Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Rewind 1 ❯ Any changes, Ryou? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey there!! I put this chapter simultaneously with the first one!! Please RR

Rewind I






"ENGAGE!" Lena shouted at the top of her lungs. At once both Taichi and Soiji pushed two levers simultaneously. Kaiba and the two elderly doctors were transfixed and could only stare.

Marik and his new friend, Serenity were standing there, unmoving, observing in absolute sock and trying to register what was happening.

Serenity leaned towards the glass and Kaiba followed her lead. "Hey guys!! Look!" Rika cried excitedly and pointed at the figure.

"Gee, thanks Rika, you've totally enlightened us right now…" Kenji muttered and Soiji snickered.

Serenity had no time for this, though. She bent so near to the glass that her nose was nearly stuck on it. She gasped roughly. "OH MY GOD!" she cried "Look at his belly!"

Marik bent next to her and squinted his eyes. "Oh my God…" was heard Taichi's serious voice "It's real…"

It was real all right. Serenity watched, entranced as the baggy form that was once the person's skin, started to tighten. The frozen, limp flesh of his belly was moving upwards. Serenity covered her mouth with both hands and Kaiba stared like a cow. Literally.

The withered, wrinkled chest moved upwards and formed ultimate masculine curves. The nipples now stood pink and hard at the sides of his sculpture-shaped chest. His belly not only had tightened but the muscles were starting to appear. Six chess-board like abs tightened viciously. The scientists watched the shiny blue essence pierce into his body and transform the man…completely.

The white fuzz that represented his hair vanished. They could not see well because of the helmet but they surely saw some healthy white strands cascade down the man's shoulders. They were white again, but this time they were shiny and looked silky to the touch.

Serenity whimpered as she observed. She watched the shiny blue elixir push through the man's veins. His flabby arms were becoming rock-hard. The muscles on his legs were bursting, vibrating with health.

Kaiba shook his head to recover. "Age check, Rika! Tell me how old he is!!"

"Sir…" Rika was speechless "It is only eleven liters and he is around thirty-five!"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Lena shrieked. "The man looked like this when he was thirty five…Whoo…Hot stuff…"

Serenity blinked unceremoniously. She turned her gaze back to the transforming man. Could he possibly get any younger?

Obviously he could…The thick, unbelievable muscles that formed his figure started to diminish, leaving behind them the naturally tight skin of youth.

"What the..?" Kaiba murmured.

"His body is becoming younger! He doesn't need to be overly shaped up! People at twenty years old are naturally tight!!" Suzuki said in a non-sarcastical tone for once.

The magical liquid continued to flow through him. Now the man had become smaller in frame. His muscles were surely very toned but his frame was smaller. He looked almost frail. It was like a sculpture. And on top of his Apollonian chest, perched between his erect nipples was the golden ring. It seemed so much healthier too- in a way. It was like it was alive.

It was then that Serenity actually took time to look at his face. She made a small whimpering sound.

"Marik!" she said unconsciously "Look at his face."

Marik obliged and gasped too. Thin, protruding cheekbones framed a frail looking nose. The man seemed to be squirming and wincing in pain, so they couldn't see his eyes. His face was generally covered with white bangs though.

"Rika!" Kaiba urgently pressed "Age?"

"He's twenty one, sir, it's almost done!" she shrieked in spite of herself.

Marik gasped incredulously-He's my age?!"

"And mine." Serenity murmured. Suddenly, as abruptly as it had started, it all ended. They saw the tubes becoming blank and devoid of the shiny blue essence.

An alarm went off somewhere in the lab and the computer voice was heard "Tissue Reconstruction Complete. Tissue Reconstruction Complete. Tissue Reconstruction Complete."

"FINE, MAKE IT SHUT UP!!" shouted an overexcited Kaiba.

Lena shut down the computer quickly and said "Um…sir…you probably don't need to hear me tell you this but…Tissue Reconstruction Complete."

Kaiba glared.

"He's twenty years old, all right…And a damn fine youth he is, if I might add." Rika filled in for her friend. "It took all twenty liters and as for his heart beat. He had a pulse of 150b/m during the `metamorphoses' until it just steadied at 50b/s. Wonderful."

