. Unlike a good handful of girls in her class, she generally didn’t spend her time worrying about boys and having celebrity crushes. She only liked one man, ironically the one she had just ditched. Aggravated, she let out a growl as she roughly leaned against a store wall.

“What the hell was I thinking? What normal person thinks they see some crazy woman and then get sick right after it? Maybe I really am tired and need to get some rest. I have work later on in the evening, but at least I have the afternoon off. I’ll just take my own advice and go home to just relax until I have to leave for work,” she muttered to herself in exasperation.

“Talking to yourself? Well that’s never good,” A smiling masculine voice broke out.

Anzu glanced up with her big azure eyes in placid surprise. A familiar figure clad in gold jewelry, leather pants, and a belly shirt stood before her. His hair was of a platinum blonde hue that fell below the shoulders and the eyes were a deep violet.

“Oh, hello, Namu,” she beamed in a friendly manner, as she raked her fingers through her hair, trying to mask her previous surprise, “How are you?”

“I really don’t believe that should be of concern at this moment; I want to know how you are. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if one is talking to oneself then it’s a sign of schizophrenia,” Namu suppressed a grin.

Anzu dryly smirked at Namu’s good-humored nature. “No, you are absolutely right. I suppose you caught me so there’s no way of escaping the asylum now. Oh, we’re so young!” she playfully responded with artificial melodrama.

Namu slightly tilted his head back with a laugh, and Anzu couldn’t help but notice the way the sunlight made his golden locks practically glimmer.

“So...” she slowly started again in amusement, “what brings you here?”

“The dueling of course,” Namu replied matter-of-factly.

“Oh? So how’s the game been treating you?” Anzu inquired with her hands placed behind her back.

“Well, by all means I don’t mean to brag, but I have to say that the odds have been in my favor today,” he fondly noted as he lifted his bronze arm that contained the Duel Disk.

“Well then! I’m glad to see the Goddess of Luck has blessed you,” she winked.

“Me too. She knows I need all the help I can get!”
“We’ll see about that,” the pretty brunette sparkled, with her musical wind chime laugh. “So are you done for the day?”

“Yes, I am. Hey, would you like to head over to some outdoor café or something for a bite to eat? That is, provided you’re not already busy. It’ll be my treat!”

“Oh?” Anzu answered, slightly taken aback, and finding herself a bit flustered. Quite honestly, she hadn’t expected Namu to even ask her anything of the sort. In the back of her mind a voice reminded her that she should be at home right now because she had previously ditched Atemu due to being a little shaken up. Plus, she still wasn’t feeling one hundred percent. But there was just something compelling about the way Namu smiled at her... “Sure, I’d love to.”

“Awesome. I crossed this place earlier today, and I really wanted to go back and try it. I’m glad that you’re with me though. When I first met you when you were with your friend, Jounouchi - if I recall correctly - I liked you immediately. You have a charismatic charm about you, you know that?” Anzu literally felt her heart skip a beat as Namu slightly looked down upon her with a warm smile.

“Uh...uhm...well, people have told me,” she hesitated.

“It’s no wonder. So, how about some late lunch?”

“Sounds good,” Anzu admitted, regaining her composure.

Still a bit astonished by what Namu had said, she didn’t even notice the amethyst pair of eyes watching her hurt as she walked off with the boy.



&# 8220;YAHOO!” Sixteen-year-old Jounouchi Katsuya whooped in barbaric delight as he outstretched his arms, feeling the wind whip past him.

“Jounouchi! Don’t go crashing into a stop sign now!” Kujaku Mai grinned as she made a sharp turn, practically ripping her steering wheel off the steering column.

“You should know that only happens in anime, Mai!” The hyper teenager exclaimed with another howl as the young woman snatched the stick shift. She ripped it back which instantly caused her speed to increase to 100MPH.

“You’d never know!” She laughed, enjoying the thrill of the high speed of her car.

Just as long as she didn’t get caught going a little over the speed limit...okay, maybe by going over the speed limit by about 70MPH. But who was keeping track? Jounouchi and she were way out in the countryside where the traffic was incredibly thin. After a day of nonstop dueling they both agreed on meeting up to take a break after they were finished to reward their efforts There wasn’t anything wrong with that, was there? So far it had been a wonderful joyride in her metallic blue convertible, with the music blaring, and the prospect of food seemed to cheer the both of them up. It was going to be a fantastic evening.

