Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ryou and Bakura ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hopeless or Hopeful

Ryou's Pov:

I hate it!! Why can't my yami love my like Yugi's yami? I know. It's because Yami had a chance to become a good person, but my yami had to steal and be a thief. I love my yami and I don't mean the friendly way or brotherly, you know. I love him as a crush. Now you know my sexuality. I don't know if he's, you know like me. I don't really mind that he hits me that much. It's the only time I feel him, even though it's brutal. If I tell him, he might be disgusted. Just imagining him holding me and saying he loves…..Stop that!! He'll never love you! He's already given me three cracked ribs, a mild concussion, and all the other bloody gores. Those have healed, but will my heart heal? Will he ever love me?

Bakura's Pov:

He really doesn't know why I hit him, does he? I really don't want my light to suffer the way I did. I was forced to steal and hide in the shadows because I was poor. I love my light, but I refuse to give-in to my heart's desires. I always knew (or thought!!) that love was weakness. I was betrayed by the person I loved most in my life. My father. My father had raped me. I don't want it to happen to my light. I know that my light's innocence and purity drew perverted girls and boys, especially. I know I have to stop him from being drawn into darkness like I was and am right now. I know I have to beat him, again even if I hate it.

My Pov:

Ryou came back from school and he knew he was going to get beat up from his yami. He actually enjoyed it a bit because it was the only time he could feel his Yami's touch even if it was harsh as hell. His heart ached. (If you don't know why, email me and I'll call you a baka!) He worked up a smile. He walked in the front door. "Bakura, I'm home!!" he shouted. "What are you smiling at weakling"? Snarled Bakura. "Nothing" Ryou said, his smile fading a little. Slap!! Ryou stumbled back a little and started to whimper even though he knew it was useless. Bakura beated him for countless hours. Ryou's tolerance and soul finally broke. It was lucky that Ryou didn't have any homework because he finished at the Resource Class. He was a tutor. (Let's get back to the story, shall we?) He ran upstairs and shut the door and locked it. Bakura was stunned that his weak hikari would actually do that. I least he finally looks like a backbone, he thought. (If you don't know that, then email me and I'll call you a baka, again!) "Ryou, open the f***** door!!" yelled Bakura. There was no answer, only whimpers. Bakura got fed up and finally picked the lock. In thirty seconds the door was open.

Bakura's Pov:

I saw him there, huddled in the corner. I was shocked when I finally saw his face. It was filled with grief, despair and…..hope? Why would he feel hope? I shook my head. I raised my hand at him…..Slap!! There, maybe it'll teach him to be stronger and stop thinking that the world is full of goodness. Even though I'll miss the childlike innocence in him, at least he'll be safe and will be able to defend himself. I decided to turn around and leave. "Stop, Bakura!" a voice yelled. I turned around and looked at Ryou. I have never seen such a fury in his eyes.

Ryou's Pov:

Ryou had it!! He couldn't stand it anymore! "Bakura, I love you so much I can barely stand it, but I HATE YOU!!!!!! I want you to stop hurting me!! You've broken me and torn my soul apart!! Why are you always like this? I love you so much, but if you want to break me, here I am!! Rape me!! I don't care. My life has no meaning any way and your right, I am worthless. Nobody has time for me. I'm just a pest. Maybe I should just crawl up a hole and die!" He yelled. He just stared at Bakura for a second and started to cry. "Bakura, sometimes I think you like hitting me for the pleasure of it! I think you want to get rid of me. Do you know how many times I've tried suicide just to make you happy so you can be finally alone?!" he practically screamed.

Bakura's Pov:

I can't believe it. All this time I thought my hitting was doing him some good, but really I was breaking him apart from the inside. He also said he loved me and I feel happy, but he also said he hated me with more fire. I knew he tried suicide many times and I've stopped him every time, I just thought he just wanted to commit suicide because he couldn't stand the pressure of life. He also said that he ….omigod. He thinks I would even go as far as raping him!! I can't stand this. I walk quickly towards him and looked at him.

Ryou's Pov:

He just stared at me with those eyes and I swear those eyes turned soft for a second. His eyes. Those were the reasons I fell in love with him. I know they're just plain brown, but something about them makes me lose myself to him. He- He's kissing me!! (A: Hey! I didn't say that there wouldn't be any fluff did I? )

Bakura's Pov:

He's so sweet. It's like dipping into honey and fruit. Now I know I'm in love with my Hikari. I wish this would never stop. The effects he's giving me, he doesn't know how he's affecting me. I withdraw for a moment, and look into his eyes. His eyes were a bit glazed and he didn't do anything after I finished kissing him. He was still looking preoccupied. I hope he isn't disgusted by my movement or I'll practically die. (A: Not like that perverts!!!)

Ryou's Pov:

I hope this isn't a cruel joke that Bakura is playing me because I love him more than he's going to know. If this is a cruel joke, I better play along and feel his lips on mine for the last time. "Ryou?" asked Bakura, softly.

Bakura's Pov:

He just stood there. "Bakura……" Ryou said. "Yes" I asked. I couldn't wait for his reply. His voice is just so melodic that it makes me quake in my knees. "Kiss me again." Ryou said. I can't believe, he actually wants me to kiss him again. I leaned down and quickly captured his lips. I asked for entrance and he parted his mouth for me to enter. I explored his cavern and heard him moan. I wished we could stay like this forever, but the lack of air was a problem. We pulled away, and I could hear him panting, as was I. "Bakura……" Ryou started. "Yes, Love" I asked. I hope that wasn't to forward. "I love you, koi." Ryou said and smiled. "I love you, too." I said looking into his soft brown orbs.

Authoress's Pov:

They shared a fiery and passionate kiss that could have lasted forever.

The End (Not exactly, yet!!!)



The birds were beautiful that day. It was as if summer itself was leaping in joy as the two lovers at that chapel kissed a long and passionate kiss. On the front pew, a boy named Yugi Mouto and his Yami kissed each other. They were both male and married. Next to them were Malik Ishtar and Marik. They too were lovers, male, and married. Next to them were Jou Katsuya and Seto Kaiba and they were married, male, and lovers, too. The lovers on the chapel, just married, and lovers were happily gazing into each others eyes. They were Ryou and Bakura. They had been engaged for a month and now they were finally married. Nothing could separate them. They were Ying and Yang, Light and Darkness, and Angel and Demon. Same goes for all of them. They will forever cherish each other's presence and never take each other for granted.

The End

Karenu-anime: Hope you all liked the story. Should I make a sequel? I don't know. Should I……….??? There was some fluffiness in this story, but there wasn't any lemon. Sorry! I'm bad at writing lemons. I tend to rush at them because I'm afraid that my brother might squeal on me and get me in trouble and I'll never be able to write stories again!! This was my first FF so don't flame. Plz review!!! Later! (Neopets username: sakursyaoran124 = Don't be confused by the username. I like other animes besides Cardcaptor Sakura, okay???)