"The status check tells us he is perfectly fine. All systems are working: digestive, reproductive…everything! He's fine and he's young!"

Serenity watched as an evil smirk graced Kaiba's lips. She knew what he was thinking about: "Now I really AM God."

"Look!" Kenji suddenly shook everybody from their focus on laboratory equipment. They turned back to the "specimen" and found him slightly opening his eyes. Serenity almost choked as she saw her own wet handkerchief clutched tightly in his now robust palm. His nails were still long and curved, but at least they looked healthy and pink- not deadly white.

The man was starting to sit up with peculiar, mechanical movements.

"Are you sure he's ok?" Kaiba inquired.

"Positive" Taichi answered. "Give him some time to adjust."

They all watched, entranced as the man…no… boy opened his eyes giddily. Serenity gasped. They were the same. Nothing had changed. Exactly the same as they had been when he was 120 years old.

Deep chasms of chaotic oak color blinked innocently. He was staring forward. They all realized he was staring at the mirror. He didn't know they were there.

His face was clear to them now. He had finally been released from the helmet and could now sit up freely.

Silky, snow-white hair that reached the middle of his muscle-carved back flew gracefully around his face. They had said he was Japanese but he certainly didn't look like it…

His white skin was ghastly and angel-like, but it didn't stop the toned muscles from pumping viciously with every move.

Serenity found herself blushing for some reason. Blushing furiously, actually. She had just realized that he was only using a white sheet to cover up his private area.

Only this time he was no old shaking fag. He was a robust man of flesh and blood, standing before her; his blood pumping hungrily in his muscles. He was absolutely stunning.

To Serenity he seemed even more immaculate than Marik. This was the second overly beautiful man she had met in a day.

Only this was different. This time, the blood had rushed in her cheeks simply by staring into his innocent, unknowing orbs of forest brown.

Then it happened; the inevitable. He obviously realized he was staring at himself… his now very young and very different self.

They listened intently for any sound he might make, but to their astonishment, he didn't.

Serenity turned to glance at Kaiba. He still had that look of perverted success on his face. This was all an experiment to him. It disgusted her.

She pulled her attention back to the white haired man and the moment she saw what he was doing, her blood froze completely. He was staring at his hand and softly caressing the worn handkerchief. His innocent eyes clouded as though they were seeing an ancient memory.

To everyone's astonishment, he put the little piece of cloth near his nose and smelled it. Then he smiled brightly. It was unbelievable. The smile that broke through his face turned his innocent eyes into burning suns of brown fire, waiting to explode.

Serenity blushed again and this time she could not deny it, she was becoming as red as a tomato.

The boy stared back into his reflection and unknowingly, into Serenity's eyes. His honest poles laughed at her. She gasped lightly.

He was attempting to stand and the slim white sheet was slowly slipping away. Serenity held her breath and felt everyone else do the same. She felt Marik shut his eyes tightly and she couldn't help but sympathize.

They silently waited, cursing, for the sight of his exposed flesh. But it never came. As he was standing up, the man noticed the sliding piece of material and grabbed it roughly before it could expose him. His innocent eyes were full of questions. This was the first time he seemed to fully register he was completely naked.

He placed the handkerchief on the chair with feathery, angel like movements. He then took better hold of the white cloth and tied it around his waist. Rika silently giggled.

"Poor guy…" she said "He reminds me of that jungle man…um…Ta-Tarzom…? Something like that…" ( People in 2650 don't know about Tarzan)

Serenity giggled but it was rather forced because she was focusing on the man's movements.

He had stood up now and was trying to walk. He couldn't help but stare at his hands and torso in utter astonishment. Logical, thought Serenity. One minute he was an old man with beautiful eyes and now he was a charming, hot man with nothing but a white sheet on…Oops…now where did THAT come from…?

The man was staring at his palm now, in a wondrous manner. Then he abruptly turned towards the chair and studied it. He carefully approached and picked up the handkerchief with ethereal movements.

"I think he fell in love with Ms Wheeler's hanky." Suzuki said sardonically.