Suddenly, Jounouchi’s cell phone rang as he momentarily plopped back into his seat and flipped the top open. He then proceeded to quickly crank the radio down.


Mai eyed her companion in question before placing her gem-like orbs with a thick coat of mascara back on the road. “Who is it?” She mouthed.

Jounouchi held up his finger in a gesture for her to hold on as he nodded his head in recognition.

“Jounouchi-kun? It’s Yuugi,” the younger voice on the other end replied.

“Ah, hey, Yuugi! What’s up, man?”

“Uh, well, I had something to ask you.”

“Fire away, man; I’m all ears. By the way, how’d your duelin’ go today?”

“My dueling? It went great; I gained a couple new locator cards. And you?”

“Awesome! Mai an’ I are heading out to get something to eat. I would invite you to come along, but we’re already out of Domino and heading towards Osaka. We’re takin’ a little road trip.”

“Really? Wow, sounds fun! But anyway, I needed to ask you about this guy that I think you’d know.”

“No promises, but you can ask anyhow.”

“Right, so, remember that day you were out with Anzu and the Ghouls attacked? Didn’t you two mention that you met someone?”

“Uh...yup. Namu, I’m thinkin’.”


“If I remember correctly.”

“What...did he look like?”

“Uhhhh....” There was a noticeable pause in the line as Jounouchi struggled to recall the information he easily forgets. “Tall, blonde, probably works out.”


“Yo, what’s wrong? You sound kinda miserable.”

“It’s nothing, really. I’m sorry to bother you on your date.”

“Come on, you can tell me! I’m your best friend, we trust each other, you know, and --- WHOA!! Whoa, whoa, and WHOA! Who said anything ‘bout some date?! I didn’t!” Mai glanced over with a slight smirk playing at the corners of her glossy lips.

“Of course you didn’t, Jounouchi, I was only implying. Sorry.” However, the tone of Yuugi’s voice unmistakably meant he wasn’t and found the situation humorous.

“Yeah, whatever. Now tell me what’s crawling up your ass or I’ll force it outta you later.”

“It’s nothing to be concerned about. I was just gonna say I saw Anzu and some guy hanging out and I was wondering if you knew him.”

“Oooooh. Well, I’m surprised. Anzu normally doesn’t chill with a guy she doesn’t really know. There’s gotta be somethin’ going on. Maybe they’re on a date.”

Yuugi was silent and Jounouchi caught on instantaneously why.

“You...wouldn’t happen to like her would you?” By now, Mai was interestedly listening into the conversation that she deemed juicy, even though she was trying to act like she was paying no attention and just driving.

Me? Like her?! No way! I mean, I like her...but only as a friend!! ONLY AS A FRIEND!! Jounouchi, stop laughing, I’m being serious!”

Jounouchi inwardly smiled, hearing the panicked tone in his best friend’s voice. He had asked Yuugi before if he liked the girl, but Yuugi had denied it earlier as well. However, Jounouchi caught on that each time he asked, Yuugi would always get flustered. He may not be the most intelligent at times, but Yuugi’s reaction had to mean something, right?

“You seriously like her, don’t you?” Jounouchi slyly inquired.

At this, Mai’s head snapped over as she demanded, “Who likes who?”

The brown-eyed boy just waved her off as Yuugi cried, “No!”

“Dude, just admit it. I’m not gonna say anything! Now, what’s the problem? You jealous or somethin’ of this Namu guy?”

After a moment of reluctant silence Yuugi responded with, “Normally, I wouldn’t really care, but...well...She kinda blew Mou Hitori no Boku and I off saying she wasn’t feeling well and had to go home. It was actually Atemu who was in control at the time, so he didn’t want her to stay just for his sake so he encouraged her to leave if she was feeling ill. Well, after we got done checking out the museum we were heading back and I heard her voice, and there she was with that Namu guy.

From what I heard, it sounded like they were going out for a late lunch together. So I’m thinking she ditched us just for that. If that were the case, she just should have told us rather than lie like that! We wouldn’t have minded. In fact, we wouldn’t have dragged her to come with us if we knew she had plans!”

