Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Randomosity ❯ And so it begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Don't wanna know

Disclaimer: I don't own YU-Gi-Oh so don't sue me okay?

The scene opens and you see Bakura watching TV He's wrapped in a red blanket and is hugging what looks like a man eater bug plushie. In the back round you hear cheesy soap opera music playing. Ryou walks past behind the couch Bakura is sitting on looks at the screen of the T.V and does a double take.

"Bakura are you watching a soap opera?!"

Bakura just nodes a slightly crazed looks in his eyes. Ryou, looking extremely perturbed goes into the kitchen and comes back a short while later with a bowl of popcorn joining Bakura on the couch. On the TV the over exaggerated voices of the actors can be heard

'Oh Margo!' 'Oh Loyd!'

This goes on for a while (Think Tamahome and Miaka) and the cheesy music still playing in the back round. Later the episode almost over and the popcorn all gone Ryou looks near tears and Bakura has a maniacal glint in his eyes. Then the music begins to change becoming rather . threatening. Again you hear the voices of the actors this time one sounds panicked.

'No Margo! No don't do it NOOOO! ~Insert soul rendering scream here~

Ryou looks on horrified while Bakura begins to laugh. Still with a look of shock and horror on his face Ryou looks at Bakura.



"You knew that was going to happen didn't you?"

"Yup Malik taped it and lent it to me, said I'd get a kick outta the ending."

"You scare me some times you know that Bakura?"

In response Bakura just grins.