"I think he fell in love with Ms Wheeler herself!" Ayano retorted.

At this oh-so-innocent remark, Serenity had blushed crimson from the roots of her auburn hair to the ends of her purple toe-nails.

Rika and Lena chuckled and Serenity had wanted to tackle them at that moment. This impressive stranger was messing with her head so much that she couldn't even muster her trademark fake smile.

Now she could only stare at him and his innocent eyes as they observed each renewed part of his body.

"Slow, isn't he?" Kaiba remarked dryly and Serenity had wanted to hit him at that point. From the look in Marik's eyes, he had wanted it too.

Everything changed as the white haired statue of Hermes turned around to the "mirror" yet again. The muscles of his lower back pulsated as he twisted his body. Now they could all see his absolute abs and chest. One of his hands held the white sheet in place as the other clutched tightly on Serenity's hanky.

He started approaching with slow, peculiarly savored movements. The golden ring clanged sweetly against his tight torso.

"…" Marik opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. Then he managed to choke something out in an awed whisper "he is a god…" the tanned boy said and Serenity couldn't help but agree.

The angelic creature had now fully approached the glass. He was standing tantalizingly close to Serenity, who froze at the up-close sight of him. His innocent eyes were wide open and he seemed to be examining his reflection up close. The poor man obviously couldn't believe it. How could he have turned from a dying old man to his young, handsome self in a matter of minutes?

He touched the glass airily and ran his palm along the lean surface, walking as he did. He passed before Marik and Taichi and Suzuki until he stopped in front of Kaiba. Kaiba glared with unbelievable contempt as though he could break the glass and pin it into the newcomer's forehead.

The albino boy lowered his arm. Serenity then noticed him narrowing his eyes as if to see through the glass. Could it be…he knew…? Those innocent orbs of his glittered brightly with childish purity.

Serenity felt a pang of anguish and delight run through her as she saw him clutching her handkerchief protectively, with both hands.

She almost jumped from joy when she saw him take the small cloth and hold it against his cheek, just as Serenity had done for him before.

That innocence was back in his eyes and it was almost unbearable! Serenity had never seen such expressive eyes before. They bore into the soul.

This boy was peculiar, Kaiba decided. He was shaped up as a man- and a very handsome man as it was- and he also moved like a man. He did; however seem to carry the sentimental psychology of a woman. This is the definition Seto Kaiba had for "romantic sentimental fools" like little snow-head over there. This was probably the result of being an old man, Kaiba decided. No man could be that innocent! This person was a living reincarnation of Kaiba's theory about stupidity.

Just then, the boy did the indescribable. He took Serenity's worn handkerchief and twisted it elegantly around his wrist. He smiled when he had created a bracelet of it. Then he turned away from the mirror and back to the middle of his lonely prison.

He was smiling in a carefree manner when, abruptly, his ring started to glow.

A few scientists gasped but Kaiba quickly reassured them it was a flick of the light or something. Serenity and Marik noticed the way Kaiba rushed to reassure everyone that it had been nothing. Could it be that Kaiba knew something they didn't?

Abruptly, the boy's eyes widened in surprise and joy. In a few moments his gaze seemed to follow something that stood beside him.

Then, his eyes filled with unshed, innocent tears and he shouted in a tongue unknown to the rest:


His voice was light and melodic. As deep and husky Marik's voice was, that was how feathery and airy the white haired boy's voice was.

The boy made a move as though to run onto something in the air but suddenly his expression changed and he seemed to calm down. Slowly, almost fearfully, he turned towards the mirror again. This time there was angst in his eyes.

Marik's eyes had widened incredibly. He looked around hoarsely, but no one else seemed to notice. He stared back at the white haired boy. Oh God! Was he hallucinating now? Was he seeing things? The moment the ring had glowed he had seen a white smoke envelop the boy.

Marik had watched as a figure emerged from the smoke. It was an exact replica of the other boy, only slightly taller and more mature. The new man stood next to the shorter protectively. He was slightly…if Marik hadn't known better he'd say…translucent.

The young boy whipped his head swiftly and stared at the newcomer with joyful eyes.