Jounouchi listened wordlessly as he rubbed his chin that was beginning to form stubble despite the fact that he had shaved that morning. The scowl on his face was evident. That didn’t sound like Anzu at all. It wasn’t like her to just ditch her friends, especially Yuugi. She was an honest girl who held high morals. What his best friend told him took him by surprise, amazed that Anzu would do something like that.

“Yuugi, maybe you should just confront her next time you see her. There’s gotta be some misunderstanding. And, look, I gotta go now, but we’ll talk later. Sayonara.” Jounouchi cut the conversation short after receiving an impatient look from Mai.

“Bye, Jounouchi-kun.” Yuugi replied before they both ended the call.

“What?” Jounouchi curtly demanded while he put his cell phone away as the other blonde stared him down.

“Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on over there? That was Yuugi, right?” The blonde beauty demanded.

“Uh-huh. I swear, although he’s my best friend he sometimes gets more emotional than a girl does during her cycle. It’s just not cool. I can’t believe that ---” But the duelist cut himself short after realizing his mistake. It wasn’t exactly wise to make a “girl” joke around a member of the female species. Especially Kujaku Mai for that matter.

“Just kidding...” he hurriedly made an attempt to cover it up. “But anyway, he’s all worried about Anzu and I think he likes her. You know...as in wanting to knock her up.”

Mai irritably rolled her eyes. “First of all, Yuugi’s not like that. Maybe you are, but not him. Secondly, it’s been the most obvious thing in the whole entire planet that he likes her, idiot! Maybe if you’d get your head out of your ass every now and then you could actually learn some things. I knew it from the start, after I met him and then Anzu, that he was totally crushing on her. It was clear by the way he stared at her all googly-eyed.”

Jounouchi nearly did a double-take. “I guess I never noticed.”

“It seems like that’s the case,” she paused for a moment as she turned into a driveway in front of an elaborate looking restaurant that had an outdoor grill and bar. “But, enough of that, here we are.”

The Japanese teenager blinked a couple of times, a bit taken aback, as he observed his surroundings. “Hey, what is this place? I’ve never been here before.”

“Can’t you read? The sign clearly states ‘Muasaki Grill’, you dyslexic loser.”

“Oh!” Jounouchi laughed nervously with a ridiculous grin. “Must have missed that. Look, Mai, this is really cool an’ all, but this place looks expensive. I honestly don’t think that I could afford this, let alone ---”

“I’m paying for us,” she interrupted as she held up a manicured finger to silence him, “So just chill out and relax. Consider this a reward for working so hard in this new tournament.” She gave him a little wink.

“Really? Mai, I couldn’t possibly ---”

“Shut up and accept it. It’s my treat,” she cut him off matter-of-factly as she snatched her violet purse and slung it over her slim shoulder. “So be grateful and let’s go, hun.”

Although this should have been a casual thing between two duelists, Jounouchi couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach as he walked towards the door with Mai. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but it felt very strange - yet pleasant - at the same time. The brown-eyed boy was well aware of how his cheeks had flamed when Mai had addressed him as “hun”. But what Jounouchi wanted to know was the reason behind why every time the strong female duelist would look at him, he would lose his train of thought, and only focus on her.

“Are you ready?” Mai’s soft and melodious voice delicately broke his thoughts as she placed her hand on the door.

Their eyes met as Jounouchi grudgingly felt his cheeks redden once again for an unidentified reason. Why was it that he always felt this way around her? They were just friends and going out to eat after a day of dueling. This shouldn’t be a big deal.

“Uhh...yeah,” he muttered while nonchalantly scratching the back of his head.

Or maybe I’m just kidding myself...There’s no way I could...It’s dumb...It would never work out...She’s older than me...But....

Jounouchi couldn’t think of another argument, and for that moment when Mai smiled at him, he didn’t want to deny anything for once.


“Ugh! You have absolutely no idea how good it feels to just hang out and not worry about Duel Monsters for once!” Anzu called out as she happily stretched.

Namu gave her an odd smile as he rested his elbows upon the small café table “What’s wrong with Duel Monsters?”

