Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Room For Rent ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Room for Rent

Chapter Eleven

"I'm bored," Bakura whined.

"Go scrub a toilet, then," Ryou said, not in any semblance of good humor. After all, it was six-thirty A.M. on a Sunday and he hadn't even finished his first cup of coffee.

"I'll never be THAT bored, Ryou. I know!" Bakura said, as if he hadn't rehearsed this all before. "We can go to the movies!"

"Define we."

"That would be… me, and you, and that tribe of purple monkeys living in your head."

"No, I think it's just you and the monkeys going to the movies."

"Haha. You're so funny, Ryou-itooshi," Bakura said, beeping Ryou's nose.

"Eek!" Ryou gasped, throwing his hands upward to cover his nose.

"I see you're finally awake," Bakura said, giving Ryou the `bedroom eyes'.

Ryou rolled his eyes, sipping on a cup of coffee.


"So, what movie should we see?" Bakura asked cheerfully, as he hopped out of Ryou's car.

"Something morbid, where the annoying whore-boy dies tragically and the peasants rejoice."

"That's so mean, Ryou," Bakura said, looking hurt. "You don't really want Malik to die, do you?"

"Eurgh… I suppose he fits that description as well, doesn't he?"

"I know! We'll see a chick flick just for you, Ryou!"

"But I don't like chick flicks…"


"See, Ryou? Aren't you glad you came with me?" Bakura asked, seated beside Ryou in the theater, bag of popcorn sitting on his lap. "And see, I even got two straws for our Coke, so we can share!"


"Gasp! That sounds like my dear Ryou!"

"Oh, Kami-sama," Ryou said pleadingly, slipping further down in his seat as Malik approached him.

"This seat taken?" Malik asked, and not waiting for an answer, plopped down in the seat next to Ryou. "Oh, I love this movie; I've seen it five times already!"

Bakura turned angrily to the blonde. "What are YOU doing here, Malik?"

"You're so rude, Bakura. Now pass me some popcorn and try to act like my immaculate beauty doesn't make you insecure. You've got nothing to worry about; I'm not trying to steal your teddy-bear-love-bunch, Ryou! Wouldn't dream of it!"

"Ahem," Ryou said, trying his best to ignore the two. Of course, it was a little bit harder than expected when in the middle of the movie, Malik broke into song…

"I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas! I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas! A lake ta ate, ate ate, aples and bananaes!"

"Make it stop, make it stop…" Ryou moaned, sliding to the floor in his attempts to disappear.

"Is Bakura teasing you, Ryou?" Malik asked. "Shame on him, that's so evil. You should do what I do whenever Mariku-seme isn't feeling all that… generous. You see, you-"


"Keep it down, Ryou!" Malik whispered in quite a loud way. "You and Bakura's foreplay is bothering the other patrons!"

With a final "Aaaaaaaagh!", Ryou stomped off to the bathroom and barricaded himself there.

"Good, that way everyone will be satisfied!" Malik said happily. He reached for the popcorn, but didn't find any. He looked to where it was supposed to be, only to see a PO'd Bakura holding a meat cleaver.



Bakura pushed through the long line of fat men in front of the bathroom door. Bakura pounded on the bathroom door, yelling. "RYOU, UNLOCK THAT DOOR NOW!"

A man behind him muttered, "He must really have to pee." Bakura quickly silenced him with his Icy, Evil Glareâ"¢. Bakura, deciding that yelling at Ryou wasn't having much of an effect, tried a different tactic.

"Ryou, I'm sorry about Malik… he was just being his usual hentai self. He doesn't know any better," Bakura said through the bathroom door. "And I attacked him with a meat cleaver…"

Ryou sniffed. "But Malik was saying naughty things… about you and me…"


"Ryou, these men are calling you a girl. Are you going to take that?"

"WHAT!?" The door banged open, and out tromped Ryou, armed with toilet paper and antibacterial soap. "Bwahahahahahahahahahahah!" He laughed as he chased down the men who dared mistake him for a female.

Bakura sweat-dropped. "Ryou," he said, placing a hand on Ryou's shoulder, "I think we've had enough of the movies for a while. Let's go home."