"Yami!!" he had shouted. He made a move so as to hug his clone friend but the other held a hand to stop him. Marik blinked in confusion. He heard the translucent person say:

"Don't hikari…Don't you remember the last time you talked to me in front of people? They'll think you're crazy again! Wait a little. They're watching"

Marik froze completely. He looked around hoarsely, but everybody else was staring at Ryou only. They were probably thinking that Ryou was still schizophrenic and talking to himself!

The tanned boy turned his gaze back to the interior of the room of the two albinos. The Yami character was pointing at the mirror and the innocent one turned with fear written across his face.

Then, as Marik thought he was going insane, he felt the icy feeling of being watched. He raised his eyes only to meet those of the "Yami " person. Yami was staring right at him. He had an unreadable, deadly glare.

"You can see me, can't you?" he demanded-more like stated the obvious.

Marik's blood turned cold and his perfect tanned profile paled into one of pure horror. Subconsciously, he tugged at Serena's arm but she was staring at the innocent boy still.

Marik felt very much alone at that moment.

Yami glared harder, until Marik thought his skull was about to crack in two halves. How did Yami know?

Yami then suddenly started to fade away into the ring; literally. His accusing voice was still echoing in Marik's ears. "You can see me…and I can see you…"

With these painful words the Yami- whoever this psychotic version of the innocent boy was- disappeared. By then, Marik had been gripping Serenity's sleeve so tightly that it was starting to hurt her.

"Ow!" she groaned "Marik what is it? Marik??" she asked a little worriedly when she saw the unusual pale complexion settled in her exotic friend's face.

"I-I…" he stuttered. Serenity was very concerned by now. First the albino boy had gotten worried and now Marik…What was going on? "I…Just…Saw…"

"Yes?" she inquired. It was a good job nobody else noticed them talking. They were all too absorbed in the albino boy.

"I-I'll tell you later, ok?" Marik inquired shakily.

"O-kaay. You know you can trust me with anything, Marik." Serenity softly said and Marik solemnly nodded. Yami's words were still swirling around his mind. Damn him!

Both Marik and Serenity refocused their thoughts at the godly figure of the recently transformed white-haired boy.

"RIKA? What the heck was that? Why was he wacking out? Is he still schizzo, or what? If he is, we'll send him to and institution right away. Now that we know the experiment works, it's ok." Kaiba harshly barked. Marik cringed.

Serenity's heart broke at these words. She wouldn't let go so easily, though! She had promised that man that she would help him find peace in a new life! She would do it!

Rika's voice echoed around. "I don't think he is crazy. It was just an old memory. Poor thing, he is so confused."

"That's it!" Kaiba's voice stormed around precariously "We don't need him any more! He'll be sent to an appropriate institution first thing tomorrow!"

Serenity decided to speak up. "We all care about the new guy, Kaiba! You can't give someone his life and then snatch it back away! What are you playing at? This is a human being we're talking about!" she snapped. It wasn't a smart move to turn against her boss, but she wouldn't let them take the new boy away no matter what. Why was Kaiba so persistent on getting rid of the boy anyway? Everyone wanted to double-check if the boy was a psycho, but Kaiba seemed desperate to destroy him.

"What is wrong with you people?" Kaiba yelled, exasperated "This is a psychopath from six hundred years ago we are talking about Set yo---"

"No!!" Marik shouted, startling everyone. Kaiba blinked and turned to look at him in sudden, unexpected reluctance. "You can't snatch his life away from him! Why didn't you just let him die in the first place if you were planning to make him rot away at some institution?!"

Serenity watched intently as Marik's anger intensified in his eyes. She could already see everyone was taking Marik's side for one reason or another. She had only known Marik for a few hours but she had seen so much of him already! It's like she already knew him from somewhere.

At the sound of Marik's words, Kaiba seemed to calm. He turned his gaze towards the beautiful albino and nodded dumbly, indicating he would succumb to Marik's wishes. Everyone else, Marik included, was startled by this behavior. Since when would the great Kaiba listen and obey to Marik's wishes? Was there some kind of bond they didn't know of between the two?