Anzu paused, becoming conscious of her mistake. Namu was one of Battle City’s duelists afterall. She uncertainly sweatdropped. “Nothing! It’s just that when your best friends redundantly bring it up over and over again, it’s nice to take a break.”

“I see. Well,” Namu glanced up at the umbrella, which shaded them from the sun - although it was rather unnecessary at this time of day - and casually ran his fingers through his silky strands, “Who exactly are your friends?”

“My friends? Maybe you’ve heard of them...Mutou Yuugi and Jounouchi Katsuya,” Anzu gestured with her fingers.

“Is that right?” Namu pretended to be stunned. “Of course I have heard of them, who hasn’t? Mutou Yuugi, he’s the same guy who placed first at the Duelist Kingdom, right? And Jounouchi Katsuya is the one who placed second?”

“That’s them,” Anzu nodded as she stirred her kiwi and strawberry flavored water.

“It must be cool to be acquainted with them.”

The girl shrugged. “They’re just the same guys I became friends with a long time ago. And believe me, when you’re trying to accomplish something, Jounouchi isn’t exactly the person you want to be around. Can you say distraction, much?”

Namu chuckled before he took a bite into his vegetarian wrap. “Some people are just like that. By the way, just how long have you known Yuugi?”

“Yuugi? Wow, we go way back. Since kindergarten,” she continued after receiving her companion’s questionable look. “He’s a good guy and a great friend.”

“From what I’ve seen of him, he looks rather short. To be honest with you Anzu, I thought he was much younger. But if he’s friends with you, he must be around your age.”

“That’s right, he’s as old as I am, but he is on the shorter side. Unfortunately, he’s frequently a target to be picked on because of that. Although...not recently now that Jounouchi and Honda are around. That guy can really surprise you though; he’s definitely not a pushover anymore. And although he may be smaller, the size of his heart makes up for that.”

“Hnn,” Namu purred for a split second, as his eyes appeared to darken with recognition.

“What’s wrong?” Anzu inquired as she glanced up from her drink, concern masking her sapphire orbs.

“Oh, nothing, Anzu! I was just thinking. Hypothetically speaking, would you say Yuugi is ---” he abruptly stopped mid sentence when something caught his eye. I don’t believe it. Namu thought with nefarious amusement. This is almost too coincidental, but it couldn’t work out any better...

“Namu...? Are you okay?” Anzu asked worried as she lightly tapped his arm.

The blonde-haired duelist quickly looked at her, and then something else, Anzu noticed, before he sharply grabbed her wrist.

“N-Namu! What are you doing?” she all but demanded until a pleasant sensation washed over her like a sweet liquid.

But only for a moment until her heart told her so otherwise, trying to push past her body’s cravings. In a split second it all sunk in as Anzu’s eyes widened in horror. Namu’s bronze and tone arms were wrapped around her slender frame, pulling her towards him, until his soft lips were pressed against her own! While running his fingers through her glossy hair, his mouth was still enticingly enveloping hers and showing no signs of letting up. Namu had just kissed her!

Her first kiss!

Except that wasn’t the least of her concerns for right at that moment, as if it were almost planned, an all too familiar voice cried out her name.

“Anzu!” The astonished and befuddled voice of one of her closest friends called out.

She desperately tried to pull away from Namu, but it was no use. It was too late to cover anything up; he had already saw.

A flabbergasted Honda Hiroto had seen Namu and her kiss.

“A-Anzu...” The spiky-haired teen barely managed to choke out. “B-but...What about Yuugi?”

Oh, God, no... And Anzu could already feel the hot, steamy tears pricking the corners of her azure eyes, as Namu’s arms remained securely around her. No matter how much she tried to deny it, the scenario remained the same.

Honda Hiroto had seen everything. She couldn’t run now, and soon, Yuugi would know too.


A/N: Wow, already I jumped the bar and danced into romance. I hope you don’t mind! Feedback and your personal thoughts would be very nice, by the way! n.n See you next time!
(1)Pronounced "tah TEEB". It is sometimes spelled Tahtib or Tahteeb. This is a men's dance, done in Upper Egypt.

- Saiya-jin Spice (09/21/04)

New Edits Made: (11/24/04)







& nbsp;