Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Opposites Attract ❯ Catching an angel ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three - Catching an Angel
The previous day had left Malik with a lot of thoughts normally rare to his dark mind. For one, he couldn't help but wonder aloud.
“Who was that boy the gangers were picking on?”
Rolling onto his side, the tanned demon glanced at the TV, which showed a wrestling special his yami had been watching. He didn't really watch it, but just lay there, thinking out loud, glad that his darker was taking a shower at the moment.
“I never felt like this before, but when I think back, maybe I didn't just help him escape to create havoc…”
Malik shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.
”Evil doesn't care for simple humans, let alone angelic, sexy humans.”
He smirked, visioning the scene he never really took note of until now, the view as the younger blonde ran from the alley. He chuckled but stopped quickly upon hearing the shower water quiet and a door down the hall open a few minutes later. A taller boy exited the bathroom, his gravity defying hair spiked up and out to the sides. Most who don't know him personally would probably have mixed reactions. The first would be, hell that's scary, followed by, how does he get his hair up like that?
Malik sat up on the couch, looking over his shoulder at his Yami and shrugged, settling again.
“Oh, it's just you, Mariku.”
The darker growled low, “Just me, eh?
Malik folded his arms across his chest and muttered, “Mariku-sama.”
His yami smirked and nodded.
“That's more like it.”
He then walked silently over to the back of the couch and leaned over it, resting his head next to the smart-ass hikari's.
“You better behave or I'll be making a toy out of you.”
Malik moved over, avoiding Mariku's hot breath on his neck.
“Don't you already?”
His yami's grin grew wider as he moved around the couch to kneel, facing his light, leaning closer by the second.
“Such a tease, am I not?” he whispered in almost a purr.
Squirming slightly, the younger boy moved away again, scowling as he settled at the edge.
“Yami, I know you like me and all that, but get over it. Nothings going to happen between us.”
He shifted uncomfortably, knowing the darker one could easily tackle him to the ground, and either kill or take him.
Mariku was unfazed as he continued to move closer.
“Oh come on, let me have some fun here.”
He reached out a hand to touch the younger one's semi-revealed stomach, stroking it sensually, and listened for a reaction. Malik frowned, unable to hold in a short moan, followed by an attempt to push his yami away.
“Why not? It's so amusing and sexy.”
Malik shook his head, trying to sit up, but the yami's strong hand on his stomach kept him pinned. He looked up into the eyes of his darker and growled, becoming annoyed.
“Let me go, porcupine.”
Mariku chuckled.
“Just for that, you're going to stay here longer.”
`Porcupine' scooted closer and sat on Malik's stomach sideways. Smiling sadistically, he taunted his hikari.
“Never were a smart hikari…”
Malik tensed upon feeling his yami's weight and yet again, tried to push him off, but found the task nearly impossible. He sighed and turned his head back to the TV, muttering, “Get off, you're too heavy.”
This, however was a big mistake. Mariku pressed a hand to his light's throat and hissed, replying.
“Are you saying I'm fat? Is that any way to talk to the king of the underworld?”
Malik froze and put a hand to his yami's, in an attempt to push it away. Mariku only squeezed harder, nearly cutting off the air passage. The hikari's eyes widened and he gasped for air, and he spoke through their mind link.
//Please let go, Mariku-sama. I'm sorry. You're not fat, never have been. //
Grinning, the darker let go of his light and stood from the couch, folding his arms across his chest, in an act of triumph.
“Good, now bow to me.
Malik nodded slightly and stood to kneel before his yami. His action was cut short as the phone rang, and he glanced at the ringing device, then back to the menacing one before him.
“Go answer it,” Mariku muttered.
The younger one stood to pick up the phone.
“What is it? Another mission? `Bout time you found one.”
He tilted his head, trapping the phone against his shoulder, and picked up a pen to write down the info. His hand moved swiftly, copying what was said. Readjusting the phone, he read what he had written, aloud to double-check it.
“Ryou, 5' 8”, 114, blonde. Right?”
He nodded and set down the phone on it's base, then smirked, turning back to his yami.
“I've got another mission. What's with you? Why don't they give you info for your victims?”
The darker one growled, annoyed then replied.
“I don't get hungry as quickly and besides, did you thing being the ruler of Hell, I wouldn't be able to do what I want? You're such a moron sometimes.”
Malik simply flipped off his yami and walked past him to his own room, muttering quietly, “Last I checked, my name meant master, not yours.”
Mariku chuckled and slapped his light's back sharply.
“Get a life, why don't you.”
Malik flinched, then shrugged and continued on his path to get ready for the mission later. As he got to his door, he thought to himself.
`At least I have a life. You just lay around at home.'
~*~*~Later that night~*~*~
Malik soon found himself in the same dark alley as the day before. He walked from the darkness into the bright, flashing lights of the main road. The colored signs annoyed him and he sighed, walking along the busy sidewalk.
“Where to look first?” he wondered aloud.
His attention was caught by a slightly less bright, bar and nightclub. Pushing the door open roughly, he walked to the counter and sat on one of the stools. The high temperature from the combined body heat around him, made him feel more at home.
“What can I get you?” a woman behind the counter asked in a purring voice. Malik flinched, being shaken out of his trancelike state and glanced at the annoying girl. He raised an eyebrow and muttered.
“Nothing from you. I'm just looking for someone.”
“Maybe I could help you with that. I know everyone who's walked in these doors more than once.”
Malik nodded and showed her the info he had written down earlier.
“Ryou?” she asked. “Yea, I know him. He's a newcomer, over there.”
She pointed to a nearly deserted table, where a young-looking blonde sat, sipping a soda. Malik's heart nearly skipped a beat.
`That's the same boy I saw yesterday in the alley,' he thought, blinking a few times to reassure his sight.