Serenity was very confused as she resumed her staring at the newcomer. He was perched on the chair again, playing shyly with his handkerchief bracelet. It's like he suddenly realized they had been watching him.

The chatting scientists were caught off-guard by an unfamiliar, airy voice. It echoed through the speakers in the lab's corners.

Everyone's attention refocused at the albino beauty who was shyly calling out with an airy voice.

Kaiba watched with mysterious malice and disgust as the object of everyone's attention spoke shyly and calmly.

Serenity was feeling a hard pressure squeeze her heart. He was still lightly stroking the handkerchief fabric which was settled around his wrist. A faint blush creped up her cheeks. He was so…innocent…so wonderful in every way…

"A-Ano…(um…)" the boy stuttered lightly in a language none of them knew. They assumed it was Japanese since the person was from Japan to begin with.

"Sumimasen…d-demo (excuse me, but…)" he started shyly with that feathery voice of his- his elegance even reached his voice. He was blushing lightly and Serenity found it to be incredibly adorable. He was obviously not comfortable being so exposed in front of many people.

"Nihongo o hanashimasu ka? (Do you speak Japanese?)" Nope…no good. No one had any idea what he was saying but it was soothing just to listen to his liight voice.

The boy obviously decided to give it another try.

"Um… Hello. Do you speak English?" he inquired hopefully in a perfect accent.

Marik broke into a smile and was in front of the microphone before Rika or Lena could even move.

"Yes, we do. We all speak English." echoed the sensual, deep voice of the tanned, tropical man. The albino boy smiled and his innocent eyes glimmered brightly.

Serenity quickly settled to the seat next to Marik. Now it was Rika and Lena who were standing and Serenity and Marik who were doing the talking.

The innocent expression was really not fit to a twenty year-old, shaped up man, but it was enough to make Serenity melt like putty. The same went for Rika. And Lena.

Thus the innocent style could not have been so bad, really.

"Um…could you please tell me what happened? And who you are?" the young man inquired politely.

Marik and Serenity exchanged glances. Marik bent into the mike and allowed his deep, husky voice to travel to the albino's ears.

"It's a very long story…We can't tell you everything right now…"

The innocent boy seemed to nod and silently accept that answer. Suddenly, hope lit back in his eyes. He stared straight at the mirror and lifted the hand with the hanky wrapped around it.

"Then maybe the girl who gave me this can tell me!" the handsome white haired boy said.

Serenity's eyes flashed an incomprehensible colour of delight and she quickly bent down to speak, before Marik could beat her to it.

"Do you remember what she looked like?" Serenity oh-so-innocently asked, eyeing Marik slyly.

"What the heck is she doing? Flirting?" Kaiba asked furiously on the background.

"She's trying to check for memory loss" Marik covered immediately.

Serenity smiled gratefully as she listened to the stranger's answer.

"All I can remember is that she looked like an angel and she had reddish eyes…" the handsome youth said dreamily. Kaiba rolled his eyes, despising the youth more and more with every passing second.

Serenity had blushed a painful colour of tomato red and Marik had trouble stifling his giggles. Serena glared towards his general direction and then swiftly turned to the mike.

"Do you remember your name?" she inquired in a delighted tone. After having heard such an unintentional compliment, what girl wouldn't?

"Of course I do" the young man said as he stood up from his comfortable seat. He was still blushing because of his "clothing" of course. "My name is Ryou Bakura" he bowed respectfully. The girls sighed and Kaiba huffed. `This is not Ancient Japan!' he thought `No bows!'

Marik beat Serenity this time "All right, Ryou, why don't we send some people to get you properly dressed and then we can discuss various issues?"

Ryou blushed about the clothing comment. "Sure…That would be great, thanks"

Marik grinned and turned to the others. His `fan club' consisting of every single person in the room beamed back at him. Even Kaiba let his grouch go for an instant…It came back full force, though.

"Why do you decide things without asking me?" he barked at Marik and everybody else winced, wishing they could evacuate the area. "I'm the head of the company after all!!"

"Of course, sire!" replied Marik evenly without missing a beat "That's why I thought it would be nice for him to be dressed when talked to you."

