Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ One and Only Love ❯ An Unknown Memory Of The Past-2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: One and Only Love
Part: 5
Author: Himeno Xamosy
Warnings: Light spoiler in some parts, shounen-ai, yaoi, might get very `dark' in the middle.
Ratings: (PG-13) to be safe in future writings
Genre: Romance, tragedy,humor, an AU (alternate universe) fic.
Pairings: Yami x Yugi
So sadly, I did not have the talent to think of such a wonderful manga like Yugioh, so I am obviously not the owner, therefore I don't own anything except this plot that I wrote.
It is about the reincarnated love of Atemu and Yuugi, how their deep love has allowed them to continue their love in this life. But yugi knows nothing about the past, what will happen when their rival appears in this life too, claiming to get his love back?
Review on the last chapter:
Well, Yami met his sister. Takurai and the thugs in a fight? Will Yami get a good rest? What about the dream that is to come? Read on to find out!
In this chapter, character's name,
Yami Yugi-Yami Mutou/Pharaoh Atemu
Yugi Mutou-Yugi Mutou/Yuugi
Takurai Kudo (the new transfer-student)
Dia Mira

“Yami talking to Yugi and vice versa, same for normal people”
((Yugi's thoughts))
(Yami's thoughts)

Chapter 5: An Unknown Memory Of The Past-2
...you are the only one who can bring peace to me...
“Dia, wait, what do you mean?”
Yami turned around only to see that Dia was disappearing. “Don't worry Atemu, we will meet again.”
Yami shouted.
Yugi looked at Yami in total confusion. Yami turned around and looked at Yugi. Not wanting Yugi to worry, Yami smiled at him and said, “Let's go home.”
Yugi nodded and followed Yami thinking about what Dia had just said.
((What did she mean by the `only one'? She seems to know me and is she Yami's sister? I didn't know Yami had a sister! Yami didn't tell me much about his past and I wonder what kind of life he led.))
“Yami, is she your sister?”
Yugi looked up at Yami, hoping that he would reply so that he could continue to ask other questions as well. Yami just kept on staying in a daze, like he was totally lost in his thoughts. ((I think if a car was to come now and wanted to knock him down, he would just stand there and let it knock him down.))
Yugi thought and shook his head. Suddenly his light bulb hanging above his head lit up and a mischievous idea appeared. ((I think I just found a way to get my yami's attention back))
Back in school...
Yadoka and his gang were injured; slashed with cuts of a dagger, starting from their faces onto their bodies. “So is there anyone who hasn't had a taste of this dagger?”
The psychotic look on Takurai's face made the whole gang shiver. “I am kind enough not to slash your legs, so that you can at least go and get some help,”
A menacing laugh was heard from Takurai, “provided you can get help before you guys die of bleeding. This is also a punishment for calling Yugi a shrimp.”
“Bye. I hope to see you guys around.”
Takurai murmured something and the dagger disappeared from his hand. He walked down the road and shook his head, his hair covering part of his face, his eyes returning to dark green. “That dolt, he sliced off some of my hair, now it looks so messy. I think I'll have to get a haircut.”

Yugi tried a lot of methods, trying to get Yami's attention.
First: waving his hand in front of Yami.
Second: pinching Yami's cheek, in return he received a growl from him.
Third: Swinging Yami's hand back and forth.
Forth: Pinching his buttocks. NO reaction!
Fifth: Kicking his leg.
Sixth... , Seventh ... , Eighth..., Nothing! ((What's wrong with him! I'm running out of ideas! ))
Seeing that they were almost home, Yugi finally decided to use one last method. He took Yami's hand and intertwined his fingers with his own. Stopping in his track, he pulled Yami forcefully back. Before Yami could register what had just happened, Yugi was already hugging him.
"Yugi? What's wrong?"
Yami had a blurred look on his face. “That's the question I should be asking you! What's wrong Yami? I've called you five times, waved my hand in front of you, pinched your cheek and buttocks, kicked your leg and swung your hand, ((that's not the point)) but you were just dazing all this time. Do you know how much you scared me? I thought you went nuts.”
“What did you just do? Pinch my butt?”
Yami was shocked at how many things Yugi had just done. But he knew how worried his little one was when he saw tears forming in Yugi's eyes. “Don't scare me like that!”
Yugi was practically screaming in his ears. “I'm sorry Yugi, don't cry little one.”
Yami used his fingers to wipe away Yugi's tears .Yugi stopped his crying and listened attentively.
“It's just that I am confused. You know, my sis should be dead. It has been three thousand years since we last saw each other. I don't remember what happened. I remember that mother told me Dia was married to a far away place. Why did she appear now, alive, not a spirit? I'm really confused.”
“I'm sorry, Yami.”
“No, I should be the one who should say sorry.”
Yami smiled at Yugi. Holding his hand, they walked back home. After dinner, Yugi shoved Yami towards the bed, indicating and insisting that Yami go to sleep while he finished his homework.
A/N: Yami and Yugi sleep in different beds, one at each corner.-
“Yugi, I am not tired now! I don't want to sleep!”
Yami, showing one of his childish behaviours, sat on the bed and folded his arms across his chest. Yugi pouted and said, “No, go to sleep now Yami! You had a long day and you haven't been sleeping well lately, so go to sleep now!”
Yugi gave Yami his naggy talks and motherly behavior when Yami didn't want to go to sleep. Yami knew that Yugi wouldn't stop unless he did what Yugi said to do. (I guess I have no choice)
Yami fell back on his dark blue bed and closed his eyes. Seeing that Yami was finally willing to rest, Yugi stopped nagging and continued doing his homework. Yami fell asleep immediately when he closed his eyes, which was really amazing. Yugi knew that Yami was asleep when he saw Yami's chest going up and down in a steady rhythm. Yugi quirked an eyebrow. ((I thought he said that he wasn't tired?))
Yugi continued doing his homework for about an hour until he finally yawned and rubbed his eyes. He looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was already 11.30pm. ((I guess I better go to sleep now.))
Yugi switched off the lights and laid down on his white coloured bed. Soon, Yugi fell into a deep sleep.