"Awww…" Ryou said, dropping his aforementioned weapons. "Why? I was just starting to have fun."

"Too much fun is bad for you, Ryou-chan."

So the two got in Ryou's car and put on their seat belts (safety first, kids!). Ryou put the key and the ignition, and… nothing.

"Bakura! The car's not doing anything!"

"Pfft. You feminine types… let a REAL man do it."

"I'll remember that the next time you want some," Ryou said, but scooted over so Bakura could try the ignition.

"You see, it takes great skill to start a car engine…you do it like this!" Nothing. "Like THIS!" Ditto. "LIKE THIS, YOU RA-FORSAKEN AUTOMOBILE!" Bakura slumped in defeat.

"The engine must be dead… I bet you left the lights on."

"Well, if you hadn't dragged me out here in the first place, this never would have happened!" Ryou yelled angrily. "Let's call a mechanic."

"Well, gee, all we really need is some jumper cables and somebody with a car that RUNS."

And that was when Anzu pulled into the theater…

"No, Ryou. I am NOT getting help from the Anzu."

"But I know for a fact she always keeps jumper cables in her trunk!"


"Whatever, moron."

Ryou got out of the car and strolled over to Anzu with his I'm-a-poor-pitiful-boy-named-Ryou look. "Anzu… erm… I'm afraid my car is broken down. I'm pretty sure it's the battery, and I know you always keep cables in your car, so…"

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Ryou! I took those out just the other day so I could put my makeup in the trunk."

Ryou growled dangerously, stomping back over to his car. "I give up!" he shrieked, slumping in the driver's seat and giving the key another half-hearted turn. Ryou burst into tears, banging his face on the steering wheel.

"Err… I think I'll call a mechanic now…"


The mechanic finally came, but decided he'd have to keep the car overnight, since he technically wasn't even supposed to work on Sundays. Which, of course, forced Ryou and Bakura to join the carpool population.

Bakura drove them to Tokyo University, banging his head to Linkin Park and somehow managing to avoid a wreck.

"Turn the music down!" Ryou yelled over the blaring of the speakers, covering his ears.

"I can't hear you!" Bakura yelled back.

Ryou growled, resolving to cover his ears now and clobber Bakura later. The day only got worse from there, as he had a pop quiz over some heinously difficult sight reading (he had a minor in music) in the morning, a run-in with a strange Home Ec student carrying a pizza (that somehow ended up falling in Ryou's hair) at lunch, and a strange encounter of the third kind with the one and only… well, I'll just let you see for yourselves.

"Ryou!" the familiar voice called from behind Ryou. Ryou spun around, not at all happy.

"Se-Seto?" He asked, to only to see the brunette right in front of him. "Ah… what do you want?"

"Having a bad day?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. And having to be alone in a hall with you doesn't exactly help."

"Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd… well, if you'd meet me at the entrance of the school after classes are over…" Seto's blue eyes were clouded in thought.

"I'll consider it," Ryou said coldly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to class now."


Ryou begrudgingly waited at the entrance to the school. He would wait for five minutes, and no longer. One, two, and three slipped away like grains of sand. Only a minute was left when Seto finally arrived.

"Pfft. I was beginning to think you'd ditched me. Again."

Seto winced. The remark stung-of course, it was meant to. Seto stared at his shoes as he spoke.

"Listen, Ryou. I'm sorry about…you know. I know it hurt you… Kami-sama, it hurts me, too. I've been thinking it over more and more, and that's why I realized… I love you, Ryou. I never stopped loving you. Breaking up with you was a mistake on my part-I've been completely miserable since. I… I know it's a lot to ask, but could you…"

"You want me to give you another chance?" Ryou asked, tilting his head so that his bangs covered his eyes, effectively hiding his expression.

"Yes," Seto nodded. Ryou looked up at him. The CEO's breath hitched as Ryou opened his mouth to answer…

AN: Hahahaha! I is sooooo evil!... but at least y'all won't have to wait for me to get any ideas for the next chapter! And this one is earlier than normal… ah, but enough. Please review… I really love reviews.