It was very amusing to Serenity, the way Kaiba would always stutter and diminish at Marik's retorts and excuses…Hilarious really. The great, cold and steely Kaiba had a fatal weakness, it seemed: Marik. It was truly very secretive and mysterious, the reason why Marik had such a tremendous effect on Kaiba. She would find out sooner or later! What could it be? Did Kaiba love Marik or something? Nah…that didn't seem to be the case…Something else was here and Serenity was sure to find out.

Marik chuckled in a very sensual way, causing hair to rise at the necks of all his companions- even Serenity.

Suddenly, as he was about to continue enjoying himself with driving Kaiba up the wall by controlling his every decision, Marik turned to the microphone. He could hear Ryou Bakura speaking.

"…I'm dreadfully sorry for this…but…can I see…that girl again?" he asked innocently, making Serenity jump in exasperation and delight at the same time. Marik looked apprehensive.

Ryou gave a goofy grin "I really… need to thank her for everything…"

Kaiba was facing the sky wearily "Why me?" he silently inquired. He didn't want Marik to hear him in case he came up with another witty response that would mysteriously make Kaiba follow his whims…again.

"Okay, Ryou…Wait up. We're coming!" with that said, Marik closed the link off and turned to Serenity.

"Do you mind if I come too, Serena? I'm very fond of him, myself…" Marik said with a sly look. His `fan club' stared in disbelief. Marik actually was interested in someone for a change? Well that was new! It would not discourage the hordes of fans fighting to claim a place in the pretty boy's heart, though.

Kaiba was seething with silent hatred. That Ryou Bakura…he was gonna get it…Tomorrow he would be sent to a special place where Kaiba would make sure he was `taken care of'. Marik would not be able to mess with Kaiba's plans then!

Marik, on the other hand, could not rest his mind from the unexpected appearance of that "Yami" character. Those burning blood-red eyes… so similar and yet so different from Ryou's. They were etched permanently upon Marik's memory. Could it be, that if he approached the innocent young boy, his intriguing dark partner would show up once more? Marik couldn't wait.

--------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Serenity had never been so nervous in her entire life. She hadn't been so nervous when she was having her job interview, for God's sake. Marik stood next to her confidently. She hadn't forgotten about him having something important to tell her, but she figured the whole `getting Ryou dressed' mission was more important at this point.

Oh shit! What was she gonna tell him? Last time she was up close to him he was an old man, dying? Now that he was a semi-naked hunk what was she supposed to do? He'd stare at her in admiration with those chocolate eyes and…and…what would she do?! Oh shit…

She was holding the clothes they had chosen for him to wear. The soft fabric was folded neatly in her arms. Suddenly, she felt Marik moving forward and followed mechanically. He stood before the door to the "hall of torture". Serenity gulped nervously as she saw Marik take that one-forbidden step. The automatic mechanism clicked immediately and the doors snapped open. Seeing that Serenity wasn't going to bring herself to walk through the door, Marik settled on dragging her.

Once she entered the darkened room, Serenity instantly saw it. It was him, Ryou Bakura, leaning casually against a wall. Somehow, he had managed to drape the sheet around him in a more decent way. His white skin in combination with the white sheet was making him look more angelic than anything she had ever known…An ethereal man. How unusual…and disturbing.

He stood there, playing giddily with his golden ring. `He must really love it' Serenity mused.

Marik noticed this too and felt his suntanned skin sizzle at the thought of sheer fear and anguish "Yami" provoked. He definitely had to learn more about this…Yami.

Ryou looked up immediately and his innocent eyes sparkled like stars. Taking rigid hold of his "garments" the young man approached the two scientists. He noticed the sun-tanned boy with the golden hair and the exotic aura. The aura wasn't at all refreshening or light; it was deep as the abyss; deep and tropical and endless from the chasms of the Sahara… (Ryou knows about Egypt because he is from the 21st century!!)

Truly attractive was the boy but Ryou's attention screamed frantically for the girl. He replayed it in his mind: The slim hazy form he remembered from a dream-like state wore a red …dress? All he could remember was her fresh touch and her eyes. Those endless pits of Hazel…

Were staring right at him.

