Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Shadowy Links to the Past ❯ Captured! ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yeah, I was on vacation for several days, and I didn't feel like writing until after I got back. So here is the next chapter.

Calupe: Yay! You updated again! :D Thanks for the review! (BTW people, if you like Seto fics, check out Calupe's "Stranger of the Duel". It's REALLY good!)

Myania: Thanks so much for the review! I'm glad you like this fic! And yes, Dwenny will be back near the very end of the story. Which should be in like three or four more chapters.

Disclaimer: Bah, I don't own Yugioh.

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Chapter 17: Captured!

That night, Sekhmet lay restless in her bed, the events of the afternoon rolling through her mind. The High Priest reincarnated? He may not be a threat now, but he certainly could be one later. And if the High Priest was here, then that could mean…yes, the Tomb-raider may be here as well. The thief who hungered for power. He could be the third evil threat…it wouldn't surprise her if he was.

And then there was Gwydion. Strong, dark magick flowed through his veins. Sekhmet was lucky that her magick had prevailed this day, with the added power of Dwenny's magick of course. However, Gwydion was still out there, and that was what worried her the most. He would come back at Yami stronger than ever, stopping at nothing until he had succeeded in killing her beloved. And it was all because of *her*.

Sekhmet jumped off of the bed. Well, she was going to make sure that the witch would not succeed. Once and for all. She quickly exited the room, down the hall, and into the living room, and stopped short. To her surprise, Yami was there, leaning against the wall next to the window, arms folded across his chest. They stared at each other in the moonlit room, until Yami finally spoke in a quiet voice. "I know what you are planning to do, love."

"And what would that be?"

"You're going after Gwydion." It was a statement, rather than an opinion.

"H-How did you know that?" Sekhmet asked in startled voice.

Yami half-smiled. "I felt your uneasiness, and knew that there was only one reason for it…"

Several, actually. But one immediate one… But Sekhmet didn't mention that, instead staying, "You always were a smart one, Yami." She took a breath. "But I have to do what I have to do. Gwydion is my problem, not yours."

Yami sighed as he pushed himself off the wall, and closed the distance between them. He immediately wrapped her in his arms. "I thought we always solved our problems together," he murmured into her ear.

"Yes, but you have bigger things to worry about. Besides, I can handle him on my own." She pulled back enough so that she could look him in the eyes.

Yami didn't like it, but he knew how *stubborn* Sekhmet could be. Usually, he was just as stubborn, but…he supposed she had a point. "Very well then," he said quietly. He hugged her fiercely before releasing her. "I trust you…" he whispered as he let her go.

"Thank you, beloved." Sekhmet leaned in and lightly kissed him on the lips. "I promise I'll come back. Do not worry." With that, she turned and walked over the already open window, and summoned her magick. With one last glance at Yami, she climbed out and disappeared into the night.


Sekhmet walked down the darkened street, her senses alert for any dangers. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "I know you're there. Stop hiding," she said in a determined voice.

"Ah yes, but do you know that there are *three* of us?" came the reply.

Green eyes widened as Gwydion came out, flanked by two others, both with rather pointy hair. "How did you shield yourselves from me?"

The one to Gwydion's left laughed. "My magick is one of the strongest in the world. It preys on feeble minds such as yours." Something gold glinted in his hand, beneath the robes.

Sekhmet narrowed her eyes at the gold object, feeling its power. Strong yes, strongest in the world definitely not. He had some help. The sorceress glanced at Gwydion's other companion, feeling dark magick around him as well. His source was from something around his neck, also hidden by robes. There was something familiar about this boy…the Tomb-raider perhaps? Hmmm…three sources of strong dark magick…Sekhmet's eyes widened upon realization. "You're the three evil forces!" she whispered.

Gwydion laughed. "And with our combined forces, we will each get what we want! Marik! Bakura! With our combined magick, we can easily overpower her!"

Sekhmet gasped inaudibly as dark blue and purple magicks formed and swirled around her. She didn't even have time to call upon her own magick…


Yami sat up quickly on the couch that he had fallen asleep on, his breaths coming in fast gulps. Something just happened to his love. He felt a brief sense of terror…then nothing. Something was very wrong.

A thumping of feet running on carpet could be heard as Yugi ran into the room, his eyes wide with worry. "Yami! What's wrong? Something happened? Is it Marik again?" The questions all came out in a jumbled rush. Yami's sudden distress had radiated from their link, waking Yugi with a jolt.

Before Yami could answer, there was a flash of blue and Gwydion stood before them, a smug look on his face.

Yami growled at the boy. "What have you done with Sekhmet?" he demanded in a deadly tone.

The blonde laughed. "Your enemies have all formed together against you, *Pharaoh*. Yes, I know all about your ancient past. And we've easily taken your precious sorceress! She was no match for OUR combined strength!"

Yami narrowed his eyes in anger. "You cowards! Leave her out of this! If it's me you want, then I'm right here!"

"All formed together?" Yugi murmured. "You're working with MARIK then?"

"Yes, along with Bakura the Tomb-raider!"

"Bakura! No way! That must mean that the evil spirit in his Ring is back!"

"Hah!" Gwydion scoffed. "Stupid fool! The "evil" spirit was never really gone. He only *wanted* you to believe that so you wouldn't suspect him!" He glared at Yami. "If you ever want to see your precious sorceress again, *Pharaoh*, then you'll have to come with me to the sands of Egypt, your ancient homeland!"

Yami! You can't! It's a trap! Yugi shouted desperately through their mind link.

I have to choice, Yugi. They have Sekhmet. I *have* to help her.

Well, then I'm coming with you! It's my destiny after all to help you save the world. Yugi knew that capturing Sekhmet must be part of Marik's plan to take Yami's powers and rule the world.

Alright then. Yami didn't have time to argue. But be on your guard. He turned towards Gwydion. "If you've harmed her…" he warned.

The dark witch chuckled. "Don't worry. She's safe." And soon she'll be all mine… he added silently to himself. He looked Yugi up and down. "You might want to change into something more…appropriate." He snapped his fingers, and in a blink of the eye Yugi found himself in his school uniform. "That's better. Much more appropriate dress for a ritual."

"Ritual?" Yugi didn't like the sound of that.

"It'll all be explained when we arrive. Now. Shall we?"

Yami and Yugi nodded. Gwydion raised his arms, and bluish flames surrounded the three. They disappeared in a flash of blue, taking them back to Yami's forgotten homeland…


Oy, cliffhanger! Please don't kill me! Hmm…this chapter is shorter than most…oops. But I needed a decent stopping place. Anyways, next chapter…so they arrive in Egypt, and Marik reveals his diabolical plans to them (now why do bad guys *always* tell the good guys their plans? *shrugs*). And Yami is left with a choice…Thanks for reading and reviewing! :D