Pharaoh, do you remember me?”
A voice in the dark called out in Yami's dream.
“Who are you?”
Yami found himself walking into the depths of darkness. His eyes dangerously sharpened, glaring at the surroundings, trying to see were the voice came from.
Don't be so serious pharaoh; I have come to claim back my love. Don't you remember anything?”
The voice was sneaky and sounded disappointed.
“What are you talking about and who are you? What do you want from me?”
Yami shouted at the voice and a look of irritation appeared on his face
What do I want?”
A menacing laughter was heard.
I want the things I deserve. I will make you suffer, let you fall into the depths of hatred and loss. I will take away the things that are the most important to you. That is WHAT I want! If you want to know who I am, recover your memories!”
Another crazy laughter was heard.
I can't believe it; you forgot the person who you caused the most pain to and yet, were deeply in love with. I will make sure you remember it before I get my sweet revenge on you!”
Yami shouted but no reply was heard. Suddenly, another voice was heard.”
“Atemu, save me...”
The voice was crying, a very beautiful female voice ringing in Yami's head as his head started pricking in endless pain. “Yami, Yami, wake up!”
“Who is she?”
Yami opened his eyes and saw Yugi sitting next to him, looking very pale. “Yami, are you alright? You have been clinging onto your head, tossing and turning in bed. It looked as if you were in a great deal of pain. Are you alright?”
Yugi looked at Yami very worried. Yami was perspiring and panting heavily. He felt as if his brain was going to explode. “Yugi, my head hurts, a lot!”
Yami sat up and rested his head on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi stroked Yami's hair and asked, “Yami, what did you dream of? It seemed like it was a terrible one. You have been screaming in pain just now. What's wrong?”
“I heard a voice, a very beautiful female and sweet voice calling for help. Then my head started to hurt real badly.”
Yami did not tell Yugi he had heard a dark and evil voice as well, not wanting to add to Yugi's anxiety and fear. Yugi used his other free hand to stroke Yami's back, which calmed Yami down immediately as he asked, “Is your head still hurting?”
Yami shook his head, which was still on Yugi's shoulder. “No, it is not so painful now.”
Yugi smiled and spoke gently, “Now go back to sleep, I don't want you to be stressed out.”
Yami shook his head as he didn't want to sleep.
“Don't worry Yami, I will sit next to you until you fall asleep, so you won't have any more bad dreams.”
Yugi smiled sweetly at him.
“But Yugi, I'm not a kid.”
Yami protested but Yugi pouted. “Now get to sleep!”
Yugi pushed Yami down and laid Yami's head on the pillow. Yugi hummed a song for Yami to keep him quiet. “That's the song I always hum.”
Yami said. Yugi nodded and said softly, “Yep, you say that it brings happiness to you, so sleep now, I will stay here, by your side. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, aibou.”
Yugi continued humming as Yami closed his eyes. Yugi swept Yami's bangs; which were sticking to his face due to his perspiration away. (Why does this tune sound so peaceful and comforting when it is Yugi who is humming it?)
Slowly and peacefully, Yami fell back into a deep and dreamless sleep. Seeing that Yami was asleep, Yugi thought, ((I better catch some sleep too, or else I won't be able to wake up in the morning. Oh dear, it's already 2am!))
Yugi yawned and stood up, preparing to leave for his bed when he felt something holding him back. Yami's hand was holding on tightly to his hand. ((How am I going to go back to my bed now?))
Yugi gave another yawn and looked at Yami. ((He is sleeping so peacefully, I don't want to wake him up. I guess I could...))
As Yugi was thinking so, he moved towards Yami and feeling too tired to think of any other alternatives, Yugi just laid down on top of Yami's chest without realising he was doing so, falling into a deep sleep immediately.

Author's nonsense:
Halo everyone! Chapter 5 is finally out! I wrote a long chapter, is it? Ahahaha! I just love them!(I'm on sugar-high) Yugi and Yami, well, both have not realized their feelings of each other yet! I can tell you guys, you will get to see how dense both of them are, which will really let you guys feel like killing both of them because of their dense feelings! Well, (wink) that will happen only after a few chapters down. Ahhh, I give away too many information!
Sorry for the long wait I kinda forget to update here
Anyway, review please!

Next chapter:
Jealousy was what he felt... What happens? Takurai is slowly revealing his evil intentions to Yami. Why did Anzu wants Yugi to see her at the roof top? All revealed in the next chapter: Unknown Feelings Emerging.