He took a better look at the girl standing in front of him, squirming uncomfortably beneath his gaze. Oh dear Gods, it was her! The same red, slim silhouette! The same auburn hair and…those pits….those Hazel diamonds.

"You're her." He simply stated.

Serenity was blushing a very interesting shade of red, and the fact that she remembered everyone was watching from the other room wasn't helping...

The boy looked incredible from up close -both Marik and Serenity thought so. Layers of silky angelic skin covered his well toned muscles. His form was overall slim and elegant. His jaw was positively strong and square. It seemed as though all characteristics of his face were exotic with protruding cheekbones and huge brown eyes.

It was magnificent really. The way the man moved betrayed a life-time of more than sixty years. It was obvious that the boy still believed he was an old man. He was afraid to move, afraid to walk. Thus he resulted to gliding lightly... He would probably get used to it eventually. The way the boy talked was slow and wise. He didn't seem to be the one to waste time with chatter or useless statements. He was reticent and romantic, as though every part of life was about to slip away from him if he didn't savor it in silence and meditation. The most magical thing about him was his warm, expressive gaze. Years of unspoken wisdom were hidden in his chocolate, innocent orbs.

"Yes, I am her." Serenity found the courage to say.

Ryou's emotions were swelling inside him like a bubble. It was her. Her soft voice washed threw his ears and brought with it soft words said in dreams… "Y-You saved me!" he exclaimed, and instinctively raised the hand on which was wrapped her white handkerchief. The young man was staring at her with indescribable clear, pure feelings.

It was peculiar how a grown man could attain such powers of innocence.

She just kept staring at him in disbelief. It took her a moment to realize what was happening during the next moment. She could see Ryou move in front of her, and she watched in terror and excitement as the intoxicating man took hold of her hand.

Her mind was telling her to pull back, but the feel of his hardened hand against her own was leaving sparks of delight in her body.

Slowly, as though words were not needed, he proceeded to tug at the white cloth around his wrist. The silky material slid gracefully out of the knot and into his hand. He took hold of it, and to Serenity's astonishment, pressed it against his cheek. Then he brought her hand to rest on top of it.

Serenity and the unreal beauty in front of her both had the same flashback. It had just happened hours ago, but it was as hazy as a dream. They were at the same pose. She was holding that cloth to this right cheek and his hand was keeping her own into place with light caresses.

This time it had seemed so different, though. It wasn't compassion for an old man. This time it was a young boy, as real and as beautiful as the air they breathed in. She was holding the cheek of an innocent, handsome young man and he was caressing her hand. Time seemed to freeze in misty thoughts of desire.

"Thank you…" she heard the boy say… She had been right, after all! He had wanted to thank her all along. Slight twinges of guilt wracked her body- no! She'd never let them abuse Ryou! She felt she at least owed him that. To receive the affection of such a fallen angel was a gift Serenity would cherish and prove worthy of…She would prove she was worth his supreme affection.

"Thank you for helping me rest at a time of pain…" Ryou whispered only loud enough for Serenity to hear. They had come awfully close, and the girl could feel the man's ethereal, scorching breath graze her face.

She wanted to answer, wanted to say something, but she was frozen. She felt she was being pulled forward, drawn like a moth to the man's body.

A long, swan neck stretched before her face. She had come so close that she could actually make out the soft diagram of the man's Adam 's apple. Her hand was still clasped upon his cheek, though it wasn't as gentle a touch. Mysteriously, she had more-or-less been grasping his face in a tight hold. His own hand was grabbing hers, pressing it even more against his flushed cheek.

The heat was almost overwhelming. She could sense the lean, immaculate chest heave erratically up and down just a few inches away from her own beating heart. She could smell something light and oceanic, maybe the smell that came after a storm, with the appearance of a rainbow. That was his smell; the smell of dew and wind in a fresh morning.

She could feel his body dangerously close to her and through his tight grasp she could almost feel his recently renewed blood pump viciously. Her own body vibrated in response to his. All this she could feel, as she stared into his pure and innocent almond orbs.