“You ok?” the girl jolted him from his thoughts.
Malik jumped from his seat, and glanced at her.
“Uh, yea. Just fine. Thanks,” he replied, turning to walk toward the boy now known as Ryou. He stopped a few tables away to look around, observing how no one would come near the other boy, then continued to the table.
“Anyone sitting here?” he asked, placing a hand on the chair across from Ryou. The younger boy blinked and looked up at Malik.
“No, go ahead,” he said in a soft voice before blinking once more. “Wait, haven't I seen you before? You saved my life in that alley yesterday.”
Malik nodded slowly, but didn't sit.
“Yea…actually I wanted to talk to you about something, away from this place. Would you come with me for a bit?”
Ryou frowned, looking nervous at the thought of leaving with someone he didn't even know by name, then stood from his seat, leaving his soda at the table.
“Ok…I guess so.”
Malik nodded, showing his best smile as he walked around the table to put an arm around the younger boy, steering him towards the side exit. As soon as the door closed behind the two, Malik felt his heart jump again. He was torn between confessing his feelings and quenching his hunger. He sighed, letting go of Ryou and turned away, whispering to himself.
“What do I do?”
A gentle touch on his shoulder made him flinch, almost as if he had been touched by a red-hot knife, rather than a pale hand.
“I'm sorry. Are you ok?” that sweet voice asked.
Malik nodded, turning back to Ryou as he rubbed his shoulder.
“Sure, just fine.”
A pang of hunger hit the demonic one, making him more likely to choose his second option. He started to grin, pointed fangs gleaming in the moonlight and he whispered.
“I'm not so sure you will be,”
Ryou frowned, a look of confusion crossing his features.
Malik moved closer to the shorter blonde, pushing away any feelings he once had.
“You're mine…” he muttered, raising a hand to pin Ryou to the brick wall behind him. He quickly pulled his hand away, growling at the pain it had caused. A million explanations went through his mind, but one that stuck out was, Ryou has a connection with angels. Whether it be that he was one, or was protected by one, Malik didn't know. What he did know was that angel's blood was deadly to demonic vampires. Ryou by now had a very scared look on his face. The demon scowled at his own realization and he snarled, hunger pulling at him once more. His eyes darted to Ryou's neck, and upon seeing a thin chain tucked into the collar of his shirt, presumably with a blue stone hanging from it, his anger rose.
“You're one of them. What am I supposed to do now?”
Ryou simply blinked at Malik's outburst.
“One of them? What are you talking about?”
He had been taught never to reveal himself unless absolutely necessary. Malik shrugged, starting to pace back and forth, thinking. Then he stopped, turning back to Ryou. He smirked and chuckled.
“If I took you back with me, I'd certainly gain a lot of power.”
Ryou shook his head, starting to move away.
“I still don't get what you're talking about.”
Of course he knew perfectly well what Malik was talking about, and there's no way he would allow himself to be captured. The tanned one fumbled with something on his belt and soon produced a black rope; an unmistakable aura of darkness surrounded it. Ryou shivered upon seeing Malik's weapon of choice, but tried to halt his chilled feeling as those demonic purple eyes met his.
“You know what this is, don't you? If you're right, you probably know what I am, and what I desire,” Malik hissed, before looking the other boy up and down to add more fear to his victim's expression. Ryou shook his head and squirmed uncomfortably. He knew what that black rope was, one of the few things that could make an angel immobile; not an ordinary rope, I promise you. Two hundred years ago, the head angel of the time had been captured with the very same type of rope by the king of the underworld, Mariku. Not many knew what he looked like, but his name brought much fear in the world above the clouds.
Upon seeing Ryou's attempted escape, Malik moved swiftly to block him. The younger blonde again moved in the opposite direction, causing the demon to growl.
“Quit moving,” he hissed, placing his arms on either side of Ryou, but not touching him. Ryou shivered, feeling dark power emanating from the boy opposite him, and he closed his eyes.
`What options do I have,' he thought `I could use my crystal, but I don't want to hurt him too much. When he touched me, that seemed to hurt, so I'll try touching him. At least it will stun him long enough for me to escape.'
All the while, Ryou could feel the dark energy moving closer, but thanks to his quick thinking, he now had a chance for escape. He reopened his eyes, looking up into those violet menacing orbs and whispered a quick apology before pressing his hand to Malik's arm. The demon yelped, trying to pull away but Ryou held onto his arm tightly for another few seconds, then released his grip and ran from the alley. Malik snarled, nursing the burned-in handprint on his arm, then growled upon noticing the little angel had disappeared. When the pain finally subsided, it was replaced with the heavy weakness that came without a drink of blood for a day and a half. He groaned and started to walk along the alley until he found a dark enough spot that he could reveal his wings and return through the portal home. He felt spent; angry with not only the fact that he had lost a drink, but also that he had tried to hurt the one being he ever lusted for. A sullen look replaced his usually angry features as his hunger bit at him again. He spread his wings and leapt into the swirling dark portal and landed at his doorstep. Soon after opening the door, a low voice yelled at him.
“What's with you? Where you been all night?”
A form with spiked hair sat up on the couch, illuminated by the glow of the TV; the clock on the wall above the TV glowed 1 AM by now. Mariku continued with a chuckle.
“You look like crap, lose another one?”
Malik nodded slightly as he wandered towards the fridge, where emergency rations were kept and selected a vial of red liquid, sipping slowly through his fangs. He tossed the empty container in the sink and walked to the long couch his yami was half stretched out on and curled up at the opposite end.
“What a night…” he whispered, feeling a pair of strong arms pull him close to their owner's body. He was too tired to care, otherwise he would have pushed them away and left to sleep in his own bed. Instead he just closed his eyes, falling into a deep sleep, his strength slowly coming back to him.