Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Games ❯ Setting Out ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Millennium Games

Heading Out

Yamaki Kaiba. Dark chocolate brown hair that was cut short while her bangs swept neatly to the spot below her chin. Deep green eyes looked out from behind her sport shades, as if she were hiding herself from the rest of the world. In truth, she was on a mission, and as she traveled she knew it was going to be a matter of time before someone questioned her about where she was going. If anyone was to find out she was the daughter of Seto Kaiba and the head of Kaiba Corp., they would be sure to chase her down. In this time, Kaiba Corp. was not a favored company like it once had been. Many people had been sent to assassinate the leaders that held Kaiba Corp. in their hands, but had only resulted in killing Seto Kaiba. Since then the company had been handed down to Yamaki, who sat with pride as the head of what was once her fathers company and promised respect to those working for her.

"Miss Yamaki," one maid began as the dark haired teen began packing her clothes into a duffle bag. "Please reconsider what you are doing. If anyone was to find out who you were…" The woman's voice trailed off as Yamaki shushed her with a single finger and grabbed another duffle to store the rest of her gear in. Electronic tracking devices, communicators, high tech weapons, state of the art body armor, night vision goggles and much more were stuffed neatly into the duffle.

"I know the risks Matina, but I have to do this. Father is counting on me to run this business properly and to do that I have to be strong. Bring back my father will help me win the power struggle." With a sigh the short blonde haired woman stepped aside to let the 16 year old pass by her. She watched Yamaki disappear down the staircase and slip out the door, grabbing the keys to her jeep as she went.

"Good luck Miss Yamaki," she whispered softly, standing at the door and watching Yamaki pull out of the garage and out of the yard in her green jeep.

At the same time on the other side of the world Nomori Moto was sitting on his bed, scribbling things onto a notepad as his music blared from his CD player. Sun bleached white blonde bangs fell into his eyes as the strands slipped loose from the elastic holding his shoulder length hair back. Pushing those aside he looked over his work with his gray-blue eyes, checking for any mistakes. He too was heading away from home, but his reason wasn't to gain power. I'll find a way to bring you back father he thought sadly as he sketched his fathers face onto one of the blank sheets in his note book. I know the power of the legendary Millennium items…and I know that one I have all of them I should be able…no…I will be able to bring you back to me.

"Nomori! Are you up there?" his mother called up the stairs to him. The teen bit his lip and gently slipped from his bed. He wasn't about to let his mother know that he was home, let alone tell her what he was planning to do. She had always told him that the Millennium items were nothing but legend and didn't really exist at all.

"You're father was just telling you stories. None of what he ever said really happened." She had told him this many times, but Nomori had never believed her, not one bit. Digging through his closet he pulled his already packed backpack from it and tossed it gently onto his bed, careful not to make any sounds. Pulling a heavy hooded sweatshirt from the hanger he pulled it over his head and tucked his ponytail into the hood before pulling it over his head. He tucked his discman into the front pouch and slipped the headphones over his ears, happy that the hood hid those too. Grabbing his backpack he slid it onto his back and reached for the keys to his ATV. If you can't drive, improvise He smirked at that thought. Joey had taught him that slogan, seeing as how the blonde couldn't get a license to save his life. And I know he'll help me too Nomori told himself and slipped out his bedroom window. With stealth only taught by his martial arts teacher, the 13 year old dropped from the roof, into a tree and from the tree, onto the ground. With a not so heavy sigh, Nomori grabbed the handle bars of his ATV and rolled it down the driveway. Starting it would have alerted his mother to where he was.

"I'll come back to you soon mother," he whispered, taking one last look at his home. "But that won't be until I get dad back." As soon as he felt that he was far enough away and jumped onto it and turned the key. It started easily as he pressed the start button and in no time he was heading down the dirt road. He had already made sure to bring as much gas as he could carry, resulting in two cans of gas being strapped to the front rack and three to the back.