How was it possible that even as he was nearly kissing her, even as they were losing themselves in desire, his eyes expressed absolute sincerity? They were glazed over with something unknown, but the innocence was there none the less.

Serenity's ankles were beginning to weaken. That intense gaze almost shattered her to pieces. The was so close now…

Marik smiled, sensing this was the time to interrupt. "Ryou" he said with a deep, dark voice "These are you're clothes. Dr Wheeler and I picked them for you."

Ryou and Serenity jerked away from each other as if awakened from a dream. Ryou was blinking calmly and innocently, while Serenity was trying to regain her smiling composure. As Ryou was processing what he had just been told, his eyes never left those of the auburn haired girl.

It took a while of total staring until Marik gently nudged Ryou with something. Ryou slowly turned towards Marik's direction, his eyes never leaving Serenity until he had no choice but to look at Marik.

"Here, let me help you with this cloak for now…" Marik offered. He was the only one able to talk coherently right now, actually.

Ryou was completely silent as Marik walked around and stood behind his back. Ryou didn't even turn around. His persistent, giddy gaze found its way back to Serenity's eyes. He was unmoving and transfixed.

Serenity was smiling broadly, her face never letting on her inner turmoil. The truth was she wanted to burn in flames rather than face his fiery gaze at the moment.

Their tan-skinned friend had moved behind Ryou and was carefully draping a dark green cloak around the slim man's shoulders. Marik's actions were totally ignored by Ryou although they were distantly and barely acknowledged by Serenity.

Ryou kept his eyes fixed on the girl the whole time Marik adjusted his hair to the new cloak and fixed the fabric properly from his shoulders. When Marik was finished, he moved back between the tension of the two.

"Thank you…" Ryou said quietly. The small nod that he gave to the right proved he was talking to Marik, although he was still staring at Serenity.

The girl was half hopeful, half reluctant to attempt escaping his gaze.

"Come on, Serenity, Give the man his new clothes and I'll take him somewhere to change." Marik said while eyeing the both of them carefully. Ryou was unmoving. Frozen to the spot. Serenity seemed the same at first but soon she smiled and nodded towards Marik's general direction. Her eyes were still locked with the ancient's, though.

Marik was getting very tired of not being properly addressed. He gingerly reached and took Ryou's clothes from within Serenity's arms. She hardly noticed.

"Serenity!?" Ryou's innocent eyes widened and he suddenly grabbed the girls hand in his own two. "You're name is ….Serenity?!" he asked tensely. His sparkling gaze was sending shivers down the girl's spine. He was holding her hands gently yet tensely. His eyes looked desperate for an answer, as though his life depended on a simple word.

Serenity seemed a bit dazed as she hesitantly answered "Y-Yes…" The raw emotion of joy and delight were etched upon Ryou's young, boyish features.

"I'll call you Serena, then…" he said, and Serenity's eyes lit up like stars. Joey had always called her Serena. Everyone who was close to her called her like that…Ryou was still holding her hands and staring at her tensely, as though his innocent life depended on her gaze.

Serenity felt the familiar pang on guiltiness. This person trusted her so much…If only he knew it was her who had been working with those who had condemned him.

`No' she thought `I'll take care of him! I'll make sure he escapes! I'll make sure.'

Marik's exotic, light steps brought Serenity back to reality. She watched as the tanned, beautiful boy gently took hold of the pale angel's elbow and gently tugged forward.

Ryou's hands that had been entwined with Serena's slowly slipped away as Marik ever so elegantly dragged the other boy outside the "hall of torture".

Ryou's eyes were fixed on Serenity's until the last moment, when he had fully excited the room.

Serena was left alone in the room with the chair that conspicuously reminded her of that thing she had seen in the "Encyclopedia of Ancient Times" It was called capital punishment…

Suddenly, a serious manly voice echoed from the speakers around her.

"Wow, Serena, that was some intense stuff…I guess your hanky really is irresistible…" Taichi said.

She blushed as she could almost sense the giggles of Lena and Rika from the background.

Thoughts of a certain snowflake- haired, tall boy swirling in her mind, Serenity Wheeler started a steady walk to the other laboratory, where she would officially maim her colleagues.